9-11 revisited

When the poster myself and associated loonies talk about nuking Afghanistan, Mecca, the whole Middle East they're expressing the deep anger and frustration of a country, a nation state like America that has a defined territory with literally millions of targets waiting to be attacked.

He's expressing the utter impotence of a conventional army, the US army, fighting a gang, a loose association of individuals that doesn't hold any territory to be bombed or nuked, who can't be destroyed because its members don't belong to squads, platoons or companies being found from Mauritania to Indonesia and can easily hide anywhere in the world.
This deep frustration that results from fighting a gang is the origin of his paroxism of anger and violence.

"Our american army is as impotent as a little baby when it fights a gang so let's promote a wholesale slaughter in the ME hoping the gang members will be shocked and stop their activities or be forced to stop by their societies."
myself you are a Boot Camper and wrong--in my thread, all the proof --Vietnam was unwinnable--- JFK said it...McNamara said it--etc etc
--just for one thing, you and others say we did not go into North Vietnam--[ hahahhaha ] well, we DID go into Afghanistan----and did not get rid of the culture/Taliban/etc--same would've happened in North Vietnam
.....so, again--more Americans were murdered on 9-11 than at Pearl Harbor---you are saying we should just ALLOW terrorists to kill Americans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --that's ridiculous
.....Osama and his gang were in Afghanistan ...we did not waste $$$ or lives there ...we can't change the culture or totally win, but we did kill a lot of bad guys including the LEADER
...again, you people think wars are board games.....you are shallow thinkers...you think unrealistically ..these are not TOTAL wars

So if a couple dozen people from a neighboring state comes into your state and kills a bunch of people your thought process is to drop nukes on the state they came from?

You're just as blood thirsty and radical as the people who attacked us to begin with and ultimately the reason why they attacked us.

You're also the reason why they bring up 911, so people without emotional restraint and people who can't let something go will watch everything and increase their viewership so they get advertising dollars. The pain of 911 won't go away until people stop reopening the wound constantly.
I won't comment on what you wanted to do to Afghanistan. We did what we did; we did what we had to do. If you say there was no gain...ok....but there have been almost zero attacks on the West spawned out of Afghanistan in 20 odd years.

As for the first part of your post....I'm a true crime junkie of sorts. One of which is the Manson family murders. I've been "studying" it for years. I came across a documentary that sort of disturbed me. They showed the dead bodies and the crime scene (alot of it anyway) but the documentarian decided to put in a gun shot sound effect for the people in the house who were shot. It seems like after a certain amount of time, the film makers suddenly don't have any sensitivity toward the subject any longer.

I am going to watch the 9/11 A Day in America on Hulu at some point I imagine.

The "graduate course" on the topic was the National Geographic program, "Inside 9/11". At first it was a 2 part series but a third part has been added that I haven't seen. It is comprehensive and a compelling narrative.
there were a number, actually the country’s govt that protected the folks that did it

sadly xiden just gave them their power back
There were no Afghan hijackers. 15 were from Saudi Arabia, two were from the UAE, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
I have to wonder. Why in the hell isn't Afghanistan a radioactive wasteland right now.
The Afghan people are just as much victims of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda as we are.

More so. Much more so.
I can't even imagine the profound PTSD which must be plaguing the Afghan people after so many decades of terrorism, occupation, and warfare.
There were no Afghan hijackers. 15 were from Saudi Arabia, two were from the UAE, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
cool..but where was AQ hiding and operating from? I get this was 20 years ago, but come on man
Remind me again how many Afghans were on the hijacked planes?
You know, I'm sure I read somewhere about genocide being a crime.
The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

Some genos need to be cided. It's only way we evolved from being dumb thrill-killing apes. Ruling-class multiculties have put us in an existential crisis.
go there? they are already there.

Moreover, Xiden stocked them with weapons which are located there

Look, Corky, if you are going to try to have adult conversations, you have to really do better than that.
Nuking Afghanistan = being left alone?

Invading Iraq = being left alone?

Heavy sanctions against Iran and Venezuela = being left along?

Bombing Libya = being left alone?

"Why in the hell isn't Afghanistan a radioactive wasteland right now. They also should have dropped a nuke on the epicenter of the religion that allowed for those kamikazes to exist. "

You want to be left alone, but the US clearly didn't leave the world alone, especially the world that has oil under its soil. So, the US doesn't leave people alone, so people fight back.

Just saw this:

"The top US general has described the Taliban as a "ruthless group""

Says a US general, part of the armed forces that has invaded, bombed, killed more than any other in the world in the last 20, 50, 70 years.

When it comes to Afghanistan, they started it. So why shouldn't we have finished it. If not by nuking, then dozens of 10,000 pound bombs. If they wanted war, which they apparently did, we should have given it to them. Not spend hundreds of billions over there. As for Iraq, we should have never invaded the place. All we did was make it available for the taking to Iran. And create ISIS.
myself you are a Boot Camper and wrong--in my thread, all the proof --Vietnam was unwinnable--- JFK said it...McNamara said it--etc etc
--just for one thing, you and others say we did not go into North Vietnam--[ hahahhaha ] well, we DID go into Afghanistan----and did not get rid of the culture/Taliban/etc--same would've happened in North Vietnam
.....so, again--more Americans were murdered on 9-11 than at Pearl Harbor---you are saying we should just ALLOW terrorists to kill Americans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --that's ridiculous
.....Osama and his gang were in Afghanistan ...we did not waste $$$ or lives there ...we can't change the culture or totally win, but we did kill a lot of bad guys including the LEADER
...again, you people think wars are board games.....you are shallow thinkers...you think unrealistically ..these are not TOTAL wars

Well guess what. Afghanistan was unwinnable too. Their North Vietnam was Pakistan. We didn't invade it either. Police actions are a farce. Bolstered by the military industrial industry. And as far as the middle east goes, israel. Next, if we killed enough Afghans, they would have probably killed bin Laden. For bringing such destruction to their country.

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