9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

It seems that one can infer that you got your "official" state conspiracy theory credentials in order.
So... in order to obtain your status of a state conspiracy theorist, I assume
one must casually, and ignorantly dismiss credible, verifiable physics, that the NIST report
does not even address, and accept some baseless, outrageous conspiracy theory concocted by the state and their associates
But the states version MUST be true, after all they obtained the assistance and direction of a man whose post on the 9-11 commission panel was a conflict of interest, and whose area of expertise includes the creation and maintenance of public myths thought to be true, even if not actually true.
Pretending that the states unprovable conspiracy theory is in fact plausible, despite the many well thought out and verifiable objections to it, should be a warning sign of mental and emotional indoctrination that compels one to disregard and ignore real facts even when they are presented to you.
But hey, to folks like you it matters not that the state has been a historic source of bullshit and deceives the public on many matters, as long as it is the government doing the explaining saying whatever, it's bound to be true right?

Got any physical proof yet? Didn't think so...

good thing they rushed to destroy the crime scene...
false declarative no evidence.
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the troll seems to have alzhemiers diseace so i guess i should remind him of this again.

Not going to debate a chickenshit coward who can only come back with pathetic one liners when asked to debunk that short 5 minute 9/11 video.:lol::lol::lol::lol::clap2:
hey hand job, what's "diseace"?

What 5 minute video is he harping about all the time? My bet is it's been debunked hundreds of times on most every site he goes to......
facts! he don't need no stinkin' facts!
two farts in a row from you dawgshit.:poop:

five farts in a row from the agent trolls before these two of dawgshits as well.
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A ridiculous assumption. Ollie...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Your specialty, G.

Ah i see, all you got is stale one-liner insults. We get it. You're lame.

you noticed it as well huh?:lol: yeah people who debate this troll they find out immediatly whenever he is cornered and has no answers,all he can do is throw pitiful one liners.:lol:

He did that EVERYTIME I asked him to debunk the facts in that 5 minute video on that thread of yours.Im glad Im not the only one that noticed that about him,that all he can do is throw pathetic one liners when the troll is cornered.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

I wondered if anybody else around here noticed thats how he debates all the time when he is cornered.:D

good thing they rushed to destroy the crime scene...

yep and these agents can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:D_
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hey hand job, what's "diseace"?

What 5 minute video is he harping about all the time? My bet is it's been debunked hundreds of times on most every site he goes to......
facts! he don't need no stinkin' facts!
Maybe you'd like to post the facts that you rely on that solidifies your belief in the "official conspiracy theory" and the narrative you were told about 9-11 is "factually" sound?

any evidence of the temperatures predicted to as required to cause structural failure...because NIST could find no evidence in any of the materials tested of these temperatures ever being reached
There is no evidence that the temps required to destroy the WTC buildings were ever achieved, we know this, as well as the NIST tests being a failure, still they claim the destruction as being blamed on fires primarily.
Yet we witness comments by Dawgshit such as...this when a credible objection is made that the NIST narrative is proven by physics, science, and calculations, AND NIST's own failure to prove their guess is anywhere close to being true and correct.

false declarative no evidence.
Dipshit Dawgshit and his ilk are adhereing to "evidence" provided by NIST that has been shown and proven to be flawed, failed, unsound, and blatent lies. These people don't give a shit what anyone else says despite the fact that they can be pointed to the credible calculations, formulas, and information that shows the NIST and the OCT to be nothing more then BS.
One must casually (or angrily) dismiss the NIST report and blindly accept some or all of the baseless CTs in order to continue qualifying for one's Foil-hat membership card and decoder ring. Pretending that there is a magic video which will - once-and-for-all - provide irrefutable proof of these CTs is a sure sign of mental illness.
It seems that one can infer that you got your "official" state conspiracy theory credentials in order.
So... in order to obtain your status of a state conspiracy theorist, I assume
one must casually, and ignorantly dismiss credible, verifiable physics, that the NIST report
does not even address, and accept some baseless, outrageous conspiracy theory concocted by the state and their associates
But the states version MUST be true, after all they obtained the assistance and direction of a man whose post on the 9-11 commission panel was a conflict of interest, and whose area of expertise includes the creation and maintenance of public myths thought to be true, even if not actually true.
Pretending that the states unprovable conspiracy theory is in fact plausible, despite the many well thought out and verifiable objections to it, should be a warning sign of mental and emotional indoctrination that compels one to disregard and ignore real facts even when they are presented to you.
But hey, to folks like you it matters not that the state has been a historic source of bullshit and deceives the public on many matters, as long as it is the government doing the explaining saying whatever, it's bound to be true right?
cue bells and whistles: (announcer) "SISTER JONES HAS JUST WON THE IF I SAY THIS OVER AND OVER AWARD!"
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-- Aldous Huxley
Likewise you continue to run away whenever you are given the chance to show us all the 'facts' that make you cling to such outrageous BS as the NIST report and the OCT narrative.
You can not address with any reasonable intelligence the fact that physics provide different results that are counter to your dogmatic belief, that fire destroyed 3 massive hirises.
You have never posted anything in defense of the NIST report, that can't be destroyed by real world science or physics and, even NIST's own words and report.
You just just cling to the same ole tactics of diversion and BS when faced with having to stand by your beliefs, that are constructed on failed unprovable "evidence" that has been posted numerous times, but that you continuously ignore. You are on USMB conspiracy section, discussing the 9-11 attacks, but you refuse to discuss the issue in any rational intelligent manner...so why do you bother?

But then.. I suppose...."It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair

Good one, Early.

But until at least some of the conspirators have been convicted and forced to walk the plank off the top of the tallest building remaining in America, that horse won't be dead.

I just cant buy it. Our Government cant balance a check book, or manage a credit card, but they can pull this off ?
You seem to be viewing the government as just one big entity and ignoring the many tentacles that are attached to it and the compartmentalization of the departments, and even within the agencies/departments themselves.
Not to mention the backgrounds and loyalties of some of those within the government branches that most certainly could facilitate any number of things and outcomes.
You also rather naively dismiss the real threat of bribery, and political and physical death and financial ruin after years of "hard work" that are at stake.
Perhaps you might do well to brush up on the machinations of government and history before you involve yourself in a 9-11 conspiracy discussion.
A good place to start would be what some of the whistle blowers and those in the fields pertinent to government and the 9-11 attacks have said regarding their objections to the the official version of events, followed by the objections of credible people in science and physics pertaining to the destruction of the WTC buildings.
There are many who do not have some sort of dependence on government, financially or otherwise.
Skipping all the way to the who, why, and how is going to make you ignore the very first and important reason there was almost immediate doubt the truth was being told in the first place.
Not knowing those 3 parts does not in anyway dismiss the physics and science behind the 9-11 events, or the improbability of the NIST report being accurate, or scientifically sound..
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What 5 minute video is he harping about all the time? My bet is it's been debunked hundreds of times on most every site he goes to......
facts! he don't need no stinkin' facts!
Maybe you'd like to post the facts that you rely on that solidifies your belief in the "official conspiracy theory" and the narrative you were told about 9-11 is "factually" sound?

any evidence of the temperatures predicted to as required to cause structural failure...because NIST could find no evidence in any of the materials tested of these temperatures ever being reached
There is no evidence that the temps required to destroy the WTC buildings were ever achieved, we know this, as well as the NIST tests being a failure, still they claim the destruction as being blamed on fires primarily.
Yet we witness comments by Dawgshit such as...this when a credible objection is made that the NIST narrative is proven by physics, science, and calculations, AND NIST's own failure to prove their guess is anywhere close to being true and correct.

false declarative no evidence.
Dipshit Dawgshit and his ilk are adhereing to "evidence" provided by NIST that has been shown and proven to be flawed, failed, unsound, and blatent lies. These people don't give a shit what anyone else says despite the fact that they can be pointed to the credible calculations, formulas, and information that shows the NIST and the OCT to be nothing more then BS.

Good God man ... your "facts" have been so thoroughly debunked so often it's just not worth the trouble of reposting the truth again. If you want to escape from chasing your tail (you are entertaining) look at the web sites which calmly make your silliness and outright lies look so silly. You fool no one. :D

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Sagging Trusses and Bowed Columns
Good one, Early.

But until at least some of the conspirators have been convicted and forced to walk the plank off the top of the tallest building remaining in America, that horse won't be dead.

I just cant buy it. Our Government cant balance a check book, or manage a credit card, but they can pull this off ?
You seem to be viewing the government as just one big entity and ignoring the many tentacles that are attached to it and the compartmentalization of the departments, and even within the agencies/departments themselves.
Not to mention the backgrounds and loyalties of some of those within the government branches that most certainly could facilitate any number of things and outcomes.
You also rather naively dismiss the real threat of bribery, and political and physical death and financial ruin after years of "hard work" that are at stake.
Perhaps you might do well to brush up on the machinations of government and history before you involve yourself in a 9-11 conspiracy discussion.
A good place to start would be what some of the whistle blowers and those in the fields pertinent to government and the 9-11 attacks have said regarding their objections to the the official version of events, followed by the objections of credible people in science and physics pertaining to the destruction of the WTC buildings.
There are many who do not have some sort of dependence on government, financially or otherwise.
Skipping all the way to the who, why, and how is going to make you ignore the very first and important reason there was almost immediate doubt the truth was being told in the first place.
Not knowing those 3 parts does not in anyway dismiss the physics and science behind the 9-11 events, or the improbability of the NIST report being accurate, or scientifically sound..

The reason there was "immediate doubt" about the truth of the official 9/11 story is the same reason there was "immediate doubt" about Sandy Hook ... slimy CTs who know they can get silly CTs like you to bite on any story they author no matter how silly. For them there is fame and some coin and for you there's the mess you make in your pants every time you read one of their fictions. You are forced to reject things like the NIST findings because they interfere with your CT religious beliefs. :D
It seems that one can infer that you got your "official" state conspiracy theory credentials in order.
So... in order to obtain your status of a state conspiracy theorist, I assume
one must casually, and ignorantly dismiss credible, verifiable physics, that the NIST report
does not even address, and accept some baseless, outrageous conspiracy theory concocted by the state and their associates
But the states version MUST be true, after all they obtained the assistance and direction of a man whose post on the 9-11 commission panel was a conflict of interest, and whose area of expertise includes the creation and maintenance of public myths thought to be true, even if not actually true.
Pretending that the states unprovable conspiracy theory is in fact plausible, despite the many well thought out and verifiable objections to it, should be a warning sign of mental and emotional indoctrination that compels one to disregard and ignore real facts even when they are presented to you.
But hey, to folks like you it matters not that the state has been a historic source of bullshit and deceives the public on many matters, as long as it is the government doing the explaining saying whatever, it's bound to be true right?
cue bells and whistles: (announcer) "SISTER JONES HAS JUST WON THE IF I SAY THIS OVER AND OVER AWARD!"
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-- Aldous Huxley
Likewise you continue to run away whenever you are given the chance to show us all the 'facts' that make you cling to such outrageous BS as the NIST report and the OCT narrative.
You can not address with any reasonable intelligence the fact that physics provide different results that are counter to your dogmatic belief, that fire destroyed 3 massive hirises.
You have never posted anything in defense of the NIST report, that can't be destroyed by real world science or physics and, even NIST's own words and report.
You just just cling to the same ole tactics of diversion and BS when faced with having to stand by your beliefs, that are constructed on failed unprovable "evidence" that has been posted numerous times, but that you continuously ignore. You are on USMB conspiracy section, discussing the 9-11 attacks, but you refuse to discuss the issue in any rational intelligent manner...so why do you bother?

But then.. I suppose...."It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair

Your 9/11 CTs have been so thoroughly and totally debunked there is nothing left to do but ridicule the stragglers who cling deperately to them. :D

Skeptic » eSkeptic » Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Debunking 911 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Homepage
cue bells and whistles: (announcer) "sister jones has just won the if i say this over and over award!"
"facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-- aldous huxley
likewise you continue to run away whenever you are given the chance to show us all the 'facts' that make you cling to such outrageous bs as the nist report and the oct narrative.
You can not address with any reasonable intelligence the fact that physics provide different results that are counter to your dogmatic belief, that fire destroyed 3 massive hirises.
You have never posted anything in defense of the nist report, that can't be destroyed by real world science or physics and, even nist's own words and report.
You just just cling to the same ole tactics of diversion and bs when faced with having to stand by your beliefs, that are constructed on failed unprovable "evidence" that has been posted numerous times, but that you continuously ignore. You are on usmb conspiracy section, discussing the 9-11 attacks, but you refuse to discuss the issue in any rational intelligent manner...so why do you bother?

But then.. I suppose...."it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it." - upton sinclair

your 9/11 cts have been so thoroughly and totally debunked there is nothing left to do but ridicule the stragglers who cling deperately to them. :d

skeptic » eskeptic » wednesday, june 4th, 2008

debunking 911 conspiracy theories and controlled demolition homepage

what has been debunked exactly ??? ..what has clearly been debunked is the 9/11 commission report and the nist report two documents I am sure you know little about
I just cant buy it. Our Government cant balance a check book, or manage a credit card, but they can pull this off ?
You seem to be viewing the government as just one big entity and ignoring the many tentacles that are attached to it and the compartmentalization of the departments, and even within the agencies/departments themselves.
Not to mention the backgrounds and loyalties of some of those within the government branches that most certainly could facilitate any number of things and outcomes.
You also rather naively dismiss the real threat of bribery, and political and physical death and financial ruin after years of "hard work" that are at stake.
Perhaps you might do well to brush up on the machinations of government and history before you involve yourself in a 9-11 conspiracy discussion.
A good place to start would be what some of the whistle blowers and those in the fields pertinent to government and the 9-11 attacks have said regarding their objections to the the official version of events, followed by the objections of credible people in science and physics pertaining to the destruction of the WTC buildings.
There are many who do not have some sort of dependence on government, financially or otherwise.
Skipping all the way to the who, why, and how is going to make you ignore the very first and important reason there was almost immediate doubt the truth was being told in the first place.
Not knowing those 3 parts does not in anyway dismiss the physics and science behind the 9-11 events, or the improbability of the NIST report being accurate, or scientifically sound..

The reason there was "immediate doubt" about the truth of the official 9/11 story is the same reason there was "immediate doubt" about Sandy Hook ... slimy CTs who know they can get silly CTs like you to bite on any story they author no matter how silly. For them there is fame and some coin and for you there's the mess you make in your pants every time you read one of their fictions. You are forced to reject things like the NIST findings because they interfere with your CT religious beliefs. :D

No the immediate doubt started when massive structures were exploded (not collapsed) and their rapid rate of decent through the path of most resistance did not coincide with them being made of steel, and this unprecedented event (their actual destruction) not only occurring once, but twice, and then a 3rd massive building "collapsing" without being the target of one of the coke sniffing, freedumbs hating, devout Muslim jihadists plane.

Official state conspiracy theorists like yourself seemingly have no ability or desire to look at this subject with any objectivity, and dismiss the states conspiracy theory's lack of credible proof and evidence, depending instead on an adherence of strict loyalty to their authoritative figures and agencies, despite historical precedence of numerous lies.
You depend on reports that rely on unsound data and calculations, and just plain ole bullshit.
Hell it took a regular citizen to point the fact that WTC 7 experienced a period of freefall for the first 8 stories.
The dogmatic fanatical beliefs that official conspiracy theorists like you have is most likely based on fear and cowardice, that the realization of what is happened and continues in the nation, is too overwhelming and too much to accept and comprehend.
It is you that is afraid of shitting yourself, so you deny even the mere existence of a possibility of the CT's that you fear so much.

BTW, the NIST report has been taken into account, and it actually is at the center of many points of the objections, since you bring it up care to explain why they refuse to release their computer simulation data so that others in the scientific community can replicate the outcomes? I doubt you will, so run along now, unless you wish to debate that which might cause you to soil yourself.
facts! he don't need no stinkin' facts!
Maybe you'd like to post the facts that you rely on that solidifies your belief in the "official conspiracy theory" and the narrative you were told about 9-11 is "factually" sound?

There is no evidence that the temps required to destroy the WTC buildings were ever achieved, we know this, as well as the NIST tests being a failure, still they claim the destruction as being blamed on fires primarily.
Yet we witness comments by Dawgshit such as...this when a credible objection is made that the NIST narrative is proven by physics, science, and calculations, AND NIST's own failure to prove their guess is anywhere close to being true and correct.

false declarative no evidence.
Dipshit Dawgshit and his ilk are adhereing to "evidence" provided by NIST that has been shown and proven to be flawed, failed, unsound, and blatent lies. These people don't give a shit what anyone else says despite the fact that they can be pointed to the credible calculations, formulas, and information that shows the NIST and the OCT to be nothing more then BS.

Good God man ... your "facts" have been so thoroughly debunked so often it's just not worth the trouble of reposting the truth again. If you want to escape from chasing your tail (you are entertaining) look at the web sites which calmly make your silliness and outright lies look so silly. You fool no one. :D

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Sagging Trusses and Bowed Columns

You don't think they will actually look at that link or read any of it... They might look at the pictures but they won't understand what they are looking at. It's the wrong physics for that.....
It seems that one can infer that you got your "official" state conspiracy theory credentials in order.
So... in order to obtain your status of a state conspiracy theorist, I assume
one must casually, and ignorantly dismiss credible, verifiable physics, that the NIST report
does not even address, and accept some baseless, outrageous conspiracy theory concocted by the state and their associates
But the states version MUST be true, after all they obtained the assistance and direction of a man whose post on the 9-11 commission panel was a conflict of interest, and whose area of expertise includes the creation and maintenance of public myths thought to be true, even if not actually true.
Pretending that the states unprovable conspiracy theory is in fact plausible, despite the many well thought out and verifiable objections to it, should be a warning sign of mental and emotional indoctrination that compels one to disregard and ignore real facts even when they are presented to you.
But hey, to folks like you it matters not that the state has been a historic source of bullshit and deceives the public on many matters, as long as it is the government doing the explaining saying whatever, it's bound to be true right?
cue bells and whistles: (announcer) "SISTER JONES HAS JUST WON THE IF I SAY THIS OVER AND OVER AWARD!"
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-- Aldous Huxley
Likewise you continue to run away whenever you are given the chance to show us all the 'facts' that make you cling to such outrageous BS as the NIST report and the OCT narrative.
You can not address with any reasonable intelligence the fact that physics provide different results that are counter to your dogmatic belief, that fire destroyed 3 massive hirises.
You have never posted anything in defense of the NIST report, that can't be destroyed by real world science or physics and, even NIST's own words and report.
You just just cling to the same ole tactics of diversion and BS when faced with having to stand by your beliefs, that are constructed on failed unprovable "evidence" that has been posted numerous times, but that you continuously ignore. You are on USMB conspiracy section, discussing the 9-11 attacks, but you refuse to discuss the issue in any rational intelligent manner...so why do you bother?

But then.. I suppose...."It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
once again you are fantasizing.
I've answered every lame ass question/challenge you ever spewed.
as with all people in denial your own warped pov seems real but in fact is not.
it also seems you don't understand the concept of debate.
being in the conspiracy section does not mean agreeing with the
ct being presented.
as to rational and intelligent you don't even fake it well.
quote mining out of context phrases by authors you've never read or if you did you've misinterpreted them due to willful ignorance or sheer stupidity.
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"facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-- aldous huxley
likewise you continue to run away whenever you are given the chance to show us all the 'facts' that make you cling to such outrageous bs as the nist report and the oct narrative.
You can not address with any reasonable intelligence the fact that physics provide different results that are counter to your dogmatic belief, that fire destroyed 3 massive hirises.
You have never posted anything in defense of the nist report, that can't be destroyed by real world science or physics and, even nist's own words and report.
You just just cling to the same ole tactics of diversion and bs when faced with having to stand by your beliefs, that are constructed on failed unprovable "evidence" that has been posted numerous times, but that you continuously ignore. You are on usmb conspiracy section, discussing the 9-11 attacks, but you refuse to discuss the issue in any rational intelligent manner...so why do you bother?

But then.. I suppose...."it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it." - upton sinclair

your 9/11 cts have been so thoroughly and totally debunked there is nothing left to do but ridicule the stragglers who cling deperately to them. :d

skeptic » eskeptic » wednesday, june 4th, 2008

debunking 911 conspiracy theories and controlled demolition homepage

what has been debunked exactly ??? ..what has clearly been debunked is the 9/11 commission report and the nist report two documents i am sure you know little about
standard eot's dodge and the imagined brighter then you yammering
Man I’m talking about a bunch of Conspiracy nuts

Check these nuts out.

What Will Be The Next Made Up Crisis...

They have this one called Solar who the other nuts bow down to, he’s the one who run things and all the others are afraid of. they have one called Darth Fife . He’s one of the nut who think the shootings wasn’t totally random but think while some are obviously copy-cat, the initial incidents - like Aurora CO and Newtown CT are just too damned convenient to have occurred totally on their own.
He believe that the Power Elite (mostly Democrats, but a fair number of Republicans) have a way of triggering these events.
cue bells and whistles: (announcer) "SISTER JONES HAS JUST WON THE IF I SAY THIS OVER AND OVER AWARD!"
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-- Aldous Huxley
Likewise you continue to run away whenever you are given the chance to show us all the 'facts' that make you cling to such outrageous BS as the NIST report and the OCT narrative.
You can not address with any reasonable intelligence the fact that physics provide different results that are counter to your dogmatic belief, that fire destroyed 3 massive hirises.
You have never posted anything in defense of the NIST report, that can't be destroyed by real world science or physics and, even NIST's own words and report.
You just just cling to the same ole tactics of diversion and BS when faced with having to stand by your beliefs, that are constructed on failed unprovable "evidence" that has been posted numerous times, but that you continuously ignore. You are on USMB conspiracy section, discussing the 9-11 attacks, but you refuse to discuss the issue in any rational intelligent manner...so why do you bother?

But then.. I suppose...."It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
daws101 said:
once again you are fantasizing.
I've answered every lame ass question/challenge you ever spewed.
Not a one ever with any substance. You may have posted an excerpt of the NIST report, but only to avoid answering with any of your thoughts.

as with all people in denial your own warped pov seems real but in fact is not.
My POV is that the NIST report is BS. I point out where in detail, and you point out in rebuttal....Nothing as usual.

it also seems you don't understand the concept of debate.
being in the conspiracy section does not mean agreeing with the
ct being presented.
You being in the conspiracy section do not even debate anything. You may disagree with things, but run away like a little bitch yapping about how you already debated or answered a post or topic when in fact you do not.

as to rational and intelligent you don't even fake it well.
At least I don't post little pics and stupid one liners and call it a debate or a response to a post like you have always done. While I include links and explain to you by reasoning behind my belief on a topic, you post some BS about CT's or another link to a report that has already been shown to be BS, or you just give up and say you or someone else already provided answer, which a post history search will show is BS.
You're just a pussy who uses excuses to avoid debating and defending your position on posted topics.

quote mining out of context phrases by authors you've never read or if you did you've misinterpreted them due to willful ignorance or sheer stupidity
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-- Aldous Huxley
Truth hurts huh?
You seem to be viewing the government as just one big entity and ignoring the many tentacles that are attached to it and the compartmentalization of the departments, and even within the agencies/departments themselves.
Not to mention the backgrounds and loyalties of some of those within the government branches that most certainly could facilitate any number of things and outcomes.
You also rather naively dismiss the real threat of bribery, and political and physical death and financial ruin after years of "hard work" that are at stake.
Perhaps you might do well to brush up on the machinations of government and history before you involve yourself in a 9-11 conspiracy discussion.
A good place to start would be what some of the whistle blowers and those in the fields pertinent to government and the 9-11 attacks have said regarding their objections to the the official version of events, followed by the objections of credible people in science and physics pertaining to the destruction of the WTC buildings.
There are many who do not have some sort of dependence on government, financially or otherwise.
Skipping all the way to the who, why, and how is going to make you ignore the very first and important reason there was almost immediate doubt the truth was being told in the first place.
Not knowing those 3 parts does not in anyway dismiss the physics and science behind the 9-11 events, or the improbability of the NIST report being accurate, or scientifically sound..

The reason there was "immediate doubt" about the truth of the official 9/11 story is the same reason there was "immediate doubt" about Sandy Hook ... slimy CTs who know they can get silly CTs like you to bite on any story they author no matter how silly. For them there is fame and some coin and for you there's the mess you make in your pants every time you read one of their fictions. You are forced to reject things like the NIST findings because they interfere with your CT religious beliefs. :D

No the immediate doubt started when massive structures were exploded (not collapsed) ...

Once more for the terminally stupid. There is no evidence or proof the Towers were rigged to explode. Give it up, Princess ... even your sources have. :D
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Maybe you'd like to post the facts that you rely on that solidifies your belief in the "official conspiracy theory" and the narrative you were told about 9-11 is "factually" sound?

There is no evidence that the temps required to destroy the WTC buildings were ever achieved, we know this, as well as the NIST tests being a failure, still they claim the destruction as being blamed on fires primarily.
Yet we witness comments by Dawgshit such as...this when a credible objection is made that the NIST narrative is proven by physics, science, and calculations, AND NIST's own failure to prove their guess is anywhere close to being true and correct.

Dipshit Dawgshit and his ilk are adhereing to "evidence" provided by NIST that has been shown and proven to be flawed, failed, unsound, and blatent lies. These people don't give a shit what anyone else says despite the fact that they can be pointed to the credible calculations, formulas, and information that shows the NIST and the OCT to be nothing more then BS.

Good God man ... your "facts" have been so thoroughly debunked so often it's just not worth the trouble of reposting the truth again. If you want to escape from chasing your tail (you are entertaining) look at the web sites which calmly make your silliness and outright lies look so silly. You fool no one. :D

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Sagging Trusses and Bowed Columns

You don't think they will actually look at that link or read any of it... They might look at the pictures but they won't understand what they are looking at. It's the wrong physics for that.....

No one can save these lame CTs but themselves. You can lead the camels to water but you can't make 'em drink. :D

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