9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

I don't know why the Truthers here are prattling on and on about thermite, explosives and metal expansion when their main leader said it was a directed energy beam from space.

Star Wars Energy Weapons 1

This is what Dickie the G wants exposed in a new investigation whenever he gets off his well fed ass and trundles "The Petition" down to Washington D.C.
Maybe who ever said that never saw the stupid TV show.... I didn't.... Of course i watch very little TV.....

You ever hear of 'Operation Northwoods'?
yes ...it has no relationship to or bearing on what happened on 9/11...
it's the classic twoofer toss it at the wall and see if it sticks ploy...

Actually, it has a significant relationship, because it proves the point that our military has dreamed up all kinds of scenarios to run psy-ops on the American people.

To deny that is to deny you need oxygen to live.
Maybe who ever said that never saw the stupid TV show.... I didn't.... Of course i watch very little TV.....

You ever hear of 'Operation Northwoods'?

You mean the plan that is in the drawer right next to the one that calls on an invasion of Canada? Yeah we have lots of military operational plans that were never used or even considered.....
Maybe who ever said that never saw the stupid TV show.... I didn't.... Of course i watch very little TV.....

You ever hear of 'Operation Northwoods'?

You mean the plan that is in the drawer right next to the one that calls on an invasion of Canada? Yeah we have lots of military operational plans that were never used or even considered.....

THAT is a bald-faced lie, Ollie.

Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962
In his new exposé of the National Security Agency entitled Body of Secrets, author James Bamford highlights a set of proposals on Cuba by the Joint Chiefs of Staff codenamed OPERATION NORTHWOODS. This document, titled “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba” was provided by the JCS to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962, as the key component of Northwoods. Written in response to a request from the Chief of the Cuba Project, Col. Edward Lansdale, the Top Secret memorandum describes U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba. These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the assassinations of Cubans living in the United States, developing a fake “Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,” including “sink[ing] a boatload of Cuban refugees (real or simulated),” faking a Cuban airforce attack on a civilian jetliner, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident by blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on Cuban sabotage. Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government.”

The .pdf is at the link, it's obvious that you're unfamiliar with it.
Proposed....never acted upon......Just like the week I spent on Green Ramp waiting to load up to go after Idi Amin Dada...........The plans were presented and we were ready to go, but never got the green light....And that's only one such operation I knew about that never blossomed...

Northwoods never even made it that far.........
Proposed....never acted upon......Just like the week I spent on Green Ramp waiting to load up to go after Idi Amin Dada...........The plans were presented and we were ready to go, but never got the green light....And that's only one such operation I knew about that never blossomed...

Northwoods never even made it that far.........

Your original contention was that it was never considered. THAT is a lie. It came from the JCS and was presented to SecDef.

Bet your ASS it was 'considered'...
Proposed....never acted upon......Just like the week I spent on Green Ramp waiting to load up to go after Idi Amin Dada...........The plans were presented and we were ready to go, but never got the green light....And that's only one such operation I knew about that never blossomed...

Northwoods never even made it that far.........

Your original contention was that it was never considered. THAT is a lie. It came from the JCS and was presented to SecDef.

Bet your ASS it was 'considered'...
so what! it's no proof that 911 was an inside job.......you can always dream....
Proposed....never acted upon......Just like the week I spent on Green Ramp waiting to load up to go after Idi Amin Dada...........The plans were presented and we were ready to go, but never got the green light....And that's only one such operation I knew about that never blossomed...

Northwoods never even made it that far.........

Your original contention was that it was never considered. THAT is a lie. It came from the JCS and was presented to SecDef.

Bet your ASS it was 'considered'...
so what! it's no proof that 911 was an inside job.......you can always dream....

He'll find a YouTubey that says it's proof any minute now.
You ever hear of 'Operation Northwoods'?

You mean the plan that is in the drawer right next to the one that calls on an invasion of Canada? Yeah we have lots of military operational plans that were never used or even considered.....

THAT is a bald-faced lie, Ollie.

Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962
In his new exposé of the National Security Agency entitled Body of Secrets, author James Bamford highlights a set of proposals on Cuba by the Joint Chiefs of Staff codenamed OPERATION NORTHWOODS. This document, titled “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba” was provided by the JCS to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962, as the key component of Northwoods. Written in response to a request from the Chief of the Cuba Project, Col. Edward Lansdale, the Top Secret memorandum describes U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba. These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the assassinations of Cubans living in the United States, developing a fake “Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,” including “sink[ing] a boatload of Cuban refugees (real or simulated),” faking a Cuban airforce attack on a civilian jetliner, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident by blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on Cuban sabotage. Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government.”

The .pdf is at the link, it's obvious that you're unfamiliar with it.

the trolls always dodge that.they always make up the funniest shit like its a fake document and crap like that.:D:lol::lol::lol:
anyways,great video here.have fun watching these paid trolls say this was just a coincidence.:lol:

For those who STILL don't believe that 9 11 was an inside job - YouTube

Yep, that does it right there a fictional TV show proves all your weird dreams.....

Actually, what it proves is that we were lied to when we were told "Nobody ever conceived of the idea of terrorists flying planes into the Trade Center."

exactly.condi rice goes and lied and said they could never have imiagined that.funny how somehow this network could imiagine that but these allegedly incompetent neocons in the Bush administration and the military were just a bunch of dumb clowns who were incompetent who could never envision something like that.yeah right.:lol::lol::D:cuckoo: and that was the explanation of the governments how they pulled it off was they were just incompetent.

yeah they were so imcompetent that nobody in the administration or the military got fired for their incompetence.they sure lose their credibility around here.these people in the military even got PROMOTED for their incompetence. they sure get paid well for their ass beatings they alwats come back for all the time.:lol: all the people in congress who brought up that point that they should have been fired for their alleged incompetence,got fired from congress as well for not going along with the coverup.thats how our great congress and government works as these paid trolls know,they get rid of the GOOD politicians.
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Proposed....never acted upon......Just like the week I spent on Green Ramp waiting to load up to go after Idi Amin Dada...........The plans were presented and we were ready to go, but never got the green light....And that's only one such operation I knew about that never blossomed...

Northwoods never even made it that far.........

Your original contention was that it was never considered. THAT is a lie. It came from the JCS and was presented to SecDef.

Bet your ASS it was 'considered'...
so what! it's no proof that 911 was an inside job.......you can always dream....

It wasn't presented as "proof that 911 was an inside job", daws. Are you having trouble following the thread today?
Look at that. I post and less than 10 minutes later my puppet shows up.

Hey puppet, tell us how important you are. Or just make a fart post. I leave it to you to decide how you want to dance for me.
Your original contention was that it was never considered. THAT is a lie. It came from the JCS and was presented to SecDef.

Bet your ASS it was 'considered'...
so what! it's no proof that 911 was an inside job.......you can always dream....

It wasn't presented as "proof that 911 was an inside job", daws. Are you having trouble following the thread today?
then why was it presented at all? since it does not support the allegations in this thread....or do just love to hear yourself type?
so what! it's no proof that 911 was an inside job.......you can always dream....

It wasn't presented as "proof that 911 was an inside job", daws. Are you having trouble following the thread today?
then why was it presented at all? since it does not support the allegations in this thread....or do just love to hear yourself type?

If you're not capable of reading the last 2 pages of this thread without adult supervision and help, maybe you should go back to your sandbox...
I believe it was presented as proof that the government lies to us.....

Guess what, True story, I once had a mission that took me to Groom lake..... You know what I saw while i was there? Neither do I..... (The second part was the government lying to you.......)

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