9 Worst States to Retire in...Yep, they're Blue

You are basing your opinion on personal experience me on fact.

Better to be born poor in NYC. Better upwafd mobility than mobile Alabama. But if you make it out of poverty in NYC you might want to retire in a red state where u can take advantage of the cheap labor. How else do you think they keep the costs down in red states?

You never see anyone go from poor to middle class in a red state then they retire in a blue state. I agree but want to make sure you realize why
Your narrow minded opinion isn't a fact. Quality of life, cost of living, the environment you live in are all things to consider when sitting on your perch if you are going to evaluate people's lives.

I'd rather sit on a rural riverbank fishing than in a big city park wondering if some crackhead is going to rob me so fuck you and your smug condescension. You are why big cities suck.

Yes me too. If you have the money I'd love to live in Mayberry. 100% agree. But good luck making it out of Mayberry or poverty if you are Floyd the Barber's kid or Goobers kid. Or, if you want to make it out of poverty you have to get the fuck out of Mayberry. You have to come to the big scary city where you might get your little ass mugged or raped. So while you and your kids wish they could get a job at the Piggly Wiggly that would pay enough to raise a family, even where the cost of living is low, that's very hard. That's why people down south are lined up to work at Walmart. In the south that's considered a white collar job. LOL.

And when they get older and save enough to retire, they'll move back home and be old conservatives who don't realize why their kids move away when they turn 18 and move to the city.
Lots of people have grown up in small town USA and made it just fine. Lots of people would rather live in a trailer park than an apartment building. Different strokes. Lot's of city slickers would be happy with ANY job, including Walmart. Your theory needs work.

Well we can either go with statistics and facts or we can go with your number of LOTS. The facts are still the facts. If you are born poor in a red state you have a harder chance to make it out of poverty than a black kid in Detroit. He can save and get a car and drive out to Metro Detroit where there are lots of jobs. Doesn't have to leave the state. In Mobile Alabama the white hick has to move out of the state or he will continue to be dirt poor.

You guys are saying they don't mind being poor and they are happy. Then why did they vote for Trump and change? Maybe the more poor these people are the happier they are.
Where were your facts that claim it's harder to make it in the south? You grabbed numbers and built a conclusion based on your personal bigotry. As has been repeatedly stated, dollar figures don't tell the story. Cheaper living requires less dollars. No one well off in Mobile? God, you are an idiot.

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Where you live plays a major role in moving up the economic ladder. That's true for poor black people who live in inner cities but that's also true if you are a poor white living in a red state. In fact it's harder for the poor white. No wonder uneducated whites are so mad. But why aren't they mad at the Republicans who run their states?
Your narrow minded opinion isn't a fact. Quality of life, cost of living, the environment you live in are all things to consider when sitting on your perch if you are going to evaluate people's lives.

I'd rather sit on a rural riverbank fishing than in a big city park wondering if some crackhead is going to rob me so fuck you and your smug condescension. You are why big cities suck.

Yes me too. If you have the money I'd love to live in Mayberry. 100% agree. But good luck making it out of Mayberry or poverty if you are Floyd the Barber's kid or Goobers kid. Or, if you want to make it out of poverty you have to get the fuck out of Mayberry. You have to come to the big scary city where you might get your little ass mugged or raped. So while you and your kids wish they could get a job at the Piggly Wiggly that would pay enough to raise a family, even where the cost of living is low, that's very hard. That's why people down south are lined up to work at Walmart. In the south that's considered a white collar job. LOL.

And when they get older and save enough to retire, they'll move back home and be old conservatives who don't realize why their kids move away when they turn 18 and move to the city.
Lots of people have grown up in small town USA and made it just fine. Lots of people would rather live in a trailer park than an apartment building. Different strokes. Lot's of city slickers would be happy with ANY job, including Walmart. Your theory needs work.

Well we can either go with statistics and facts or we can go with your number of LOTS. The facts are still the facts. If you are born poor in a red state you have a harder chance to make it out of poverty than a black kid in Detroit. He can save and get a car and drive out to Metro Detroit where there are lots of jobs. Doesn't have to leave the state. In Mobile Alabama the white hick has to move out of the state or he will continue to be dirt poor.

You guys are saying they don't mind being poor and they are happy. Then why did they vote for Trump and change? Maybe the more poor these people are the happier they are.
Where were your facts that claim it's harder to make it in the south? You grabbed numbers and built a conclusion based on your personal bigotry. As has been repeatedly stated, dollar figures don't tell the story. Cheaper living requires less dollars. No one well off in Mobile? God, you are an idiot.

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Where you live plays a major role in moving up the economic ladder. That's true for poor black people who live in inner cities but that's also true if you are a poor white living in a red state. In fact it's harder for the poor white. No wonder uneducated whites are so mad. But why aren't they mad at the Republicans who run their states?
alternet is the source for your bigotry? You're high.

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