9 Worst States to Retire in...Yep, they're Blue

The States People Are Fleeing
More evidence of northern flight...not just for retirement

It is true that 700,000 people left Detroit. Some left the state too and I'm sure a lot of them moved to places like Atlanta and Texas. Good for you! Remember they all came here to get our good union factory jobs?
Which are no longer there but Trump is fighting to bring back. Hope you voted for him.

I think we are doing fine. You guys won't admit it because then you'd have to give Obama some credit so next year you will admit Michigan is doing fine again and you'll try to give Gov Snyder and Trump all the credit.

Michigan's unemployment rate in 2014 was 8.3 percent, down from 15.1 percent in 2010.
Employment in Michigan's private-sector has increased while the public sector has shrunk.
Employment in manufacturing has increased 20 percent since 2010.
Median family income is trending up.

What exactly did obama do?
Theres more to life than worrying about taxes...taxes taxes taxes....get off your lazy ass and work. Pay your taxes. Those ewho figure them in are abject failures.
New York liberals fucked up Vermont and New Hampshire.

How is New Hampshire fucked up?
Ruined by the influx of New Yorkers with their liberal attitudes and heroin. New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont used to be solid red states.

New Hampshire has an all Republican legislature and now a governor. They have no state income tax and no state sales tax. They have very lax gun laws. I don't think you really know what you're talking about.
Dem states tax the shit out of everyone seniors, the poor, it doesn't matter. Picture a huge flock of vampire bats descending on anyone who looks like they have $2 in their pocket and sucking them dry that's your typical Dem state.

And when you ask them Christ almighty how much more money do you need? They sink their fangs into you deeper.
New York liberals fucked up Vermont and New Hampshire.

How is New Hampshire fucked up?
Ruined by the influx of New Yorkers with their liberal attitudes and heroin. New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont used to be solid red states.

New Hampshire has an all Republican legislature and now a governor. They have no state income tax and no state sales tax. They have very lax gun laws. I don't think you really know what you're talking about.

I would move back to New Hampshire in a heartbeat if not for the sky high property taxes. Even so its still on my list as I decide which state I want to retire in. No sales tax, no income tax, small government mostly local. You pick up your license plates at your local county clerk's office not some marble building monument to government over spending. Then there's the seafood, drool.

I went to my New Hampshire DMV once, it was a single wide trailer up on blocks brilliant! Live Free or Die!!!
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.

Of course you don't want to retire in some of the most desirable places in the country. They're expensive because EVERYBODY wants to live there. Idiot.
That's why they retire to red states. Sure...whatever. People are beating down the door to get into Detroit instead of Dallas?

New York liberals fucked up Vermont and New Hampshire.

How is New Hampshire fucked up?

Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
Those states are broke with massive pensions for government employees. Live in a beautiful and economically dynamic red state. Then retire there.
If there are no jobs in those red states doesn't matter how low the cost of living is we can't move there till we retire.

This is why kids who grew up in beautiful underpopulated red states move to big cities. They move where the jobs are. And they dream one day they can retire where they grew up. But they can't move back home till they retire because again, no jobs.
There are all kinds of jobs in Dixie. You are a state government employee taxpayer sponge in your blue state...just waiting to retire to Florida.
I work for a private company pal. No union, no collective bargaining.

And you can say there are jobs in Dixie but the facts say you are wrong. But that hasn't stopped lying Republicans. I guess technically you aren't lyin. I'm sure there are one or two jobs in Dixie but fact is those places are the worst for economic mobility. Do you understand what that means? It means you might as well been born in India. If you were born poor you'll probably die poor. Statistics say so. Facts say you. Only you disagree.

Why are retirement states primarily Red? It's because when people retire they vote Republican because they don't want to pay taxes to help with school and things like that anymore... why would they want to pay into the school system when they don't have anyone IN school? They want less taxes overall, and the NAARP tells them to vote Republican.
Actually the last time the NAARP endorsed a president it was obama. I could be wrong but if memory serves me, I believe he was democrat.
They stopped endorsing after that because they lost members.

One nice thing is work expectations are lower in red states. It doesn't take much to out think the ownership. Just show up. If you come back they are happy.
How did you arrive at that? Cartoon shows?

yeah, Illinois is there, of course

high taxes, politically corrupt and broken government, ridiculously high property taxes and a budget that's totally fucked because of an underfunded pension fund.

what's not to love?

illinois lost more residents than any other state last year. people are running like hell from this blue hell hole....the incomes of the leavers also far outstripped the income of those moving in, so it's even worse than the raw numbers on that indicate.

The problem with Republicans and Democrats is very consistent----------->they never come back to see what their new policies have done. What is more............the Democrats especially, do NOT want to admit what past policy has done. Their main focus point is on slavery, instead of how the Americas were the 1st to FREE the slaves. They also refuse to admit, that THEY are racists that tried to keep black America down. They attempt to go through this convoluted nonsensical, phony-baloney-good time hippie rock-n-roll bullshit, that somehow everyone changed places, so that they can be the heroes!

Does anyone believe this crapola, and if you do, you need to go back to school!

The left has made excuses for their RACISM for ever; yes, it is true. This is exactly why they fear the Trumpmeister. They are afraid if he delivers,black America will not support the Democratic plantation any longer. Instead, the Democrats are grooming a new constituency, and to get them, they will throw Black America under the bus, and that constituency is Hispanics.

It is a sad state of affairs that anyone in America listens to the far left. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor! Really?!?!?!?! And your healthcare payments are going down 2500 bucks, but they never tell you that YOUR deductible is going up to 6 or 12 thousand dollars.

For you regular democrats, how long are you going to put up this? Honestly, really, and for true!

Do you think JFK was a good leader? Then look at which side is most like emulating JFK. The far leftists are most about emulating the USSR! They are brainwashing you!

Do NOT take my word for it, I suggest you look up what JFK, Truman, and even Eisenhower stood for. The point is----->the far leftists have you out on a plank, and they will run if you fall in and drown.

Do NOT let them dictate to you what is correct! At least look at options. Freedom is options. The more options you have to choose from, the more free you are. The only choice the left gives you, is if you want to abort your son, or daughter. You have no choice on taxes......no choice on if you want your own sex in the bathroom cause they know better............no choice if you only want to support your fellow Americans, because leftists want you to support those who ILLEGALLY get in here......and then say, "you didn't catch them on the way on is, so you are SOL.......pay, pay, and do not complain!

You want to be a leftist!?!?!?! Then tell all of your fellow Americans, HOW TO PAY for what you want! If you can do this, we will listen. Until that time, just like the NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY, your ideas are DOA. Sorry, but it really is about the money, which is why Trump's infrastructure bill will be stopped by both the DNC, and RNC.......unless they can transfer funds from one program to the other, to pay for it. This debate, we gotta see! It is going to show once and for all, who lefties really are! Doesn't mean you will lose the debate, but does mean your debate points will be used for 2018.

Isn't it about time, that YOU have to actually proclaim what it is you STAND for, instead of smugly proclaiming what it is, you stand against, lol! Let us see if we can nail them down their folks-)
The States People Are Fleeing
More evidence of northern flight...not just for retirement

It is true that 700,000 people left Detroit. Some left the state too and I'm sure a lot of them moved to places like Atlanta and Texas. Good for you! Remember they all came here to get our good union factory jobs?
Which are no longer there but Trump is fighting to bring back. Hope you voted for him.

I think we are doing fine. You guys won't admit it because then you'd have to give Obama some credit so next year you will admit Michigan is doing fine again and you'll try to give Gov Snyder and Trump all the credit.

Michigan's unemployment rate in 2014 was 8.3 percent, down from 15.1 percent in 2010.
Employment in Michigan's private-sector has increased while the public sector has shrunk.
Employment in manufacturing has increased 20 percent since 2010.
Median family income is trending up.

What exactly did obama do?

The left never answer that question. They spout off some statistic and when you ask them specifically how did "Obama" achieve that they run and hide or deflect with a BOOOOOSH or something.
One nice thing is work expectations are lower in red states. It doesn't take much to out think the ownership. Just show up. If you come back they are happy.
How did you arrive at that? Cartoon shows?
No question you guys are slower
You're slow if you need a video to express your thoughts. Especially a comedian's.
Red states are good to retire in or if you have a job but don't start off poor in a red state because upward mobility is the worse.

That means a black in Chicago or Detroit born poor has a better chance than poor whites in red states.
Cut social security and 95 percent of the retirees have to go back to work. Protecting it is as vital as anything this nation can do.
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
They all have high taxes and high property prices, thanks to their state governments.
Successful people don't have to consider taxes as the only issue....live where you want...as long as you get to retire. Those that have to work in their twilight years for some lousy ill begotten slimeball employer have been truly cheated of a decent life.
One nice thing is work expectations are lower in red states. It doesn't take much to out think the ownership. Just show up. If you come back they are happy.
How did you arrive at that? Cartoon shows?
No question you guys are slower
You're slow if you need a video to express your thoughts. Especially a comedian's.
Red states are good to retire in or if you have a job but don't start off poor in a red state because upward mobility is the worse.

That means a black in Chicago or Detroit born poor has a better chance than poor whites in red states.
I've asked you to support your opinion and you haven't. Tossing out even more opinion won't work. The fact is you are clueless and have no idea what you are babbling about. I've lived in the rural deep south and NYC. I can't stand living with big city libs, I damn sure wouldn't want to retire with them. If they see a dollar they want a piece of the action. Touch theirs and they scream bloody murder.
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .

That;s just what I did. Except I'm back in TN after 37 years. Been colder than a well diggers ass.

Best part is, Jerry Brown can gfy since he wants to tax my pension.... Tennessee does not.....:dance:

One nice thing is work expectations are lower in red states. It doesn't take much to out think the ownership. Just show up. If you come back they are happy.
How did you arrive at that? Cartoon shows?
No question you guys are slower
You're slow if you need a video to express your thoughts. Especially a comedian's.
Red states are good to retire in or if you have a job but don't start off poor in a red state because upward mobility is the worse.

That means a black in Chicago or Detroit born poor has a better chance than poor whites in red states.
I've asked you to support your opinion and you haven't. Tossing out even more opinion won't work. The fact is you are clueless and have no idea what you are babbling about. I've lived in the rural deep south and NYC. I can't stand living with big city libs, I damn sure wouldn't want to retire with them. If they see a dollar they want a piece of the action. Touch theirs and they scream bloody murder.
You are basing your opinion on personal experience me on fact.

Better to be born poor in NYC. Better upwafd mobility than mobile Alabama. But if you make it out of poverty in NYC you might want to retire in a red state where u can take advantage of the cheap labor. How else do you think they keep the costs down in red states?

You never see anyone go from poor to middle class in a red state then they retire in a blue state. I agree but want to make sure you realize why
How did you arrive at that? Cartoon shows?
No question you guys are slower
You're slow if you need a video to express your thoughts. Especially a comedian's.
Red states are good to retire in or if you have a job but don't start off poor in a red state because upward mobility is the worse.

That means a black in Chicago or Detroit born poor has a better chance than poor whites in red states.
I've asked you to support your opinion and you haven't. Tossing out even more opinion won't work. The fact is you are clueless and have no idea what you are babbling about. I've lived in the rural deep south and NYC. I can't stand living with big city libs, I damn sure wouldn't want to retire with them. If they see a dollar they want a piece of the action. Touch theirs and they scream bloody murder.
You are basing your opinion on personal experience me on fact.

Better to be born poor in NYC. Better upwafd mobility than mobile Alabama. But if you make it out of poverty in NYC you might want to retire in a red state where u can take advantage of the cheap labor. How else do you think they keep the costs down in red states?

You never see anyone go from poor to middle class in a red state then they retire in a blue state. I agree but want to make sure you realize why
Your narrow minded opinion isn't a fact. Quality of life, cost of living, the environment you live in are all things to consider when sitting on your perch if you are going to evaluate people's lives.

I'd rather sit on a rural riverbank fishing than in a big city park wondering if some crackhead is going to rob me so fuck you and your smug condescension. You are why big cities suck.
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.
Surprised about NC. Love the hills area around Ashville.
But good list.

Every state on that list is a wonderful place to retire.....if you can afford it

They all offer parks, beautiful beaches, professional sports, activities, scenery, cities that retirees can keep busy and enjoy themselves

I have been in every one of those states and there is not one that I would be unwilling to live in. Who wouldn't want to retire in Hawaii?
There are many states not on the list of "worst states" that I do not like to even drive through, let alone retire in
Hawaii is way too expensive. It was $7.00 for a gallon of milk back in the 1990's


How can a state that almost every American would want to retire to be one of the worst states?

Mississippi is a better place to retire than Hawaii?
No question you guys are slower
You're slow if you need a video to express your thoughts. Especially a comedian's.
Red states are good to retire in or if you have a job but don't start off poor in a red state because upward mobility is the worse.

That means a black in Chicago or Detroit born poor has a better chance than poor whites in red states.
I've asked you to support your opinion and you haven't. Tossing out even more opinion won't work. The fact is you are clueless and have no idea what you are babbling about. I've lived in the rural deep south and NYC. I can't stand living with big city libs, I damn sure wouldn't want to retire with them. If they see a dollar they want a piece of the action. Touch theirs and they scream bloody murder.
You are basing your opinion on personal experience me on fact.

Better to be born poor in NYC. Better upwafd mobility than mobile Alabama. But if you make it out of poverty in NYC you might want to retire in a red state where u can take advantage of the cheap labor. How else do you think they keep the costs down in red states?

You never see anyone go from poor to middle class in a red state then they retire in a blue state. I agree but want to make sure you realize why
Your narrow minded opinion isn't a fact. Quality of life, cost of living, the environment you live in are all things to consider when sitting on your perch if you are going to evaluate people's lives.

I'd rather sit on a rural riverbank fishing than in a big city park wondering if some crackhead is going to rob me so fuck you and your smug condescension. You are why big cities suck.

That is why these "Best/Worst places to retire" stories are useless
Best place to retire is what is best for you....not the state that is cheapest

Someone who loves golf wants to retire someplace with a lot of golf courses
Someone who skis wants to retire in the mountains
Someone who loves the beach wants to retire near the ocean

Most people want to be near their grandkids so any state may be the best place to retire
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.
Surprised about NC. Love the hills area around Ashville.
But good list.

Every state on that list is a wonderful place to retire.....if you can afford it

They all offer parks, beautiful beaches, professional sports, activities, scenery, cities that retirees can keep busy and enjoy themselves

I have been in every one of those states and there is not one that I would be unwilling to live in. Who wouldn't want to retire in Hawaii?
There are many states not on the list of "worst states" that I do not like to even drive through, let alone retire in
Every State has those things. The States like CA and Hawaii only have great weather because Democrats have not figured out how to destroy them yet. Other than that, the only people moving to those States are the bottom rung of the economic ladder who will be the servants of the elite upper class Democrats.

San Francisco you pay 7 figures for a 600 sq ft studio pad. They just had a rowdy board meeting where the property owners blocked anything affordable from being built - have to keep out the little people.
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.
Surprised about NC. Love the hills area around Ashville.
But good list.

Every state on that list is a wonderful place to retire.....if you can afford it

They all offer parks, beautiful beaches, professional sports, activities, scenery, cities that retirees can keep busy and enjoy themselves

I have been in every one of those states and there is not one that I would be unwilling to live in. Who wouldn't want to retire in Hawaii?
There are many states not on the list of "worst states" that I do not like to even drive through, let alone retire in
Every State has those things. The States like CA and Hawaii only have great weather because Democrats have not figured out how to destroy them yet. Other than that, the only people moving to those States are the bottom rung of the economic ladder who will be the servants of the elite upper class Democrats.

San Francisco you pay 7 figures for a 600 sq ft studio pad. They just had a rowdy board meeting where the property owners blocked anything affordable from being built - have to keep out the little people.

No, every state does not have that

Want to go surf fishing? Better live near a beach
Want to go to a professional baseball game once a week? You have to live near 26 cities
Broadway plays? Better live near Broadway

I have been in 40 of the 50 states. Most, I can say something positive about....but some are real shitholes

The OP claiming that Hawaii is not a great place to retire is just fucking stupid

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