9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Yet you believe that the government was somehow responsible? Just like you deny that the term pull a building means literally that to pull it down with cables and not explosives...Even though you have been shown a building being pulled.... I'm sorry but you are proving yourself to be just another ignorant truther who denies the real evidence and wants the government to be guilty...

What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

I believe that in the year prior to 9/11, arrangements were made to transfer ownership, security and control of the 3 buildings demolished on 9/11 to entities intricately tied to the NeoCons of PNAC within the government.

I believe that WTC 1, 2 & 7, ALL recently purchased and 'renovated' by Jay Silverstein, were in fact wired for that demolition during those 'renovations'.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information.

I also believe that the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for at least as long as the truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

IOW, until all the people that care about it are dead.

I will not waste more of your (or my) time refuting again what has already been thoroughly debunked many times ... your conclusions. Frankly, you have the right to be locked on to your theories and certainly no one will ever be able to uproot them from your mind. You are correct in your assessment that what you deem to be the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for many, many years ... at least until all those who have already provided real facts nad conclusions in the matter are dead.
Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, have a life of their own. :D

Ahh, but none of those things I listed have been 'debunked', SAYIT.

In fact, all but the 'prior knowledge' have been DOCUMENTED.

But these facts you care not to deal with, correct?
What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.
Actually UBL wasn't that big a player during those years, He may have wanted to be....

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

Got any proof?

I believe that in the year prior to 9/11, arrangements were made to transfer ownership, security and control of the 3 buildings demolished on 9/11 to entities intricately tied to the NeoCons of PNAC within the government.
More opinion?

I believe that WTC 1, 2 & 7, ALL recently purchased and 'renovated' by Jay Silverstein, were in fact wired for that demolition during those 'renovations'.

There is zero evidence of any explosives....Sorry about that.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I believe you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information

And I don't give a rats ass what you believe about me personally. I am nothing more or less than what you see. SFC, US Army Retired, who knows how to think for himself...Try it sometime. And information there may be, but I would prefer truthful, verifiable information.....
What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

I believe that in the year prior to 9/11, arrangements were made to transfer ownership, security and control of the 3 buildings demolished on 9/11 to entities intricately tied to the NeoCons of PNAC within the government.

I believe that WTC 1, 2 & 7, ALL recently purchased and 'renovated' by Jay Silverstein, were in fact wired for that demolition during those 'renovations'.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information.

I also believe that the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for at least as long as the truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

IOW, until all the people that care about it are dead.

I will not waste more of your (or my) time refuting again what has already been thoroughly debunked many times ... your conclusions. Frankly, you have the right to be locked on to your theories and certainly no one will ever be able to uproot them from your mind. You are correct in your assessment that what you deem to be the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for many, many years ... at least until all those who have already provided real facts nad conclusions in the matter are dead.
Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, have a life of their own. :D

Ahh, but none of those things I listed have been 'debunked', SAYIT.

In fact, all but the 'prior knowledge' have been DOCUMENTED.

But these facts you care not to deal with, correct?

Yeah, they have been debunked but they are facts you care not to deal with, correct? :D
What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.
Actually UBL wasn't that big a player during those years, He may have wanted to be....

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

Got any proof?

More opinion?

There is zero evidence of any explosives....Sorry about that.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I believe you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information

And I don't give a rats ass what you believe about me personally. I am nothing more or less than what you see. SFC, US Army Retired, who knows how to think for himself...Try it sometime. And information there may be, but I would prefer truthful, verifiable information.....

I thank you for your service to our country. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.
1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.

One slight correction to your post. Larry Silverstein did not buy the buildings. He signed a 99 year lease from the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey.

And he had to pay rent on them even after they collapsed.
Well, not sure we're debating the Gun-Control issue on this thread. But i'm sure you'll find many other threads on that subject. And i'm also not sure what you mean by "Ron Paul nutter." The man is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. He's anything but a "Nutter."

I'm pretty sure that is what G meant by a "Nutter" ... someone who believes Paul is the only politician worth listening to. :D

Rather watch paint dry than watch most Politicians speak. Ron Paul is the only one worth listening to. He's possibly the only Politician i'll ever trust. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Paul is out of office now.He retired since he lost.He was a true patriot.many Paul supporters have turned to Gary Johsnon now but its a waste of time.the establishment will just sabotoge his campaine and make sure he doesnt get elected just liek they did with Paul.Noting will change till the american people get off their asses and fight to take their country back.

Most all of them that deny the facts.......

You haven't presented any facts, only disputed opinions...

He never does,anytime he is challenged to debunk any,he cowardly runs off like the coward troll he is.Look here.here is the proof.


He NEVER tries to counter the facts in that short 5 minute video,he just comes back with pathetic one liners when he is cornered by it as he proved.

Trust me,your just wasting your time arguing with him.
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I will not waste more of your (or my) time refuting again what has already been thoroughly debunked many times ... your conclusions. Frankly, you have the right to be locked on to your theories and certainly no one will ever be able to uproot them from your mind. You are correct in your assessment that what you deem to be the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for many, many years ... at least until all those who have already provided real facts nad conclusions in the matter are dead.
Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, have a life of their own. :D

Ahh, but none of those things I listed have been 'debunked', SAYIT.

In fact, all but the 'prior knowledge' have been DOCUMENTED.

But these facts you care not to deal with, correct?

Yeah, they have been debunked but they are facts you care not to deal with, correct? :D

Debunked? Hardly! :D

Al Qaeda and the CIA

BBC news article:
"...Bin Laden left Saudi Arabia in 1979 to fight
against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The
Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars
and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi
Arabia and Pakistan. He received security
training from the CIA itself."

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Who is Osama Bin Laden?

Forbes business information service article:
"...[Osama bin Laden] received military and
financial assistance from the intelligence services
of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United States."

Who Is Osama Bin Laden? - Forbes.com

ABC News article:
"In the 1980s, bin Laden left his comfortable
Saudi home for Afghanistan to participate in the
Afghan jihad, or holy war, against the invading
forces of the Soviet Union - a cause that,
ironically, the United States funded, pouring
$3 billion into the Afghan resistance via the CIA."


Larry Silverstein and the WTC

Larry Silverstein and his partner Frank Lowy acquired a 99-year lease on the entire World Trade Center complex just weeks before the 9/11/01 attack. The deal was negotiated by Lewis Eisenberg, the former chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Eisenberg was recently appointed chairman of the Republican National Committee. Eisenberg had resigned from Goldman Sachs in the 1980s after his secretary accused him of sexually harassing her. When New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman appointed Eisenberg chairman of the Port Authority, in February of 1996, Forbes Magazine wrote that it was "a strange political appointment, considering the part he played in the sex scandal that rocked Goldman and the financial community in the late 1980s."

Silverstein had built Seven World Trade Center in 1987 on property leased from the Port Authority, but the six-building World Trade Center complex remained under public control until Silverstein and Lowy obtained the 99-year lease on July 26, 2001. The new deal left Silverstein in control of 10.6 million square feet of WTC office space, and gave Lowy control of the 427,000-square-foot retail mall in the WTC basement.

Here's some more info on the insurance payout and various other things...
Larry “Lucky Larry” Silverstein - informationliberation
The insurance company, Swiss Re, paid Mr. Silverstein $4.6 Billion — a princely return on a relatively paltry investment of $124 million.
1. You know what OBL's status was in Al Qaeda over the 2 decades between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11? You should work for the NSA, Ollie.

2. Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

3. Larry Silverstein bought all 3 buildings less than a year prior to 9/11. That is a FACT, not 'opinion'. The ties between him, the security firm and the PNAC powers were documented in the video that started this thread. I'm not surprised you ignored it.

4. Zero evidence of explosions? Witnesses and reporters =/= 'zero evidence', Ollie.

5. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, your silly dodge about cables notwithstanding.

6. I don't give a fuck either, sport. Spout whatever horseshit you want to, it doesn't change the FACTS.

One slight correction to your post. Larry Silverstein did not buy the buildings. He signed a 99 year lease from the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey.

And he had to pay rent on them even after they collapsed.

You are correct, and he paid that rent out of the $4+ BILLION his insurance paid out on his $124 million downstroke...
Most all of them that deny the facts.......

You haven't presented any facts, only disputed opinions...

He never does,anytime he is challenged to debunk any,he cowardly runs off like the coward troll he is.Look here.here is the proof.


He NEVER tries to counte the facts in that short 5 minute video,he just comes back with pathetic one liners when he is cornered by it as he proved.

Trust me,your just wasting your time arguing with him.

But I'm not arguing, just having a little discussion...
I need to rethink MY positions?
Based on someone else's opinion?
Sorry, but I don't do 'dishonesty'.

Good. I'll take that to mean you are normal and really don't buy into the 9/11 "truther" BS. After all, one can't find much more dishonesty than one does amongst those "truthers," right? :D

You're a pretty smug condescending little twit ain't ya? Your steadfast belief that Big Brother never lies to the People, is naive and ignorant. Allow me to shock ya here...Big Brother lies to you 24/7 - 365. It's just what he does. So it's not surprising at all that he would lie about 9/11. In fact, just go ahead and assume he lied. Because he did.

NOBODY here should waste their time with this troll.He defends ANY government version of events no matter how absurd and full of lies they have been proven to be.whether it be 9/11,the jfk assassination,the lincoln assassination,ron paul being the only candidate for the people,anything that doesnt kiss up to the government he ignores.this troll worships the government to no end and here at this site,only to do just that,troll these boards.
You haven't presented any facts, only disputed opinions...

He never does,anytime he is challenged to debunk any,he cowardly runs off like the coward troll he is.Look here.here is the proof.


He NEVER tries to counte the facts in that short 5 minute video,he just comes back with pathetic one liners when he is cornered by it as he proved.

Trust me,your just wasting your time arguing with him.

But I'm not arguing, just having a little discussion...
well discussing anything with this troll gets you nowhere.He isnt worth it.Like I said,he worships the government to no end and thinks they can do no wrong and they are out there looking out for him and they are not corrupt at all.He defends ANY kind of government corruption no matter how absurd it is.You might as well be talking with a brick wall.
I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

Quote=SFC Ollie
Got any proof?

Nope. Got any proof they didn't?

I see. So since there's no proof that the CIA didn't know about the plot to attack the Trade Center on 9/11, you assume they must have.
Interesting thought process (yet so typical of conspiract theorists).
I have no proof that the CIA didn't know about Japan's devastating Tsunami. Does that mean the CIA also allowed that to happen? :D
Doesn't change my position in the least. Where have I EVER said that Al Quaida didn't hijack planes and fly them into the towers?

Yet you believe that the government was somehow responsible? Just like you deny that the term pull a building means literally that to pull it down with cables and not explosives...Even though you have been shown a building being pulled.... I'm sorry but you are proving yourself to be just another ignorant truther who denies the real evidence and wants the government to be guilty...

What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

I believe that in the year prior to 9/11, arrangements were made to transfer ownership, security and control of the 3 buildings demolished on 9/11 to entities intricately tied to the NeoCons of PNAC within the government.

I believe that WTC 1, 2 & 7, ALL recently purchased and 'renovated' by Jay Silverstein, were in fact wired for that demolition during those 'renovations'.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information.

I also believe that the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for at least as long as the truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

IOW, until all the people that care about it are dead.

thats what I been saying forever.9/11 is like the kennedy assassination,done and over with.9/11 is just a smokescreen to keep posters occupied talking to the paid shills that have penetrated this site and other boards.they want you to discuss and argue about it while they plot more sinister things against us.thats why they send these paid trolls here so they get peoples attention away from those events and keep them occupied arguing about 9/11.same with the obama birth certificate.they want people to discuss and argue these events and waste their time on it while they plot more sinister events agaisnt us.
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Not you. wildcard.

Ah. I missed that also. I thought you were referring to the relatively thoughtful Guy and raging loon, 9/11. :D

With almost 6,000 posts, the vast majority of which are in the 'Politics' forum, I can assure you I am no sock... :D

Now that is some funny shit that Moron In The Hat has come up with that Wildcard is a sock of mine.:lol::lol: First agents Moron In the Hat and Candyass say Paulitican is my sock puppet and NOW the latest,that Wildcard is.I love it.:lol::lol::lmao:

wow are they ever getting desperate.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

I have seen people around here get a temp ban before for using sock puppets.Unlike Agent candyass,I dont work for any government operation where I can hide my sock puppet like he does when he posts under Obamaerican.:lol:
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Ahh, but none of those things I listed have been 'debunked', SAYIT.

In fact, all but the 'prior knowledge' have been DOCUMENTED.

But these facts you care not to deal with, correct?

Yeah, they have been debunked but they are facts you care not to deal with, correct? :D

Debunked? Hardly! :D

Al Qaeda and the CIA

BBC news article:
"...Bin Laden left Saudi Arabia in 1979 to fight
against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The
Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars
and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi
Arabia and Pakistan. He received security
training from the CIA itself."

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Who is Osama Bin Laden?

Forbes business information service article:
"...[Osama bin Laden] received military and
financial assistance from the intelligence services
of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United States."

Who Is Osama Bin Laden? - Forbes.com

ABC News article:
"In the 1980s, bin Laden left his comfortable
Saudi home for Afghanistan to participate in the
Afghan jihad, or holy war, against the invading
forces of the Soviet Union - a cause that,
ironically, the United States funded, pouring
$3 billion into the Afghan resistance via the CIA."


Larry Silverstein and the WTC

Larry Silverstein and his partner Frank Lowy acquired a 99-year lease on the entire World Trade Center complex just weeks before the 9/11/01 attack. The deal was negotiated by Lewis Eisenberg, the former chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Eisenberg was recently appointed chairman of the Republican National Committee. Eisenberg had resigned from Goldman Sachs in the 1980s after his secretary accused him of sexually harassing her. When New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman appointed Eisenberg chairman of the Port Authority, in February of 1996, Forbes Magazine wrote that it was "a strange political appointment, considering the part he played in the sex scandal that rocked Goldman and the financial community in the late 1980s."

Silverstein had built Seven World Trade Center in 1987 on property leased from the Port Authority, but the six-building World Trade Center complex remained under public control until Silverstein and Lowy obtained the 99-year lease on July 26, 2001. The new deal left Silverstein in control of 10.6 million square feet of WTC office space, and gave Lowy control of the 427,000-square-foot retail mall in the WTC basement.

Here's some more info on the insurance payout and various other things...
Larry “Lucky Larry” Silverstein - informationliberation
The insurance company, Swiss Re, paid Mr. Silverstein $4.6 Billion — a princely return on a relatively paltry investment of $124 million.

There SAYIT's lies as always.what hypocrisy.The facts prove it was an inside job but those are facts HE cant deal with.:lol::lol::lol:

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