9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Nice try, once again I notice that the truther video does not start until after the penthouse falls into the inside of the building, doing god only knows how much damage. And then the side by side comparisons you can obviously see the explosions at the base of the controlled Demo, but not around the base of WTC7....

FAIL again.........

But come on back and say I'm lying or a fart post or what ever you'd like, fact is I'm right and you cannot honestly deny it.......

Please play again....

Do you have a link to ANY video that has the base of Bldg. 7 in it?

I've looked but I can't seem to find it.

All I've seen is the testimony of lower level explosions from Barry Jennings and some FDNY folks who've mysteriously stopped talking.
Nice try, once again I notice that the truther video does not start until after the penthouse falls into the inside of the building, doing god only knows how much damage. And then the side by side comparisons you can obviously see the explosions at the base of the controlled Demo, but not around the base of WTC7....

FAIL again.........

But come on back and say I'm lying or a fart post or what ever you'd like, fact is I'm right and you cannot honestly deny it.......

Please play again....

Do you have a link to ANY video that has the base of Bldg. 7 in it?

I've looked but I can't seem to find it.

All I've seen is the testimony of lower level explosions from Barry Jennings and some FDNY folks who've mysteriously stopped talking.

One must casually (or angrily) dismiss the NIST report and blindly accept some or all of the baseless CTs in order to continue qualifying for one's Foil-hat membership card and decoder ring. Pretending that there is a magic video which will - once-and-for-all - provide irrefutable proof of these CTs is a sure sign of mental illness.
Nice try, once again I notice that the truther video does not start until after the penthouse falls into the inside of the building, doing god only knows how much damage. And then the side by side comparisons you can obviously see the explosions at the base of the controlled Demo, but not around the base of WTC7....

FAIL again.........

But come on back and say I'm lying or a fart post or what ever you'd like, fact is I'm right and you cannot honestly deny it.......

Please play again....

Do you have a link to ANY video that has the base of Bldg. 7 in it?

I've looked but I can't seem to find it.

All I've seen is the testimony of lower level explosions from Barry Jennings and some FDNY folks who've mysteriously stopped talking.

Look at the comparisons again, really really close.....
You can see the smoke from the explosions rising in the Controlled demo, you don't see them fro WTC7.......

Now go find both of them with Audio...Guess what you hear with the controlled demo??? Yep explosions.

Guess what you don't hear at WTC7? Again, explosions...

There simply is no proof to support the claim..........

And I notice you ignored the 9 missing seconds of the beginning of the collapse.....
There's plenty of video out there that you can hear explosions, but I'm sure that no matter what I post you'll dismiss it, so I'm not even going to bother.
Shit, I watched the news in real time that day, and you could see the smoke coming from the bottom of Bldg 7, but I can't prove it because I can't find the video.
I can't find ANY video that shows the bottom half of the building during the collapse, so there's no way to prove or disprove what you say.

Barry Jennings said that 1 1/2 hours prior to his rescue that there was a massive explosion that blew him and someone else out of the stairwell and back into the 8th floor, and while he waited to be rescued he heard and felt many more explosions in the building.

I think he's a credible witness, you can think what you want.
There's plenty of video out there that you can hear explosions, but I'm sure that no matter what I post you'll dismiss it, so I'm not even going to bother.
Shit, I watched the news in real time that day, and you could see the smoke coming from the bottom of Bldg 7, but I can't prove it because I can't find the video.
I can't find ANY video that shows the bottom half of the building during the collapse, so there's no way to prove or disprove what you say.

Barry Jennings said that 1 1/2 hours prior to his rescue that there was a massive explosion that blew him and someone else out of the stairwell and back into the 8th floor, and while he waited to be rescued he heard and felt many more explosions in the building.

I think he's a credible witness, you can think what you want.

Problem is that the guy he was with tells a different story and a different timeline. And his story matches up with what was happening....

What time was Jennings rescued? And isn't he the guy who claimed to have had to step over bodies of a building that had been evacuated and had no casualties? While the guy who was with him reported no bodies, the Firemen reported no bodies. But of course there was damage, a 110 story building had fallen on it...... I'll go with the verifyable facts and timeline before I believe the outlier.....
Ollie will NEVER admit Building 7 was a controlled demolition. Because if he did, then he'd have to admit the entire "War on Terror" is a lie and he has too much invested in that.

The best video is where Donald Rumsfeld claims he doesn't even know what it it is!: "Building 7? Never heard of that". Oh that's that building where the CIA, DEA AND IRS share the 25th floor. Remember now? :D

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0lD-Qrn3XI"]9/11: Donald Rumsfeld - "What is building 7?" - YouTube[/ame]
Proof that at least one airliner hit the WTC. This Boeing 737 jet engine sits on the corner on Church and Murray after having exploded through the South Tower on 9/11.




Intact Boeing 737 Engine for comparison.

Certainly getting the Towers to fall in their footprints was a neat trick. I'd like to see a demo team accomplish that without using of a couple of airliners loaded with jet fuel. :D
Actually it's been done already.

Of course, there's only your word for that. Which demo company did you use and could you post the receipt? :D

Demo "team" as you site, or demo "company"? If you understand some of the physics involved in the destruction of the WTC complex buildings, it should become obviously clearer that their demise can not physically, or scientifically be attributed to fire only.
Responding to your post on point, WTC 7 is a prime example of a building being demolished WITHOUT the use of of an airliner loaded with jet fuel (kerosene).
There's plenty of video out there that you can hear explosions, but I'm sure that no matter what I post you'll dismiss it, so I'm not even going to bother.
Shit, I watched the news in real time that day, and you could see the smoke coming from the bottom of Bldg 7, but I can't prove it because I can't find the video.
I can't find ANY video that shows the bottom half of the building during the collapse, so there's no way to prove or disprove what you say.

Barry Jennings said that 1 1/2 hours prior to his rescue that there was a massive explosion that blew him and someone else out of the stairwell and back into the 8th floor, and while he waited to be rescued he heard and felt many more explosions in the building.

I think he's a credible witness, you can think what you want.

Problem is that the guy he was with tells a different story and a different timeline. And his story matches up with what was happening....

What time was Jennings rescued? And isn't he the guy who claimed to have had to step over bodies of a building that had been evacuated and had no casualties? While the guy who was with him reported no bodies, the Firemen reported no bodies. But of course there was damage, a 110 story building had fallen on it...... I'll go with the verifyable facts and timeline before I believe the outlier.....

Verifying "facts" from known liars is only verifying lies. Once again, WTC 7 did not collapse due to any damage from either of the 110 story towers.
LOL, you mention the 110 stories coming down, but can't seem to fathom ALL those stories coming down with minimal resistance, just a few seconds short of FF.
1250 feet. 1/4 mile worth of huge, massive steel structure components...2 times. Then WTC 7 that wasn't hit by a plane..You conspiracy theorists are fucking loons.
Nice try, once again I notice that the truther video does not start until after the penthouse falls into the inside of the building, doing god only knows how much damage. And then the side by side comparisons you can obviously see the explosions at the base of the controlled Demo, but not around the base of WTC7....

FAIL again.........

But come on back and say I'm lying or a fart post or what ever you'd like, fact is I'm right and you cannot honestly deny it.......

Please play again....

Do you have a link to ANY video that has the base of Bldg. 7 in it?

I've looked but I can't seem to find it.

All I've seen is the testimony of lower level explosions from Barry Jennings and some FDNY folks who've mysteriously stopped talking.

One must casually (or angrily) dismiss the NIST report and blindly accept some or all of the baseless CTs in order to continue qualifying for one's Foil-hat membership card and decoder ring. Pretending that there is a magic video which will - once-and-for-all - provide irrefutable proof of these CTs is a sure sign of mental illness.
It seems that one can infer that you got your "official" state conspiracy theory credentials in order.
So... in order to obtain your status of a state conspiracy theorist, I assume
one must casually, and ignorantly dismiss credible, verifiable physics, that the NIST report
does not even address, and accept some baseless, outrageous conspiracy theory concocted by the state and their associates
But the states version MUST be true, after all they obtained the assistance and direction of a man whose post on the 9-11 commission panel was a conflict of interest, and whose area of expertise includes the creation and maintenance of public myths thought to be true, even if not actually true.
Pretending that the states unprovable conspiracy theory is in fact plausible, despite the many well thought out and verifiable objections to it, should be a warning sign of mental and emotional indoctrination that compels one to disregard and ignore real facts even when they are presented to you.
But hey, to folks like you it matters not that the state has been a historic source of bullshit and deceives the public on many matters, as long as it is the government doing the explaining saying whatever, it's bound to be true right?
The best video is where Donald Rumsfeld claims he doesn't even know what it it is!: "Building 7? Never heard of that". ...

Plausible deniability.

Of all the suspected conspirators, Rummy's my favorite, mainly because I believe him. In fact, I think he was lucky to escape with his life on 9/11.
There's plenty of video out there that you can hear explosions, but I'm sure that no matter what I post you'll dismiss it, so I'm not even going to bother.
Shit, I watched the news in real time that day, and you could see the smoke coming from the bottom of Bldg 7, but I can't prove it because I can't find the video.
I can't find ANY video that shows the bottom half of the building during the collapse, so there's no way to prove or disprove what you say.

Barry Jennings said that 1 1/2 hours prior to his rescue that there was a massive explosion that blew him and someone else out of the stairwell and back into the 8th floor, and while he waited to be rescued he heard and felt many more explosions in the building.

I think he's a credible witness, you can think what you want.

of course they will dismiss it.If they acknowledge it,their handlers will stop paying them money that they have been to troll these boards. Yeah thats a good point you mention about how there was black smoke rising from the base of the towers because during that time,you hear misstimed explosions from the basement that witnesses testified to hearing going off as well.

yeah those videos are out there where it shows the black smoke rising from the basements but like you said,it would be pointless to post it anyways cause yeah,they'll just ignore it.He is the most credible witness there is thats why they killed him and these two agents can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are trying to fool people into thinking he isnt a credible witness to no avail.:D:lol:
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Ollie will NEVER admit Building 7 was a controlled demolition. Because if he did, then he'd have to admit the entire "War on Terror" is a lie and he has too much invested in that.

The best video is where Donald Rumsfeld claims he doesn't even know what it it is!: "Building 7? Never heard of that". Oh that's that building where the CIA, DEA AND IRS share the 25th floor. Remember now? :D

9/11: Donald Rumsfeld - "What is building 7?" - YouTube

and dont forget to mention he also wont admit it because his handlers will stop paying him the big bucks they do to troll these boards like he does everyday if he does admit it.:D

Verifying "facts" from known liars is only verifying lies. Once again, WTC 7 did not collapse due to any damage from either of the 110 story towers.
LOL, you mention the 110 stories coming down, but can't seem to fathom ALL those stories coming down with minimal resistance, just a few seconds short of FF.
1250 feet. 1/4 mile worth of huge, massive steel structure components...2 times. Then WTC 7 that wasn't hit by a plane..You conspiracy theorists are fucking loons.
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Good one, Early.

But until at least some of the conspirators have been convicted and forced to walk the plank off the top of the tallest building remaining in America, that horse won't be dead.

That horse will never be dead then because just like i said over on my thread its going to turn into another kennedy assassination where the REAL killers just like in that tragedy,are going to get away with it and continue roaming the streets here in america and never brought to justice.
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Good one, Early.

But until at least some of the conspirators have been convicted and forced to walk the plank off the top of the tallest building remaining in America, that horse won't be dead.

That horse will never be dead then because just like i said over on my thread its going to turn into another kennedy assassination where the REAL killers just like in that tragedy,are going to get away with it and continue roaming the streets here in america and never brought to justice.

If you truly believe "the REAL killers ... are going to get away with it and ... never [be] brought to justice" then the horse you're beating is already dead, Princess, and with all due respect you are a monumental fuktard. No offense... :D

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