9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Just as an aside, it was fun when Christophera used the same picture to "prove" the towers had cores made out of concrete.

The agents have been proven wrong with one simple photo showing that any columns could not have been full length.


The light coming through would show columns and there are none. They would have to be interuppted if they existed.

How does the light go through when the hall is not aligned with the sunrise?

It reflects off the inside of the concrete core which is aligned long axis east/west.

Why does the light come through on the right down low and on the left near the top?

The offset of the hallways reversed at skylobbies. The upper has direct sunlight diaganal throught the east hall opening and the north openings. The lower is reflected when the hall offste is south of center.

Damn, I miss that crazy CT bastard. I hope he's doing well, wherever he went to.

Yeah he was like the leader of the CT band here for a while.........
Just as an aside, it was fun when Christophera used the same picture to "prove" the towers had cores made out of concrete.

The agents have been proven wrong with one simple photo showing that any columns could not have been full length.


The light coming through would show columns and there are none. They would have to be interuppted if they existed.

How does the light go through when the hall is not aligned with the sunrise?

It reflects off the inside of the concrete core which is aligned long axis east/west.

Why does the light come through on the right down low and on the left near the top?

The offset of the hallways reversed at skylobbies. The upper has direct sunlight diaganal throught the east hall opening and the north openings. The lower is reflected when the hall offste is south of center.

Damn, I miss that crazy CT bastard. I hope he's doing well, wherever he went to.

Does anyone know WTH he was talking about?
Just as an aside, it was fun when Christophera used the same picture to "prove" the towers had cores made out of concrete.

The agents have been proven wrong with one simple photo showing that any columns could not have been full length.


The light coming through would show columns and there are none. They would have to be interuppted if they existed.

How does the light go through when the hall is not aligned with the sunrise?

It reflects off the inside of the concrete core which is aligned long axis east/west.

Why does the light come through on the right down low and on the left near the top?

The offset of the hallways reversed at skylobbies. The upper has direct sunlight diaganal throught the east hall opening and the north openings. The lower is reflected when the hall offste is south of center.

Damn, I miss that crazy CT bastard. I hope he's doing well, wherever he went to.

Does anyone know WTH he was talking about?

If you've got a few days to kill, read this thread.


In a nutshell, his claim was that the towers didn't have core columns. Instead they had an 11 foot thick concrete core, re-inforced with 3 inch rebar on 4 foot centers. And the rebar was coated with C-4 when the towers were built so they could demolish the buildings on 9/11.

For additional fun, here's his thread about how he filed "Misprision of Treason" charges against Larry Silverstein & Rudy Guiliani over it. That's how much he believed in his claim.

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

You're not gonna get anywhere with that one. He or she is all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. Big Brother is always good and always tells the truth. Such blind allegiance & obedience is unwavering. You'll never get through to them. So don't waste too much of your time and energy on em. They're all-in, and that's that.

This is interesting. Is laughing at silly CTs and their silly CTs referred to as "Goose Stepping" in the CT World? So who said that Big Bro' "is always good and always tells the truth?" Just as with your silly CTs, you must fabricate your facts about me in order to have something which supports your baseless conclusions. Pathetic yet soooo typical. :D

The more you post, the more you prove you're just a typical loyal Goose Stepper. You're doing all the work proving that. So by all means, please carry on.
The official story is that the Twin Towers "pancaked" themselves to the ground. Like in this picture below.


Doesn't look like it's "pancaking" to me. Looks like it's falling off to the side. That means that the upper floors could not have crushed the floors beneath them.

Plus, it looks like the bottom floors are being blown out by something just a bit stronger than air pressure!
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Banksers Trust. Across the street from WTC hit by falling debris. Photo taken by FEMA in damage assessment.
Just as an aside, it was fun when Christophera used the same picture to "prove" the towers had cores made out of concrete.

Damn, I miss that crazy CT bastard. I hope he's doing well, wherever he went to.

Does anyone know WTH he was talking about?

If you've got a few days to kill, read this thread.


In a nutshell, his claim was that the towers didn't have core columns. Instead they had an 11 foot thick concrete core, re-inforced with 3 inch rebar on 4 foot centers. And the rebar was coated with C-4 when the towers were built so they could demolish the buildings on 9/11.

For additional fun, here's his thread about how he filed "Misprision of Treason" charges against Larry Silverstein & Rudy Guiliani over it. That's how much he believed in his claim.


Ummm, no thanks...
Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

You're not gonna get anywhere with that one. He or she is all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. Big Brother is always good and always tells the truth. Such blind allegiance & obedience is unwavering. You'll never get through to them. So don't waste too much of your time and energy on em. They're all-in, and that's that.

Exactly.well said.I mean you cant expect someone to change their mind Guy who cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs everytime you show that 5 minute video of overwhelming evidence it was an inside job.

All he/she ever does is come back with childish one liner insults when you ask him/her to address those facts.Plus,one thing i have learned is loyal Bush dupes like this one have got to find out for themselves.Nothing you,me,Eots or anybody else says is going to make them change their minds.

Mad Scientist as well the first couple years when he was here was also a loyal Bush dupe just like you were.He came over to the side of the truth though not because anything me,mr jones,eots or anybody else said to him,but he had to find out himself through others he knows in real life before he got convinced it was an inside job.anything we said,he ignored. This one is a lost cause Guy.This one worships the lamestream media and our corrupt government institutions to know end.You'll get nowhere with him.He defends ANY government version of events.

The only kind of Bush dupes you should bother with are the ones that can acknowledge our government has committted atrocities against the american people before in the past.Like there was this poll made once at this site by a loyal Bush dupe who made options of what they thought was the funniest conspiracy theory out there like elvis still being alive-which rightly so should have been up there,the kennedy assassination being an inside job,or 9/11 being an inside job,or the moon landing and one poster came on and posted-The Jfk assassination was an inside job,that one shouldnt be up there.

Now THOSE people I would encourage you to talk to because there IS hope for those kind of people since they can acknowledge the truth that our government has committed atrocities in the past against their own people.But this one? Like I said before,just defends the fairy tales of the governments version of events on ANY government conspiracy.someone like that,you'll get nowwhere with.
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Anyone know which of the hundreds of videos we've looked at that 911nutjob keeps referring to? I'm sure ii's one that has been laughed at and or debunked a hundred times....... Just wondering which one it is, I'm a little bored....But i haven't checked the other boards I write on for a while soooo......
The real fascinating part is how all this:


Was compacted into this:


You might have a point, if the buildings "fell into their own footprint".

But since they didn't...


... you're wrong.

Interesting fun fact. The photo I posted is one of Christophera's.

Thing is, while Mad admits CTs are fun he doesn't seem wedded to their veracity as are some CTs here. :D
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We saw the freaking planes hit the towers. 9-11 tin foil hats like to quote soil samples and sismo graphs but they never theorize why or how the fuk America would conspire to blow up the WTC. The American intelligence community is just not that smart where they could place explosives in the WTC and time the detonation to the whims of a bunch of jihad terrorists. Why would Americans do that? Nobody knew that Bush would get congressional approval for a military operation in Iraq. Do lefties really want to implicate Clinton in a plot to blow up the WTC? He would have to be involved because the planning went on for years.

No one is saying airliners did not hit the buildings.

But 150 ton airliners with 34 tons of jet fuel totally destroying 400,000 TON buildings in LESS THAN TWO HOURS?

That is more hilarious than anything the Three Stooges ever did.

Th only thing more ridiculous is the Physics Profession not addressing it in a reasonable manner in 11 years. Like when did they ever discuss the center of mass of the tilted top portion of the south tower?

The Irony of Curiosity

We saw the freaking planes hit the towers. 9-11 tin foil hats like to quote soil samples and sismo graphs but they never theorize why or how the fuk America would conspire to blow up the WTC. The American intelligence community is just not that smart where they could place explosives in the WTC and time the detonation to the whims of a bunch of jihad terrorists. Why would Americans do that? Nobody knew that Bush would get congressional approval for a military operation in Iraq. Do lefties really want to implicate Clinton in a plot to blow up the WTC? He would have to be involved because the planning went on for years.

No one is saying airliners did not hit the buildings.

But 150 ton airliners with 34 tons of jet fuel totally destroying 400,000 TON buildings in LESS THAN TWO HOURS?

That is more hilarious than anything the Three Stooges ever did.

Th only thing more ridiculous is the Physics Profession not addressing it in a reasonable manner in 11 years. Like when did they ever discuss the center of mass of the tilted top portion of the south tower?

The Irony of Curiosity


Of course, we also know those 150 ton airliners did not have to destroy the entire building to bring it down ... just enough of it to allow gravity to do its thing. You have heard of gravity, right professor? BTW, check out these airplane denying BOZOS:

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We saw the freaking planes hit the towers. 9-11 tin foil hats like to quote soil samples and sismo graphs but they never theorize why or how the fuk America would conspire to blow up the WTC. The American intelligence community is just not that smart where they could place explosives in the WTC and time the detonation to the whims of a bunch of jihad terrorists. Why would Americans do that? Nobody knew that Bush would get congressional approval for a military operation in Iraq. Do lefties really want to implicate Clinton in a plot to blow up the WTC? He would have to be involved because the planning went on for years.

No one is saying airliners did not hit the buildings.

But 150 ton airliners with 34 tons of jet fuel totally destroying 400,000 TON buildings in LESS THAN TWO HOURS?

That is more hilarious than anything the Three Stooges ever did.

Th only thing more ridiculous is the Physics Profession not addressing it in a reasonable manner in 11 years. Like when did they ever discuss the center of mass of the tilted top portion of the south tower?

The Irony of Curiosity


And you of course know enough about Physics that you should be advising the thousands of Physicists in the USA how they should do their jobs.....

We had about a million videos of the attack on the WTC and they show two planes hitting the Towers. When the structures collapsed it showed the collapse from the top down. There isn't a single case in the history of intentional explosive demolition where the floors collapse from the top down. Google up typical explosive demolition and you will see obvious detonations usually starting on the bottom. Conspiracies always have a reasonable theory regarding the intent such as FDR wanting to get the US into WW2 by encouraging the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor but the tinfoil hats offer no political or any other reason for the 9-11 attack. A conspiracy would have to include the entire democrat party including president Clinton and extend into 7 months of the new Bush administration. Are the tinfoil hats willing to implicate Clinton? How could a mysterious rogue unit coordinate split second timing with crazy jihadists and where was the FBI and the CIA and why the hell would Americans intentionally destroy the symbol of Capitalism in New York City as well as the Pentagon and God knows where the 4th flight was headed? Nothing in the realm of conspiracy makes the slightest sense. What are the tin foil hats thinking?
We had about a million videos of the attack on the WTC and they show two planes hitting the Towers. When the structures collapsed it showed the collapse from the top down. There isn't a single case in the history of intentional explosive demolition where the floors collapse from the top down. Google up typical explosive demolition and you will see obvious detonations usually starting on the bottom. Conspiracies always have a reasonable theory regarding the intent such as FDR wanting to get the US into WW2 by encouraging the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor but the tinfoil hats offer no political or any other reason for the 9-11 attack. A conspiracy would have to include the entire democrat party including president Clinton and extend into 7 months of the new Bush administration. Are the tinfoil hats willing to implicate Clinton? How could a mysterious rogue unit coordinate split second timing with crazy jihadists and where was the FBI and the CIA and why the hell would Americans intentionally destroy the symbol of Capitalism in New York City as well as the Pentagon and God knows where the 4th flight was headed? Nothing in the realm of conspiracy makes the slightest sense. What are the tin foil hats thinking?

You haven't paid attention, they don't believe there was a plane at the pentagon or in Shanksville...After all, there is no video........

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