9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

funny, those were my first thoughts when i saw the collapse.

did you ever bother to read the nist report to find out how it was possible? I know none of the other truthtards have despite their claims. It does explain a lot if you're willing to approach it with an open mind instead of believing it to be crap before you even try.

still pretending you read the nist report

Still pretending you know anything or are relevant? Here's a hint. You don't and you're not.
Funny, those were my first thoughts when I saw the collapse.

Did you ever bother to read the NIST report to find out how it was possible? I know none of the other truthtards have despite their claims. It does explain a lot if you're willing to approach it with an open mind instead of believing it to be crap before you even try.

I've read some of it. They did not address a symmetrical collapse.

Yes they do. Once you understand what all was going on BEFORE the external collapse, a symmetrical (or near symmetrical) collapse of the outside is very understandable as is the period of free fall for part of the building. What most people don't realize is that there was a lot going on in WTC 7 before the collapse was visible from the outside in the form of the external walls collapsing. This is evidenced by the fact the penthouse collapsed several seconds before the external walls collapsed. That doesn't just happen without a lot more going on we can't see.
Did you ever bother to read the NIST report to find out how it was possible? I know none of the other truthtards have despite their claims. It does explain a lot if you're willing to approach it with an open mind instead of believing it to be crap before you even try.

I've read some of it. They did not address a symmetrical collapse.

Yes they do. Once you understand what all was going on BEFORE the external collapse, a symmetrical (or near symmetrical) collapse of the outside is very understandable as is the period of free fall for part of the building. What most people don't realize is that there was a lot going on in WTC 7 before the collapse was visible from the outside in the form of the external walls collapsing. This is evidenced by the fact the penthouse collapsed several seconds before the external walls collapsed. That doesn't just happen without a lot more going on we can't see.

It was simplified computer generated probability based on assumptions.
Steel framed skycrapers have symmetrical free fall total collapses because of fire but WTC7 didn't have such a collapse it was a progressive collapse everyone knew it was going to collapse that way because that's how 47 story steel framed buildings fall ,just like that


Also collapses happen before collapses happen because the BBC said a building collapsed and showed us live on camera. Because they knew!!!

I've read some of it. They did not address a symmetrical collapse.

Yes they do. Once you understand what all was going on BEFORE the external collapse, a symmetrical (or near symmetrical) collapse of the outside is very understandable as is the period of free fall for part of the building. What most people don't realize is that there was a lot going on in WTC 7 before the collapse was visible from the outside in the form of the external walls collapsing. This is evidenced by the fact the penthouse collapsed several seconds before the external walls collapsed. That doesn't just happen without a lot more going on we can't see.

It was simplified computer generated probability based on assumptions.

No that is just the truthtard bullshit they like to spread around because they couldn't refute the report. There was a LOT more to the report than the computer models. As for the assumptions, yes they had to make some, but they had to fit all the known facts. One fact that is beyond dispute is the fact there were no high explosives going off in WTC 7 before or during the collapse. It leaves very telltale evidence and no such evidence ever turned up.
Steel framed skycrapers have symmetrical free fall total collapses because of fire but WTC7 didn't have such a collapse it was a progressive collapse everyone knew it was going to collapse that way because that's how 47 story steel framed buildings fall ,just like that


Also collapses happen before collapses happen because the BBC said a building collapsed and showed us live on camera. Because they knew!!!


Yes, the BBC was in on the conspiracy according to seriously fucked up truthtards.

Good job Triton! You make all truthtards look bad, which is, in and of itself, a pretty difficult thing to do considering they looked bad to begin with. You must be very proud! :lol:

couldn't fly that cessna but the Boeing 757 is a piece of cake especially going into the pentagram
8 hours later a plane hits nothing at all but wouldn't ya know the 47 story skyscraper goes free fall.

must be the fire, must be the debris, and if you think differently then you're just a truthtard like me :razz:
Funny, those were my first thoughts when I saw the collapse.

Did you ever bother to read the NIST report to find out how it was possible? I know none of the other truthtards have despite their claims. It does explain a lot if you're willing to approach it with an open mind instead of believing it to be crap before you even try.

I've read some of it. They did not address a symmetrical collapse.

Me too. It is based on wild improbabilities, column 79 leading to global failure and the building essentially collapsing inside the facade, with no noticeable deformations on the outside!!
Oh but didn't you see NISTs computer simulation and incredibly accurate it is when comparing it to what you actually saw1??
Yeah no wonder Parrotliar911 warns us to approach their explanation with an open mind..More like no mind at all.
And they'll go on about it not being a symmetrical collapse at all, seeing how the penthouse fell first! Nevermind the 47 story building underneath it that fell like a classic implosion..straight down. :lol:
I've read some of it. They did not address a symmetrical collapse.

Yes they do. Once you understand what all was going on BEFORE the external collapse, a symmetrical (or near symmetrical) collapse of the outside is very understandable as is the period of free fall for part of the building. What most people don't realize is that there was a lot going on in WTC 7 before the collapse was visible from the outside in the form of the external walls collapsing. This is evidenced by the fact the penthouse collapsed several seconds before the external walls collapsed. That doesn't just happen without a lot more going on we can't see.

It was simplified computer generated probability based on assumptions.

In other words pure bullshit that only the most staunch, most retarded coincidental theorists will believe.
Yes they do. Once you understand what all was going on BEFORE the external collapse, a symmetrical (or near symmetrical) collapse of the outside is very understandable as is the period of free fall for part of the building. What most people don't realize is that there was a lot going on in WTC 7 before the collapse was visible from the outside in the form of the external walls collapsing. This is evidenced by the fact the penthouse collapsed several seconds before the external walls collapsed. That doesn't just happen without a lot more going on we can't see.

It was simplified computer generated probability based on assumptions.

No that is just the truthtard bullshit they like to spread around because they couldn't refute the report. There was a LOT more to the report than the computer models. As for the assumptions, yes they had to make some, but they had to fit all the known facts. One fact that is beyond dispute is the fact there were no high explosives going off in WTC 7 before or during the collapse. It leaves very telltale evidence and no such evidence ever turned up.

How could it if they admittingly said they didn't search for any?
And that is all Triton has; whining like a little bitch that everyone else is wrong, yet he can't figure out why they are wrong and he is right. :lol: I've seen two year olds with better cognative ability and better debate skills.

:lol: LOL this coming from a bald face caught redhanded lying troll!?
That would be you. You tried to brand me a liar and got your ass kicked so hard you should be tasting shit.

COULD the NIST be wrong? Sure. Do your bullshit theories make any sense or fit the facts? Not by a long shot and everyone knows it. Have any of you lazy fuckers ever presented an actual study that has been peer reviewed like the NIST study was? I didn't think so.

See, unlike you immature retards who take everything said on the conspiratard sites at face value no matter when written, we look at the facts and adjust to the known evidence. That is why you will always be the bitch and I will always be the bull. You'll never know what it is like to be a man.

I've NEVER said the steel melted. I wouldn't have said it even back then. See, you silly fucks pretend anything said by anyone who believes the government story speaks for all of us. Yet another reason nobody believes a word out of your lying shithole.

Mr. Jones said:
Gee maybe they should have investigated it first before going on TV and blasting it like it was a proven fact.
Yeah, that's why you had to take quotes from the days and weeks right after 9/11. :lol: Your childish antics don't fool anyone. You're still just a piece of shit traitorous liar.

Mr. Jones said:
You OCTASSes are so full of shit, but entertaining none the less!:lol:
Well, you would be the expert on being full of shit seeing as how you are, but you're also a known proven liar so everyone will automatically assume you're lying now as well, which you are. :lol:

Ever decide how everyone who saw molten metal can automatically determine that it is indeed molten steel instead of some other metal? No? Surprise surprise.

Go ahead and post one thing that I have lied about. You're always saying I'm a liar, so prove it. I already showed that you are when you said the 'melting steel" rumor started with people in the truth movement and I proved it came from people like you who believe the OCT.
so, mainstreet America gets hit, the argument goes on and on about the specifics

i wanna know one thing here

WTF were all those tax $$$$'s that we've doled out to the military for generations doin' that day?
Go ahead and post one thing that I have lied about. You're always saying I'm a liar, so prove it. I already showed that you are when you said the 'melting steel" rumor started with people in the truth movement and I proved it came from people like you who believe the OCT.

You shouldn't give me such easy assignments! :lol:

Here's a good one!

Fucktard Jones said:
Near-freefall collapse violates laws of physics.
Really? You CAN'T violate the laws of physics, fucktard! You're so stupid you don't even understand that the natural laws aren't like man's laws where they can be violated at will. :lol:

But I'm not going to stop there.

Fucktard Jones said:
It is based on wild improbabilities, column 79 leading to global failure and the building essentially collapsing inside the facade, with no noticeable deformations on the outside!!
Another massive lie from you. The entire Penthouse collapsed due to the failure of column 79 and the internal failures. Everyone noticed it. It has been pointed out to you numerous times. There is NO WAY IN HELL you didn't know about the collapse of the penthouse which, by every defintition imaginable, is a noticable deformation on the outside.

Fucktard Jones said:
And remember..19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives? NEVER PROVEN
It was proven beyond a reasonable doubt by a court of law. There IS no higher level of being proven. So claiming it was never proven is a baldfaced lie, especially given the fact you KNEW there was a trial and a man was convicted to life in prison based on the fact 19 insanely motivated terrorists with pocket knives carried out 9/11. Hundreds of pieces of evidence were presented to a jury to prove this point. Yet here you are, a known, proven liar, lying your ass off claiming it was never proven. :lol: You lose. Again.

Fucktard Jones said:
You do not ever post any links to back up your assertions and make any credible counter argument points.
Really? Never ever ever, eh? Wow. To prove you're a liar, I would have only had to post one link. :lol:

So here it is. From several posts before you accused me of never posting links.

Patriot911 said:

Is that enough for you, or would you like me to post more of your lies? You cannot defend these lies. They were made by you. They were not addressed by you even after they were pointed out to you. You ARE a known, proven liar regardless of how much you deny it. ;-)

Welcome to reality, bitch!

BTW, you also lied about claiming you proved I was a liar. You failed there as you fail in almost everything else. It must suck being such a fucking loser.
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Go ahead and post one thing that I have lied about. You're always saying I'm a liar, so prove it. I already showed that you are when you said the 'melting steel" rumor started with people in the truth movement and I proved it came from people like you who believe the OCT.

You shouldn't give me such easy assignments! :lol:

Here's a good one!

Fucktard Jones said:
Near-freefall collapse violates laws of physics.
Really? You CAN'T violate the laws of physics, fucktard! You're so stupid you don't even understand that the natural laws aren't like man's laws where they can be violated at will. :lol:
According to the NIST explanations they ignore and therefore violate the laws of physics, you nitpicking little troll! :lol:

NIST Project Leader Shyam Sunder explained that WTC 7 could not have come down in free-fall, because there was resistance to the fall provided by the steel structure underneath.

Many other physics analysis are presented by Chandler on his website 911SpeakOut.org, applying the laws of physics to WTC 7 and the Twin Towers. For a more detailed account of the unexplained features of the destruction of WTC Building 7, see the article on page 1.
Nullifying Newton: Official Story Violates Laws of Physics

Another massive lie from you. The entire Penthouse collapsed due to the failure of column 79 and the internal failures. Everyone noticed it. It has been pointed out to you numerous times. There is NO WAY IN HELL you didn't know about the collapse of the penthouse which, by every defintition imaginable, is a noticable deformation on the outside.
Sure everyone noticed it, that's why it took them years to explain it :lol: As I've explained in the other thread about this, people generally refer to the main part of the building, you know the 47 story part that housed all the offices and where people worked, that fell essentially straight down, the part you disingenuous fucks call the "facade', the one that didn't show any signs of deformations.
BTW, funny how you seem to know so much about the penthouse, but don't mention the rumble or possible explosion right before it and the rest of the building come down.
New WTC 7 Video Indicates Explosion at Penthouse Before Collapse | The Truth
Why do you leave such things out? :eusa_liar:

It was proven beyond a reasonable doubt by a court of law. There IS no higher level of being proven. So claiming it was never proven is a baldfaced lie, especially given the fact you KNEW there was a trial and a man was convicted to life in prison based on the fact 19 insanely motivated terrorists with pocket knives carried out 9/11. Hundreds of pieces of evidence were presented to a jury to prove this point. Yet here you are, a known, proven liar, lying your ass off claiming it was never proven. :lol: You lose. Again.
Yes a court trial that was riddled with problems LOL, in which the defendants mental status was questioned, among other things.If one simply googles "massoui trial farce" they would have more insight to this trial.
This is a bad example of "justice" to hang your OCT on.

Fucktard Jones said:
You do not ever post any links to back up your assertions and make any credible counter argument points.
Really? Never ever ever, eh? Wow. To prove you're a liar, I would have only had to post one link. :lol:
Of course someone has to mention this to you for you to start posting links.
Funny you didn't post anylinks to prove how it was the truth movement that started the "melted steel" rumor :lol:

Patriot911 said:
So here it is. From several posts before you accused me of never posting links.All you had to do is ask, you lying asshole! FBI investigation into Hanjour including all rentals and solo flights

Is that enough for you, or would you like me to post more of your lies? You cannot defend these lies. They were made by you. They were not addressed by you even after they were pointed out to you. You ARE a known, proven liar regardless of how much you deny it. ;-)
I bet I can show you that more times then not you don't post links. You will be held accountable to continue posting links to back up your assertions, as I can show you countless times the majority of your posts are basically " you lie" or another lie, truthtard lies" and leave it at that with nothing to back it up.

BTW, you also lied about claiming you proved I was a liar. You failed there as you fail in almost everything else. It must suck being such a fucking loser.
Not hardly scumbag, all one has to do is take the time to look up your past postings and they would see how many times you have lied in various forms.
The most recent of which was when you asserted that the melting steel rumor was started by "fucktard truthers like you" to Triton.

This is a fact and the reality is you are a lying troll trying to disguise itself as a "patriot" :lol: :cuckoo:
Go ahead and post one thing that I have lied about. You're always saying I'm a liar, so prove it. I already showed that you are when you said the 'melting steel" rumor started with people in the truth movement and I proved it came from people like you who believe the OCT.

You shouldn't give me such easy assignments! :lol:

Here's a good one!

According to the NIST explanations they ignore and therefore violate the laws of physics, you nitpicking little troll! :lol:

NIST Project Leader Shyam Sunder explained that WTC 7 could not have come down in free-fall, because there was resistance to the fall provided by the steel structure underneath.

Many other physics analysis are presented by Chandler on his website 911SpeakOut.org, applying the laws of physics to WTC 7 and the Twin Towers. For a more detailed account of the unexplained features of the destruction of WTC Building 7, see the article on page 1.
Nullifying Newton: Official Story Violates Laws of Physics

Sure everyone noticed it, that's why it took them years to explain it :lol: As I've explained in the other thread about this, people generally refer to the main part of the building, you know the 47 story part that housed all the offices and where people worked, that fell essentially straight down, the part you disingenuous fucks call the "facade', the one that didn't show any signs of deformations.
BTW, funny how you seem to know so much about the penthouse, but don't mention the rumble or possible explosion right before it and the rest of the building come down.
New WTC 7 Video Indicates Explosion at Penthouse Before Collapse | The Truth
Why do you leave such things out? :eusa_liar:

Yes a court trial that was riddled with problems LOL, in which the defendants mental status was questioned, among other things.If one simply googles "massoui trial farce" they would have more insight to this trial.
This is a bad example of "justice" to hang your OCT on.

Of course someone has to mention this to you for you to start posting links.
Funny you didn't post anylinks to prove how it was the truth movement that started the "melted steel" rumor :lol:

I bet I can show you that more times then not you don't post links. You will be held accountable to continue posting links to back up your assertions, as I can show you countless times the majority of your posts are basically " you lie" or another lie, truthtard lies" and leave it at that with nothing to back it up.

BTW, you also lied about claiming you proved I was a liar. You failed there as you fail in almost everything else. It must suck being such a fucking loser.
Not hardly scumbag, all one has to do is take the time to look up your past postings and they would see how many times you have lied in various forms.
The most recent of which was when you asserted that the melting steel rumor was started by "fucktard truthers like you" to Triton.

This is a fact and the reality is you are a lying troll trying to disguise itself as a "patriot" :lol: :cuckoo:

Your funny when you have your period.
so, mainstreet America gets hit, the argument goes on and on about the specifics

i wanna know one thing here

WTF were all those tax $$$$'s that we've doled out to the military for generations doin' that day?

What they were supposed to be doing. Protecting us from threats coming in from overseas. We were caught with out pants down.
According to the NIST explanations they ignore and therefore violate the laws of physics, you nitpicking little troll! :lol:
Yet another lie from the fucktard idiot. Look, if something violate the laws of physics, you should be able to prove it. It is simple. If the NIST report did what you lie your ass off about, someone somewhere would have done the math and provided it and it would be conclusive. Have any of you dishonest fucks done that? No. You just sit around jerking each other off pretending that if you MAKE a claim that it is the same as it being true.

Wrong again, asshole!

Mr. Jones said:
NIST Project Leader Shyam Sunder explained that WTC 7 could not have come down in free-fall, because there was resistance to the fall provided by the steel structure underneath.
Mr. Jones said:
Many other physics analysis are presented by Chandler on his website 911SpeakOut.org, applying the laws of physics to WTC 7 and the Twin Towers. For a more detailed account of the unexplained features of the destruction of WTC Building 7, see the article on page 1.
Nullifying Newton: Official Story Violates Laws of Physics
Again, all we have is you dishonest fucks lying your asses off by making claims and not backing up shit. First off, the building did NOT fall at free fall acceleration. That is another blatant lie by you that you have been called on so many times yet insist on lying about. Just shows you can't even tell the truth when exposed.

WTC 7 fell at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds. The rest met resistance. The NIST report explains how this is possible.

Mr. Jones said:
Sure everyone noticed it, that's why it took them years to explain it :lol: As I've explained in the other thread about this, people generally refer to the main part of the building, you know the 47 story part that housed all the offices and where people worked, that fell essentially straight down, the part you disingenuous fucks call the "facade', the one that didn't show any signs of deformations.
Oh, so now you're trying to weasle out of your lies by changing definitions? :lol: Go figure. You get exposed for lying so you come up with more lies to cover your sorry ass. Isn't going to work you disgusting piece of shit.

Mr. Jones said:
BTW, funny how you seem to know so much about the penthouse, but don't mention the rumble or possible explosion right before it and the rest of the building come down.
What.... you mean the rumble that would PERFECTLY FIT with the NIST theory? :lol: The one I have talked about numerous times? The rumble that could be the vertical and then horizontal internal collapse? :lol: Or were you ASSuming that would be perfectly silent?

Mr. Jones said:
Why do you leave such things out? :eusa_liar:
So according to a dishonest piece of shit like you, I have to go into every angle of a point just for your edification? :lol: Nope. You're not worth the oxygen wasted on you to keep you alive. People want to know? I post it. I shouldn't have to explain it to you time and time again without you whining like a little bitch when I fail to mention an aspect of the total event. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Yes a court trial that was riddled with problems LOL, in which the defendants mental status was questioned, among other things.If one simply googles "massoui trial farce" they would have more insight to this trial.
This is a bad example of "justice" to hang your OCT on.
Wrong yet again, fucktard. Regardless of ANY OTHER ISSUE with the trial, they couldn't have convicted Moussaoui without first proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Al Qaeda was behind 9/11. This is a FACT you cannot get around no matter what else happened in the trial. Excuses don't cut it here.

Mr. Jones said:
Of course someone has to mention this to you for you to start posting links.
Wrong again you dishonest fuck. You mentioned it several posts AFTER I had linked it. More lies from you. When will you stop being such a dishonest piece of shit? It's just lie after lie after lie from you.

Mr. Jones said:
Funny you didn't post anylinks to prove how it was the truth movement that started the "melted steel" rumor :lol:
Another lie from you. I've never made the claim it was the truthtard bowel movement that started the melted steel rumor. It never stops. Anyone else need proof of Fucktard Jones' complete lack of morals, integrity or honesty?

Mr. Jones said:
I bet I can show you that more times then not you don't post links.
Doesn't matter. You lied and said I NEVER post links. This is a blatant lie where you trying to dishonestly weasle out of it isn't going to cut it. I post links when asked. You fucktards can't say the same, can you. Still waiting for you to post a single shred of evidence.

Mr. Jones said:
You will be held accountable to continue posting links to back up your assertions, as I can show you countless times the majority of your posts are basically " you lie" or another lie, truthtard lies" and leave it at that with nothing to back it up.
Most of the time your bullshit lies are so obvious I shouldn't have to back it up. In the mean time, if asked, I back it up. You dishonest fucks run away when asked to back up your bullshit or post articles from conspiratard sites or articles that have been corrected for years. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
BTW, you also lied about claiming you proved I was a liar. You failed there as you fail in almost everything else. It must suck being such a fucking loser.
Not hardly scumbag, all one has to do is take the time to look up your past postings and they would see how many times you have lied in various forms.
Yet you can't point them out even when you try. You got your ass handed to you and your numerous lies exposed.

Mr. Jones said:
The most recent of which was when you asserted that the melting steel rumor was started by "fucktard truthers like you" to Triton.
Wrong yet again. When are you going to stop lying? You're embarassing yourself and the rest of the truthtard bowel movement!

Here is what was said
You claim fire melts steel.....
I've never made that claim. That is usually done by fucktard truthers like you who don't know the difference.
Nowhere do I state it was the sole providence of truthtards, nor do I state who started the claims. When are you going to come clean and admit you're nothing but a fucktard troll who likes to make up lies? It will do your soul a lot of good. Who knows? Maybe you won't spend eternity with Osama, Hitler and the rest of the traitors of humanity.

Mr. Jones said:
This is a fact and the reality is you are a lying troll trying to disguise itself as a "patriot" :lol: :cuckoo:
As everyone can clearly see, the only one lying here is Fucktard Jones. He got caught in numerous lies and none of his weaseling will change any of that. He is a very sorry excuse for a human being and will have to eventually answer for being such a shitty person.
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