9 Crucial Ways Denmark is Superior to the US

  • Education an investment (which it is and yields 9 times the investment in extra tax revenue).

Countries like Denmark just don't allow everyone to attend college you know, and don't allow anyone to study what they want once they get there.

Students are put on a track depending on their caste at a young age, and if you are a low caste, you won't get near a college unless you apply for a job as a janitor

You are for real... Where did you get caste from... That comes from India...

Denmark has actually one of the lowest class streaming in Europe.

Entry to University is merit based just like the rest of Europe generally...

Are you saying the courses you get to pick should decided by how wealthy the vagina you fell out off...

"merit based" means that the Government decides who goes to the university and who doesn't. It isn't up to the people.

Here in America, if you want to go to college, its between you and the school with no govt interference.

Hey idiot...

Merit Based means there is an exam or series exams which determine your access...

Let me explain to you the Irish one:
You get a choice of 6 subjects to do. (you have studied for two years one them)
You choose courses from 1- 20 (could be higher) in order of preference

Do Exams
You papers are graded (you can ask for rechecks and see the paper)
The results are turned into points and students are informed of there points which they can easily calculate themselves.
All Courses are calculate the points needed on supply and demand (big shout for capitalism)

Minimum Points for courses are published in the newspaper and online
Your exam number and course are published the next day in the newspaper and online

If you believe your paper was not corrected properly you can ask for recheck ($50 per paper), still can court (very rare)
If you believe you were not offered the right course, you can sue, and if you are right you will win.
That university place belongs to you by right.

No explain how the government decides there? Seems the student has the most power in it... Get the grades and you get the course... Government takes money out of it...
There's another side to the smiley friendly Danes.

Dirty and underhand business practices in third world dumps.

Before President Trump was elected, half of Hollywood and many other libs made sacred vows to leave the country for places like Denmark if The Donald won.

Well, Trump won, and DeNiro, Alec Baldwin, DiCrappio, Cher, RBG, etc. are still in this country.

Believe me, our lib friends don't want to go to Denmark either.

I don't understand the American self hatred of thinking that 'somewhere else' is better.

Of course Europe is nice, if you're a tourist, or don't live off the economy, like DOD people do.
Well, just did a little research on Google....Denmark has a VAT of 25%, and personal income of 45%.

Billy can have that government, I'll take mine

America will definitely get a Massive VAT tax, if we ever go the way of Shitholes like Denmark.

People in California think they pay a lot now, they will be squealing like pigs if Pocahontas or Beto or Buttplug gets in
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
10) Denmark is almost all white.
Well, just did a little research on Google....Denmark has a VAT of 25%, and personal income of 45%.

Billy can have that government, I'll take mine

America will definitely get a Massive VAT tax, if we ever go the way of Shitholes like Denmark.

People in California think they pay a lot now, they will be squealing like pigs if Pocahontas or Beto or Buttplug gets in
Californians are already squealing, and that's just with the gas tax that was implemented.
There's another side to the smiley friendly Danes.

Dirty and underhand business practices in third world dumps.

Hang on, one side says this happens because they don't have corrupt Democrats

Now you say it is because they are corrupt...

By the way Denmark has one the highest foreign aid contribution per GDP in the world...

And guess what they something called credibility too...
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
10) Denmark is almost all white.

So what you are saying is, it is black people who ruin America....

But that isn't racist....
There has been a very large increase in the number of Danes who buy private health insurance. Wonder why....
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
10) Denmark is almost all white.

So what you are saying is, it is black people who ruin America....

But that isn't racist....
You don't think the racial population of a country has any effect? If you exchanged the entire populations of Hounduras and Denmark, in 10 years which continent would have a new shit hole?
Last edited:
There's another side to the smiley friendly Danes.

Dirty and underhand business practices in third world dumps.

Hang on, one side says this happens because they don't have corrupt Democrats

Now you say it is because they are corrupt...

By the way Denmark has one the highest foreign aid contribution per GDP in the world...

And guess what they something called credibility too...

I didn't say that.
There has been a very large increase in the number of Danes who buy private health insurance. Wonder why....

If you care about your health, why would you go and queue up at a government clinic?

Going to a private doctor makes sense, but you might not have the cash available if the bill is large. Insurance can help with unexpected large bills.
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
Go live there then… Millions of Americans want nothing to do with that shit… LOL
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
Go live there then… Millions of Americans want nothing to do with that shit… LOL

Not even the libs want to go there. Not a single prominent Leftard defected to Denmark (or Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Venezuela or any place else after they promised.
There has been a very large increase in the number of Danes who buy private health insurance. Wonder why....

About 16% of Revenue comes from private sources...

Guess what, some Danes don't totally trust there government. So you can take out private health insurance...
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust

Denmark is currently struggling with how to pay for a large influx of immigrants into the country wanting to take advantage of all of the above. To show you the direction they are heading...In November 2018, the government announced plans to house failed asylum claimants, criminal foreigners who could not be deported and foreign fighters in the Islamic State on Lindholm (Stege Bugt) [da], an island with no permanent residents.[10][12] The scheme was approved by Danish parliament 19 December 2018. The plan was opposed by council leaders in Vordingsborg municipality and merchants in Kalvehave, where the ferry to Lindholm has its port.[13] What do you think they'll do when they fill up their island?
The evidence is quite compelling. Repubs like to think that both they, and the US, is superior to anyone else in the world but the truth is countries like Denmark are really just laughing at them.

1) Unemployed workers get 90% of their previous salary for two years.

Denmark has a tremendous social safety net for unemployed workers — any worker who worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period can qualify to have 90 percent of their original salarypaid for, for up to two years. The Danish government also has plentiful training programs for out-of-work Danes. As a result, 73 percent of Danes between 15 and 64 have a paying job, compared to 67 percent of Americans.

2) Denmark spends far less on healthcare than the US does.

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the US spends twice as much per capita on healthcare than in Denmark, where taxpayer-funded universal healthcare is available for all citizens.2009 OECD data shows that the U.S. spent an average of $7,290 per person on healthcare. Denmark spent just $3,512. World Bank data, as seen in the chart above, shows Danish healthcare costs are about $3,000 less per capita than in the US.

3) Denmark is the happiest place on Earth

The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list.

4)Denmark has the shortest work week on average.

Denmark leads every other OECD nation in work-life balance. Danes work an average of 37 hours a week, earn an average of $46,000 USD annually, and have the right to 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Here in the US, the average worker puts in an average of 47 hours a week, and only takes 16 days of vacation a year. This is largely due to a more stressful work climate, in which wages are stagnating while costs are rising. Combine that with a highly-competitive job market, and that means more Americans are willing to chain themselves to their desk then to risk taking vacation days and coming back to find someone else took their job.

5) Denmark pays students $900 per month to attend college.

Here in the US, the cost of going to college has soared by over 500 percent in the last 30 years. But in Denmark, not only is college free, but students are actually paid $900 USD per month to go to school, provided they live on their own. And this funding lasts up to six years. By contrast, the average US student pays over $31,000 a year in tuition to attend a private university, out-of-state residents at public universities pay $22,000 a year in tuition, and tuition costs for in-state residents at those same universities is still over $9,000.

6) Denmark has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

In Denmark, despite a short work week and a generous social safety net, workers make more than enough to meet basic needs. According to per capita income data from the World Bank, Denmark’s per capita income is roughly $5,000 higher than in the US.

7) Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates. The US has one of the highest.

The benefits of living in Denmark are far-reaching — out of all OECD countries, Denmark has the second-lowest poverty rate at 0.6 percent. To compare, the OECD average of 11.3 percent is still lower than the 14.5 percent poverty rate in the US.

8) Denmark is rated #1 for best country for business

In 2014, Forbes ranked Denmark as the #1 best country for business.

Forbes used 11 different criteria to rank countries — innovation, property rights, red tape, taxes, investor protection, stock market performance, technology, corruption, personal freedom, freedom of trade, and monetary freedom.

Under the same criteria, the US ranked #18.

9) New parents in Denmark get 52 weeks of paid leave. US parents don't get shit.

The Danish government gives new parents an average of 52 weeks — a full year — of paid time off after having a child. Those 52 weeks can be allocated however the parents wish. In addition to the 52 weeks, new moms get 4 weeks of maternity leave before giving birth and 14 weeks after. Even new fathers get 2 additional weeks after the birth of their child. But here in the US, 1 in 4 new mothers go back to work within two weeks of having a child.

This is what Democratic Socialism really looks like. Is this the dystopian nightmare that Republicans are making it out to be, or an ideal vision of what Americans could have if we came together and demanded it from our government?

Here are 9 reasons Denmark's socialist economy leaves the US in the dust
Go live there then… Millions of Americans want nothing to do with that shit… LOL

Not even the libs want to go there. Not a single prominent Leftard defected to Denmark (or Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Venezuela or any place else after they promised.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........

When was the last time Denmark went to war? How much of their GDP does Denmark spend on their military. When you're not spending 4% of your budget blowing shit up on foreign soil, it's amazing what you can do for your infrastructure and your people. When you put your people ahead of your corporations, it's amazing what those people can do for your corporations.

Americans spend over 30% of their healthcare dollars on administration. Americans could reduce per capita spending by as much as 25% just by getting administration costs down to Canadian levels (7%). But not, you want to cling to the most expensive, inefficient healthcare delivery system in the world, because you like making insurance companies rich.
Denmark's population is around 5.8 million people. It also has a central bank and it's debt is around 36% of their GDP. and the tax rate is around 56%..........

When was the last time Denmark went to war? How much of their GDP does Denmark spend on their military. When you're not spending 4% of your budget blowing shit up on foreign soil, it's amazing what you can do for your infrastructure and your people. When you put your people ahead of your corporations, it's amazing what those people can do for your corporations.

Americans spend over 30% of their healthcare dollars on administration. Americans could reduce per capita spending by as much as 25% just by getting administration costs down to Canadian levels (7%). But not, you want to cling to the most expensive, inefficient healthcare delivery system in the world, because you like making insurance companies rich.
Progressives want to force their shit on everybody, whatever happened to Choice?

Forcing people into government socialist entitlement programs.... Is about as evil as you can get. Fact
Hold on, let me try my post again. Denmark has lost all Christianity. Its a Socialist country as well. It has very low Christian believers. It and the African Americans need to be relocated if they come around like under the Reformed Presbyterian Governance of Andrew Jackson during the Trail of Tears.Trail of Tears - Wikipedia
Korea has a very developed Christian Character. This is a Disney Song meant to be in the Scandinavias, "Lets Build a Snowman" in Korean, but I won't post it because its in a foreign language. I'll also cut out my foreign language joke from speaking in French. International isn't a disease you guys. That's not even anti-patriotism. That's your ignorant mandated policy toward a patriotic English Speaking Country and also an American Culture Celebrating Patriotism.

That's why the Bonnie Blue Flag of Scotland , a Scots Bonnie pretty, is going to come get ye, like during the Civil Wars, aye? The Bonnie Blue Bonnets are after you!

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