9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

Frank you never answered my question of-are you the guy from new york? also,do you plan on taking me up on my challenge that these trolls here never do which is to read that book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory?

Yes, I'm from NYC.

Not so sure about the debunking book, but I will look into it

I expect the next time I pm you in a couple of months for you to have some feedback on it it to give back to me on it and news that you DID read it.

Who the fuck are you to make demands on anyone, you piece of shit monkeyturd? :lol: You've spent so much time with your head up Jones' ass that you've clearly lost what little mind you had left.
You see, that shows that you haven't watched screw loose change.

Because to watch it you actually watch loose change in it's entirety. But they add the actual facts to it as it goes along. You know the real facts instead of opinion and in some cases flat out lies.

You mean they add lies as it goes along. IE: The very first thing they try to "debunk" is the Northwoods document, where they say " Furthermore the Northwoods document was MAINLY about blowing drone aircraft from the sky to commit a false flag operation"
And "No one was to die in this fake plot" :lol:

How can you say that with a straight face? Everyone knows that a false flag attack is meant to cause a response invasion or war that WILL cause casualties and deaths, not only that but in the document itself it calls for various attacks that would kill innocent people!

If anyone actually reads the document, it would be clear to them that it is not MAINLY about this. It contains many proposals to stage other attacks where many innocent people would be targeted and killed, and ultimately lead up to a US "response" that would also endanger and kill our own military personnel in the response, that would be an invasion and war with Cuba.
Geez if this video starts out with this glaring lie, and people conclude it is the end all rebuttal, they are sorely mistaken.
I guess they hope you don't actually read it or any other information they supposedly "debunk".

The revelation of the Northwoods document is not to connect it to 9-11, but to show people that indeed the US government has in its service, people that are willing to make such plans and carry them out.
Thank God that there were still people like JFK who trashed it, and the hope is that there are still people around today that would stand up to such a conspiracy and squash it, keyword here is HOPE.
The problem is that there are still many people that are ignorant, willful or otherwise to the fact that the US government is not serving them for their own benefit, or has their best interests as the first consideration.

Yep Northwoods a plan that was never implemented. And this has what to do with the attacks on 9-11-01 again?

BTW there are thousands of battle plans etc hidden away in the Pentagon which will never be implemented. I'll bet there's even a plan on file to attack Canada. or defend the USA from a ground assault from Mexico.
Pay attention to the highlighted part above. The point of bringing up the NWDS doc is explained in my post. In short, there are evil minded fucks that your elected officials appoint to positions that are supposed to look out for the interests of the American public, but do otherwise, but you know this already, it's hilarious how you pretend this nation is always the "good guys" :lol:
You mean they add lies as it goes along. IE: The very first thing they try to "debunk" is the Northwoods document, where they say " Furthermore the Northwoods document was MAINLY about blowing drone aircraft from the sky to commit a false flag operation"
And "No one was to die in this fake plot" :lol:

How can you say that with a straight face? Everyone knows that a false flag attack is meant to cause a response invasion or war that WILL cause casualties and deaths, not only that but in the document itself it calls for various attacks that would kill innocent people!

If anyone actually reads the document, it would be clear to them that it is not MAINLY about this. It contains many proposals to stage other attacks where many innocent people would be targeted and killed, and ultimately lead up to a US "response" that would also endanger and kill our own military personnel in the response, that would be an invasion and war with Cuba.
Geez if this video starts out with this glaring lie, and people conclude it is the end all rebuttal, they are sorely mistaken.
I guess they hope you don't actually read it or any other information they supposedly "debunk".

The revelation of the Northwoods document is not to connect it to 9-11, but to show people that indeed the US government has in its service, people that are willing to make such plans and carry them out.
Thank God that there were still people like JFK who trashed it, and the hope is that there are still people around today that would stand up to such a conspiracy and squash it, keyword here is HOPE.
The problem is that there are still many people that are ignorant, willful or otherwise to the fact that the US government is not serving them for their own benefit, or has their best interests as the first consideration.

Yep Northwoods a plan that was never implemented. And this has what to do with the attacks on 9-11-01 again?

BTW there are thousands of battle plans etc hidden away in the Pentagon which will never be implemented. I'll bet there's even a plan on file to attack Canada. or defend the USA from a ground assault from Mexico.
Pay attention to the highlighted part above. The point of bringing up the NWDS doc is explained in my post. In short, there are evil minded fucks that your elected officials appoint to positions that are supposed to look out for the interests of the American public, but do otherwise, but you know this already, it's hilarious how you pretend this nation is always the "good guys" :lol:

Wrong again, dumbfuck! All you've proven is that they had them decades ago, not now. Is it possible? Sure. Do you have proof? Not even in your wildest dreams, you sick, twisted fuck! Now go spread your sedition from whatever rock you crawled out from under.
You mean they add lies as it goes along. IE: The very first thing they try to "debunk" is the Northwoods document, where they say " Furthermore the Northwoods document was MAINLY about blowing drone aircraft from the sky to commit a false flag operation"
And "No one was to die in this fake plot" :lol:

How can you say that with a straight face? Everyone knows that a false flag attack is meant to cause a response invasion or war that WILL cause casualties and deaths, not only that but in the document itself it calls for various attacks that would kill innocent people!

If anyone actually reads the document, it would be clear to them that it is not MAINLY about this. It contains many proposals to stage other attacks where many innocent people would be targeted and killed, and ultimately lead up to a US "response" that would also endanger and kill our own military personnel in the response, that would be an invasion and war with Cuba.
Geez if this video starts out with this glaring lie, and people conclude it is the end all rebuttal, they are sorely mistaken.
I guess they hope you don't actually read it or any other information they supposedly "debunk".

The revelation of the Northwoods document is not to connect it to 9-11, but to show people that indeed the US government has in its service, people that are willing to make such plans and carry them out.
Thank God that there were still people like JFK who trashed it, and the hope is that there are still people around today that would stand up to such a conspiracy and squash it, keyword here is HOPE.
The problem is that there are still many people that are ignorant, willful or otherwise to the fact that the US government is not serving them for their own benefit, or has their best interests as the first consideration.

Yep Northwoods a plan that was never implemented. And this has what to do with the attacks on 9-11-01 again?

BTW there are thousands of battle plans etc hidden away in the Pentagon which will never be implemented. I'll bet there's even a plan on file to attack Canada. or defend the USA from a ground assault from Mexico.
Pay attention to the highlighted part above. The point of bringing up the NWDS doc is explained in my post. In short, there are evil minded fucks that your elected officials appoint to positions that are supposed to look out for the interests of the American public, but do otherwise, but you know this already, it's hilarious how you pretend this nation is always the "good guys" :lol:

It is a fact that NO ELECTED OFFICIAL ever signed off on Northwoods. It is unclear if it was ever even brought up to then Secretary McNamara's attention; ever.

You're lying; yet again. You lie all the time. You are a pathological liar. The highlighted portion above has been brought up to you 20 fucking times. Yet you continue to lie about it. It was a plan someone came up with; I'm not sure who even---I would guess you know but won't say (how strange)--came up with it but no elected official ever endorsed or signed off on it you grotesque bitch. You've lied about it now on at least two message boards and I'm guessing you are spreading your lies on "pottersville" or where ever it is you go when you're sparing us of your God forsaken oral diarrheal spouting.

Fuck off and die or start telling the truth once in a while.
Yep Northwoods a plan that was never implemented. And this has what to do with the attacks on 9-11-01 again?

BTW there are thousands of battle plans etc hidden away in the Pentagon which will never be implemented. I'll bet there's even a plan on file to attack Canada. or defend the USA from a ground assault from Mexico.
Pay attention to the highlighted part above. The point of bringing up the NWDS doc is explained in my post. In short, there are evil minded fucks that your elected officials appoint to positions that are supposed to look out for the interests of the American public, but do otherwise, but you know this already, it's hilarious how you pretend this nation is always the "good guys" :lol:

It is a fact that NO ELECTED OFFICIAL ever signed off on Northwoods. It is unclear if it was ever even brought up to then Secretary McNamara's attention; ever.

You're lying; yet again. You lie all the time. You are a pathological liar. The highlighted portion above has been brought up to you 20 fucking times. Yet you continue to lie about it. It was a plan someone came up with; I'm not sure who even---I would guess you know but won't say (how strange)--came up with it but no elected official ever endorsed or signed off on it you grotesque bitch. You've lied about it now on at least two message boards and I'm guessing you are spreading your lies on "pottersville" or where ever it is you go when you're sparing us of your God forsaken oral diarrheal spouting.

Fuck off and die or start telling the truth once in a while.

Thankfully they are not on the other boards that I frequent.
Pay attention to the highlighted part above. The point of bringing up the NWDS doc is explained in my post. In short, there are evil minded fucks that your elected officials appoint to positions that are supposed to look out for the interests of the American public, but do otherwise, but you know this already, it's hilarious how you pretend this nation is always the "good guys" :lol:

It is a fact that NO ELECTED OFFICIAL ever signed off on Northwoods. It is unclear if it was ever even brought up to then Secretary McNamara's attention; ever.

You're lying; yet again. You lie all the time. You are a pathological liar. The highlighted portion above has been brought up to you 20 fucking times. Yet you continue to lie about it. It was a plan someone came up with; I'm not sure who even---I would guess you know but won't say (how strange)--came up with it but no elected official ever endorsed or signed off on it you grotesque bitch. You've lied about it now on at least two message boards and I'm guessing you are spreading your lies on "pottersville" or where ever it is you go when you're sparing us of your God forsaken oral diarrheal spouting.

Fuck off and die or start telling the truth once in a while.

Thankfully they are not on the other boards that I frequent.

There was a poster here named Pottersville who invited me to come to his own private board:

Our ideology is left wing. We are international in scope. And we focus on topics that are frequently unwelcome at forums, which will not be relegated to a “conspiracy theory” dungeon.

We do not accept advertisements or donations.

I'm guessing the scum have found another place to settle (there or elsewhere). Otherwise you would see the the scum tide roll in more often.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it.
Next time you fucks want American citizens to assume the benevolence of the US government you will remember that shit like the NWDS plan was drawn up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff...of the American government.
BTW the plan had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
My point stands without rebuke, that is we are not to trust anything presented from our government on blind faith, or for that matter any of you lying fucks either.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it..

And you're living proof that there are sick minds still in the USA capable of coming up with a conspiracy. You see a conspiracy in everything and it never comes true. You're a grotesque bitch who has no life and this is what you do for fun; invent conspiracies. Think I'm wrong; please predict the next big conspiracy you whacko dumbass?

You hate the powerful because you are so powerless so, instead of looking at the incredibly large mirror necessary to see yourself, you simply look at the powerful, assume that they screwed someone to get there, and come here and bitch about it.

That sums up your entire pathetic life.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it.
Next time you fucks want American citizens to assume the benevolence of the US government you will remember that shit like the NWDS plan was drawn up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff...of the American government.
BTW the plan had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
My point stands without rebuke, that is we are not to trust anything presented from our government on blind faith, or for that matter any of you lying fucks either.

So how does this prove anything other than there are bad people out there? Why is it so hard for an ignorant fucker like you to understand that a bunch of Muslim fanatics can plan something so horrible, yet you willfully, even gleefully, pretend that your own government supposedly does it on a regular basis?

All you've done is proven just how stupid you are by proving there are bad people out there. Tell us something we DON'T know. Like how this somehow proves our government was behind 9/11.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it..

And you're living proof that there are sick minds still in the USA capable of coming up with a conspiracy. You see a conspiracy in everything and it never comes true. You're a grotesque bitch who has no life and this is what you do for fun; invent conspiracies. Think I'm wrong; please predict the next big conspiracy you whacko dumbass?

You hate the powerful because you are so powerless so, instead of looking at the incredibly large mirror necessary to see yourself, you simply look at the powerful, assume that they screwed someone to get there, and come here and bitch about it.

That sums up your entire pathetic life.

Fuck off you self projecting whacko bitch, you can't rebuttal the facts presented, in this case a real conspiracy planned by members of your government, so you resort to your typical troll BS complete with wild assumptions, and attempt to strawman about conspiracies LOL, you are still the pathetic punked bitch you showed yourself to be countless times on the USMB. What's the matter candy pole ho, can't stand it when you been called out and proven a pathetic lying troll again? :lol:
Hows that dead OBL story line working out for ya, did they finally get their story straight after what ...the 10th time in a week or so? :lol:
Didn't you post the proven photo shopped fake pic of "dead OBL" while you were waving your ghey ass red white and blue pom poms all over the place? :lol:
How come your sources always seem to lie to the American people, and you always fall for it, while you try to make people believe the BS?? Too funny :lol: You pathetic loser!
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it..

And you're living proof that there are sick minds still in the USA capable of coming up with a conspiracy. You see a conspiracy in everything and it never comes true. You're a grotesque bitch who has no life and this is what you do for fun; invent conspiracies. Think I'm wrong; please predict the next big conspiracy you whacko dumbass?

You hate the powerful because you are so powerless so, instead of looking at the incredibly large mirror necessary to see yourself, you simply look at the powerful, assume that they screwed someone to get there, and come here and bitch about it.

That sums up your entire pathetic life.

Fuck off you self projecting whacko bitch, you can't rebuttal the facts presented, in this case a real conspiracy planned by members of your government, so you resort to your typical troll BS complete with wild assumptions, and attempt to strawman about conspiracies LOL, you are still the pathetic punked bitch you showed yourself to be countless times on the USMB. What's the matter candy pole ho, can't stand it when you been called out and proven a pathetic lying troll again? :lol:
Hows that dead OBL story line working out for ya, did they finally get their story straight after what ...the 10th time in a week or so? :lol:
Didn't you post the proven photo shopped fake pic of "dead OBL" while you were waving your ghey ass red white and blue pom poms all over the place? :lol:
How come your sources always seem to lie to the American people, and you always fall for it, while you try to make people believe the BS?? Too funny :lol: You pathetic loser!

Funny how fucktard Jones can't respond to my posts which directly refute what he writes. We all know he reads what I write. His ego is WAY too big to allow him to ignore what people write about him. :lol:

How about telling us how this somehow proves the government was behind 9/11? We know people are capable of planning and doing evil things. This is not new. But pretending that because some people in the 60s thought something up that this somehow proves a government without these same people is guilty of something several orders of magnitude worse is just ignorance on an epic scale.

Now run away ya little bitch. We know you don't have the balls or the wits to respond. You're nothing but a retarded little boy who thinks he is someone when he is nothing.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it.
Next time you fucks want American citizens to assume the benevolence of the US government you will remember that shit like the NWDS plan was drawn up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff...of the American government.
BTW the plan had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
My point stands without rebuke, that is we are not to trust anything presented from our government on blind faith, or for that matter any of you lying fucks either.

And there are thousands of plans on file that those same positions have signed off on. Not to implement but saying that they have seen, understood, and approved the plan as being militarily stable. Or would you prefer that we wait until something happens to plan for it? That is why we have exercises, many of them are testing small parts of plans. We had exercises constantly in Europe that simulated Russia coming through the Fulda gap. You can bet your ass they never would have. They knew we were ready for it. Same with those other thousands of plans, Some are rehearsed others are simply held and updated periodically. but there are literally thousands of them. Northwoods was nothing.... And no matter how you spin it has nothing to do with 9-11.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it..

And you're living proof that there are sick minds still in the USA capable of coming up with a conspiracy. You see a conspiracy in everything and it never comes true. You're a grotesque bitch who has no life and this is what you do for fun; invent conspiracies. Think I'm wrong; please predict the next big conspiracy you whacko dumbass?

You hate the powerful because you are so powerless so, instead of looking at the incredibly large mirror necessary to see yourself, you simply look at the powerful, assume that they screwed someone to get there, and come here and bitch about it.

That sums up your entire pathetic life.

Fuck off you self projecting whacko bitch, you can't rebuttal the facts presented, in this case a real conspiracy planned by members of your government, so you resort to your typical troll BS complete with wild assumptions, and attempt to strawman about conspiracies LOL, you are still the pathetic punked bitch you showed yourself to be countless times on the USMB. What's the matter candy pole ho, can't stand it when you been called out and proven a pathetic lying troll again? :lol:
Hows that dead OBL story line working out for ya, did they finally get their story straight after what ...the 10th time in a week or so? :lol:
Didn't you post the proven photo shopped fake pic of "dead OBL" while you were waving your ghey ass red white and blue pom poms all over the place? :lol:
How come your sources always seem to lie to the American people, and you always fall for it, while you try to make people believe the BS?? Too funny :lol: You pathetic loser!

Pathetic is spending 9 years spinning your lies with nothing to show for it expect spending your pathetic life trying to convince ANYBODY you're not batshit crazy. Good luck with that.:lol::lol:
Nobody is buying it.

Please name one person that you've convinced. NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Makes me laugh at you and your so-called life.

I know, OBL being killed and your "mysterious" lack of posts lately are just a coincidence--NOT. You've been in mourning over your buddy assuming room temperature at the hands of the Good Ol' USA!

How'd that taste Bitch!!!!!!!!!


What a pathetic silly little fuck you are. I suppose you filling almost your entire posts with the childish "ha ha" is the best you can do. What a sad fucking loser you are.
The farce that your president committed is not a surprise to people who know better. We have suspected he has been dead for years , in fact many times from various sources this was printed and broadcast, only the most misinformed idiots actually believe "Obama got him!" :lol:
You see when you have a source as corrupt, who has been proven time and again over the years to lie to the American people, as their very own government, well whatever they say just doesn't hold much water, for reasonable people that is..and you do not fall into that category of being reasonable.
No you fall into the category of treasonous propaganda spreading pole ho. Everything you say and post is BS as it all comes from the same proven lying sources, yourself included of course.
You should sign up for disinfo retraining, you lying sacks of shit really need it, as you have been proven to be just as big of lying fucks as your sources.
Hows it feel to always be on the side that gets caught lying all the time?
BTW, you also are becoming irrelevant and your propaganda useless as more and more people are waking up to reality, all they have to do is look around and watch how your president and government fumble and deliberately fuck them and the nation.
You can't spin them out of this BS and make it all nice no matter how much you blabber on about it, you candyho are rapidly sinking into the minority of fools that either pretend it isn't happening, or willfully engage in the spreading of propaganda.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it.
Next time you fucks want American citizens to assume the benevolence of the US government you will remember that shit like the NWDS plan was drawn up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff...of the American government.
BTW the plan had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
My point stands without rebuke, that is we are not to trust anything presented from our government on blind faith, or for that matter any of you lying fucks either.

And there are thousands of plans on file that those same positions have signed off on. Not to implement but saying that they have seen, understood, and approved the plan as being militarily stable. Or would you prefer that we wait until something happens to plan for it? That is why we have exercises, many of them are testing small parts of plans. We had exercises constantly in Europe that simulated Russia coming through the Fulda gap. You can bet your ass they never would have. They knew we were ready for it. Same with those other thousands of plans, Some are rehearsed others are simply held and updated periodically. but there are literally thousands of them. Northwoods was nothing.... And no matter how you spin it has nothing to do with 9-11.

Again you deliberately miss the point and want to desperately tie the NWDs document with 9-11, when you know that was not the intent. I highlighted my point in the last response to your pathetic ass, and you counter with BS as always. Try reading my post once again maybe this time with a dose of ginkgo biloba for help with your memory lapses.
But then we all know that you just pretend to overlook most posts that are counter to your views and you like to play in never ending circular debate.
Again NWDs shows the kind of treachery, deceit and conspiracy that
members of the US government are capable of. Could someone with the same mindset be appointed or even elected in our current times? Hell yes, we should always be on guard and question every damned thing, you aren't doing your duty as an American if you don't.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it.
Next time you fucks want American citizens to assume the benevolence of the US government you will remember that shit like the NWDS plan was drawn up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff...of the American government.
BTW the plan had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
My point stands without rebuke, that is we are not to trust anything presented from our government on blind faith, or for that matter any of you lying fucks either.

And there are thousands of plans on file that those same positions have signed off on. Not to implement but saying that they have seen, understood, and approved the plan as being militarily stable. Or would you prefer that we wait until something happens to plan for it? That is why we have exercises, many of them are testing small parts of plans. We had exercises constantly in Europe that simulated Russia coming through the Fulda gap. You can bet your ass they never would have. They knew we were ready for it. Same with those other thousands of plans, Some are rehearsed others are simply held and updated periodically. but there are literally thousands of them. Northwoods was nothing.... And no matter how you spin it has nothing to do with 9-11.

Again you deliberately miss the point and want to desperately tie the NWDs document with 9-11, when you know that was not the intent. I highlighted my point in the last response to your pathetic ass, and you counter with BS as always. Try reading my post once again maybe this time with a dose of ginkgo biloba for help with your memory lapses.
But then we all know that you just pretend to overlook most posts that are counter to your views and you like to play in never ending circular debate.
Again NWDs shows the kind of treachery, deceit and conspiracy that
members of the US government are capable of. Could someone with the same mindset be appointed or even elected in our current times? Hell yes, we should always be on guard and question every damned thing, you aren't doing your duty as an American if you don't.

And once again Fucktard Jones runs away from the truth. ANY human being is capable of dreaming up horrible plans. It PROVES NOTHING other than the fact Fucktard Jones has nothing but insults and ignorance to offer anyone.
And there are thousands of plans on file that those same positions have signed off on. Not to implement but saying that they have seen, understood, and approved the plan as being militarily stable. Or would you prefer that we wait until something happens to plan for it? That is why we have exercises, many of them are testing small parts of plans. We had exercises constantly in Europe that simulated Russia coming through the Fulda gap. You can bet your ass they never would have. They knew we were ready for it. Same with those other thousands of plans, Some are rehearsed others are simply held and updated periodically. but there are literally thousands of them. Northwoods was nothing.... And no matter how you spin it has nothing to do with 9-11.

Again you deliberately miss the point and want to desperately tie the NWDs document with 9-11, when you know that was not the intent. I highlighted my point in the last response to your pathetic ass, and you counter with BS as always. Try reading my post once again maybe this time with a dose of ginkgo biloba for help with your memory lapses.
But then we all know that you just pretend to overlook most posts that are counter to your views and you like to play in never ending circular debate.
Again NWDs shows the kind of treachery, deceit and conspiracy that
members of the US government are capable of. Could someone with the same mindset be appointed or even elected in our current times? Hell yes, we should always be on guard and question every damned thing, you aren't doing your duty as an American if you don't.

And once again Fucktard Jones runs away from the truth. ANY human being is capable of dreaming up horrible plans. It PROVES NOTHING other than the fact Fucktard Jones has nothing but insults and ignorance to offer anyone.

I think what the major difference is that Mr. Jones is mentally ill. She wants to believe the worst all of the time because her life has been one disaster after another and thinks that everybody else is the cause of the tragic state of her affairs.

Over and over, it has been proven that nobody ever signed off on Northwoods. Yet she still presents it as some sort of policy of the American government; i.e. her supposed oppressor.

What it boils down to is that she hates America and wants everybody to feel the same amount of disdain as she does. What she doesn't understand is that while people like me dislike government involvement, we don't blame it for all of our personal woes.

Its called being an adult. She never grew up and you can see that in all of the crap that she posts.
The NWDS document is proof that there are sick minds that are capable of coming up with a conspiracy that would endanger and kill innocent lives and military, on US soil. The fact it was not implemented only shows that there were sane people who would not sign off on it.
Next time you fucks want American citizens to assume the benevolence of the US government you will remember that shit like the NWDS plan was drawn up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff...of the American government.
BTW the plan had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
My point stands without rebuke, that is we are not to trust anything presented from our government on blind faith, or for that matter any of you lying fucks either.

And there are thousands of plans on file that those same positions have signed off on. Not to implement but saying that they have seen, understood, and approved the plan as being militarily stable. Or would you prefer that we wait until something happens to plan for it? That is why we have exercises, many of them are testing small parts of plans. We had exercises constantly in Europe that simulated Russia coming through the Fulda gap. You can bet your ass they never would have. They knew we were ready for it. Same with those other thousands of plans, Some are rehearsed others are simply held and updated periodically. but there are literally thousands of them. Northwoods was nothing.... And no matter how you spin it has nothing to do with 9-11.

Again you deliberately miss the point and want to desperately tie the NWDs document with 9-11, when you know that was not the intent. I highlighted my point in the last response to your pathetic ass, and you counter with BS as always. Try reading my post once again maybe this time with a dose of ginkgo biloba for help with your memory lapses.
But then we all know that you just pretend to overlook most posts that are counter to your views and you like to play in never ending circular debate.
Again NWDs shows the kind of treachery, deceit and conspiracy that
members of the US government are capable of. Could someone with the same mindset be appointed or even elected in our current times? Hell yes, we should always be on guard and question every damned thing, you aren't doing your duty as an American if you don't.

What Northwoods shows us is that the system works and shit like that is thrown in the garbage.

And there is a difference between questioning and being obsessed. We know who ignores the facts. I'm not one of them....
And there are thousands of plans on file that those same positions have signed off on. Not to implement but saying that they have seen, understood, and approved the plan as being militarily stable. Or would you prefer that we wait until something happens to plan for it? That is why we have exercises, many of them are testing small parts of plans. We had exercises constantly in Europe that simulated Russia coming through the Fulda gap. You can bet your ass they never would have. They knew we were ready for it. Same with those other thousands of plans, Some are rehearsed others are simply held and updated periodically. but there are literally thousands of them. Northwoods was nothing.... And no matter how you spin it has nothing to do with 9-11.

Again you deliberately miss the point and want to desperately tie the NWDs document with 9-11, when you know that was not the intent. I highlighted my point in the last response to your pathetic ass, and you counter with BS as always. Try reading my post once again maybe this time with a dose of ginkgo biloba for help with your memory lapses.
But then we all know that you just pretend to overlook most posts that are counter to your views and you like to play in never ending circular debate.
Again NWDs shows the kind of treachery, deceit and conspiracy that
members of the US government are capable of. Could someone with the same mindset be appointed or even elected in our current times? Hell yes, we should always be on guard and question every damned thing, you aren't doing your duty as an American if you don't.

What Northwoods shows us is that the system works and shit like that is thrown in the garbage.

And there is a difference between questioning and being obsessed. We know who ignores the facts. I'm not one of them....

The NWDS doc is still proof that a powerful group of men, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in this case came up with, and signed off on an evil plan to commit murder wrapped up in lies and conspiracy.
These weren't just some low ranking insignificant bunch of morons, these were highly educated individuals in authoritatively sensitive positions in our nations government, who to an extent, held the lives of the American people in their hands.
All that was needed was for a like minded president to sign on the line and the plan would have been implemented. That should be enough to make a reasonable American take notice and send chills down their spine, and make them even more vigilant as ever to keep an eye on the capabilities of those they are supposed to trust.
We can't trust them, and can't trust those who minimize the important ramifications the revealing of such a plan and document has.
You people would have us believe that since JFK did not follow through with it and it never was implemented, it is okay and the American public can just go back to sleep, even though the very real possibility of something like this happening still exists to this day.
Then you call those of us who are awake to what is happening in our nation, obsessed! Fuck you, I choose to be on guard and vigilant, rather then listening to a bunch of liars like you all, who kiss ass and believe everything the PTB tells.

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