9/11 Explosive Connections - The 9/11 Masterminds

Right.... I post evidence & a few days later 4 swat thugs show up and I disappear.

If I happen to have evidence I'm saving it for the grand jury coming up.
There is no grand jury coming up and you do not have evidence.
What computer doesn't get YouTube ?
One that had several online virus and ad blockers enabled by someone who didn't know what they were doing, and no one seems to know how to fix it. It thinks websites like YouTube, Quora, Reddit, etc. are all bad. Because we are low income, we live with it instead of getting a new one.
One that had several online virus and ad blockers enabled by someone who didn't know what they were doing, and no one seems to know how to fix it. It thinks websites like YouTube, Quora, Reddit, etc. are all bad. Because we are low income, we live with it instead of getting a new one.
I get YouTube on my phones, laptops, tablets and three different television mediums.

Welcome to the real world.
Bremer, it should be noted, was the Bush-appointed proconsul or administrator of occupied Iraq until the end of June 2004. During Bremer's reign there was no metering of the oil that was exported from Iraq.It is also primarily decisions taken by Bremer that are responsible for the misery and chaos that have afflicted Iraq since the U.S.-led occupation began. Previously, Bremer was the right-hand man for Henry Kissinger & Associates.
Hey.... you want to believe what they tell you on Fox and CNN, more power to you buddy.
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I believe the people who were actually there, the firefighters, police, paramedics, civilians... I believe the men of the FDNY who signed my hat that were there. I believe my dad who was at the pentagon, I believe my aunt who saw the crash site of flight 93. I don't believe some inbred fuck on the other end of the computer telling me that people I know and love, and thousands of other witnesses are all liars just because he says so.

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