9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

What point are you trying to make, Rat? That innocent people died? I think we all know that, the question is WHY did they die?

You guys can't believe that your government is complicit, even though they've proven their willingness to lie through their teeth to us TIME AFTER TIME, and I can't believe that you can't see their greasy fingerprints all over this thing.

The point is that saying the buildings were wired to explode without anyone saying anything would have to include the victims staying silent.
What 'victims' would have had the knowledge?

Which means absolutely nothing when you consider the absolutely HORRID quality of that audio.

Which explains NOTHING about how 48 5 inch thick central core columns managed to collapse in neat little sections as over 1,000 feet of building dropped to the street below.

The point is that the Salomon Brothers building did not collapse because it too was wired to explode. It collapsed because big chunks of the North Tower landed on it, ripped open sections of the facade, and started fires which could not be fought because the tower collapses trashed the water mains.
And somehow these fires were hot enough to cause a single core column (#79) to fail, causing the symmetrical collapse of the ENTIRE building?


The point is that anyone who believes the government would kill thousands of it's citizens just to start a war is fucking retarded. The govt can start a war anytime it wants to. How many civilians did the govt kill to start Vietnam?

Really? You do realize that FDR withheld prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in order to gin up support for our entry into WW2, don't you? Tell that shit to those sailors who were sacrificed that Sunday December morning.

Still waiting...
quote=Rat in the Hat
The point is that anyone who believes the government would kill thousands of it's citizens just to start a war is fucking retarded. The govt can start a war anytime it wants to. How many civilians did the govt kill to start Vietnam?[/quote]

Really? You do realize that FDR withheld prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in order to gin up support for our entry into WW2, don't you? Tell that shit to those sailors who were sacrificed that Sunday December morning.[/QUOTE]

Really? Do you actually want to add to your ever growing list of CT lunacy? :D

Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The point is that saying the buildings were wired to explode without anyone saying anything would have to include the victims staying silent.
What 'victims' would have had the knowledge?

Which means absolutely nothing when you consider the absolutely HORRID quality of that audio.

Which explains NOTHING about how 48 5 inch thick central core columns managed to collapse in neat little sections as over 1,000 feet of building dropped to the street below.

And somehow these fires were hot enough to cause a single core column (#79) to fail, causing the symmetrical collapse of the ENTIRE building?


The point is that anyone who believes the government would kill thousands of it's citizens just to start a war is fucking retarded. The govt can start a war anytime it wants to. How many civilians did the govt kill to start Vietnam?

Really? You do realize that FDR withheld prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in order to gin up support for our entry into WW2, don't you? Tell that shit to those sailors who were sacrificed that Sunday December morning.

Still waiting...

Woo. Your posts are those of an articulate and reasonably thoughtful person but your MO is that of a flaming CT loon. Your 9/11 CT premise is busted by a simple question from Rat in the Hat and you respond by posting another tin foil hat CT. :D
The point is that saying the buildings were wired to explode without anyone saying anything would have to include the victims staying silent.
What 'victims' would have had the knowledge?

Which means absolutely nothing when you consider the absolutely HORRID quality of that audio.

Which explains NOTHING about how 48 5 inch thick central core columns managed to collapse in neat little sections as over 1,000 feet of building dropped to the street below.

And somehow these fires were hot enough to cause a single core column (#79) to fail, causing the symmetrical collapse of the ENTIRE building?


The point is that anyone who believes the government would kill thousands of it's citizens just to start a war is fucking retarded. The govt can start a war anytime it wants to. How many civilians did the govt kill to start Vietnam?

Really? You do realize that FDR withheld prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in order to gin up support for our entry into WW2, don't you? Tell that shit to those sailors who were sacrificed that Sunday December morning.

Still waiting...

So now it's FDR who had the prior knowledge? You guys used to say it was Churchill. Unless you were saying it was Admiral Kimmel. Or Frank Knox.

Who are you going to blame it on next, Jim Forrestal?
quote=Rat in the Hat
The point is that anyone who believes the government would kill thousands of it's citizens just to start a war is fucking retarded. The govt can start a war anytime it wants to. How many civilians did the govt kill to start Vietnam?

Really? You do realize that FDR withheld prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in order to gin up support for our entry into WW2, don't you? Tell that shit to those sailors who were sacrificed that Sunday December morning.[/QUOTE]

Really? Do you actually want to add to your ever growing list of CT lunacy? :D

Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE]

Spare me the Wiki BS, there is plenty of evidence showing prior knowledge, including testimony in the Congressional Record concerning the scapegoating of Admiral Kimmel and General Short.

A little 'due diligence' on your part might open up your eyes.

How is it that ALL our assets in Pearl were lined up like ducks in a row EXCEPT for the aircraft carriers in the Pacific fleet?
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You are correct about my condescending attitude, Princess ... I do not suffer fools well.
As for your "Big Bro lies 24/7, 365" obsession, I have just one more question: If I buy into it do I get to were a tin foil hat and communicate with aliens using a Mattell wrist watch walkie-talkie like you? :D

A very feeble attempt at humorous condescension. Like you're the first poster to ever use the old 'Tin Foil Hat' insult. Pretty stale routine there. That being said, one day you'll wake up. Big Brother has fed you a steady diet of lies all your life. You like most Americans, just haven't dared to take the Red Pill yet. But more & more Americans are now deciding to wake up. Times are hopefully changing. If you believe Big Brother's stories on the Bin Laden assassination and 9/11, you really are still asleep. Time to wake up.

If you are tired of hearing the 'Tin Foil Hat' insult it is likely you get tagged often. It never occurs to one such as you why others see you in one.
Your "more and more Americans" claim is exactly the opposite of what you said in another post when you lamented the future because you have little hope Americans will see things your way. That is typical of one who has a lucid moment and then slips once again under the waves. :D

I always use the word 'Hopeful.' Because i really am hopeful. But i must admit, some days i'm less optimistic than others. It is what it is. And i'm not tired of hearing the old 'Tin Foil Hat' insult. I was just noting that your attempt at humorous condenscension was a big fail. Try again with some new material.
quote=Rat in the Hat
The point is that anyone who believes the government would kill thousands of it's citizens just to start a war is fucking retarded. The govt can start a war anytime it wants to. How many civilians did the govt kill to start Vietnam?

Really? You do realize that FDR withheld prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in order to gin up support for our entry into WW2, don't you? Tell that shit to those sailors who were sacrificed that Sunday December morning.

Really? Do you actually want to add to your ever growing list of CT lunacy? :D

Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE]

Spare me the Wiki BS, there is plenty of evidence showing prior knowledge, including testimony in the Congressional Record concerning the scapegoating of Admiral Kimmel and General Short.

A little 'due diligence' on your part might open up your eyes.

How is it that ALL our assets in Pearl were lined up like ducks in a row EXCEPT for the aircraft carriers in the Pacific fleet?[/QUOTE]

Your "proof" or FDR's prior knowledge is non-existent and the ships were where they were supposed to be. Circumstantial evidence wrapped in BS = conspiracy theory ... nothing more. You really should seek professional help. :D
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quote=Rat in the Hat
The point is that anyone who believes the government would kill thousands of it's citizens just to start a war is fucking retarded. The govt can start a war anytime it wants to. How many civilians did the govt kill to start Vietnam?

Really? You do realize that FDR withheld prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in order to gin up support for our entry into WW2, don't you? Tell that shit to those sailors who were sacrificed that Sunday December morning.

Really? Do you actually want to add to your ever growing list of CT lunacy? :D

Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE]

Spare me the Wiki BS, there is plenty of evidence showing prior knowledge, including testimony in the Congressional Record concerning the scapegoating of Admiral Kimmel and General Short.

A little 'due diligence' on your part might open up your eyes.

How is it that ALL our assets in Pearl were lined up like ducks in a row EXCEPT for the aircraft carriers in the Pacific fleet?[/QUOTE]

say it troll only sees what he wants to see since the truth scares him so he of course will ignore your post and wont look at it.that you can count on.
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Somebody just farted in here.
Why would the CINC want to Destroy half his Navy just to start a War?

I guess your war history is a little rusty there, Ollie.

Of the 18 ships damaged or sunk during the attack, only 3 were damaged/destroyed beyond salvage and repair, though their equipment and armaments were removed, repaired, and reused aboard other vessels:

USS Arizona (forward magazine explosion)
USS Oklahoma (capsized)
USS Utah (capsized)

All other vessels were refloated/repaired and placed back into service.

Now the lesson gets more interesting. Not only did we NOT lose "half our Navy", the 3 ships that weren't repaired were the oldest and slowest battleships we owned, built between 1909 and 1916.

Those carriers and their escort battle groups were comfortably 'out of theater', though.

How convenient and coincidental, huh?
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Why would the CINC want to Destroy half his Navy just to start a War?

I guess your war history is a little rusty there, Ollie.

Of the 18 ships damaged or sunk during the attack, only 3 were damaged/destroyed beyond salvage and repair, though their equipment and armaments were removed, repaired, and reused aboard other vessels:

USS Arizona (forward magazine explosion)
USS Oklahoma (capsized)
USS Utah (capsized)

All other vessels were refloated/repaired and placed back into service.

Now the lesson gets more interesting. Not only did we NOT lose "half our Navy", the 3 ships that weren't repaired were the oldest and slowest battleships we owned, built between 1909 and 1916.

Those carriers and their escort battle groups were comfortably 'out of theater', though.

How convenient and coincidental, huh?

And how many might have been sunk? Now you are acting as if the exact outcome of the attack was also planned....Get a grip on real life and you cannot teach this retired Sergeant much about Military history.... But you want to take things literal we can do that too...... Then we can double down on tearing your stupid conspiracies apart......
Why would the CINC want to Destroy half his Navy just to start a War?

I guess your war history is a little rusty there, Ollie.

Of the 18 ships damaged or sunk during the attack, only 3 were damaged/destroyed beyond salvage and repair, though their equipment and armaments were removed, repaired, and reused aboard other vessels:

USS Arizona (forward magazine explosion)
USS Oklahoma (capsized)
USS Utah (capsized)

All other vessels were refloated/repaired and placed back into service.

Now the lesson gets more interesting. Not only did we NOT lose "half our Navy", the 3 ships that weren't repaired were the oldest and slowest battleships we owned, built between 1909 and 1916.

Those carriers and their escort battle groups were comfortably 'out of theater', though.

How convenient and coincidental, huh?

And how many might have been sunk? Now you are acting as if the exact outcome of the attack was also planned....Get a grip on real life and you cannot teach this retired Sergeant much about Military history.... But you want to take things literal we can do that too...... Then we can double down on tearing your stupid conspiracies apart......

Many more WERE sunk, right there in that nice shallow harbor where they could be REFLOATED and REPAIRED.

I guess you missed those BOLD words in my previous post.
I guess I was too busy laughing at you...........

I've heard that is a sign of a mental disorder, you may want to see a professional...

If you have the time before your appointment, would you care to point out any errors in fact in my previous posts?
Nope, not going to start all over....You are simply one of those that will ignore fact when it doesn't fit your version of the story....

When you have some physical evidence that the official story line is false , do let us know.....
Nope, not going to start all over....You are simply one of those that will ignore fact when it doesn't fit your version of the story....

When you have some physical evidence that the official story line is false , do let us know.....

IOW, you got nuttin'...

Soooooo.... back to the 'story line' that set us off on this tangent.

What point are you trying to make, Rat? That innocent people died? I think we all know that, the question is WHY did they die?

You guys can't believe that your government is complicit, even though they've proven their willingness to lie through their teeth to us TIME AFTER TIME, and I can't believe that you can't see their greasy fingerprints all over this thing.

The point is that saying the buildings were wired to explode without anyone saying anything would have to include the victims staying silent.
What 'victims' would have had the knowledge?

Which means absolutely nothing when you consider the absolutely HORRID quality of that audio.

Which explains NOTHING about how 48 5 inch thick central core columns managed to collapse in neat little sections as over 1,000 feet of building dropped to the street below.

The point is that the Salomon Brothers building did not collapse because it too was wired to explode. It collapsed because big chunks of the North Tower landed on it, ripped open sections of the facade, and started fires which could not be fought because the tower collapses trashed the water mains.
And somehow these fires were hot enough to cause a single core column (#79) to fail, causing the symmetrical collapse of the ENTIRE building?


The point is that anyone who believes the government would kill thousands of it's citizens just to start a war is fucking retarded. The govt can start a war anytime it wants to. How many civilians did the govt kill to start Vietnam?

Really? You do realize that FDR withheld prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack in order to gin up support for our entry into WW2, don't you? Tell that shit to those sailors who were sacrificed that Sunday December morning.

Anyone else??
I guess I was too busy laughing at you...........

I've heard that is a sign of a mental disorder, you may want to see a professional...

If you have the time before your appointment, would you care to point out any errors in fact in my previous posts?

Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D
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Nope, not going to start all over....You are simply one of those that will ignore fact when it doesn't fit your version of the story....

When you have some physical evidence that the official story line is false , do let us know.....

In fact the CTs are required to ignore or reject all facts which contradict their often pre-determined ("Big Bro lies 24/7, 365" - Paulitician), generally silly conclusions. It's a character trait that qualifies them for their genuine Mattel wrist watch walkie-talkies. :D
I guess I was too busy laughing at you...........

I've heard that is a sign of a mental disorder, you may want to see a professional...

If you have the time before your appointment, would you care to point out any errors in fact in my previous posts?

Laughing at fools is not a mental disorder but slavish adherence to monumentally silly CTs most certainly is and pretending your CTs are factual is equally demented. :D

Please point out my factual errors then, and stop relying on childish insults.

At the risk of repeating myself, I thought we were discussing these things rationally.

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