9 Worst States to Retire in...Yep, they're Blue

Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
Those states are broke with massive pensions for government employees. Live in a beautiful and economically dynamic red state. Then retire there.

Why do the need so much Fed cash every year....

The problem you got is Blue States make more money and thus due to demand and supply have a high cost of living...
Yeah, and the greedy liberals demand a LOT of your money.
My daughters dad owned a business in a red state. If ever a blue state resume came in, that person moved to the top immediately.
I would miss the snow too much. Also southern drivers panic when 10 inches of snow fall. What Is their issue? Fender eenders...people flocking to grocery stores.its moronic....schools closed. For gods its 10 lousy inches of snow.



Some of those would be expensive no matter what.....maybe less expensive,,,...
but maybe not enough to make a diff
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
Those states are broke with massive pensions for government employees. Live in a beautiful and economically dynamic red state. Then retire there.

Only thing red states have going is warmer climates .

No state income taxes
Alot less freakshow types
Nice people
White supremacists and other bigots ARE freak show types.

As a nation, we can't afford that kind of division.
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
Those states are broke with massive pensions for government employees. Live in a beautiful and economically dynamic red state. Then retire there.

Only thing red states have going is warmer climates .


Blue districts, except the NE and Minnesota, are all in warm coastal areas.

Still, inside the city of Seattle we have 147 miles of freshwater waterfront and 53 miles of salt water.

And, I can live in the city where it almost never snows, yet go night skiing and mountaineering after work.

With Seattle's economy, based on the many high tech corporations, manufacturing (such as Boeing), and our major shipping port, you know people are going to want to live here.

So, I don't know where we are on the list of cheap places to retire, but we're not really going to fit that description well at all.

Still, inside the city of Seattle we have 147 miles of freshwater waterfront and 53 miles of salt water.

And, I can live in the city where it almost never snows, yet go night skiing and mountaineering after work.

With Seattle's economy, based on the many high tech corporations, manufacturing (such as Boeing), and our major shipping port, you know people are going to want to live here.

So, I don't know where we are on the list of cheap places to retire, but we're not really going to fit that description well at all.

Until Mount Rainier explodes and kills everyone within a 100 mile radius. :dig:
I love this Red State/Blue State meme that the leftists push. Never occurs to them that they are dissing the 40% or MORE of THEIR constituents that live there when they pull out the hick/yahoo stereotypes and the bias. It's comical. Also comical that their "Blue States" depend on the HUGE urban centers where all these supposedly scholarly geniuses and enlightened live. When in reality, If you look at the Red/Blue state map CAREFULLY, MOST of those educated, enlightened live in the RED suburbs that surround their "Blue Maginot Line".. And commute into enemy territory to work. :mm:

You guys are a hoot and a half.

As for Northern retirees. Part of their BIGGEST adjustment to moving South is that there are ACTUAL Black people living/working amongst them. Something that they could avoid in their comfortable "inclusive" Northern burbs. We socially integrated much more completely then the North. And it can be a shocker for the "oh so enlightened" to discover..

No place on the planet I've ever seen more segregated than Nancy Pelosi's home territory on the San Fran peninsula. DARE you to find any kind of meaningful "integration" from South San Francisco to the farthest edges of Silicon Valley. It's a VERY closeted "racist" place. Those black people are "Oakland's problem". In fact BART and rail extensions from the East Bay have been nixed LARGELY because the rich white folks wanted their "quality of life" preserved on the Peninsula.

Give it a break man. It's just not selling.. Go visit a few places..
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9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.
Weird that NC is on there...WNC has been FLOODED with damn retirees from Florida. Hell my landlord has a home here and in Florida. Has Florida tags on his car! It says the average income is 65k!? LOL holy hell we make less than 30k a year and make it here just fine. Our county doubles in population during the summer because of the retirees getting away from the heat in Florida.
They are th e degree holders that are in social justice and/or require their safe spaces in those blue states. Unlike red state holders that know what work really is, a d have a confidence in themselves the others never will. Lol
Hey guy with all those degrees, it's "Yep, they're blue."
Oh, excuse me your Royal Anus, guess we can't always catch the auto spell in time. BTW...I have three college degrees. Thinking PhD soon. Now Zippy the Pin Head have a good day.

Still, inside the city of Seattle we have 147 miles of freshwater waterfront and 53 miles of salt water.

And, I can live in the city where it almost never snows, yet go night skiing and mountaineering after work.

With Seattle's economy, based on the many high tech corporations, manufacturing (such as Boeing), and our major shipping port, you know people are going to want to live here.

So, I don't know where we are on the list of cheap places to retire, but we're not really going to fit that description well at all.
You forgot to mention one of the worst places to drive in the US. Tripping over homeless people. Constant tax hikes to fund liberal wet dreams, average home price of 600k. Plus a LOT of people just like you. No thanks.

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