9/11 Proof: Basic Physics. Can you handle it?

Will the Troll man up and answer the facts like promised?

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Dec 8, 2010
Have any of you heard about Mike Gravel? He singlehandedly filibustered the Vietnam Draft, and read The Pentagon Papers for the public record. You've probably heard of him.


This is definitely suitable for the Politics section, considering his political influences in the past, his political resume, and the political statements he is saying.
Seriously, you need to get off your political hobby and learn more about what's actually going on.
Seriously, you need to get off your political hobby and learn more about what's actually going on.

Im simply sharing the Press Conferences that the media does not show. This is not a hobby, nor anything provocative. I just am providing intellectual people an avenue to look at alternative views of 9/11, especially since it's been in the news recently, and the BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ? campaign has just taken off. Colorado Public Television just aired Loose Change An American Coup on Dec 4th. It's better to be on the train while its still leaving the station, and having an open mind and taking off the blinders is the only way for you to get on before its too late. You don't want this to all hit you at once when the mainstream media reports it, it will be too much....
He opposed the DRAFT?

Good for him.

Of course this means nothing as it pertains to 9-11, but thanks for bringing this guy to my attention.
KMPH-TV is a television station in Fresno, California broadcasting digitally on television channel 28, and is licensed to nearby Visalia. It is the Fresno-area affiliate of the Fox...

Carbon Based Fires CANNOT melt steel, IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
2.25 seconds of free fall proves the fraud in the NIST report.

[ edited-no spamming-Meister
The truth is only getting stronger! I can only wait till the day this hits main stream media, that's when it is truly GAME OVER.

Umm...first...it didn't melt the steel.
Heat above 600 degrees creates a physical change in steel that weakens it.
The higher the temperature, the weaker steel gets. I think I knew this when I was 12.

Get over it.
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Carbon Based Fires CANNOT melt steel, IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
2.25 seconds of free fall proves the fraud in the NIST report.

edited-no spamming-MeisterThe truth is only getting stronger! I can only wait till the day this hits main stream media, that's when it is truly GAME OVER.

Good for him. Not everyone is an OCTASS --Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist Stupid Sheep :lol:
Umm...first...it didn't melt the steel.
Heat above 600 degrees creates a physical change in steel that weakens it.
The higher the temperature, the weaker steel gets. I think I knew this when I was 12.

Get over it.

Steel does not melt until ~2700 Degrees.
600 Degrees is not even a FOURTH of that.
Your conclusion that 600 degrees could WEAKEN and cause a FULL and SUDDEN collapse of a 50 story sky scraper at FREE FALL ACCELERATION is only a slap in the face to YOURSELF. That is such a disturbing statement I can't understand how you could think that's possible.

edited- no spamming-Meister
Carbon Based Fires CANNOT melt steel, IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
Rosie O'Donnell, is that you?


Acetylene (systematic name: ethyne) is the chemical compound with the formula C2H2. It is a hydrocarbon and the simplest alkyne.​

Go be stupid somewhere else.
Tell that to General Sherman. All through GA there are still "Sherman's Neckties" where Union soldiers set steel rail over burning ties, and then ran them around trees. They made all kinds of neat shapes with steel heated over wood.




All that has to happen is that the integrity of the steel fails. This starts to happen at 600*

This is how steel is processed at the mill. You raise it over 1000*, then you form it.
Do you goes not know that difference between steel that has been MELTED, and steel that has been HEATED up to the temp it BENDS at? There's a big difference between finding MOLTEN steel, then BENT steel. WTC7, and the Towers had molten steel. Carbon based fires CANNOT melt steel into LIQUID STEEL LIKE A FOUNDRY. It can't do that unless it reaches temps of 2700+++++++++++++ Chairs, carpets, wood, people, jet fuel, THEY DO NOT GET THIS HOT.


Stop trying to avoid the facts at hand and find some other reason and change physics so that your point is right. Carbon fires do not melt steel, and buildings cannot free fall through the path of greatest resistance from an office fire. those are facts.
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Carbon based fires CANNOT melt steel.

You keep saying that. You keep being wrong.

Please direct me to where Physics allow for Carbon Based fires (Chairs, Paper, Carpets) can reach temps that melt steel into liquid? They don't reach 2700 degrees, so they can't. So why do you keep saying 'im wrong', when in reality, for steel to become a liquid metal, it needs to be heated up to 2700 degrees? Paper and wood and jet fuel fires cannot do this. I am not wrong, you are in DENIAL.

Umm...first...it didn't melt the steel.
Heat above 600 degrees creates a physical change in steel that weakens it.
The higher the temperature, the weaker steel gets. I think I knew this when I was 12.

Get over it.

Steel does not melt until ~2700 Degrees.
600 Degrees is not even a FOURTH of that.
I believe he meant 600C, not F. At that temperature, steel loses half it's strength and then rapidly loses the rest as temperatures climb. You would think someone of your massive ego would know that.

PhysicsExist said:
Your conclusion that 600 degrees could WEAKEN and cause a FULL and SUDDEN collapse of a 50 story sky scraper at FREE FALL ACCELERATION is only a slap in the face to YOURSELF. That is such a disturbing statement I can't understand how you could think that's possible.
The fact you're too big an ignorant fuck to believe all 80+ columns had to be cut simultaniously yet there IS NO EXPLOSION to be heard means you questioning anyone else's intelligence is just downright silly.

BTW, what difference does it make if an NFL player joins your fucked up ignorant cause? Is he an expert in engineering? No. Is he an expert in anything other than maybe football? Doubtful. So all he can offer is his opinion. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one. Yours smells like ass. :lol:
Carbon based fires CANNOT melt steel.

You keep saying that. You keep being wrong.

Please direct me to where Physics allow for Carbon Based fires (Chairs, Paper, Carpets) can reach temps that melt steel into liquid? They don't reach 2700 degrees, so they can't. So why do you keep saying 'im wrong', when in reality, for steel to become a liquid metal, it needs to be heated up to 2700 degrees? Paper and wood and jet fuel fires cannot do this. I am not wrong, you are in DENIAL.

You said, "Carbon based fires CANNOT melt steel." This is, of course, wrong. Acetylene burns in air at 2,200° C to 2,400° C -- 3,992 degrees° F to 4,352° F.

Therefore, carbon-based fires CAN melt steel. Stop repeating your fallacy.

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