9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Likely Mossad lured willing terrorists to the planes and remote control developed just before 9/11 to be able to take over passenger planes in the event they were hijacked, turned them into perfect scapegoats.

Play with the emotions of the masses and you can get world support to do anything.

Now let the internet disinfo agents begin to chime in...

I have not seen verifiable proof that any passengers were killed on 911.
We had about a million videos of the attack on the WTC and they show two planes hitting the Towers. When the structures collapsed it showed the collapse from the top down. There isn't a single case in the history of intentional explosive demolition where the floors collapse from the top down. Google up typical explosive demolition and you will see obvious detonations usually starting on the bottom.
I'm guessing you missed all the reports of lower floor and basement explosions that happened PRIOR to the collapse.

Conspiracies always have a reasonable theory regarding the intent such as FDR wanting to get the US into WW2 by encouraging the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor but the tinfoil hats offer no political or any other reason for the 9-11 attack.
There were PLENTY of reasons offered, you must've missed those, too, even though they were enumerated in the OP.

A conspiracy would have to include the entire democrat party including president Clinton and extend into 7 months of the new Bush administration. Are the tinfoil hats willing to implicate Clinton?
No it wouldn't. It would only have to involve those at the very top. It's not hard to imagine them having identical goals when they're all members of the same secret societies. When they ALL get their marching orders from the same puppeteers.

How could a mysterious rogue unit coordinate split second timing with crazy jihadists and where was the FBI and the CIA and why the hell would Americans intentionally destroy the symbol of Capitalism in New York City as well as the Pentagon and God knows where the 4th flight was headed? Nothing in the realm of conspiracy makes the slightest sense. What are the tin foil hats thinking?
Split second timing? WTF are you talking about? All they needed was for the jihadists to hit the buildings with planes, it didn't matter what day or time.

You ask where was the FBI, I encourage you to Google 'Able Danger'.

You ask why the towers, I encourage you to Google 'Asbestos removal & mitigation'...

You ask why the Pentagon, Google 'Rumsfeld missing trillions'...

Get back to me when you finish your homework.

Banksers Trust. Across the street from WTC hit by falling debris. Photo taken by FEMA in damage assessment.

This is my favorite 9/11 photo. Thanks, FEMA.
Likely Mossad lured willing terrorists to the planes and remote control developed just before 9/11 to be able to take over passenger planes in the event they were hijacked, turned them into perfect scapegoats.

Play with the emotions of the masses and you can get world support to do anything.

Now let the internet disinfo agents begin to chime in...

I have not seen verifiable proof that any passengers were killed on 911.

Another Sock? Whose is it this time?

You don't need to see anything other than the chard bodies at the pentagon and the reports of the DNA evidence. Or maybe you would like to talk to some of the families who actually got pieces of their loved ones back...... Moron........
We had about a million videos of the attack on the WTC and they show two planes hitting the Towers. When the structures collapsed it showed the collapse from the top down. There isn't a single case in the history of intentional explosive demolition where the floors collapse from the top down. Google up typical explosive demolition and you will see obvious detonations usually starting on the bottom.
I'm guessing you missed all the reports of lower floor and basement explosions that happened PRIOR to the collapse.

Conspiracies always have a reasonable theory regarding the intent such as FDR wanting to get the US into WW2 by encouraging the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor but the tinfoil hats offer no political or any other reason for the 9-11 attack.
There were PLENTY of reasons offered, you must've missed those, too, even though they were enumerated in the OP.

A conspiracy would have to include the entire democrat party including president Clinton and extend into 7 months of the new Bush administration. Are the tinfoil hats willing to implicate Clinton?
No it wouldn't. It would only have to involve those at the very top. It's not hard to imagine them having identical goals when they're all members of the same secret societies. When they ALL get their marching orders from the same puppeteers.

How could a mysterious rogue unit coordinate split second timing with crazy jihadists and where was the FBI and the CIA and why the hell would Americans intentionally destroy the symbol of Capitalism in New York City as well as the Pentagon and God knows where the 4th flight was headed? Nothing in the realm of conspiracy makes the slightest sense. What are the tin foil hats thinking?
Split second timing? WTF are you talking about? All they needed was for the jihadists to hit the buildings with planes, it didn't matter what day or time.

You ask where was the FBI, I encourage you to Google 'Able Danger'.

You ask why the towers, I encourage you to Google 'Asbestos removal & mitigation'...

You ask why the Pentagon, Google 'Rumsfeld missing trillions'...

Get back to me when you finish your homework.

Good point, now tell us just why would Rumsfeld announce to the world about the missing monies knowing it could be covered up the next day????? DUH.....
The easiest answer would be to allay suspicion...

Tell me something, Ollie, did they ever FIND the money?

For that matter, did they ever find the office they were running the investigation from?

Isn't that the EXACT point the plane hit, AFTER making that ridiculous turn?
If Rumsfeld hadn't said anything then there would have been no suspicions....

So why tell the world about something then cover it up? Would make more sense to cover it up without saying a word about it...
And Rumsfeld is not stupid..... (well I disagreed with him on the conduct of the war after we had won it but that's a different story)

Have they found it? I haven't a clue, never looked into it, though I'm certain someone has...

And you know that office was destroyed so why ask?
Likely Mossad lured willing terrorists to the planes and remote control developed just before 9/11 to be able to take over passenger planes in the event they were hijacked, turned them into perfect scapegoats.

Play with the emotions of the masses and you can get world support to do anything.

Now let the internet disinfo agents begin to chime in...

I have not seen verifiable proof that any passengers were killed on 911.

And certainly nothing will ever convince you. :D
Likely Mossad lured willing terrorists to the planes and remote control developed just before 9/11 to be able to take over passenger planes in the event they were hijacked, turned them into perfect scapegoats.

Play with the emotions of the masses and you can get world support to do anything.

Now let the internet disinfo agents begin to chime in...

There are no facts in your CT to waste time disputing, Princess, because there are no facts.
"Mr Hunter, we have rules that are not open to interpretation, personal intuition, gut feelings, hairs on the back of your neck, little devils or angels sitting on your shoulder." - Crimson Tide Motion Picture :D
We saw the freaking planes hit the towers. 9-11 tin foil hats like to quote soil samples and sismo graphs but they never theorize why or how the fuk America would conspire to blow up the WTC. The American intelligence community is just not that smart where they could place explosives in the WTC and time the detonation to the whims of a bunch of jihad terrorists. Why would Americans do that? Nobody knew that Bush would get congressional approval for a military operation in Iraq. Do lefties really want to implicate Clinton in a plot to blow up the WTC? He would have to be involved because the planning went on for years.

Certainly getting the Towers to fall in their footprints was a neat trick. I'd like to see a demo team accomplish that without using of a couple of airliners loaded with jet fuel. :D
We saw the freaking planes hit the towers. 9-11 tin foil hats like to quote soil samples and sismo graphs but they never theorize why or how the fuk America would conspire to blow up the WTC. The American intelligence community is just not that smart where they could place explosives in the WTC and time the detonation to the whims of a bunch of jihad terrorists. Why would Americans do that? Nobody knew that Bush would get congressional approval for a military operation in Iraq. Do lefties really want to implicate Clinton in a plot to blow up the WTC? He would have to be involved because the planning went on for years.

Certainly getting the Towers to fall in their footprints was a neat trick. I'd like to see a demo team accomplish that without using of a couple of airliners loaded with jet fuel. :D
Actually it's been done already.
I'd like to see another 47 story hi-rise fall like WTC 7 using only office combustibles and some matches. Now there's a trick for you.
Just for entertainment, no comment:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jLOJsZDIhU]DJO's - 911 Trek - YouTube[/ame]
We saw the freaking planes hit the towers. 9-11 tin foil hats like to quote soil samples and sismo graphs but they never theorize why or how the fuk America would conspire to blow up the WTC. The American intelligence community is just not that smart where they could place explosives in the WTC and time the detonation to the whims of a bunch of jihad terrorists. Why would Americans do that? Nobody knew that Bush would get congressional approval for a military operation in Iraq. Do lefties really want to implicate Clinton in a plot to blow up the WTC? He would have to be involved because the planning went on for years.

Certainly getting the Towers to fall in their footprints was a neat trick. I'd like to see a demo team accomplish that without using of a couple of airliners loaded with jet fuel. :D
Actually it's been done already.
I'd like to see another 47 story hi-rise fall like WTC 7 using only office combustibles and some matches. Now there's a trick for you.


SayIt troll of course wont watch this video that shows a building that was brought down by controlled demolitions since it shows bld 7 coming down in the EXACT same fasion.:D The proof is in the pudding.At the three minute mark,you can see bld 7 coming down at free fall speed the same way those other huge buildings were demolished.according to these trolls,no controlled demolition of building 7 and no freefall speed either.

Those videos of those high rise buildings coming down through controlled demolition must be fake according to their logic and Barry Jennings made up that story about hearing explosions from the basement before the twin towers fell and it was all just one strange coincidence the trolls say that he dies two days before the NIST report came out even though his testimony would have shreadded to pieces the report.:lmao:

dont you love the logic of the coincidence theorists?:lmao:

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Nice try, once again I notice that the truther video does not start until after the penthouse falls into the inside of the building, doing god only knows how much damage. And then the side by side comparisons you can obviously see the explosions at the base of the controlled Demo, but not around the base of WTC7....

FAIL again.........

But come on back and say I'm lying or a fart post or what ever you'd like, fact is I'm right and you cannot honestly deny it.......

Please play again....
We saw the freaking planes hit the towers. 9-11 tin foil hats like to quote soil samples and sismo graphs but they never theorize why or how the fuk America would conspire to blow up the WTC. The American intelligence community is just not that smart where they could place explosives in the WTC and time the detonation to the whims of a bunch of jihad terrorists. Why would Americans do that? Nobody knew that Bush would get congressional approval for a military operation in Iraq. Do lefties really want to implicate Clinton in a plot to blow up the WTC? He would have to be involved because the planning went on for years.

Certainly getting the Towers to fall in their footprints was a neat trick. I'd like to see a demo team accomplish that without using of a couple of airliners loaded with jet fuel. :D
Actually it's been done already.

Of course, there's only your word for that. Which demo company did you use and could you post the receipt? :D
We saw the freaking planes hit the towers. 9-11 tin foil hats like to quote soil samples and sismo graphs but they never theorize why or how the fuk America would conspire to blow up the WTC. The American intelligence community is just not that smart where they could place explosives in the WTC and time the detonation to the whims of a bunch of jihad terrorists. Why would Americans do that? Nobody knew that Bush would get congressional approval for a military operation in Iraq. Do lefties really want to implicate Clinton in a plot to blow up the WTC? He would have to be involved because the planning went on for years.

Certainly getting the Towers to fall in their footprints was a neat trick. I'd like to see a demo team accomplish that without using of a couple of airliners loaded with jet fuel. :D
Actually it's been done already.
I'd like to see another 47 story hi-rise fall like WTC 7 using only office combustibles and some matches. Now there's a trick for you.

You seem to forget the fuel-laden jetliners that crashed into the Towers and are you saying there were no flamable fuels inside #7? :D
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Nice try, once again I notice that the truther video does not start until after the penthouse falls into the inside of the building, doing god only knows how much damage. And then the side by side comparisons you can obviously see the explosions at the base of the controlled Demo, but not around the base of WTC7....

FAIL again.........

But come on back and say I'm lying or a fart post or what ever you'd like, fact is I'm right and you cannot honestly deny it.......

Please play again....

Indeed he can't honestly deny it but he can dishonestly deny it and he will like it's his job. He reminds me of those serious Star Trekkies who believe the show was actually Reality TV, dress like their fav character and attend Trekkie Conventions. Twilight Zoners. :D
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