9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Can someone please explain
if the US govt or Israel operatives were behind the 9/11 attacks:

Then why didn't all the enemies of the US
JUMP on this opportunity to
come out in droves to expose the Jews and Zionists for this?

Wouldn't all the wealthy Terrorist supporters
have funded tons of research and media campaigns
EXPOSING all this conspiracy blamed on the wrong people???

Why instead would terrorists claim credit
instead of fomenting complete division and downfall of the US govt?

You would require these conspiracy theorists to think and act rationally and logically. :D
You couldn't find your own ass with both hands and a map.

Some day, if you ever have any proof that will stand up in court, we might take you seriously.......

I must admit ... I'd have a difficult time taking these conspiracy nuts seriously under any circumstances. They're just too fruity and waaaay too self-serving. :D

:thup: Cheers. lifts up glass.:cool: Hey check it out,someone else joined us that isnt an agent troll or a frady cat Bush dupe in denial like whitehall,Guy.:cool::rock::dance:

Guy is another one who actually knows what he is talking about as well.

Woo! You really are quite the freak show, Princess. Entertaining but terminally stupid. :D

:thup: Cheers. lifts up glass.:cool: Hey check it out,someone else joined us that isnt an agent troll or a frady cat Bush dupe in denial like whitehall,Guy.:cool::rock::dance:

Guy is another one who actually knows what he is talking about as well.

Woo! You really are quite the freak show, Princess. Entertaining but terminally stupid. :D
you'll find if you haven't already, that hand job never really has anything to say.
Whitehall, take the 40 minutes to watch the video in the OP, you won't sound nearly as uninformed afterwards...

excellent post Guy but trust me,your wasting your breath,whitehall troll when he is confronted with these kinds of facts in videos,he runs off EVERYTIME and never takes you up on the challenge to watch a video.:D

It's denial. It's very hard for people who have spent their entire lives believing in the 'goodness of government' to wrap their minds around the idea that this kind of thing could happen here in the good old US of A. Unfortunately, these are the people the conspirators count on the most.
Lighten up, Chicken Little. The sky isn't really falling. Attributing to those who do not agree with your theories some unquestioning belief in what you call the "goodness of government" is simply self-serving pap. It is possible to both reasonably question the actions, motives and agenda of our gov't and doubt the "Big Bro lies 24/7, 365" stance of many if not most Conspiracy Theory loons. It even has a name: R-a-t-i-o-n-a-l-i-t-y. :D
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:thup: Cheers. lifts up glass.:cool: Hey check it out,someone else joined us that isnt an agent troll or a frady cat Bush dupe in denial like whitehall,Guy.:cool::rock::dance:

Guy is another one who actually knows what he is talking about as well.

Woo! You really are quite the freak show, Princess. Entertaining but terminally stupid. :D
you'll find if you haven't already, that hand job never really has anything to say.

Indeed I have but he does so with such blistering bluster.
I must admit I find the study of conspiracy theorists far more interesting than their theories.
Self-imposed Twilight Zoners.
excellent post Guy but trust me,your wasting your breath,whitehall troll when he is confronted with these kinds of facts in videos,he runs off EVERYTIME and never takes you up on the challenge to watch a video.:D

It's denial. It's very hard for people who have spent their entire lives believing in the 'goodness of government' to wrap their minds around the idea that this kind of thing could happen here in the good old US of A. Unfortunately, these are the people the conspirators count on the most.
Lighten up, Chicken Little. The sky isn't really falling. Attributing to those who do not agree with your theories some unquestioning belief in what you call the "goodness of government" is simply self-serving pap. It is possible to both reasonably question the actions, motives and agenda of our gov't and doubt the "Big Bro lies 24/7, 365" stance of many if not most Conspiracy Theory loons. It even has a name: R-a-t-i-o-n-a-l-i-t-y. :D

For someone who spouts 'rationality', you certainly don't exhibit much. Unless you consider name-calling someone you've not bothered to dialog with 'rational'...

Doesn't change my position in the least. Where have I EVER said that Al Quaida didn't hijack planes and fly them into the towers?

Yet you believe that the government was somehow responsible? Just like you deny that the term pull a building means literally that to pull it down with cables and not explosives...Even though you have been shown a building being pulled.... I'm sorry but you are proving yourself to be just another ignorant truther who denies the real evidence and wants the government to be guilty...
It's denial. It's very hard for people who have spent their entire lives believing in the 'goodness of government' to wrap their minds around the idea that this kind of thing could happen here in the good old US of A. Unfortunately, these are the people the conspirators count on the most.

For someone who spouts 'rationality', you certainly don't exhibit much. Unless you consider name-calling someone you've not bothered to dialog with 'rational'...

You are absolutely right ... I do not nor have I ever suffered fools well and I do quickly move from the respect I give everyone at the start to disdain once they expose themselves. You seem more intelligent than the average theorist (certainly more so than Mr. 9/11 himself) so tell me if you would, what is your bottom line? Who perpetrated the 9/11 disaster and why? :D

:thup: Cheers. lifts up glass.:cool: Hey check it out,someone else joined us that isnt an agent troll or a frady cat Bush dupe in denial like whitehall,Guy.:cool::rock::dance:

Guy is another one who actually knows what he is talking about as well.

Woo! You really are quite the freak show, Princess. Entertaining but terminally stupid. :D

It's widely believed that the poster he's cheering is his sock account. :eusa_shhh:

Doesn't change my position in the least. Where have I EVER said that Al Quaida didn't hijack planes and fly them into the towers?

Yet you believe that the government was somehow responsible? Just like you deny that the term pull a building means literally that to pull it down with cables and not explosives...Even though you have been shown a building being pulled.... I'm sorry but you are proving yourself to be just another ignorant truther who denies the real evidence and wants the government to be guilty...

These "truthers" seem to have a need to find the gov't to be guilty or, as Paulitician (spel?) insists "Big Brother lies to you 24/7 - 365. It's just what he does." :D
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Doesn't change my position in the least. Where have I EVER said that Al Quaida didn't hijack planes and fly them into the towers?

Yet you believe that the government was somehow responsible? Just like you deny that the term pull a building means literally that to pull it down with cables and not explosives...Even though you have been shown a building being pulled.... I'm sorry but you are proving yourself to be just another ignorant truther who denies the real evidence and wants the government to be guilty...

What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

I believe that in the year prior to 9/11, arrangements were made to transfer ownership, security and control of the 3 buildings demolished on 9/11 to entities intricately tied to the NeoCons of PNAC within the government.

I believe that WTC 1, 2 & 7, ALL recently purchased and 'renovated' by Jay Silverstein, were in fact wired for that demolition during those 'renovations'.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information.

I also believe that the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for at least as long as the truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

IOW, until all the people that care about it are dead.
Doesn't change my position in the least. Where have I EVER said that Al Quaida didn't hijack planes and fly them into the towers?

Yet you believe that the government was somehow responsible? Just like you deny that the term pull a building means literally that to pull it down with cables and not explosives...Even though you have been shown a building being pulled.... I'm sorry but you are proving yourself to be just another ignorant truther who denies the real evidence and wants the government to be guilty...

What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

I believe that in the year prior to 9/11, arrangements were made to transfer ownership, security and control of the 3 buildings demolished on 9/11 to entities intricately tied to the NeoCons of PNAC within the government.

I believe that WTC 1, 2 & 7, ALL recently purchased and 'renovated' by Jay Silverstein, were in fact wired for that demolition during those 'renovations'.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information.

I also believe that the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for at least as long as the truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

IOW, until all the people that care about it are dead.

Who the hell is Jay Silverstein? :dunno:
Doesn't change my position in the least. Where have I EVER said that Al Quaida didn't hijack planes and fly them into the towers?

Yet you believe that the government was somehow responsible? Just like you deny that the term pull a building means literally that to pull it down with cables and not explosives...Even though you have been shown a building being pulled.... I'm sorry but you are proving yourself to be just another ignorant truther who denies the real evidence and wants the government to be guilty...

What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

I believe that in the year prior to 9/11, arrangements were made to transfer ownership, security and control of the 3 buildings demolished on 9/11 to entities intricately tied to the NeoCons of PNAC within the government.

I believe that WTC 1, 2 & 7, ALL recently purchased and 'renovated' by Jay Silverstein, were in fact wired for that demolition during those 'renovations'.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information.

I also believe that the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for at least as long as the truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

IOW, until all the people that care about it are dead.

I thank you for your honest and detailed description of your opinions.
I will not waste more of your (or my) time refuting again what has already been thoroughly debunked many times ... your conclusions. Frankly, you have the right to be locked on to your theories and certainly no one will ever be able to uproot them from your mind. You are correct in your assessment that what you deem to be the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for many, many years ... at least until all those who have already provided real facts and conclusions in the matter are dead.
Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, have a life of their own. :D
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:thup: Cheers. lifts up glass.:cool: Hey check it out,someone else joined us that isnt an agent troll or a frady cat Bush dupe in denial like whitehall,Guy.:cool::rock::dance:

Guy is another one who actually knows what he is talking about as well.

Woo! You really are quite the freak show, Princess. Entertaining but terminally stupid. :D

It's widely believed that the poster he's cheering is his sock account. :eusa_shhh:

If so he has the capacity to switch from a relatively thoughtful sounding dude to a raging idiot. Quite a talent, I'd say. :D

:thup: Cheers. lifts up glass.:cool: Hey check it out,someone else joined us that isnt an agent troll or a frady cat Bush dupe in denial like whitehall,Guy.:cool::rock::dance:

Guy is another one who actually knows what he is talking about as well.

Woo! You really are quite the freak show, Princess. Entertaining but terminally stupid. :D

It's widely believed that the poster he's cheering is his sock account. :eusa_shhh:

I certainly hope you're not trying to assert that I am anyone's 'sock', Rat. That would be absurd.
Yet you believe that the government was somehow responsible? Just like you deny that the term pull a building means literally that to pull it down with cables and not explosives...Even though you have been shown a building being pulled.... I'm sorry but you are proving yourself to be just another ignorant truther who denies the real evidence and wants the government to be guilty...

What I believe, Ollie, is that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were started and operated by the CIA, and that relationship hasn't changed since they first went to Afghanistan to fight the 'Rooskies'.

I believe that the plot to attack the Trade Centers was known to the CIA, and that for the purpose of America's 'Reichstag Fire', it was allowed to happen.

I believe that in the year prior to 9/11, arrangements were made to transfer ownership, security and control of the 3 buildings demolished on 9/11 to entities intricately tied to the NeoCons of PNAC within the government.

I believe that WTC 1, 2 & 7, ALL recently purchased and 'renovated' by Jay Silverstein, were in fact wired for that demolition during those 'renovations'.

I believe that the term 'pull' in demolition circles means to destroy a building by controlled demolition. I believe that term has been in common use in that industry for DECADES prior to 9/11, and it has NOTHING to do with pulleys and cables. I was present in Las Vegas for MANY of the old casino's demolition, the term was frequently used at the time, and no cables or pulleys were used.

I don't know what I believe about you personally. I'm torn between 'dupe' and 'agent of disinformation'. I lean towards the latter, based on your diehard stick-to-it-iveness in the face of so much contrary information.

I also believe that the truth of 9/11 will remain officially hidden for at least as long as the truth about the Kennedy Assassination.

IOW, until all the people that care about it are dead.

Who the hell is Jay Silverstein? :dunno:

Sorry, I meant LARRY...
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