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9/11 Pentagon Aircraft Hijack Impossible

Not in this case Mr. scientist what happened to all the seats and luggage did they all disintegrate too ?

They burnt. Jet-A burns real hot.

Jimmy crashed into a box at the 2011 air races. His plane was a highly modified P-51. There were three people that they only found tiny bits of. Like millimeters.

That was a tiny plane doing 250 knots or so.
Yeah, there was a picture of one of the compressor units from an engine in the C ring.

Well remnants of it.
I could sit here and prove you wrong all night long but I gotta get up early for work. By the way what about that wall? Your no match.
No, dude. I'm not. You and I are pretty close in philosophy. You insult the wrong person.

I'm not a Langley shill, but I am a scientist, and I have been involved in aviation for over 50 years.

I know what happens when planes crash.
While I haven't been involved in aviation that much for "over 50 years", I do have several years experience in fabrication and inspection of aircraft components, so likely have more first hand knowledge than some of the loons posting here.

Back in the early 1970s worked at a place making skin panels for the fuselage and wing assemblies of Boeing 727 and then they were mostly aluminum. By the late 1990s when I again returned to aerospace fabrication employment, things had changed and a majority of aircraft structure and skin was now "composites" = mostly carbon fiber impregnated with "resin" ~a.k.a. plastics, petroleum derived.

For those whom did not do or pass basic science, "carbon fiber" and "hydro-carbon based plastics made from petroleum" are both very combustible with enough heat and flame. The place I was employed was a major sub-contractor of Boeing for structural composites for the 757 and 767 and I worked there from late 1990s to mid 2000s, during the time of the 9/11/2001 Trade Center attacks.

On both the 757 and 767 a majority of the airframe components are composites = plastics = petroleum/hydro-carbon based composition. Metal parts of such aircraft are mostly the engines and landing gears, then some assorted frame and fastener pieces~rivets, bolts, etc.; but most are aluminum and melt(burn) at rather low temps. Interiors are mostly fiberglass based composites for overhead storage bins, walls and panels, seat frames. Fabric seat coves and rugs are also synthetic made from petroleum.

Bottom line is that a modern jet liner like the Boeing 757 and 767 is about as much plastiuc as the scale model kit you could by at a 'Hobby Lobby'. Build such a kit and douse with a couple tablespoons of diesel fuel (diesel is very close chemically to jet fuel), light it on fire and watch how quick and hot it burns and how little will be left. Wear PCP, stay back and upwind BTW.

Add in how much of the interior of those offices are also made from plastics and synthetics derived from petroleum and one has a huge fire fuel mix just waiting for enough heat, flame, and starter fuel to blaze away and leave little in remains.

BTW, one doesn't need to melt the steel outer frame structure. Just get it hot enough to soften, loose structure strength and start to bend under stress load and bow out from the slab floors, removing their support, and the whole stack starts to collapse and fall down.

It's all basic science, chemistry and physics, but to those whom neither took such courses in their schooling, or didn't understand and pass such, the reality of what happened and why will elude them. Hence some of the crazy conspiracy theories on how/why the towers collapsed after aircraft crashing into them. Along with a few other goofball claims I've seen here.

And some wonder why the USA is slipping behind in the world. Just look at the shortfalls and gaps in so many on basic sciences, knowledge and logic and it becomes clear that the idiot inmates are growing in number and running this asylum.
As always you embarrass yourself in this debate the fact the reporter is saying there is no evidence a jet airliner hit the pentagon yet the 9/11 coverup commission from the cia controlled media you worship as the gospel truth in this case,is claiming that a jet airliner struck it without any evidence to back it up:abgg2q.jpg: you always end up with shit on your face in embarrassment as well ignoring the best pilots in the world who have said they could never do all those incredible maneuvers that the 9/11 commission said the plane did and how a trafficcontroller thought because of all the incredible maneuvers it made,thst it was a jet fighter,let’s see,you are asking me to take YOUR word over the best pilots in the world THEIR word as well as what the CIA controlled media has reported over the years.gee I wonder which one I should do,that’s a tough one.:rofl::auiqs.jpg:

You seriously need to do yourself a favor in stick with voting fraud and the virus hoax,something you actually know something about and don’t leave with shit on your face in embarrassment all the time,.:abgg2q.jpg:

The pentagon has hundreds of cameras there and they can only produce a flimsy ten second video of an alleged airliner hitting the wall and an explosion,your seriously trying to say the evil pentagon is not participating in a coverup? Oh and don’t forget transportation minettas exposing Cheneys criminal activity in his testimony stating it’s within ten miles do the orders still stand arn Cheney screamed of course they still stand,have you heard otherwise,yep Cheney is not evil and no coverup there by our wonderful truthful government.:abgg2q.jpg: Get off that crack your smoking old man. :rofl:

Your humiliating and embarrassing yourself worse than left winger and hjmick trollboys do,they at least are smart enough to keep quiet and not try to stand toe to toe with me knowing i checkmate them everyday and they are in the minor leagues knowing they can’t handle the big boys in the major leagues like me,you would be wise to do the same as them. :rofl:

Your definitely on drugs for sure,your rambling on about jimmy’s airplane,like who the fuck is jimmy.god you sound like you been taking lessons from left winger and hjmick on how to debate 9/11. :auiqs.jpg: When I hear jimmy,the only jimmy thst comes to mind thst I think of is jimmy carter,is that who your mindlessly rambling on about?:abgg2q.jpg:
Stryker your embarrassing yoursel
Not in this case Mr. scientist what happened to all the seats and luggage did they all disintegrate too ?
this trollboy keeps evading the coverup of the fbi destroying the evidence and the fact thst Cheney committed treason thst day ignoring the testimony of Norman minetta who testified thst Cheney said it is ten miles out,do the orders still stand and Cheney yelling at them that yes they still stood very clever controlled opposition shill at its best.

One pentagon employee said anytime an alleged plane in this case, comes anywhere close to the pentagon alarms always sound way before before it gets there all over the place,Cheney had knowledge of there was something coming toward them hundreds of miles out and gave a stand down order.this coward can’t admit a cover up and the fbi and Cheney fuckimg committed treason thst fay.

He will admit the fbi destroyed photographic evidence a photographer took tuna ting his camera and not returning the many shots he took but them makes excuse after excuse thst the fbi all of a sudden turned over their leaf and is not evil anymore and did nit illegally confiscate the footage from the gas station across street,what a trollboy Same as left winger. :auiqs.jpg:You get triggered by thst truthful post of mine but fail to debunk anything in it same as westall. :auiqs.jpg:
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While I haven't been involved in aviation that much for "over 50 years", I do have several years experience in fabrication and inspection of aircraft components, so likely have more first hand knowledge than some of the loons posting here.

Back in the early 1970s worked at a place making skin panels for the fuselage and wing assemblies of Boeing 727 and then they were mostly aluminum. By the late 1990s when I again returned to aerospace fabrication employment, things had changed and a majority of aircraft structure and skin was now "composites" = mostly carbon fiber impregnated with "resin" ~a.k.a. plastics, petroleum derived.

For those whom did not do or pass basic science, "carbon fiber" and "hydro-carbon based plastics made from petroleum" are both very combustible with enough heat and flame. The place I was employed was a major sub-contractor of Boeing for structural composites for the 757 and 767 and I worked there from late 1990s to mid 2000s, during the time of the 9/11/2001 Trade Center attacks.

On both the 757 and 767 a majority of the airframe components are composites = plastics = petroleum/hydro-carbon based composition. Metal parts of such aircraft are mostly the engines and landing gears, then some assorted frame and fastener pieces~rivets, bolts, etc.; but most are aluminum and melt(burn) at rather low temps. Interiors are mostly fiberglass based composites for overhead storage bins, walls and panels, seat frames. Fabric seat coves and rugs are also synthetic made from petroleum.

Bottom line is that a modern jet liner like the Boeing 757 and 767 is about as much plastiuc as the scale model kit you could by at a 'Hobby Lobby'. Build such a kit and douse with a couple tablespoons of diesel fuel (diesel is very close chemically to jet fuel), light it on fire and watch how quick and hot it burns and how little will be left. Wear PCP, stay back and upwind BTW.

Add in how much of the interior of those offices are also made from plastics and synthetics derived from petroleum and one has a huge fire fuel mix just waiting for enough heat, flame, and starter fuel to blaze away and leave little in remains.

BTW, one doesn't need to melt the steel outer frame structure. Just get it hot enough to soften, loose structure strength and start to bend under stress load and bow out from the slab floors, removing their support, and the whole stack starts to collapse and fall down.

It's all basic science, chemistry and physics, but to those whom neither took such courses in their schooling, or didn't understand and pass such, the reality of what happened and why will elude them. Hence some of the crazy conspiracy theories on how/why the towers collapsed after aircraft crashing into them. Along with a few other goofball claims I've seen here.

And some wonder why the USA is slipping behind in the world. Just look at the shortfalls and gaps in so many on basic sciences, knowledge and logic and it becomes clear that the idiot inmates are growing in number and running this asylum.
Your the loon,the best pilots in the world have debunked your bullshit.your the loon same as trollboy westall the fact so many are on record saying it is impossible fir a commercial airliner to do all those incredible maneuvering feats they did in the air,that they could not do them,thst a commercial airliner would come to pieces in the air if they attempted that.. :auiqs.jpg: you two trollboys ask us to beliveve your babbling over them and thst the fbi all of a sudden did not become an evil organization that day and illegally confiscate footage from the gas station across the street.despite thier decades long history of corruption they have.major fail,same as westall,yiu have shut in your face in embarrassment.:auiqs.jpg:
No, dude. I'm not. You and I are pretty close in philosophy. You insult the wrong person.

I'm not a Langley shill, but I am a scientist, and I have been involved in aviation for over 50 years.

I know what happens when planes crash.

You trollboy try to get me to believe your bullshit over the best pilots in the world who have debunked your bullshit.whatever paid shill.grow the fuck up,yiu have shit in your face as always in embarrassment.
Your the loon,the best pilots in the world have debunked your bullshit.your the loon same as trollboy westall the fact so many are on record saying it is impossible fir a commercial airliner to do all those incredible maneuvering feats they did in the air,that they could not do them,thst a commercial airliner would come to pieces in the air if they attempted that.. :auiqs.jpg: you two trollboys ask us to beliveve your babbling over them and thst the fbi all of a sudden did not become an evil organization that day and illegally confiscate footage from the gas station across the street.despite thier decades long history of corruption they have.major fail,same as westall,yiu have shut in your face in embarrassment.:auiqs.jpg:
1) I'd like to know what "best pilots in the world" you have consulted and are willing to put their reputations on line to back your delusions.

2) I've flown aircraft and nothing in the flight envelope done on that day are beyond capability of the aircraft involved or real pilots; even the partial trained Jihadis whom hijacked them.

3) I strongly doubt you've ever flown an aircraft or have the slightest clue what's involved or how to do such. Go spit into the wind.

4) You do a great job of displaying your ignorance and stupidity, but I don't post to change your blind and biased ignorance. I post for the benefit of any whom might be fooled into thinking you have any clue or credibility regards what is being discussed here.

5) Go Ram your Fan where the Sun don't shine!
I could sit here and prove you wrong all night long but I gotta get up early for work. By the way what about that wall? Your no match.
Yeah unlike trollboy,you have a job you go to and get paid for,you don’t make the big bucks to troll these threads as he does. It gets tiresome of proving him wrong over and over,watching him evade the treason Cheney and the fbi committed that day.trollboy and thst other loon of his wants to try and convince us THEY are right and top military people thst have spoken up as well as the best pilots in the world aware all e wrong,they keep grasping at straws throwing Hail Marys telling us THEY are right and all those expert pilots as well as pentagon employees are all wrong,comedy gold they have that hysteric logic they are right and all those experts are wrong.:rofl:
left winger has schooled westall and how to troll.:rofl:

Normal sane people would laugh at his pathetic logic that he try’s to get us to believe HIS babble over the best pilots in the world and on top of that,the fbi despite their criminal behavior in the jfk and rfk assassinations all of a sudden turned over a leaf thst day and did not destroy evidence from that gas station and thst Cheney did not commit treason thst day violating standard protocols that day,that transportation Norman minettas testimony is not a smoking gun of cheneys criminal behavior that day,you just can’t make that shit up that trollboy day those experts are all wrong and HE is right.this guy me with his comedy Hail Marys he throws when getting checkmated.:rofl:

I’m sure glad I got one Dane person in you at least who came on here I can rap with.
Your the loon,the best pilots in the world have debunked your bullshit.your the loon same as trollboy westall the fact so many are on record saying it is impossible fir a commercial airliner to do all those incredible maneuvering feats they did in the air,that they could not do them,thst a commercial airliner would come to pieces in the air if they attempted that.. :auiqs.jpg: you two trollboys ask us to beliveve your babbling over them and thst the fbi all of a sudden did not become an evil organization that day and illegally confiscate footage from the gas station across the street.despite thier decades long history of corruption they have.major fail,same as westall,yiu have shut in your face in embarrassment.:auiqs.jpg:
We can add ignorance on top of you being an idiot. Here's a case that didn't involve "impossible" flight of an aircraft, yet is similar to the events of 9/11/2001;
On July 28, 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber of the United States Army Air Forces crashed into the Empire State Building in New York City, while flying in thick fog. The accident caused the deaths of fourteen people (three crewmen and eleven people in the building) and damage estimated at US$1 million (equivalent to about $15 million in 2021), although the building's structural integrity was not compromised.[1]
Images for B-25 crashed into empire state building

When a B-25 crashed into the Empire State Building

1) I'd like to know what "best pilots in the world" you have consulted and are willing to put their reputations on line to back your delusions.

2) I've flown aircraft and nothing in the flight envelope done on that day are beyond capability of the aircraft involved or real pilots; even the partial trained Jihadis whom hijacked them.

3) I strongly doubt you've ever flown an aircraft or have the slightest clue what's involved or how to do such. Go spit into the wind.

4) You do a great job of displaying your ignorance and stupidity, but I don't post to change your blind and biased ignorance. I post for the benefit of any whom might be fooled into thinking you have any clue or credibility regards what is being discussed here.

5) Go Ram your Fan where the Sun don't shine!
That just proves your ignorance,even trollboy westall is aware of the pilots for truth site I discussed with him once years ago.:rofl:

They also came out and talked about it on YouTube way back then as well,yiu won’t find them on YouTube now though sense facist YouTube deleted them having too much truth in them that sheds to pieces the lies of the government and cia controlled media you both like fools,worship as the gospel truth, :rofl:

You same as shill westall just proved you also are in the minor leagues not ready fir the big leagues with the likes of me and rancid old man.

You just lost your credibility there even worse than westall has,westall at least in all his as beatings he has suffered from me alll these years,HE at least is aware of the pilots for truth site,:rofl:

Come back when your ready to be mature and admit I would have to be a fool to listen to you instead of all those experts as well as a whistleblower pentagon employee who has gone through harassment but the cia controlled media and government over the years.

Westall trolls all the time trying to tell me THEY are all wrong and he is right and that Cheney did not commit treason that day and violate standard pentago protocols and the fbi iall of a sudden did nit become an evil organization that destroyed evidence that day despite their lonnnnnnmmnggggbbh history of corruption over the years so o reason to believe you will be mature either and admit to being wrong.
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We can add ignorance on top of you being an idiot. Here's a case that didn't involve "impossible" flight of an aircraft, yet is similar to the events of 9/11/2001;
On July 28, 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber of the United States Army Air Forces crashed into the Empire State Building in New York City, while flying in thick fog. The accident caused the deaths of fourteen people (three crewmen and eleven people in the building) and damage estimated at US$1 million (equivalent to about $15 million in 2021), although the building's structural integrity was not compromised.[1]
Images for B-25 crashed into empire state building

When a B-25 crashed into the Empire State Building

Your the world class idiot the fact pilots for truth as I just said have debunked your bullshit and you keep having fantasy’s same as westall trollboy Cheney did not commit an evil act thst day as well violating standard pentagon protocols and the fbi all of a sudden stopped being an evil organization that day and did not illegally destroy evidence despite their decades long past of doing that so many years decade after decade..:rofl:

Major fail as always dame as westall, :rofl: goodbye,yiu a fucking waste of time and a joke,same as westall you keep evading the corrupting of Cheney and the fbi thst day and as I have told your fellow trollboy westall over the years,your an idiot expecting me to believe your babble over many of the best pilots in the world over at pilots for truth which again trollboy,facist youtube felypted so many of what they said back then sense there was too much truth in the videos.

Same as westall,you deflect when your proven wrong and Alonso a joke and waste of time,goodbye trollboy.
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That just proves your ignorance,even trollboy westall is aware of the pilots for truth site I discussed with him once years ago.:rofl:

They also came out and talked about it on YouTube way back then as well,yiu won’t find them on YouTube now though sense facist YouTube deleted them having too much truth in them that sheds to pieces the lies of the government and cia controlled media you both like fools,worship as the gospel truth, :rofl:

You same as shill westall just proved you also are in the minor leagues not ready fir the big leagues with the likes of me and rancid old man.

You just lost your credibility there even worse than westall has,westall at least in all his as beatings he has suffered from me alll these years,HE at least is aware of the pilots for truth site,:rofl:

Come back when your ready to be mature and admit I would have to be a fool to listen to you instead of all those experts as well as a whistleblower pentagon employee who has gone through harassment but the cia controlled media and government over the years.

Westall trolls all the time trying to tell me THEY are all wrong and he is right and that Cheney did not commit treason that day and violate standard pentago protocols and the fbi iall of a sudden did nit become an evil organization that destroyed evidence that day despite their lonnnnnnmmnggggbbh history of corruption over the years so o reason to believe you will be mature either and admit to being wrong.
Triggerred I see sense the truth hurts and you know your licked unable to refute the treason Cheney and the fbi committed that day.poor troll.:itsok: As I said,your a joke even worse than shill westall and not worth my time anymore.at least trollboy westall knows what I’m talking about on the pilots for truth site. :rofl:
That just proves your ignorance,even trollboy westall is aware of the pilots for truth site I discussed with him once years ago.:rofl:

They also came out and talked about it on YouTube way back then as well,yiu won’t find them on YouTube now though sense facist YouTube deleted them having too much truth in them that sheds to pieces the lies of the government and cia controlled media you both like fools,worship as the gospel truth, :rofl:

You same as shill westall just proved you also are in the minor leagues not ready fir the big leagues with the likes of me and rancid old man.

You just lost your credibility there even worse than westall has,westall at least in all his as beatings he has suffered from me alll these years,HE at least is aware of the pilots for truth site,:rofl:

Come back when your ready to be mature and admit I would have to be a fool to listen to you instead of all those experts as well as a whistleblower pentagon employee who has gone through harassment but the cia controlled media and government over the years.

Westall trolls all the time trying to tell me THEY are all wrong and he is right and that Cheney did not commit treason that day and violate standard pentago protocols and the fbi iall of a sudden did nit become an evil organization that destroyed evidence that day despite their lonnnnnnmmnggggbbh history of corruption over the years so o reason to believe you will be mature either and admit to being wrong.
You can't spell or do grammar correctly yet think I should take you seriously ??? !!!
I suggest you get back on your meds and see professional medical and psychological counseling.
Your the world class idiot the fact pilots for truth as I just said have debunked your bullshit and you keep having fantasy’s same as westall trollboy Cheney did not commit an evil act thst day as well violating standard pentagon protocols and the fbi all of a sudden stopped being an evil organization that day and did not illegally destroy evidence despite their decades long past of doing that so many years decade after decade..:rofl:

Major fail as always dame as westall, :rofl: goodbye,yiu a fucking waste of time and a joke,same as westall you keep evading the corrupting of Cheney and the fbi thst day and as I have told your fellow trollboy westall over the years,your an idiot expecting me to believe your babble over many of the best pilots in the world over at pilots for truth which again trollboy,facist youtube felypted so many of what they said back then sense there was too much truth in the videos.

Same as westall,you deflect when your proven wrong and Alonso a joke and waste of time,goodbye trollboy.
Since you repeat the same insane garbage, deserve the same repeat reply;

You can't spell or do grammar correctly yet think I should take you seriously ??? !!!
I suggest you get back on your meds and see professional medical and psychological counseling.
Triggerred I see sense the truth hurts and you know your licked unable to refute the treason Cheney and the fbi committed that day.poor troll.:itsok: As I said,your a joke even worse than shill westall and not worth my time anymore.at least trollboy westall knows what I’m talking about on the pilots for truth site. :rofl:
Your anger the way you easily get triggeded when you deflect is priceless,boy at least westall shill is not triggered so easily as you are when getting checkmated,:lmao:
You can't spell or do grammar correctly yet think I should take you seriously ??? !!!
I suggest you get back on your meds and see professional medical and psychological counseling.
I’m on a tablet,it’s very difficult to type and spell correctly.:lmao:it’s a. Chore.it’s quite a task.lol.
Since you repeat the same insane garbage, deserve the same repeat reply;

You can't spell or do grammar correctly yet think I should take you seriously ??? !!!
I suggest you get back on your meds and see professional medical and psychological counseling.
:dig: It’s garbage to you because you know your licked and have no answers to counter whst pilots say.at least westall is not the moron you are and at least knows about pilots or truth,yiu are even far worse in the minor leagues than him because of your ignorance in thst.

Yep I am the one that’s need counseling,I should listen tio the babble of you,westall,the fbi and Cheney and the cia media instead of the best pilots in the world,guess I need counseling for that faulty logic.maybe rancid we’ll have tolereran e over your deflection,im done listening to your babble and deflections you senile babbling old man.

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