9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

I've heard that is a sign of a mental disorder, you may want to see a professional...

If you have the time before your appointment, would you care to point out any errors in fact in my previous posts?

Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

You're not gonna get anywhere with that one. He or she is all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. Big Brother is always good and always tells the truth. Such blind allegiance & obedience is unwavering. You'll never get through to them. So don't waste too much of your time and energy on em. They're all-in, and that's that.
Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

You're not gonna get anywhere with that one. He or she is all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. Big Brother is always good and always tells the truth. Such blind allegiance & obedience is unwavering. You'll never get through to them. So don't waste too much of your time and energy on em. They're all-in, and that's that.

I'm not trying to change his mind, I understand the strength of his resolve. My only purpose is to rationally put forth the things I know so that others who may only be lurking can get some info and hopefully embark on their own mission of knowledge.

There IS hope, I was once a Goose Stepper, too...
Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

You're not gonna get anywhere with that one. He or she is all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. Big Brother is always good and always tells the truth. Such blind allegiance & obedience is unwavering. You'll never get through to them. So don't waste too much of your time and energy on em. They're all-in, and that's that.

I'm not trying to change his mind, I understand the strength of his resolve. My only purpose is to rationally put forth the things I know so that others who may only be lurking can get some info and hopefully embark on their own mission of knowledge.

There IS hope, I was once a Goose Stepper, too...

I hear ya. Well said.
I've heard that is a sign of a mental disorder, you may want to see a professional...

If you have the time before your appointment, would you care to point out any errors in fact in my previous posts?

Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

Factual errors? How about most of what you say?

Post 364 this thread which you of course dismissed.....

I think it's better than watching the 3 stooges the way you fools dismiss the official reports and any witness or fact that doesn't fit what you believe at the time.

For instance do you agree 100% with the OP?

How about Terrels theories? You think he is right? Or 911insidejokes fart posts? This is who you have aligned yourself with if you aren't one or more of them.....
Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

Factual errors? How about most of what you say?

Post 364 this thread which you of course dismissed.....

I think it's better than watching the 3 stooges the way you fools dismiss the official reports and any witness or fact that doesn't fit what you believe at the time.

For instance do you agree 100% with the OP?

How about Terrels theories? You think he is right? Or 911insidejokes fart posts? This is who you have aligned yourself with if you aren't one or more of them.....

Here is your post #364...
1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

Actually in the late 70's and early 80's I did.... Now can you show one iota of Proof that the CIA actually trained UBL, or just freedom fighters in general? And while you are at it do some research and figure out when Al Queada was formed...Then show me how much money went to a multi millionaire who was paying his own little company of fighters...

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

You do know how stupid that is right?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

He leased them that is fact, any ties between him and anyone else is pure speculation. Now do you know who PNAC is and what the stand for? (a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle. )

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

Witnesses who heard secondary explosions, not explosives....Please learn the difference...

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

Prove it.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.

You are having a difficult time finding actual facts, I suggest you study harder...

In it you claim to have worked for the NSA and have 'inside knowledge' of Osama Bin Laden's relationship with the CIA, you whitewash PNAC and their illegal, unConstitutional efforts at global dominance/nation-building, you dispute audio, visual and eyewitness evidence of pre-collapse explosions by falsely labelling them 'secondary', and you once again try and fail at conflating "Pull it." (Silverstein's words) with the use of cables and pulleys. (Which were nowhere in evidence on or near Bldg.7)

Now you ask me if I "agree 100%" with something I haven't watched in several weeks, hoping I'll say 'Yes' so you can find some sliver of something on which to divert the discussion, you ask me about "Terrell's theories" while laying no basis of who he is or what his theories are, and then try to insinuate that I am someone's sock, and that what I say or believe has no validity because of SOMEBODY ELSE'S fart jokes.

How unbelievably desperate can you get, Ollie?

How can there be a conspiracy unless democrats and the Clinton administration were in on it? It's simple people. Clinton knew about the plot and let it happen thinking that maybe just a few citizens would be killed like the first attempt on the WTC. Democrats went along with it because they wanted to create a crisis early in a republican administration.
Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

Factual errors? How about most of what you say?

Post 364 this thread which you of course dismissed.....

I think it's better than watching the 3 stooges the way you fools dismiss the official reports and any witness or fact that doesn't fit what you believe at the time.

For instance do you agree 100% with the OP?

How about Terrels theories? You think he is right? Or 911insidejokes fart posts? This is who you have aligned yourself with if you aren't one or more of them.....

Here is your post #364...
1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

Actually in the late 70's and early 80's I did.... Now can you show one iota of Proof that the CIA actually trained UBL, or just freedom fighters in general? And while you are at it do some research and figure out when Al Queada was formed...Then show me how much money went to a multi millionaire who was paying his own little company of fighters...

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

You do know how stupid that is right?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

He leased them that is fact, any ties between him and anyone else is pure speculation. Now do you know who PNAC is and what the stand for? (a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle. )

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

Witnesses who heard secondary explosions, not explosives....Please learn the difference...

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

Prove it.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.

You are having a difficult time finding actual facts, I suggest you study harder...

In it you claim to have worked for the NSA and have 'inside knowledge' of Osama Bin Laden's relationship with the CIA, you whitewash PNAC and their illegal, unConstitutional efforts at global dominance/nation-building, you dispute audio, visual and eyewitness evidence of pre-collapse explosions by falsely labelling them 'secondary', and you once again try and fail at conflating "Pull it." (Silverstein's words) with the use of cables and pulleys. (Which were nowhere in evidence on or near Bldg.7)

Now you ask me if I "agree 100%" with something I haven't watched in several weeks, hoping I'll say 'Yes' so you can find some sliver of something on which to divert the discussion, you ask me about "Terrell's theories" while laying no basis of who he is or what his theories are, and then try to insinuate that I am someone's sock, and that what I say or believe has no validity because of SOMEBODY ELSE'S fart jokes.

How unbelievably desperate can you get, Ollie?

Never once have I claimed to have any inside knowledge...As I most certainly do not. But yes I did work directly for NSA for just over 4 years....Believe it or not, i could care less.....But do not read into what I say or put words in my mouth.....

And there is your failing, once again you attempt to dismiss the fact that to pull a building is to pull it down with cables. As you have been shown WTC6 being pulled..... Yet you haven't proved that it means anything different.... Do play again, it's such a fun game.....
Keep on dodging, some day you might get hit with the real truth....Boy will you ever feel stupid then........
Never once have I claimed to have any inside knowledge...As I most certainly do not. But yes I did work directly for NSA for just over 4 years....Believe it or not, i could care less.....But do not read into what I say or put words in my mouth.....

And there is your failing, once again you attempt to dismiss the fact that to pull a building is to pull it down with cables. As you have been shown WTC6 being pulled..... Yet you haven't proved that it means anything different.... Do play again, it's such a fun game.....
Keep on dodging, some day you might get hit with the real truth....Boy will you ever feel stupid then........

In Silverstein's interview he was SPECIFICALLY addressing Bldg. 7. Please provide some video or photographic evidence of Bldg. 7 being 'pulled', or admit you are lying.
I've heard that is a sign of a mental disorder, you may want to see a professional...
If you have the time before your appointment, would you care to point out any errors in fact in my previous posts?

Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.
At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

Stop! You're killing me!
You offered no facts but instead attempted to support one silly CT ("Bush had prior 9/11 info which he suppressed in oredr to drag us into war") with another ("FDR had prior info but allowed Pearl Harbor in order to drag us into WW2") at which point irrational discussion became downright comical. :D
Never once have I claimed to have any inside knowledge...As I most certainly do not. But yes I did work directly for NSA for just over 4 years....Believe it or not, i could care less.....But do not read into what I say or put words in my mouth.....

And there is your failing, once again you attempt to dismiss the fact that to pull a building is to pull it down with cables. As you have been shown WTC6 being pulled..... Yet you haven't proved that it means anything different.... Do play again, it's such a fun game.....
Keep on dodging, some day you might get hit with the real truth....Boy will you ever feel stupid then........

In Silverstein's interview he was SPECIFICALLY addressing Bldg. 7. Please provide some video or photographic evidence of Bldg. 7 being 'pulled', or admit you are lying.

That's what we're trying to tell you, WTC7 was not pulled........So prove to me that he meant to blow it up..............

BTW I may not always be 100% correct, but i do not lie........
Never once have I claimed to have any inside knowledge...As I most certainly do not. But yes I did work directly for NSA for just over 4 years....Believe it or not, i could care less.....But do not read into what I say or put words in my mouth.....

And there is your failing, once again you attempt to dismiss the fact that to pull a building is to pull it down with cables. As you have been shown WTC6 being pulled..... Yet you haven't proved that it means anything different.... Do play again, it's such a fun game.....
Keep on dodging, some day you might get hit with the real truth....Boy will you ever feel stupid then........

In Silverstein's interview he was SPECIFICALLY addressing Bldg. 7. Please provide some video or photographic evidence of Bldg. 7 being 'pulled', or admit you are lying.

And has been explained many times Silverstein referred to pulling the fire-fighting effort out of the building less there be further loss of life. The BS story which claims Silverstein made money from 9/11 is just that - BS - but without that BS you would need (and eagerly manufacture) more BS to support your bottom line. :D
Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

You're not gonna get anywhere with that one. He or she is all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. Big Brother is always good and always tells the truth. Such blind allegiance & obedience is unwavering. You'll never get through to them. So don't waste too much of your time and energy on em. They're all-in, and that's that.

This is interesting. Is laughing at silly CTs and their silly CTs referred to as "Goose Stepping" in the CT World? So who said that Big Bro' "is always good and always tells the truth?" Just as with your silly CTs, you must fabricate your facts about me in order to have something which supports your baseless conclusions. Pathetic yet soooo typical. :D
Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.
At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

Stop! You're killing me!
You offered no facts but instead attempted to support one silly CT ("Bush had prior 9/11 info which he suppressed in oredr to drag us into war") with another ("FDR had prior info but allowed Pearl Harbor in order to drag us into WW2") at which point irrational discussion became downright comical. :D

Worked like a charm.... TWICE!!
Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

You're not gonna get anywhere with that one. He or she is all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. Big Brother is always good and always tells the truth. Such blind allegiance & obedience is unwavering. You'll never get through to them. So don't waste too much of your time and energy on em. They're all-in, and that's that.

I'm not trying to change his mind, I understand the strength of his resolve. My only purpose is to rationally put forth the things I know so that others who may only be lurking can get some info and hopefully embark on their own mission of knowledge.
There IS hope, I was once a Goose Stepper, too...

This just gets better with every self-serving post. I guess your idea of rational discussion is supporting a ridiculous CT ("Bush knew but suppressed the info in order to drag us into war") with an outrageous one ("FDR knew the Japs were coming but suppressed the info in order to drag us into war"). If nothing else you CT guys are ... uh ... interesting. :D
Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

I think it's better than watching the 3 stooges the way you fools dismiss the official reports and any witness or fact that doesn't fit what you believe at the time.

Sorry to truncate your post but that one line says it all although it's not just official reports they reject ("Big Brother lies 24/7, 365" - Paulitician) but any facts which contradict their baseless conclusions. Your "fit what [they] believe at the time" point is right on the mark. :D
Never once have I claimed to have any inside knowledge...As I most certainly do not. But yes I did work directly for NSA for just over 4 years....Believe it or not, i could care less.....But do not read into what I say or put words in my mouth.....

And there is your failing, once again you attempt to dismiss the fact that to pull a building is to pull it down with cables. As you have been shown WTC6 being pulled..... Yet you haven't proved that it means anything different.... Do play again, it's such a fun game.....
Keep on dodging, some day you might get hit with the real truth....Boy will you ever feel stupid then........

In Silverstein's interview he was SPECIFICALLY addressing Bldg. 7. Please provide some video or photographic evidence of Bldg. 7 being 'pulled', or admit you are lying.

And has been explained many times Silverstein referred to pulling the fire-fighting effort out of the building less there be further loss of life. The BS story which claims Silverstein made money from 9/11 is just that - BS - but without that BS you would need (and eagerly manufacture) more BS to support your bottom line. :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk]Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

That's bullshit, SAYIT. There hadn't been any firefighters in Building 7 since before NOON.

Silverstein's $124 million downstroke turned into a $4.2 BILLION insurance payoff. How did he NOT make money?
Never once have I claimed to have any inside knowledge...As I most certainly do not. But yes I did work directly for NSA for just over 4 years....Believe it or not, i could care less.....But do not read into what I say or put words in my mouth.....

And there is your failing, once again you attempt to dismiss the fact that to pull a building is to pull it down with cables. As you have been shown WTC6 being pulled..... Yet you haven't proved that it means anything different.... Do play again, it's such a fun game.....
Keep on dodging, some day you might get hit with the real truth....Boy will you ever feel stupid then........

In Silverstein's interview he was SPECIFICALLY addressing Bldg. 7. Please provide some video or photographic evidence of Bldg. 7 being 'pulled', or admit you are lying.
That's what we're trying to tell you, WTC7 was not pulled........So prove to me that he meant to blow it up..............
BTW I may not always be 100% correct, but i do not lie........

I wish the same could be honestly said by Paulitician. :D
In Silverstein's interview he was SPECIFICALLY addressing Bldg. 7. Please provide some video or photographic evidence of Bldg. 7 being 'pulled', or admit you are lying.

And has been explained many times Silverstein referred to pulling the fire-fighting effort out of the building less there be further loss of life. The BS story which claims Silverstein made money from 9/11 is just that - BS - but without that BS you would need (and eagerly manufacture) more BS to support your bottom line. :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk]Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

That's bullshit, SAYIT. There hadn't been any firefighters in Building 7 since before NOON.

Silverstein's $124 million downstroke turned into a $4.2 BILLION insurance payoff. How did he NOT make money?

I used to believe you were a bright Guy pulling the straight man's leg, G, but you have convinced me that you are just a flaming idiot and I mean that with all do respect.
Silverstein has lost a billion in rent and still is required to rebuild the towers.
Cost? $4.2 billion. As always your arguments, if one could call them that, are half-assed, child-like and self-serving. :D
And has been explained many times Silverstein referred to pulling the fire-fighting effort out of the building less there be further loss of life. The BS story which claims Silverstein made money from 9/11 is just that - BS - but without that BS you would need (and eagerly manufacture) more BS to support your bottom line. :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk]Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

That's bullshit, SAYIT. There hadn't been any firefighters in Building 7 since before NOON.

Silverstein's $124 million downstroke turned into a $4.2 BILLION insurance payoff. How did he NOT make money?

I used to believe you were a bright Guy pulling the straight man's leg, G, but you have convinced me that you are just a flaming idiot and I mean that with all do respect.
Silverstein has lost a billion in rent and still is required to rebuild the towers.
Cost? $4.2 billion. As always your arguments, if one could call them that, are half-assed, child-like and self-serving. :D

LOST a billion in rent? How is that possible when much of ALL 3 buildings were VACANT at the time?

And I noticed you shifted from the 'pull the firefighters' line, now that I've shown there were no firefighters TO 'pull'...
Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube

That's bullshit, SAYIT. There hadn't been any firefighters in Building 7 since before NOON.

Silverstein's $124 million downstroke turned into a $4.2 BILLION insurance payoff. How did he NOT make money?

I used to believe you were a bright Guy pulling the straight man's leg, G, but you have convinced me that you are just a flaming idiot and I mean that with all do respect.
Silverstein has lost a billion in rent and still is required to rebuild the towers.
Cost? $4.2 billion. As always your arguments, if one could call them that, are half-assed, child-like and self-serving. :D

LOST a billion in rent? How is that possible when much of ALL 3 buildings were VACANT at the time?

And I noticed you shifted from the 'pull the firefighters' line, now that I've shown there were no firefighters TO 'pull'...

Any Idea what time Silverstein had this conversation? Not the interview but the conversation with a fire chief....

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