9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

Whitewashed and disproved are two different things.

That is a pathetic and silly excuse for denial of anything you don't like.

How did a multi-trillion dollar military and intelligence infrastructure fail four times in one day? That's all. Just tell us how that happened? ~ Cynthia McKinney

The best defense in the world can be overcome if you attack in a way and direction not expected. Our military was not set up for an attack from within the United States, and our response to hijackings was in no way prepared to handle the planes being used as weapons instead of as negotiating devices. These are facts anyone can research. People throw around numbers like "multi-trillion" as though all that money were spent on home defense. Know how many planes were on "ready alert" for the entire United States on 9/11? 14. Know how many were available for the North Eastern Atlantic Seaboard? 4. Two at Otis and two at Langley. That's it. This is known fact. All those trillions and we had 4 fighters ready to defend the Northeastern seaboard. Was this new? No. It's been that way for decades.

Look it up. Don't take my word for it. It is public knowledge.
I no longer believe that 9/11 was the work of AQ alone -- and haven't believed it in quite a while now.

I TRIED telling you that many months ago.what made you finally get your head out of your ass and stop being afraid of the truth? You make agent Parrot cry now since you not brainwashed anymore and have seen the light.:clap2:

What's always struck me about it was that 9/11 was like someone playing chess like Bobby Fisher and there's been nothing like it since, no sign of the brilliance that was evident then.

Finally, if it really was AQ behind it, why whack Osama?

you are the guy that lives in new york right? I dont get why you are saying this because AQ is the group that Osama headed.The corporate media is late on this because Osama has been dead for several years now.He was like oswald,knew too much so they got rid of him.Its a known fact that a few days after 9/11,that he said he did not do it.I spelled it out for the the troll who made this thread in the beginning here but he ignored it since it doesnt go along with his version of events.

You also have not been aware that people like congressmen Mckinney who did not accpe the official version,all of them who did not,have been removed from office.what a great country we have with such freedoms isnt it? cant even question the government version without losing your job. oh and Bin Laden was a CIA asset for them and the Bin Laden family was friends with The Bush family.

since you are NOW awake,you should read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.

It shreads to pieces the fairy tales of the 9/11 coverup commission and nobody has ever been able to debunk it.agants candyfag and Parrot and Gam,can only come on here and sling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are which they will when they read this post. all the brainwashed Bush dupes they always run away with their tails between their legs whenever I ask them to read that book and refute it because they know they cant.:lol:
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Questions are asked and answered. That is why we need an independent investigation. The truthers are only seeking the truth. There are no conspiracies involved.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tXtl0PJG2M]YouTube - 9/11 Omission Hearings - Michael Ruppert & Indira Singh Q&A - 9/9/2004[/ame]
I no longer believe that 9/11 was the work of AQ alone -- and haven't believed it in quite a while now.

I TRIED telling you that many months ago.what made you finally get your head out of your ass and stop being afraid of the truth? You make agent Parrot cry now since you not brainwashed anymore and have seen the light.:clap2:

What's always struck me about it was that 9/11 was like someone playing chess like Bobby Fisher and there's been nothing like it since, no sign of the brilliance that was evident then.

Finally, if it really was AQ behind it, why whack Osama?

It was all they had before we disrupted everything. And UBL staying hidden that long was rather brilliant. But why whack him? why go through a long drawn out trial where he would have a world stage?
Questions are asked and answered. That is why we need an independent investigation. The truthers are only seeking the truth. There are no conspiracies involved.

YouTube - 9/11 Omission Hearings - Michael Ruppert & Indira Singh Q&A - 9/9/2004

Please, using a truther video to prove what? That they believe in a conspiracy?

Fact not opinion. Got any?

What was mentioned in the video that is not true?

This woman believes that Washington's elite is linked with technology and investment firms that are fronts for al Qaeda, JP Morgan Chase, 9/11, and profitting from drug and child sex trafficking. And she gets all this because she worked on a computer program.

Not buying a word of it.
Please, using a truther video to prove what? That they believe in a conspiracy?

Fact not opinion. Got any?

What was mentioned in the video that is not true?

This woman believes that Washington's elite is linked with technology and investment firms that are fronts for al Qaeda, JP Morgan Chase, 9/11, and profitting from drug and child sex trafficking. And she gets all this because she worked on a computer program.

Not buying a word of it.

She was in the position to have knowledge in those areas. She was much more involve than just inserting a disc in a computer.
What was mentioned in the video that is not true?

This woman believes that Washington's elite is linked with technology and investment firms that are fronts for al Qaeda, JP Morgan Chase, 9/11, and profitting from drug and child sex trafficking. And she gets all this because she worked on a computer program.

Not buying a word of it.

She was in the position to have knowledge in those areas. She was much more involve than just inserting a disc in a computer.
Watched the video and you say she was MUCH more involved than inserting a disk in a computer. WOW!!! And you know this, how?:lol:
I TRIED telling you that many months ago.what made you finally get your head out of your ass and stop being afraid of the truth? You make agent Parrot cry now since you not brainwashed anymore and have seen the light.:clap2:

What's always struck me about it was that 9/11 was like someone playing chess like Bobby Fisher and there's been nothing like it since, no sign of the brilliance that was evident then.

Finally, if it really was AQ behind it, why whack Osama?

It was all they had before we disrupted everything. And UBL staying hidden that long was rather brilliant. But why whack him? why go through a long drawn out trial where he would have a world stage?


I was thinking more the whole op should have been Super Duper Top Secret and we take bin Laden into captivity with no fanfare and have him tell us every terror plot he even dreamed.

What's always struck me about it was that 9/11 was like someone playing chess like Bobby Fisher and there's been nothing like it since, no sign of the brilliance that was evident then.

Finally, if it really was AQ behind it, why whack Osama?

It was all they had before we disrupted everything. And UBL staying hidden that long was rather brilliant. But why whack him? why go through a long drawn out trial where he would have a world stage?


I was thinking more the whole op should have been Super Duper Top Secret and we take bin Laden into captivity with no fanfare and have him tell us every terror plot he even dreamed.


Come on Frank, Look at who's running the show at DOJ.....

Holder would have insisted on 24/7 camera coverage and probably would have insisted taking the jury to Ground zero, the Pentagon and to PA.....

Then he might have even dropped the charges. I do not trust this administration. Best thing was to simply take his ass out. After all, wasn't it a dead or alive thing anyway?

Now, to have him in a secret prison for a few months does sound tempting........

But this really was best.
Please, using a truther video to prove what? That they believe in a conspiracy?

Fact not opinion. Got any?

What was mentioned in the video that is not true?

This woman believes that Washington's elite is linked with technology and investment firms that are fronts for al Qaeda, JP Morgan Chase, 9/11, and profitting from drug and child sex trafficking. And she gets all this because she worked on a computer program.

Not buying a word of it.

This is the presentation she gave before the Q & A I posted previously.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xppZpG_Nwck&feature=related]YouTube - 9/11 Omission Hearings - Indira Singh Reads Sibel Edmonds' Letter - 9/9/2004[/ame]
What's always struck me about it was that 9/11 was like someone playing chess like Bobby Fisher and there's been nothing like it since, no sign of the brilliance that was evident then.

Finally, if it really was AQ behind it, why whack Osama?

It was all they had before we disrupted everything. And UBL staying hidden that long was rather brilliant. But why whack him? why go through a long drawn out trial where he would have a world stage?


I was thinking more the whole op should have been Super Duper Top Secret and we take bin Laden into captivity with no fanfare and have him tell us every terror plot he even dreamed.


Frank you never answered my question of-are you the guy from new york? also,do you plan on taking me up on my challenge that these trolls here never do which is to read that book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory?
It was all they had before we disrupted everything. And UBL staying hidden that long was rather brilliant. But why whack him? why go through a long drawn out trial where he would have a world stage?


I was thinking more the whole op should have been Super Duper Top Secret and we take bin Laden into captivity with no fanfare and have him tell us every terror plot he even dreamed.


Frank you never answered my question of-are you the guy from new york? also,do you plan on taking me up on my challenge that these trolls here never do which is to read that book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory?

I've read the book. It is as much a retarded piece of shit work as you are, which is to say monumental. :lol: Like the rest of your truthtards, it relies on lies and opinions instead of evidence and the truth.

To prove what a worthless piece of shit the book is, why is it truthtards like 911 inside job STILL can't produce any evidence or put up any kind of actual rebuttal to the debunking? Oh sure, the throwing of insults and the kind of sychophantic butt kissing 911 inside job is famous for are a rebuttal of a kind, but not something that is going to convince any kind of reader that they or their bullshit theories are actually true.
Questions are asked and answered. That is why we need an independent investigation. The truthers are only seeking the truth. There are no conspiracies involved.

YouTube - 9/11 Omission Hearings - Michael Ruppert & Indira Singh Q&A - 9/9/2004

except for the conspiracy by our government to murder over 3000 citizens of course.

Oh, you mean the conspiracy you fucktards don't have any evidence for and can't even agree amongst yourselves as to what happened, who did it, why they did it, how they did it, or when they did it? Yeah, that kind of bullshit doesn't fly. It just makes you stupid fucks smell really bad and makes everyone hate you. :lol:
two farts in a row from you parrot,you really need to get that shitting problem of yours taken care of.:lol:
two farts in a row from you parrot,you really need to get that shitting problem of yours taken care of.:lol:

Thank you for proving YET AGAIN you are completely incapable of responding to the questions presented to you or presenting the evidence you claim to have, yet to date not a single truthtard has been able to present.

Basically, you're all a bunch of fucking losers who are the absolute dregs of society. Nobody needs shit like you.
It was all they had before we disrupted everything. And UBL staying hidden that long was rather brilliant. But why whack him? why go through a long drawn out trial where he would have a world stage?


I was thinking more the whole op should have been Super Duper Top Secret and we take bin Laden into captivity with no fanfare and have him tell us every terror plot he even dreamed.


Frank you never answered my question of-are you the guy from new york? also,do you plan on taking me up on my challenge that these trolls here never do which is to read that book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory?

I'll read it when you pay for it.

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