9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

Quote=SFC Ollie
Got any proof?

Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

SAYIT said:
I see. So since there's no proof that the CIA didn't know about the plot to attack the Trade Center on 9/11, you assume they must have.
Interesting thought process (yet so typical of conspiract theorists).
I have no proof that the CIA didn't know about Japan's devastating Tsunami. Does that mean the CIA also allowed that to happen? :D

The decades long connection between the CIA and OBL & AQ lead me to believe it.

The PERSONAL and BUSINESS connections between the Bush family and Bin Laden family also lead me that way.
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I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

Quote=SFC Ollie
Got any proof?

Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

The decades long connection between the CIA and OBL & AQ lead me to believe it.

The PERSONAL and BUSINESS connections between the Bush family and Bin Laden family also lead me that way.

You never get tired of handing their asses to them on a platter do you?:lol: whats really hysterical is the official conspiracy theory apologists always cripple their own arguments saying AQ was behind it since the CIA funded AQ and Bin Laden was a CIA asset.:lol: dont forget to mention how The Bushs have a long standing friendship with the Bin Laden family as well and the governmeent allowed them to fly out of the country when everybody else was grounded and could not.:D
Ah. I missed that also. I thought you were referring to the relatively thoughtful Guy and raging loon, 9/11. :D

With almost 6,000 posts, the vast majority of which are in the 'Politics' forum, I can assure you I am no sock... :D

Now that is some funny shit that Moron In The Hat has come up with that Wildcard is a sock of mine.:lol::lol: First agents Moron In the Hat and Candyass say Paulitican is my sock puppet and NOW the latest,that Wildcard is.I love it.:lol::lol::lmao:

wow are they ever getting desperate.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

I have seen people around here get a temp ban before for using sock puppets.Unlike Agent candyass,I dont work for any government operation where I can hide my sock puppet like he does when he posts under Obamaerican.:lol:

Only a true sock denies his own sockability.

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:


1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

Actually in the late 70's and early 80's I did.... Now can you show one iota of Proof that the CIA actually trained UBL, or just freedom fighters in general? And while you are at it do some research and figure out when Al Queada was formed...Then show me how much money went to a multi millionaire who was paying his own little company of fighters...

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

You do know how stupid that is right?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

He leased them that is fact, any ties between him and anyone else is pure speculation. Now do you know who PNAC is and what the stand for? (a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle. )

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

Witnesses who heard secondary explosions, not explosives....Please learn the difference...

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

Prove it.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.

You are having a difficult time finding actual facts, I suggest you study harder...
1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

Actually in the late 70's and early 80's I did.... Now can you show one iota of Proof that the CIA actually trained UBL, or just freedom fighters in general? And while you are at it do some research and figure out when Al Queada was formed...Then show me how much money went to a multi millionaire who was paying his own little company of fighters...

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

You do know how stupid that is right?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

He leased them that is fact, any ties between him and anyone else is pure speculation. Now do you know who PNAC is and what the stand for? (a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle. )

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

Witnesses who heard secondary explosions, not explosives....Please learn the difference...

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

Prove it.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.

You are having a difficult time finding actual facts, I suggest you study harder...

See posts #352, 353 and 361.
And what caused your "secondary explosions", Ollie?

Because there is plenty of videos of FDNY heroes who saw and heard MUCH more.
Also, explain these firefighters at 4:30 of this clip. Then again at 7 minutes...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ4dVo5QgYg]EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY! / MacQueen NYFD 9/11 witnesses - YouTube[/ame]
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1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

Actually in the late 70's and early 80's I did.... Now can you show one iota of Proof that the CIA actually trained UBL, or just freedom fighters in general? And while you are at it do some research and figure out when Al Queada was formed...Then show me how much money went to a multi millionaire who was paying his own little company of fighters...

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

You do know how stupid that is right?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

He leased them that is fact, any ties between him and anyone else is pure speculation. Now do you know who PNAC is and what the stand for? (a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle. )

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

Witnesses who heard secondary explosions, not explosives....Please learn the difference...

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

Prove it.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.

You are having a difficult time finding actual facts, I suggest you study harder...

See posts #352, 353 and 361.

Gee three news reports that link UBL to the fighting in Afghanistan... We know that is true. One actually says that UBL was trained by the CIA... Isn't that the same News that reported bldg7 falling before it fell? Truth is that most CIA operatives couldn't tell you if UBL received any training or not....
Also, explain these firefighters at 4:30 of this clip.

EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY! / MacQueen NYFD 9/11 witnesses - YouTube

Just normal everyday guys, who know very little if anything about how a controlled demolition is done. There is zero evidence of explosives.......

So FDNY personnel have no experience with controlled demolition? You reach any farther you'll dislocate your shoulder... :D

And then look at the 7 minute mark, too...
1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

Actually in the late 70's and early 80's I did.... Now can you show one iota of Proof that the CIA actually trained UBL, or just freedom fighters in general? And while you are at it do some research and figure out when Al Queada was formed...Then show me how much money went to a multi millionaire who was paying his own little company of fighters...

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

You do know how stupid that is right?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

He leased them that is fact, any ties between him and anyone else is pure speculation. Now do you know who PNAC is and what the stand for? (a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle. )

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

Witnesses who heard secondary explosions, not explosives....Please learn the difference...

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

Prove it.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.

You are having a difficult time finding actual facts, I suggest you study harder...

See posts #352, 353 and 361.

Gee three news reports that link UBL to the fighting in Afghanistan... We know that is true. One actually says that UBL was trained by the CIA... Isn't that the same News that reported bldg7 falling before it fell? Truth is that most CIA operatives couldn't tell you if UBL received any training or not....

Is that ALL they said, Ollie?? Hmmmm??
I hate dishonest lying fucks...Go away.......

You make an accusation like that you better back it up, chump. You're the fucking clown that said the tape was dubbed, PROVE it.

You're the fucking clown that said FDNY personnel are not familiar with controlled demolition, even though NYC is where a LOT of CD happens.

If anyone here is a "dishonest, lying fuck", it would be you, Ollie.
Good. I'll take that to mean you are normal and really don't buy into the 9/11 "truther" BS. After all, one can't find much more dishonesty than one does amongst those "truthers," right? :D

You're a pretty smug condescending little twit ain't ya? Your steadfast belief that Big Brother never lies to the People, is naive and ignorant. Allow me to shock ya here...Big Brother lies to you 24/7 - 365. It's just what he does. So it's not surprising at all that he would lie about 9/11. In fact, just go ahead and assume he lied. Because he did.

You now have the golden op to repost anything of mine in which I say, infer or imply that "Big Brother never lies to the People." You are just being silly, Princess, and are putting words in my mouth to serve your lame argument.
I just don't buy, like some flaming loon, that "Big Brother lies to you 24/7 - 365. It's just what he does."
It certainly is possible that the official 9/11 findings are defective, skewed, incomplete, imperfect or even bogus. Those possibilities wouldn't lead a rational person to "assume" Big Bro "lied." You have formed your conclusion ("Big Brother lies to you 24/7 - 365") and are compelled to seek out that which supports your conclusion. That is irrational and self-fulfilling. :D

Nah, it's perfectly rational to understand Big Brother does lie to the People 24/7 - 365. In fact, i find it incredibly irrational, naive, and ignorant to believe otherwise.
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Also, explain these firefighters at 4:30 of this clip.

EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY! / MacQueen NYFD 9/11 witnesses - YouTube

Just normal everyday guys, who know very little if anything about how a controlled demolition is done. There is zero evidence of explosives.......

So FDNY personnel have no experience with controlled demolition? You reach any farther you'll dislocate your shoulder... :D

And then look at the 7 minute mark, too...

The tallest building that was ever taken down by controlled demolition was about 480 feet tall. Nobody knows how a tower over 1,000 feet would come down when hit by airplanes and then suffering from uncontrolled fires.

Again, how do you wire 2 buildings for controlled demolition with nobody noticing--absolutely nobody.

You can't be this pathetically stupid, can you?
Just normal everyday guys, who know very little if anything about how a controlled demolition is done. There is zero evidence of explosives.......

So FDNY personnel have no experience with controlled demolition? You reach any farther you'll dislocate your shoulder... :D

And then look at the 7 minute mark, too...

The tallest building that was ever taken down by controlled demolition was about 480 feet tall. Nobody knows how a tower over 1,000 feet would come down when hit by airplanes and then suffering from uncontrolled fires.

Again, how do you wire 2 buildings for controlled demolition with nobody noticing--absolutely nobody.

You can't be this pathetically stupid, can you?

Big Brother must have paid off every last person in the buildings to keep them silent while it was being done.

Even the victims.
You're a pretty smug condescending little twit ain't ya? Your steadfast belief that Big Brother never lies to the People, is naive and ignorant. Allow me to shock ya here...Big Brother lies to you 24/7 - 365. It's just what he does. So it's not surprising at all that he would lie about 9/11. In fact, just go ahead and assume he lied. Because he did.

You now have the golden op to repost anything of mine in which I say, infer or imply that "Big Brother never lies to the People." You are just being silly, Princess, and are putting words in my mouth to serve your lame argument.
I just don't buy, like some flaming loon, that "Big Brother lies to you 24/7 - 365. It's just what he does."
It certainly is possible that the official 9/11 findings are defective, skewed, incomplete, imperfect or even bogus. Those possibilities wouldn't lead a rational person to "assume" Big Bro "lied." You have formed your conclusion ("Big Brother lies to you 24/7 - 365") and are compelled to seek out that which supports your conclusion. That is irrational and self-fulfilling. :D

Nah, it's perfectly rational to understand Big Brother does lie to the People 24/7 - 365. In fact, i find it incredibly irrational, naive, and ignorant to believe otherwise.

Childish attitude. No wonder you believe Ron Paul was the only politician worth listening to. I also see you found nothing to support your contention that I believe "Big Brother never lies." Obviously that means you do, Princess. :D
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Just normal everyday guys, who know very little if anything about how a controlled demolition is done. There is zero evidence of explosives.......

So FDNY personnel have no experience with controlled demolition? You reach any farther you'll dislocate your shoulder... :D

And then look at the 7 minute mark, too...

The tallest building that was ever taken down by controlled demolition was about 480 feet tall. Nobody knows how a tower over 1,000 feet would come down when hit by airplanes and then suffering from uncontrolled fires.

Again, how do you wire 2 buildings for controlled demolition with nobody noticing--absolutely nobody.

You can't be this pathetically stupid, can you?

Yes, yes they can.........

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