9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

Again you deliberately miss the point and want to desperately tie the NWDs document with 9-11, when you know that was not the intent. I highlighted my point in the last response to your pathetic ass, and you counter with BS as always. Try reading my post once again maybe this time with a dose of ginkgo biloba for help with your memory lapses.
But then we all know that you just pretend to overlook most posts that are counter to your views and you like to play in never ending circular debate.
Again NWDs shows the kind of treachery, deceit and conspiracy that
members of the US government are capable of. Could someone with the same mindset be appointed or even elected in our current times? Hell yes, we should always be on guard and question every damned thing, you aren't doing your duty as an American if you don't.

And once again Fucktard Jones runs away from the truth. ANY human being is capable of dreaming up horrible plans. It PROVES NOTHING other than the fact Fucktard Jones has nothing but insults and ignorance to offer anyone.

I think what the major difference is that Mr. Jones is mentally ill. She wants to believe the worst all of the time because her life has been one disaster after another and thinks that everybody else is the cause of the tragic state of her affairs.

Over and over, it has been proven that nobody ever signed off on Northwoods. Yet she still presents it as some sort of policy of the American government; i.e. her supposed oppressor.

What it boils down to is that she hates America and wants everybody to feel the same amount of disdain as she does. What she doesn't understand is that while people like me dislike government involvement, we don't blame it for all of our personal woes.

Its called being an adult. She never grew up and you can see that in all of the crap that she posts.

Reaching again in your box of tactics and running out of ammo, so you resort to the only thing you are capable of, that is the personal attack :lol: Complete with a very poorly crafted gender smear lol!
You are such a weak pussy, anyone can draw what you really are out of you! All we need is to back you in a corner with the truth, and you throw your typical sissy fit and resort to a tactic that shows us all who you really are LOL!
BTW... My screen name is not a gender confusing name like "CANDYcorn", and I can post all the times you have referred to male genitalia in your posts to make people think twice about what the fuck you really are, he/she/it?? Perhaps you are still confused and haven't gotten over whatever traumatic sexual experience you endured...
Anyways, you're a sick fuck and a lying troll shill to boot, nobody listens to you except the other troll shills, you are of no significance to the majority of reasonable USMB members and other reasonable people whose political forums you have infested with your filth and treason.
Now go and get your lotion from the basket and change your pad Buffalo Bill. :lol:
Does it hurt to live each day to live in fear of your own Government?

I'm sorry for you.

If I had that much fear I would have moved off into the mountains years ago....
Once again Fucktard Jones runs away from the fact ANYONE can be evil and this is proof of nothing without corroborating evidence. Did some people back in the 60s think up some bad shit? Yes. Does that mean our government did 9/11? Not without evidence they did so. Paranoid delusions are the disease truthtards carry around like a bunch of infected rats out to destroy everything they can. And what better example of a paranoid delusion do you need other than "if they thought of it then, they must have thought of it now and DID IT". Nothing to substantiate the claim other than their own inherent, psycho delusions all while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that IS there that shows Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.
Does it hurt to live each day to live in fear of your own Government?

I'm sorry for you.

If I had that much fear I would have moved off into the mountains years ago....
I don't fear the government, but they fear the awakened American citizen. That is why they have to dumb them down with chemicals and pharmaceuticals and lie to them with propaganda and fearmongering, for fear of the masses waking up and realizing what they have done to the nation that their original forefathers fought and died for.
It is brainwashed dupes like you that live in fear of their made up boogeyman. You fucks are such cowards you happily agree to let them grope your wives and children as well yourselves just so you can be safe :lol: You Fucking pussies. I don't feel sorry for you, you deserve whatever hardship their treason and your acquiescence to it causes you.
Does it hurt to live each day to live in fear of your own Government?

I'm sorry for you.

If I had that much fear I would have moved off into the mountains years ago....
I don't fear the government, but they fear the awakened American citizen. That is why they have to dumb them down with chemicals and pharmaceuticals and lie to them with propaganda and fearmongering, for fear of the masses waking up and realizing what they have done to the nation that their original forefathers fought and died for.
It is brainwashed dupes like you that live in fear of their made up boogeyman. You fucks are such cowards you happily agree to let them grope your wives and children as well yourselves just so you can be safe :lol: You Fucking pussies. I don't feel sorry for you, you deserve whatever hardship their treason and your acquiescence to it causes you.


She's cute when she's mad.
Does it hurt to live each day to live in fear of your own Government?

I'm sorry for you.

If I had that much fear I would have moved off into the mountains years ago....

I'd help the grotesque bitch pack; shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Does it hurt to live each day to live in fear of your own Government?

I'm sorry for you.

If I had that much fear I would have moved off into the mountains years ago....

I'd help the grotesque bitch pack; shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Only thing you know how to pack is your ass trollho. What's the matter run out of BS to say to try to convince people your version of 9-11 events is anywhere near the truth?
Typical for you to post such shit, especially when you been punked so many times :lol: You are such a sad, gender confused, no worthwhile life POS :lol:
I see fucktard Jones is still running from the truth. I wonder if he will ever grow balls enough to actually address the truth instead of just hurling insults like the little monkeys at the zoo hurl their own shit. I doubt it. The **** isn't man enough to debate.
What exactly is it this country seen fly into those buildings?
what is so hard to understand about this event?
People have allowed those who claim Conspiracy to make profit on them
to use them
9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics

They used box-cutters for one.

OBL took responsibility for the attacks.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Arabic: خالد شيخ محمد*) confessed to planning it after being Waterboarded for 90 seconds.

yeah thats the fairy tale of the governments version is that they used box cutters .Like confession after being tortured really proves anything.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo: oh and OBL did not take responsibility either,he DENIED he had anything to do with it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnliRXAIyIo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Actor Danny Bonaduce meets critic Mark Dice[/ame]
Does it hurt to live each day to live in fear of your own Government?

I'm sorry for you.

If I had that much fear I would have moved off into the mountains years ago....

I'd help the grotesque bitch pack; shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Only thing you know how to pack is your ass trollho. What's the matter run out of BS to say to try to convince people your version of 9-11 events is anywhere near the truth?
Typical for you to post such shit, especially when you been punked so many times :lol: You are such a sad, gender confused, no worthwhile life POS :lol:

he he he....coming from the grotesque bitch who is about to lose her house and who has not changed one mind in 9 years it's totally meaningless. The next time you matter to anybody will be the first time you matter to anybody....and I think you know that.

Which is, of course, the reason why you're just so rude, confused, and flat out angry.

In short, you're garbage. Whats worse; you know it. And so does everybody else.

How sad.
They used box-cutters for one.

OBL took responsibility for the attacks.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Arabic: خالد شيخ محمد*) confessed to planning it after being Waterboarded for 90 seconds.

yeah thats the fairy tale of the governments version is that they used box cutters .Like confession after being tortured really proves anything.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo: oh and OBL did not take responsibility either,he DENIED he had anything to do with it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnliRXAIyIo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Actor Danny Bonaduce meets critic Mark Dice[/ame]

Danny is actually pretty cool.. I spoke with him and his wife several times Mark and Danny are now on good terms and shook hands
yeah thats the fairy tale of the governments version is that they used box cutters .Like confession after being tortured really proves anything.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo: oh and OBL did not take responsibility either,he DENIED he had anything to do with it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnliRXAIyIo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Actor Danny Bonaduce meets critic Mark Dice[/ame]

Danny is actually pretty cool.. I spoke with him and his wife several times Mark and Danny are now on good terms and shook hands

Why ANYONE would want ANYTHING to do with a piece of shit like you is beyond me. Danny's handling of the truthtard was classic though!
I'd help the grotesque bitch pack; shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Only thing you know how to pack is your ass trollho. What's the matter run out of BS to say to try to convince people your version of 9-11 events is anywhere near the truth?
Typical for you to post such shit, especially when you been punked so many times :lol: You are such a sad, gender confused, no worthwhile life POS :lol:

he he he....coming from the grotesque bitch who is about to lose her house and who has not changed one mind in 9 years it's totally meaningless. The next time you matter to anybody will be the first time you matter to anybody....and I think you know that.

Which is, of course, the reason why you're just so rude, confused, and flat out angry.

In short, you're garbage. Whats worse; you know it. And so does everybody else.

How sad.

You are one delusional motherfucker, now you would have people believe you know USMB members personal finances LOL!!
What a fucking nutjob :lol::lol: You believe you have some super duper telepathic power that enables you to know so much?? :lmao:

But we all know you always like to project truth about yourself on message boards, anyone can follow your BS and see that..Oh man I can't stop laughing at you..you are a fucking nutcase..I suggest you double down on the psychotropics and keep your therapy appointments man, it might be what you need to push you back over the fence to sanity..get a life you lonely sad loser bitch, it's so obvious your only life is trolling message boards.

See people like you have deep-rooted psychological issues beyond natural anxieties, have a history of failed personal relationships and been rejected or spurned multiple times in trying to establish one, then spend hours obsessed in trying to figure out why.

People like you go on to express their frustration from all the rejection (and personal trauma) in their lives, as an internet troll, this coupled with an innate sense of self fabricated superiority based on narcissistic fantasy to cope with your real world social isolation.

You use the anonymity of internet message forums as your therapy, and as a release from your pathetic life, and you even have multiple accounts on different forums, so you can skip to one that may have an unsuspecting victim you can unleash your personal attacks, condescension, and vile remarks on.
You do this as an attempt to take out all the nasty things that happened in your sad life, but ultimately derives from your inability to express your inadequacies and anger, other then through the safety net of cyberspace.
You obviously have deep seeded bitterness, probably stemming from the physical and or mental abuse inflicted upon you, possibly coupled with failed marriages, and or relationships.
That and your probably ugly and smell bad too doesn't help your situation much, so please cut out the tough guy/gal facade, it fell down a long time ago...just as fast as WTC 7. :lol::fu:
WOW! somebody needs a vacation....

To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and he'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take him away, ha-haaa!!!!!

They're coming to take him away, ha-haaa, they're coming to take him away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.

To the happy home. With trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're coming to take him away, ha-haaa!!!

Anyone wanting to see what a truly disgusting piece of shit is like needs look no further than the fuck named Mr. Jones.
Only thing you know how to pack is your ass trollho. What's the matter run out of BS to say to try to convince people your version of 9-11 events is anywhere near the truth?
Typical for you to post such shit, especially when you been punked so many times :lol: You are such a sad, gender confused, no worthwhile life POS :lol:

he he he....coming from the grotesque bitch who is about to lose her house and who has not changed one mind in 9 years it's totally meaningless. The next time you matter to anybody will be the first time you matter to anybody....and I think you know that.

Which is, of course, the reason why you're just so rude, confused, and flat out angry.

In short, you're garbage. Whats worse; you know it. And so does everybody else.

How sad.

You are one delusional motherfucker, now you would have people believe you know USMB members personal finances LOL!!
What a fucking nutjob :lol::lol: You believe you have some super duper telepathic power that enables you to know so much?? :lmao:

But we all know you always like to project truth about yourself on message boards, anyone can follow your BS and see that..Oh man I can't stop laughing at you..you are a fucking nutcase..I suggest you double down on the psychotropics and keep your therapy appointments man, it might be what you need to push you back over the fence to sanity..get a life you lonely sad loser bitch, it's so obvious your only life is trolling message boards.

See people like you have deep-rooted psychological issues beyond natural anxieties, have a history of failed personal relationships and been rejected or spurned multiple times in trying to establish one, then spend hours obsessed in trying to figure out why.

People like you go on to express their frustration from all the rejection (and personal trauma) in their lives, as an internet troll, this coupled with an innate sense of self fabricated superiority based on narcissistic fantasy to cope with your real world social isolation.

You use the anonymity of internet message forums as your therapy, and as a release from your pathetic life, and you even have multiple accounts on different forums, so you can skip to one that may have an unsuspecting victim you can unleash your personal attacks, condescension, and vile remarks on.
You do this as an attempt to take out all the nasty things that happened in your sad life, but ultimately derives from your inability to express your inadequacies and anger, other then through the safety net of cyberspace.
You obviously have deep seeded bitterness, probably stemming from the physical and or mental abuse inflicted upon you, possibly coupled with failed marriages, and or relationships.
That and your probably ugly and smell bad too doesn't help your situation much, so please cut out the tough guy/gal facade, it fell down a long time ago...just as fast as WTC 7. :lol::fu:

WOW! somebody needs a vacation....

To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and he'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take him away, ha-haaa!!!!!

They're coming to take him away, ha-haaa, they're coming to take him away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.

To the happy home. With trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're coming to take him away, ha-haaa!!!

Anyone wanting to see what a truly disgusting piece of shit is like needs look no further than the fuck named Mr. Jones.

Nice post. :eusa_pray:
WOW! somebody needs a vacation....

To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and he'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take him away, ha-haaa!!!!!

They're coming to take him away, ha-haaa, they're coming to take him away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.

To the happy home. With trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're coming to take him away, ha-haaa!!!

Anyone wanting to see what a truly disgusting piece of shit is like needs look no further than the fuck named Mr. Jones.

Nice post. :eusa_pray:

I see my previous post about the mental condition of sickcos like you
hit home to the both of you, so now you are pairing up...what a nice couple you two make!! :lmao: A real fag team... I mean tag team!


It is funny how you 2 always troll in tandem., and are always there for each other to um..cover each others asses :lol: :eek: What a soap opera your PM Inbox topics must be!! :eek:


The following descriptions fit you 2 lovebirds to a tee, especially how you use the anonymity of the internet to take out your real life traumatic experiences that has caused the personality disorders you suffer from on strangers in cyberspace. :cuckoo:
Do you 2 flip a coin to see who is going to be the butch or the bitch??

To help those who have come across your displays of mental illness better understand why people like you 'troll' you first have to understand mental illness. Trolling is a sign of someone who is mentally ill, or who is emotionally unbalanced and angry at normal people for some reason or other. The following descriptions fit the 2 posters above like a glove on a TSA agents hand. :lol:

We find that most people who are trolls do this for 5 reasons:
1. An abusive childhood.

2. Mental illness / Mental Health Problems

3. Homosexuals in denial. ( wow both "Candy"corn and Patriot 9-11 fit this one the most accurately)

4. Social Outcasts

( no doubt about this one for the both of them too, they spend their lives on various internet forums for their version of socialization, to fulfill their lack of meaningful human contact)

5. Sexual Predators

For the full explanations of these 5 reasons why "Candy"corn and its sidekick Parrot9-11 are the way they are click on the helpful link.

I didn't make this up and thought it would be helpful to those who have encountered people like the 2 posters above, and wondered, like I did, how and why there are people like this on the internet and society in general.

They are sad examples of frustrated sick creatures that can not debate coherently, nor can they have normal intelligent discussions without resorting to obscene name calling, condescending remarks, defamatory or derogatory statements.

I hope this helps those of you understand why these 2 are the way they are. If anyone can help them with contacts to psychiatrists and or therapists drop them a heads up PM or perhaps the more humane thing would be to send them tips on the quickest form of euthanasia to spare us all. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

And remember..19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives?
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