9,200 Fewer Abortions in Texas After Passage of Pro-Life Law


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:

A year after the passage of a controversial bill restricting abortion in Texas, there will be an estimated 9,200 fewer abortions performed in the state, according to a report published earlier this month by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

"Compared to Period 1 [the six months prior to the bill's debate], there was a 13% decline in the state's abortion rate in Period 3 (the same six-month period one year later), corresponding to about 9,200 fewer abortions annually," according to the report, entitled “Change in Abortion Services After Implementation of a Restrictive Law in Texas.”

It also says that Texas had 41 abortion clinics as of May 2013. By November 2013, that number had been reduced to 22 and is expected to fall as low as six by September, when all abortion clinics in Texas must follow ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements.

The number of chemical abortions also decreased by 70 percent.

The legislation, which was passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last July, prohibits most abortions after 20 weeks, requires that all abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and mandates that all chemical abortions be performed according to FDA regulations

Report Estimates 9,200 Fewer Abortions in Texas After Passage of Pro-Life Law | CNS News

The question I have is why? What has this law don’t to reduce abortions? Has it simply restricted access and if that is the case (as I think it is) are you banking on this being a good thing? I have serious issues with the government interceding with anyone’s body – even in the case of pregnancy. I can also see this as essentially killing the bill in the courts – limiting access based on arbitrary rules.

I actually agree with the 20 weeks part – it makes sense to me that abortion should be regulated within the gestational period BUT I would doubt that is the barrier that reduced abortions overall. Closing all the clinics down – that is the likely cause.
Classic Republican moronic logic at work: If you pretend it no longer exists that means it ceases to exist! POOF! No more abortions because we restricted access!

By the fallacy of that logic, NO ONE was drinking during the prohibition era because alcohol was banned!

How utterly stupid of anyone to think that abortions will magically stop because Texas restricted access to them. Texas sent them underground or out of state is all.
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More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:

A year after the passage of a controversial bill restricting abortion in Texas, there will be an estimated 9,200 fewer abortions performed in the state, according to a report published earlier this month by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

"Compared to Period 1 [the six months prior to the bill's debate], there was a 13% decline in the state's abortion rate in Period 3 (the same six-month period one year later), corresponding to about 9,200 fewer abortions annually," according to the report, entitled “Change in Abortion Services After Implementation of a Restrictive Law in Texas.”

It also says that Texas had 41 abortion clinics as of May 2013. By November 2013, that number had been reduced to 22 and is expected to fall as low as six by September, when all abortion clinics in Texas must follow ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements.

The number of chemical abortions also decreased by 70 percent.

The legislation, which was passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last July, prohibits most abortions after 20 weeks, requires that all abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and mandates that all chemical abortions be performed according to FDA regulations

Well, besides the fact that your source is CNS news, a Christian Website that reports Noah's Flood like that was a real thing.

How would they know how many chemical abortions occurred.

How many of those women just went to neighboring states to get abortions because it was less of a hassle?

abortion bans don't stop abortions guy.

My guess, your going to find the birth rate didn't go up in Texas.
Abortion, all hail Satan.

My opinion is that Noah's flood was real, a flood story has been passed down from many civilizations, the details can be argued.

My opinion is that perhaps by making abortion harder that women MIGHT be taking better care of themselves. Using contraception properly. Or just abstaining from behavior that causes the liberal curse of pregnancy. Would that not be a good result? Instead of just taking little responsibility and letting the death of the unborn be the result. People, myself very included, are like water or electricity they take the path of least resistance. People won't always do the right thing, such as a simple thing as wear a seat belt. For whatever reason the 2 seconds it takes to put it on is just too much for some people. So they receive more severe injuries when they do in fact have an accident. So laws are passed to try and get people to do the right thing. Will anyone argue that abortions is the right thing?

As for the BS about choice. ALL laws are about restricting choice. You do not have the choice to kill someone. You do not have the choice to inflict harm onto yourself. You do not have the choice, without consequences, not to wear a seat belt.
Abortion, all hail Satan.

My opinion is that Noah's flood was real, a flood story has been passed down from many civilizations, the details can be argued.

No. It's a myth. Never fucking happened.

My opinion is that perhaps by making abortion harder that women MIGHT be taking better care of themselves. Using contraception properly. Or just abstaining from behavior that causes the liberal curse of pregnancy. Would that not be a good result? Instead of just taking little responsibility and letting the death of the unborn be the result.

Your whole premise is contingent on the belief that a kidney-bean sized fetus is the moral equivalent of a newborn. Even people who want babies don't think that.

People, myself very included, are like water or electricity they take the path of least resistance. People won't always do the right thing, such as a simple thing as wear a seat belt. For whatever reason the 2 seconds it takes to put it on is just too much for some people. So they receive more severe injuries when they do in fact have an accident. So laws are passed to try and get people to do the right thing. Will anyone argue that abortions is the right thing?

yeah, I'd argue that it is the right thing for some people who aren't financially or emotionally cut out to be parents.

As for the BS about choice. ALL laws are about restricting choice. You do not have the choice to kill someone. You do not have the choice to inflict harm onto yourself. You do not have the choice, without consequences, not to wear a seat belt.

Again, I find it amusing that someone who calls himself "Freewill" wants the government regulating what people do with their sex organs.

The question I have is why? What has this law don’t to reduce abortions? Has it simply restricted access and if that is the case (as I think it is) are you banking on this being a good thing? I have serious issues with the government interceding with anyone’s body – even in the case of pregnancy. I can also see this as essentially killing the bill in the courts – limiting access based on arbitrary rules.

I actually agree with the 20 weeks part – it makes sense to me that abortion should be regulated within the gestational period BUT I would doubt that is the barrier that reduced abortions overall. Closing all the clinics down – that is the likely cause.

Good....Closer of the butcher shop abortion clinics is a good thing:cool:
More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:

A year after the passage of a controversial bill restricting abortion in Texas, there will be an estimated 9,200 fewer abortions performed in the state, according to a report published earlier this month by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

"Compared to Period 1 [the six months prior to the bill's debate], there was a 13% decline in the state's abortion rate in Period 3 (the same six-month period one year later), corresponding to about 9,200 fewer abortions annually," according to the report, entitled “Change in Abortion Services After Implementation of a Restrictive Law in Texas.”

It also says that Texas had 41 abortion clinics as of May 2013. By November 2013, that number had been reduced to 22 and is expected to fall as low as six by September, when all abortion clinics in Texas must follow ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements.

The number of chemical abortions also decreased by 70 percent.

The legislation, which was passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last July, prohibits most abortions after 20 weeks, requires that all abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and mandates that all chemical abortions be performed according to FDA regulations

Report Estimates 9,200 Fewer Abortions in Texas After Passage of Pro-Life Law | CNS News

Aren't the political party positions on abortion reversed from how they should be? Shouldn't Republicans be for abortion since most who opt for them are probably the less wealthy types? And Democrats be against it, since less abortion equals more poor people and likely Democrats? :)
More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:

A year after the passage of a controversial bill restricting abortion in Texas, there will be an estimated 9,200 fewer abortions performed in the state, according to a report published earlier this month by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

"Compared to Period 1 [the six months prior to the bill's debate], there was a 13% decline in the state's abortion rate in Period 3 (the same six-month period one year later), corresponding to about 9,200 fewer abortions annually," according to the report, entitled “Change in Abortion Services After Implementation of a Restrictive Law in Texas.”

It also says that Texas had 41 abortion clinics as of May 2013. By November 2013, that number had been reduced to 22 and is expected to fall as low as six by September, when all abortion clinics in Texas must follow ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements.

The number of chemical abortions also decreased by 70 percent.

The legislation, which was passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last July, prohibits most abortions after 20 weeks, requires that all abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and mandates that all chemical abortions be performed according to FDA regulations

Well, besides the fact that your source is CNS news, a Christian Website that reports Noah's Flood like that was a real thing.

How would they know how many chemical abortions occurred.

How many of those women just went to neighboring states to get abortions because it was less of a hassle?

abortion bans don't stop abortions guy.

My guess, your going to find the birth rate didn't go up in Texas.

abortion bans don't stop abortions guy.

bans never work out
More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:

A year after the passage of a controversial bill restricting abortion in Texas, there will be an estimated 9,200 fewer abortions performed in the state, according to a report published earlier this month by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

"Compared to Period 1 [the six months prior to the bill's debate], there was a 13% decline in the state's abortion rate in Period 3 (the same six-month period one year later), corresponding to about 9,200 fewer abortions annually," according to the report, entitled “Change in Abortion Services After Implementation of a Restrictive Law in Texas.”

It also says that Texas had 41 abortion clinics as of May 2013. By November 2013, that number had been reduced to 22 and is expected to fall as low as six by September, when all abortion clinics in Texas must follow ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements.

The number of chemical abortions also decreased by 70 percent.

The legislation, which was passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last July, prohibits most abortions after 20 weeks, requires that all abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and mandates that all chemical abortions be performed according to FDA regulations

Report Estimates 9,200 Fewer Abortions in Texas After Passage of Pro-Life Law | CNS News

Aren't the political party positions on abortion reversed from how they should be? Shouldn't Republicans be for abortion since most who opt for them are probably the less wealthy types? And Democrats be against it, since less abortion equals more poor people and likely Democrats? :)

This would only be true if you believed the stereotype utter BS fed to us from the liberal media. The democrat party has never been for anyone other then the democrat party and power. They are the party of slavery and that has not changed. So believe what you see not what they say.
More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:

A year after the passage of a controversial bill restricting abortion in Texas, there will be an estimated 9,200 fewer abortions performed in the state, according to a report published earlier this month by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

"Compared to Period 1 [the six months prior to the bill's debate], there was a 13% decline in the state's abortion rate in Period 3 (the same six-month period one year later), corresponding to about 9,200 fewer abortions annually," according to the report, entitled “Change in Abortion Services After Implementation of a Restrictive Law in Texas.”

It also says that Texas had 41 abortion clinics as of May 2013. By November 2013, that number had been reduced to 22 and is expected to fall as low as six by September, when all abortion clinics in Texas must follow ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements.

The number of chemical abortions also decreased by 70 percent.

The legislation, which was passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last July, prohibits most abortions after 20 weeks, requires that all abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and mandates that all chemical abortions be performed according to FDA regulations

Report Estimates 9,200 Fewer Abortions in Texas After Passage of Pro-Life Law | CNS News

Aren't the political party positions on abortion reversed from how they should be? Shouldn't Republicans be for abortion since most who opt for them are probably the less wealthy types? And Democrats be against it, since less abortion equals more poor people and likely Democrats? :)

You make the false (though very common) assumption that most abortions are for economic reasons (women can't afford a child).

IIRC, this has been repeatedly been proven false. Most abortions are by middle class women.
More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:


Well, besides the fact that your source is CNS news, a Christian Website that reports Noah's Flood like that was a real thing.

How would they know how many chemical abortions occurred.

How many of those women just went to neighboring states to get abortions because it was less of a hassle?

abortion bans don't stop abortions guy.

My guess, your going to find the birth rate didn't go up in Texas.

abortion bans don't stop abortions guy.

bans never work out

Really? I'm pretty certain that even the worse case number of abortions in the U.S. prior to Roe V. Wade were far, far fewer than afterwards.
Abortion, all hail Satan.

My opinion is that Noah's flood was real, a flood story has been passed down from many civilizations, the details can be argued.

No. It's a myth. Never fucking happened.

Believe what you want but you don't get to ignore the evidence:

Evidence Noah's Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard

My opinion is that perhaps by making abortion harder that women MIGHT be taking better care of themselves. Using contraception properly. Or just abstaining from behavior that causes the liberal curse of pregnancy. Would that not be a good result? Instead of just taking little responsibility and letting the death of the unborn be the result.

Your whole premise is contingent on the belief that a kidney-bean sized fetus is the moral equivalent of a newborn. Even people who want babies don't think that.

Where did I make that claim? Seems to me that if you are going to post what others are saying you should just have a one man discussion board.

You seem to hold the unscientific belief that that almond sized unborn child, is something other then human. Why do liberals so freely reject science?

People, myself very included, are like water or electricity they take the path of least resistance. People won't always do the right thing, such as a simple thing as wear a seat belt. For whatever reason the 2 seconds it takes to put it on is just too much for some people. So they receive more severe injuries when they do in fact have an accident. So laws are passed to try and get people to do the right thing. Will anyone argue that abortions is the right thing?

yeah, I'd argue that it is the right thing for some people who aren't financially or emotionally cut out to be parents.

Then sex isn't either. I realize there are weeds to be thinned but abortion seems to be the wrong way to go about it.

As for the BS about choice. ALL laws are about restricting choice. You do not have the choice to kill someone. You do not have the choice to inflict harm onto yourself. You do not have the choice, without consequences, not to wear a seat belt.

Again, I find it amusing that someone who calls himself "Freewill" wants the government regulating what people do with their sex organs.

That is not what I want, I want people to accept responsibility for that which they created. Either we have laws which people use their free will to follow or ignore or we have anarchy.
When Texas secedes...sooner the better...they can close their borders to prevent women from leaving to get abortions....
I wonder when the Texas government has to raise taxes to pay for more schools, school lunches, and other government services because they have more kids than they could handle, how will they react to that? I guess they would be or raising taxes because they want these kids to have a life since they are fighting so hard to get them born.
Originally Posted by Freewill View Post
"Abortion, all hail Satan.

My opinion is that Noah's flood was real, a flood story has been passed down from many civilizations, the details can be argued."

To which Joe replied:

"No. It's a myth. Never fucking happened."

If Al Gore's dire prediction of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and various areas of the continental United States will be under water if people refuse to live like cavemen can be correct, so can the Flood be taken as a fact.
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More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:

A year after the passage of a controversial bill restricting abortion in Texas, there will be an estimated 9,200 fewer abortions performed in the state, according to a report published earlier this month by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

"Compared to Period 1 [the six months prior to the bill's debate], there was a 13% decline in the state's abortion rate in Period 3 (the same six-month period one year later), corresponding to about 9,200 fewer abortions annually," according to the report, entitled “Change in Abortion Services After Implementation of a Restrictive Law in Texas.”

It also says that Texas had 41 abortion clinics as of May 2013. By November 2013, that number had been reduced to 22 and is expected to fall as low as six by September, when all abortion clinics in Texas must follow ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements.

The number of chemical abortions also decreased by 70 percent.

The legislation, which was passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last July, prohibits most abortions after 20 weeks, requires that all abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and mandates that all chemical abortions be performed according to FDA regulations

Report Estimates 9,200 Fewer Abortions in Texas After Passage of Pro-Life Law | CNS News

Aren't the political party positions on abortion reversed from how they should be? Shouldn't Republicans be for abortion since most who opt for them are probably the less wealthy types? And Democrats be against it, since less abortion equals more poor people and likely Democrats? :)

Here let me help you. Democrats are the party of moral degenerates.
More strict Abortion laws save lives. :cool:

A year after the passage of a controversial bill restricting abortion in Texas, there will be an estimated 9,200 fewer abortions performed in the state, according to a report published earlier this month by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

"Compared to Period 1 [the six months prior to the bill's debate], there was a 13% decline in the state's abortion rate in Period 3 (the same six-month period one year later), corresponding to about 9,200 fewer abortions annually," according to the report, entitled “Change in Abortion Services After Implementation of a Restrictive Law in Texas.”

It also says that Texas had 41 abortion clinics as of May 2013. By November 2013, that number had been reduced to 22 and is expected to fall as low as six by September, when all abortion clinics in Texas must follow ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements.

The number of chemical abortions also decreased by 70 percent.

The legislation, which was passed and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last July, prohibits most abortions after 20 weeks, requires that all abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and mandates that all chemical abortions be performed according to FDA regulations

Report Estimates 9,200 Fewer Abortions in Texas After Passage of Pro-Life Law | CNS News
this is great news. Keep the baby killers on the run. Arrest abortion doctors.
Classic Republican moronic logic at work: If you pretend it no longer exists that means it ceases to exist! POOF! No more abortions because we restricted access!

By the fallacy of that logic, NO ONE was drinking during the prohibition era because alcohol was banned!

How utterly stupid of anyone to think that abortions will magically stop because Texas restricted access to them. Texas sent them underground or out of state is all.
. It's a start. This law must go into all 50 states and then then baby killers will have no place to run to.

The question I have is why? What has this law don’t to reduce abortions? Has it simply restricted access and if that is the case (as I think it is) are you banking on this being a good thing? I have serious issues with the government interceding with anyone’s body – even in the case of pregnancy. I can also see this as essentially killing the bill in the courts – limiting access based on arbitrary rules.

I actually agree with the 20 weeks part – it makes sense to me that abortion should be regulated within the gestational period BUT I would doubt that is the barrier that reduced abortions overall. Closing all the clinics down – that is the likely cause.

It did not restrict access, it simply set a bar for safety that was a bit higher than the coat hanger shops the abortion mills were running. The coat hanger shop owners apparently left to go to other states where they can get more profit per abortion.
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