9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

It wasn't presented as "proof that 911 was an inside job", daws. Are you having trouble following the thread today?
then why was it presented at all? since it does not support the allegations in this thread....or do just love to hear yourself type?

If you're not capable of reading the last 2 pages of this thread without adult supervision and help, maybe you should go back to your sandbox...
ahww how cute...
but it's not an answer!
it's the same conspiracy shit you ass hats have been pulling out of your collective ass since Kennedy.
we all know the govenment lies ...that does not prove "they" lied about 911.
so until you have actual evidence corroborating your myth...
it's just that. a myth.
I believe it was presented as proof that the government lies to us.....

Guess what, True story, I once had a mission that took me to Groom lake..... You know what I saw while i was there? Neither do I..... (The second part was the government lying to you.......)
then why was it presented at all? since it does not support the allegations in this thread....or do just love to hear yourself type?

If you're not capable of reading the last 2 pages of this thread without adult supervision and help, maybe you should go back to your sandbox...
ahww how cute...
but it's not an answer!
it's the same conspiracy shit you ass hats have been pulling out of your collective ass since Kennedy.
we all know the govenment lies ...that does not prove "they" lied about 911.
so until you have actual evidence corroborating your myth...
it's just that. a myth.

This from the asshat who thinks that tons of steel turns to noodles at low temps, and that airplanes can disintegrate into the Pentagon, but human DNA is seemingly indestructible.
Yeah you know you've been lied to by "them" but it doesn't matter to you.
Most Americans have become completely numb to Big Brother's lying. Most not only expect to be lied to, but also actually defend the lying. It's kind of like that 'Stockholm Syndrome.' Most Americans now sympathize and cooperate with their Big Brother captor. They hate and attempt to marginalize those who tell them truth, while worshipping and defending those who routinely lie to them. Americans have become very confused. But i know it's not all their fault. It's the many many years of State Propaganda. It's all most know. More Americans just need to stand up and start demanding truth. They need to stop just accepting being lied to. I hope that happens one day. But i have to admit, i'm not all that optimistic.

Another useless and illogical argument from a Ron Paul nutter! I will point out I am against the assault weapons ban, so I am right of center on this issue. However, if you are going to make a argument against gun control make a good one.

Guns are made for one purpose - that is to harm or kill the target you are shooting at. Their main purpose is to end life (whether it be a human or animal)! Yes many times it's in self-defense and of course they can be for recreational purposes like ski shooting or target practice. But the main purpose remains the same. Train, planes or automobiles are not made to kill people. There primary purpose is transportation, and quicker transportation then previous methods. To use these argument that all these modes of transportation either directly or indirectly cause death and we don't ban them as your argument against gun control is hopelessly weak at best!

Stick to better arguments!

Another useless and illogical argument from a Ron Paul nutter! I will point out I am against the assault weapons ban, so I am right of center on this issue. However, if you are going to make a argument against gun control make a good one.

Guns are made for one purpose - that is to harm or kill the target you are shooting at. Their main purpose is to end life (whether it be a human or animal)! Yes many times it's in self-defense and of course they can be for recreational purposes like ski shooting or target practice. But the main purpose remains the same. Train, planes or automobiles are not made to kill people. There primary purpose is transportation, and quicker transportation then previous methods. To use these argument that all these modes of transportation either directly or indirectly cause death and we don't ban them as your argument against gun control is hopelessly weak at best!

Stick to better arguments!

Well, not sure we're debating the Gun-Control issue on this thread. But i'm sure you'll find many other threads on that subject. And i'm also not sure what you mean by "Ron Paul nutter." The man is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. He's anything but a "Nutter."

Another useless and illogical argument from a Ron Paul nutter! I will point out I am against the assault weapons ban, so I am right of center on this issue. However, if you are going to make a argument against gun control make a good one.

Guns are made for one purpose - that is to harm or kill the target you are shooting at. Their main purpose is to end life (whether it be a human or animal)! Yes many times it's in self-defense and of course they can be for recreational purposes like ski shooting or target practice. But the main purpose remains the same. Train, planes or automobiles are not made to kill people. There primary purpose is transportation, and quicker transportation then previous methods. To use these argument that all these modes of transportation either directly or indirectly cause death and we don't ban them as your argument against gun control is hopelessly weak at best!

Stick to better arguments!

Well, not sure we're debating the Gun-Control issue on this thread. But i'm sure you'll find many other threads on that subject. And i'm also not sure what you mean by "Ron Paul nutter." The man is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. He's anything but a "Nutter."

That Ghook troll for you.He obviously has been brainwashed by these paid agent trolls Dawgshit and Moron In The Hat-the kid that has an obsession with me and will post IMMEDIATELY within minutes after I make this post.Ghook troll has never even listened to him obviously otherwise he would know he is the only one that belives in the constitution which is why troll agent Moron In The hat used to try and slander him all the time.thats what his handlers paid him to do.

l paul was the only one who got any kind of screentime that was worthing listening to thats for sure.he was a true patriot while he was in office.I would like to put my support behind gary Johnson for the next election because he has similair views to Paul but they will just do the same thing to him they did to Paul,sabotoge his strategy and his campaine.They always make sure the puppet they want in office always gets elected.Like Bush and Clinton before him.the elite were pleased with the atrocities that Obama committed against the american people so they made sure he got reelected like I knew they would.
It wasn't presented as "proof that 911 was an inside job", daws. Are you having trouble following the thread today?
then why was it presented at all? since it does not support the allegations in this thread....or do just love to hear yourself type?

If you're not capable of reading the last 2 pages of this thread without adult supervision and help, maybe you should go back to your sandbox...


thats Dawgshit for ya.:lol::D
Gee I wonder what Ron Paul thinks of your nutcase theories?

He thinks it was Bin Laden & Al-Qaeda.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmezmNrr_0o]Ron Paul booed for telling 9/11 truth. CIA and Military agree with him, that isn't good enough? - YouTube[/ame]

Bet they won't like this YouTubeey.
Another useless and illogical argument from a Ron Paul nutter! I will point out I am against the assault weapons ban, so I am right of center on this issue. However, if you are going to make a argument against gun control make a good one.

Guns are made for one purpose - that is to harm or kill the target you are shooting at. Their main purpose is to end life (whether it be a human or animal)! Yes many times it's in self-defense and of course they can be for recreational purposes like ski shooting or target practice. But the main purpose remains the same. Train, planes or automobiles are not made to kill people. There primary purpose is transportation, and quicker transportation then previous methods. To use these argument that all these modes of transportation either directly or indirectly cause death and we don't ban them as your argument against gun control is hopelessly weak at best!

Stick to better arguments!

Well, not sure we're debating the Gun-Control issue on this thread. But i'm sure you'll find many other threads on that subject. And i'm also not sure what you mean by "Ron Paul nutter." The man is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. He's anything but a "Nutter."

That Ghook troll for you.He obviously has been brainwashed by these paid agent trolls Dawgshit and Moron In The Hat-the kid that has an obsession with me and will post IMMEDIATELY within minutes after I make this post.Ghook troll has never even listened to him obviously otherwise he would know he is the only one that belives in the constitution which is why troll agent Moron In The hat used to try and slander him all the time.thats what his handlers paid him to do.

Woo. What a one-trick pony. Maybe you should learn a new trick, Flicka. You sound like a broken record. :D
It was his supporters that probably cost him many many votes....

Agreed, and I think Paul knows it and knows he can't do anything about it. Kinda like Pat Buchanan's prob. Their peeps tend to be ideologically fervent which is just a polite way of saying weird. :D
Your original contention was that it was never considered. THAT is a lie. It came from the JCS and was presented to SecDef.

Bet your ASS it was 'considered'...
so what! it's no proof that 911 was an inside job.......you can always dream....

It wasn't presented as "proof that 911 was an inside job", daws. Are you having trouble following the thread today?

I gotta tell ya, Guy, you seem pretty normal but you have a 9/11 troll following you around lickin' your balls. Now I know that can be entertaining but is it really who you wanna be? I mean, if I had him between my legs I'd rethink my positions. Just sayin'. :D

Another useless and illogical argument from a Ron Paul nutter! I will point out I am against the assault weapons ban, so I am right of center on this issue. However, if you are going to make a argument against gun control make a good one.

Guns are made for one purpose - that is to harm or kill the target you are shooting at. Their main purpose is to end life (whether it be a human or animal)! Yes many times it's in self-defense and of course they can be for recreational purposes like ski shooting or target practice. But the main purpose remains the same. Train, planes or automobiles are not made to kill people. There primary purpose is transportation, and quicker transportation then previous methods. To use these argument that all these modes of transportation either directly or indirectly cause death and we don't ban them as your argument against gun control is hopelessly weak at best!

Stick to better arguments!

Well, not sure we're debating the Gun-Control issue on this thread. But i'm sure you'll find many other threads on that subject. And i'm also not sure what you mean by "Ron Paul nutter." The man is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. He's anything but a "Nutter."

I'm pretty sure that is what G meant by a "Nutter" ... someone who believes Paul is the only politician worth listening to. :D
so what! it's no proof that 911 was an inside job.......you can always dream....

It wasn't presented as "proof that 911 was an inside job", daws. Are you having trouble following the thread today?

I gotta tell ya, Guy, you seem pretty normal but you have a 9/11 troll following you around lickin' your balls. Now I know that can be entertaining but is it really who you wanna be? I mean, if I had him between my legs I'd rethink my positions. Just sayin'. :D

I need to rethink MY positions?

Based on someone else's opinion?

Sorry, but I don't do 'dishonesty'.
It wasn't presented as "proof that 911 was an inside job", daws. Are you having trouble following the thread today?

I gotta tell ya, Guy, you seem pretty normal but you have a 9/11 troll following you around lickin' your balls. Now I know that can be entertaining but is it really who you wanna be? I mean, if I had him between my legs I'd rethink my positions. Just sayin'. :D

I need to rethink MY positions?

Based on someone else's opinion?

Sorry, but I don't do 'dishonesty'.

Sorry, but yes you do........
I gotta tell ya, Guy, you seem pretty normal but you have a 9/11 troll following you around lickin' your balls. Now I know that can be entertaining but is it really who you wanna be? I mean, if I had him between my legs I'd rethink my positions. Just sayin'. :D

I need to rethink MY positions?

Based on someone else's opinion?

Sorry, but I don't do 'dishonesty'.

Sorry, but yes you do........

Another useless and illogical argument from a Ron Paul nutter! I will point out I am against the assault weapons ban, so I am right of center on this issue. However, if you are going to make a argument against gun control make a good one.

Guns are made for one purpose - that is to harm or kill the target you are shooting at. Their main purpose is to end life (whether it be a human or animal)! Yes many times it's in self-defense and of course they can be for recreational purposes like ski shooting or target practice. But the main purpose remains the same. Train, planes or automobiles are not made to kill people. There primary purpose is transportation, and quicker transportation then previous methods. To use these argument that all these modes of transportation either directly or indirectly cause death and we don't ban them as your argument against gun control is hopelessly weak at best!

Stick to better arguments!

Well, not sure we're debating the Gun-Control issue on this thread. But i'm sure you'll find many other threads on that subject. And i'm also not sure what you mean by "Ron Paul nutter." The man is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. He's anything but a "Nutter."

I'm pretty sure that is what G meant by a "Nutter" ... someone who believes Paul is the only politician worth listening to. :D

Rather watch paint dry than watch most Politicians speak. Ron Paul is the only one worth listening to. He's possibly the only Politician i'll ever trust. But hey, that's just my opinion.

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