9/11 Explosive Connections - The 9/11 Masterminds

the shills wont watch these video because firefighters EXPERTS that were experienced in the sounds of explosives,are opions they have no interest in.LOL

They won't admit to watching them, then they'll search for one of their go-to 9/11 conspiracy theory debunking sites and figure out what to say .
Are ya fucken stupid!!
To people with a brain that would indicate it wasnt hit by a fucken jumbo jet you dumbshit!!!

All three building caught fire, you incredible dipshit!

That is why you don't understand! You don't look at the fucking facts!

Well no shit ya dumbfuck!!!!
One of which wasn't hit by a fucken jumbo jet ya fucken retard!!!
Show me a case of a modern high rise collapsing due to fire.
Just show me fucken one!!!!!
If ya cant do that SYF piehole!!!!
And dont try and show me a building that collapsed in Tehran in the 70's.

Show me a modern high rise hit and set on fire by a 757 and then collapsed, you incredibly fucking dumbass! I can think of two right now!

If you want to continue this conversation, I will continue to show your intellect is about that of a middle school student, which I used to teach, so I am well familiar with your level!

Building 7 didnt get hit by a jet dumbfuck.

Uh dude isnt that what YOU have done throughout this whole thread. you should follow your OWN advise,I have advised you before in the past not to feed these trolls but you wouldnt listen as evidenced on this thread, i never feed these trolls,you never see ME replying to them,thats what they COUNT on is you feeding them.:rolleyes: something you have both done on this thread. i put them ALL on ignore YEARS ago.
Show me a modern high rise hit and set on fire by a 757 and then collapsed, you incredibly fucking dumbass! I can think of two right now!

If you want to continue this conversation, I will continue to show your intellect is about that of a middle school student, which I used to teach, so I am well familiar with your level!

Building 7 didnt get hit by a jet dumbfuck.

No. It just got hit by a fucking building collapsing on it, after burning jet fuel was dumped into it!

Are you conspiracy nuts incapable of reading the English language? Your own sources tell you this information and you blow it off because they blow it off, simply because you and your sources are both stupid!

Show me where one of the towers fell on it and made it fall in it's own footprint.

these shills like admiral idiot when they are losing thise debate gettign their ass handed to them,they ALWAYS get desperate by

The links are probably already in this thread. You or a fellow retard nutjob likely provided them, but cannot read what it says.

"On September 11, 2001, the structure was damaged by debris when the nearby North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. The debris also ignited fires, which continued to burn throughout the afternoon on lower floors of the building. The building's internal fire suppression system lacked water pressure to fight the fires, and the building collapsed completely at 5:21:10 pm, according to FEMA,[5]:23 while the 2008 NIST study placed the final collapse time at 5:20:52 pm.[6]:19, 21, 50–51 The collapse began when a critical internal column buckled and triggered structural failure throughout, which was first visible from the exterior with the crumbling of a rooftop penthouse structure at 5:20:33 pm. The collapse made the old 7 World Trade Center the first tall building known to have collapsed primarily due to uncontrolled fires,[7] and at the time, the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed due to fire.[8]"

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia

You do know anyone can post their opinions there right?
Show me a modern high rise hit and set on fire by a 757 and then collapsed, you incredibly fucking dumbass! I can think of two right now!

If you want to continue this conversation, I will continue to show your intellect is about that of a middle school student, which I used to teach, so I am well familiar with your level!

Building 7 didnt get hit by a jet dumbfuck.

No. It just got hit by a fucking building collapsing on it, after burning jet fuel was dumped into it!

Are you conspiracy nuts incapable of reading the English language? Your own sources tell you this information and you blow it off because they blow it off, simply because you and your sources are both stupid!

Show me where one of the towers fell on it and made it fall in it's own footprint.

The links are probably already in this thread. You or a fellow retard nutjob likely provided them, but cannot read what it says.

"On September 11, 2001, the structure was damaged by debris when the nearby North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. The debris also ignited fires, which continued to burn throughout the afternoon on lower floors of the building. The building's internal fire suppression system lacked water pressure to fight the fires, and the building collapsed completely at 5:21:10 pm, according to FEMA,[5]:23 while the 2008 NIST study placed the final collapse time at 5:20:52 pm.[6]:19, 21, 50–51 The collapse began when a critical internal column buckled and triggered structural failure throughout, which was first visible from the exterior with the crumbling of a rooftop penthouse structure at 5:20:33 pm. The collapse made the old 7 World Trade Center the first tall building known to have collapsed primarily due to uncontrolled fires,[7] and at the time, the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed due to fire.[8]"

7 World Trade Center - Wikipedia

You do know anyone can post their opinions there right?

these shills like admiral idiot when they are losing this debate,they ALWAYS get desperate by retreating going to wikipedia where ANYBODY can post opinions and make stuff up. Such an act of desperation while getting owned.:abgg2q.jpg:
Show me a modern high rise hit and set on fire by a 757 and then collapsed, you incredibly fucking dumbass! I can think of two right now!

If you want to continue this conversation, I will continue to show your intellect is about that of a middle school student, which I used to teach, so I am well familiar with your level!

Building 7 didnt get hit by a jet dumbfuck.

What kills me?
You have all these Conservatives that believe the new world order/globalism is real yet they dont think the very people that are trying to institute it would pull such a dirty trick to kick it off.
It defies logic.

You know what really kills you? Taking on swan dive off the World Trade Center after it gets hit by a jetliner! That will kill you!

Well that was genius....
Tell me how a building that was two blocks over collapsed when no plane hit it?
And how is it the most surveilled place in America didnt get a vid of a plane crashing into it?

they cant,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. they ALWAYS evade bld 7 cause they know that is the crux of the 9/11 coverup they cant get around.:abgg2q.jpg:

they make up lies that debris came down on bld 7 which is IMPOSSIBLE since it was too far away,they have to result to lying as their instructers instruct them to all the time,the problem with their lies is like you said so well,people like YOU know the location of bld 7 which was too far away for debris from the towers to fall on but what they ignore even more so in their lies that the fires caused the collapse is that there were OTHER buildings MUCH CLOSER to the towers than bld 7 with FAR MORE severe damage to these buildings yet THOSE towers REMAINED standing. as always,they can only sling shit in defeat like the money trolls they are.:abgg2q.jpg:

i would post pics of those buildings that were much closer to the towers than bld 7 IF these were not paid shills from Langley but since they are,like i said,i MYSELF dont feed the trolls.:D
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Two blocks over?

Catch a fucking clue!

I can show you where it was in relation to the towers if you'd like.
Hell,I'll show you here.....

I already posted the map you fucking retard!

Is that building two blocks from the WTC 1 building? No. End of your fucked up deranged delusions.

The fuck it's not ya dumbass!!!
It's the second block away and the plane hit the SW corner of building one sending the debris to the NW and building 6 was between the both.

Building 7 was supposedly brought down by fire which is bullshit!!!

Can't read a fucking map? You are dumber than a box of hammers! WTC 6 was destroyed by did not collapse. WTC 7 was built over a ConEd substation, so it had unique architecture. Try reading for once in you miserable existence.

Here's all I have to say about the subject Skipper...

I worked on the ejection seat system with Lockheed Martin engineers on the F-22.
I also worked with NASA engineers building Flight Hardware for the Shuttle program.
I may not have a mechanical engineers degree but the people that do in the Aerospace community respect my opinion when it comes to structural integrity and heat.
Maybe you should go back to teaching middle school english for an ego boost.
must be sad to be him to have his ass owned by you.:haha:

He indeed needs to go back and teach junior high school english for a boost to his ego.:up:
It's unimportant really, but I'd be interested in knowing why Donald Trump lied about 9/11.
He claims that morning actually witnessing some of the jumpers
who were (in fact) leaping to their deaths, from his Trump Tower terrace in uptown Manhattan.
( which would have been impossible even with binoculars on a clear day - you could see the towers from there
- the ESB/ Rock Cntr area but not people. I've been there many times )Maybe he really is a pathological liar as some have said, but I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
IN FACT!!!!!!!!!! what Trump said was in reference to seeing some people who jumped was what he saw in TV coverage.
But you go ahead a make a fool of yourself, as usual, by blatantly lying!

lying? you mean like all these shills on this thread have like candyass,soupnazi,irosie,and and admiral idiot? talk about liars,they are the creme of the crop if you want to discuss LIARS.:abgg2q.jpg:
I can show you where it was in relation to the towers if you'd like.
Hell,I'll show you here.....

I already posted the map you fucking retard!

Is that building two blocks from the WTC 1 building? No. End of your fucked up deranged delusions.

The fuck it's not ya dumbass!!!
It's the second block away and the plane hit the SW corner of building one sending the debris to the NW and building 6 was between the both.

Building 7 was supposedly brought down by fire which is bullshit!!!

I mean sending the debris to the NE. Building 6 is to the S of building 7. So how could the debris take a hard left?
Rosie O'Donnell claims "it's impossible to melt steel with fire".
You two share a lot in common.

Given what we know now, anyone that believes the official bullshit story of 9/11/01 simply hasn't paid attention.
Given what we know now, anyone that believes the official bullshit story of 9/11/01 simply hasn't paid attention.

Not even counting the physical evidence ( and the cover-up and destruction of evidence), common sense should tell anyone with half a brain who's watched the video footage that all three buildings were brought down with explosives. Tower 1 (South Tower) which the second plane crashed into should have fallen over sideways if anything. And there's no doubt about Tower 7 with eyewitness accounts of being warned the building was about to come down and then hearing explosions.

yeah these shills always ignore the laws of physics that every student ALWAYS learns in junior high school science classes. even many junior high school students back then knew better and the government was lying because of the laws of physics.LOL
Given what we know now, anyone that believes the official bullshit story of 9/11/01 simply hasn't paid attention.

Not even counting the physical evidence ( and the cover-up and destruction of evidence), common sense should tell anyone with half a brain who's watched the video footage that all three buildings were brought down with explosives. Tower 1 (South Tower) which the second plane crashed into should have fallen over sideways if anything. And there's no doubt about Tower 7 with eyewitness accounts of being warned the building was about to come down and then hearing explosions.

Watch this video and explain your thinking. Did they SEE any explosions? No.

you just owned their sorry ass Dale Smith :2up::abgg2q.jpg:,they of course wont watch the video cause thats what their handlers instruct them to do.LOL
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Connect the money dots.

the shills and the bush/obama dupes cover their ears and close their eyes anytime you show them videos of pesky facts they cant counter.:abgg2q.jpg:

they do this EVERYTIME like clockwork when you post-:scared1::D

It doesn't help when people clutter up the board with Infowars
junk news. That's just playing the devil's advocate and keeping people misinformed.

Alex Jones has big balls, and I respect him for taking on the establishment, but he's a nutcase. He went over-the-top conspiracy theorist about everything and lost credibilty - even Jesse Ventura or someone like that knows when to shut up about certain things.

Jones is part of the controlled opposition. For many years I did not believe it because it did not make any sense.However when you think hard about it it makes plenty of sense,what better way to have someone keep tabs on truthers than have a plant who appears to be on your side and appears to be against government corruption

He exposed how he is really working for them with Bohemian Grove. Nobody goes into that and comes out it alive unless of course they have been approved by them to do so. Me or you ,we could not go in there and take film footage like that and expect to come out of there alive.

Dale Smith as well exposed him in one of his podcasts.

they would have killed off jones years ago IF he was REALLY for us. same as they did with Bill Cooper who was the REAL person that exposed 9/11 as an inside job. Jones has lied always claiming HE exposed 9/11 when it was cooper and he also LIED saying cooper was an alchoholic.everybody that knew cooper said he never touched the stuff.

here is a video of where cooper exposes jones as the liar he is.

cooper was a patriot who tried to get the truth out and really DID care about government corruption and paid the deadly price for it.

check out the video where he exposes the lies jones made up about him.

I have TRIED to get MW to wake up about jones and told her to watch this video,but she dismissed it of course.

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At least three notable anomalous events occurred at the World Trade Center in the weeks and months leading up to September 11, 2001, which may have related to the imminent terrorist attacks but could not have been caused by al-Qaeda, the group supposedly responsible for 9/11.

There was an increase in security at the Trade Center in the two weeks before 9/11, for reasons that are unclear, which only ended the day before the attacks. Also, the fire alarm system in World Trade Center Building 7 was placed on "test condition" every morning in the seven days before the attacks and on the day of 9/11. While it was in this mode, any alarms would be ignored. WTC 7 was a massive skyscraper located just north of the Twin Towers, which mysteriously collapsed late in the afternoon of September 11. And some of the elevators in the Twin Towers were out of service in the months before the attacks, supposedly due to maintenance work or modernization.

It seems odd that these events happened at the World Trade Center just before the Twin Towers were the target of a terrorist attack and three of the Trade Center buildings collapsed. It would have been notable if just one of them occurred in the period leading up to 9/11. The fact that all three did is remarkable.

Osama bin Laden—the man who supposedly ordered the 9/11 attacks—and his al-Qaeda terrorist organization would surely have been unable to bring about these events. Therefore, if the official account of 9/11 is true and they were responsible for the attacks, then it must have been just a coincidence that these events occurred before September 11. But if the events were related to preparations for the attacks on the World Trade Center, this would cast serious doubt on the official narrative of 9/11.

A new investigation of the attacks would be necessary to determine if the unusual events at the World Trade Center in the period leading up to 9/11 were significant and, if they were, what their purposes were. All the same, we can at least consider possible reasons for them.

It is possible, for example, that they related to efforts to secretly prepare the Twin Towers and WTC 7 to be brought down with explosives as part of the 9/11 attacks. Perhaps the heightened security at the World Trade Center and the supposed maintenance work on the elevators were intended to create cover stories for the men who were planting the explosives. If a person inquired about mysterious workers they had seen at the Trade Center, they could be falsely told these men were there to repair the elevators or help out in response to the heightened security. Or if someone asked about unusual work they had noticed being carried out in the buildings, they could be told this work related to repairs on the elevators, even though it in fact related to the preparations for demolishing the buildings.

Security Alerts, Disabled Fire Alarms, and Unused Elevators: Suspicious Events at the World Trade Center Before 9/11

oh yeah there were many evacuations that took place in the prior weeks before 9/11 which some of the workers that had worked there for YEARS,said that was UNPRECEDENTED in all the years they had been there,just one of dozens of coincidences the coincidence theorists dismiss though as just plain coincidences.:abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo:

its the same thing with the JFK assassination,same as that one,there are so many coincidences that occur,that it gets so absurd they dont become coincidences anymore. i bring this up to people i know outside the boards and these stupid fucks always dismiss it and have no answers,they just say crap like that doesnt prove anything cause they dont want to look at the evidence that it does.:rolleyes:
,falling in their own foot print,
Why do you nutjobs always say that?

Because it defies logic to have three buildings fall into their own footprint one of which only caught fire,modern high rise building dont collapse due to fire.
And to have the twin towers fall into their own footprint when one side received the most damage makes zero sense.
Common sense tells us they would have toppled in the direction of the damage.

this troll ignores the laws of physcis.LOL

One of which ONLY caught fire.
Fucken dumbass.

Are ya fucken stupid!!
To people with a brain that would indicate it wasnt hit by a fucken jumbo jet you dumbshit!!!

thats admiral IDIOT for you,fucking dumbass indeed.LOL[/QUOTE]How do you suppose it caught fire?
,falling in their own foot print,
Why do you nutjobs always say that?

Because it defies logic to have three buildings fall into their own footprint one of which only caught fire,modern high rise building dont collapse due to fire.
And to have the twin towers fall into their own footprint when one side received the most damage makes zero sense.
Common sense tells us they would have toppled in the direction of the damage.

this troll ignores the laws of physcis.LOL

One of which ONLY caught fire.
Fucken dumbass.

Are ya fucken stupid!!
To people with a brain that would indicate it wasnt hit by a fucken jumbo jet you dumbshit!!!

thats admiral IDIOT for you,fucking dumbass indeed.LOL
How do you suppose it caught fire?[/QUOTE]

From small pieces of debris that caused a fire.
No modern day high rise has ever collapsed due to a fire.
Which is what the NIST report claimed.
,falling in their own foot print,
Why do you nutjobs always say that?

Because it defies logic to have three buildings fall into their own footprint one of which only caught fire,modern high rise building dont collapse due to fire.
And to have the twin towers fall into their own footprint when one side received the most damage makes zero sense.
Common sense tells us they would have toppled in the direction of the damage.

this troll ignores the laws of physcis.LOL

One of which ONLY caught fire.
Fucken dumbass.

Are ya fucken stupid!!
To people with a brain that would indicate it wasnt hit by a fucken jumbo jet you dumbshit!!!

thats admiral IDIOT for you,fucking dumbass indeed.LOL
How do you suppose it caught fire?

From small pieces of debris that caused a fire.
No modern day high rise has ever collapsed due to a fire.
Which is what the NIST report claimed.[/QUOTE]

the newest shill coming on to here to end up with shit on his face for the day after you took him to school:abgg2q.jpg:
No modern day high rise has ever collapsed due to a fire.
Could you explain the bizarre convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may metaphorically rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?

Or do you concede that you cannot?
No modern day high rise has ever collapsed due to a fire.
Could you explain the bizarre convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may metaphorically rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?

Or do you concede that you cannot?

Look it up your damn self.
And dont pull some shit from the middle east where building codes are non existent.

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