9 Worst States to Retire in...Yep, they're Blue

One nice thing is work expectations are lower in red states. It doesn't take much to out think the ownership. Just show up. If you come back they are happy.

Hello earth to initforme 2016 is calling get out of the 1970s

One nice thing is work expectations are lower in red states. It doesn't take much to out think the ownership. Just show up. If you come back they are happy.

Here's a funny story:

My brother-in-law moved his industrial ceramics plant from Pittsburgh to the Chattanooga area. One of the first things he had to do after the move was to change payday from Thursday to Friday because the goobers were getting themselves all drunked up on Thursday night and then not showing up for work on Friday.

Old story.. Quit repeating that old joke
There's a very good reason why some things cost more than others.

And you economic geniuses should be able to figure it out.

Mr Clean is correct, we can figure it out--------->

1. Over taxation!

2. Over regulation.

3. Rent controls that have the opposite affect of what was intended.

And so, what liberal bastion seen the biggest fleeing of their jurisdiction, and why?

Read the article from the MSM, the Chicago Tribune, certainly NOT a republican publication. It spells it out well. Oh, and Illinois is number 2 overall in people fleeing lefty jurisdiction. Problem is.....when they flee to a red state, they have to be re-educated! It is illogical to flee a lefty state because of their idiotic economic model, then try and vote the same ideas in, and ruin the states you moved to. Don't be locusts, be smart!

Chicago area sees greatest population loss of any major U.S. city, region in 2015
I always laugh at articles like the OP on what the "Best place/Worst place to retire" is

It all depends on your perspective and what you want from your retirement and how you want to live out the rest of your life
The OP is based on what is cheapest. What costs the most cannot be the best

So, if you are born and raised in New York City, the best place to retire is Buttfuck, Nebraska where it is very cheap to live. But someone used to NYC would be miserable in Buttfuck Nebraska. There is nothing to do
Conversely, someone born and raised in Buttfuck Nebraska, would be miserable in NYC

Nothing to do?

Plenty to do and you don't have to dodge bullets or lock your house or car doing it.

Wal-Mart does have good sales on Saturday

What state did you say, Nebraska?

Also go cow tipping, I heard that was a fun past time.


Denny's serves a fine meal....Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

For some reason not alot of Denny's around me, just IHOP, waffle and huddle house, also the mom and pops cheap dinners


I do have an uncontrollable urge to eat at Waffle Houses.....I love their hash browns
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There's a very good reason why some things cost more than others.

And you economic geniuses should be able to figure it out.

Mr Clean is correct, we can figure it out--------->

1. Over taxation!

2. Over regulation.

3. Rent controls that have the opposite affect of what was intended.

And so, what liberal bastion seen the biggest fleeing of their jurisdiction, and why?

Read the article from the MSM, the Chicago Tribune, certainly NOT a republican publication. It spells it out well. Oh, and Illinois is number 2 overall in people fleeing lefty jurisdiction. Problem is.....when they flee to a red state, they have to be re-educated! It is illogical to flee a lefty state because of their idiotic economic model, then try and vote the same ideas in, and ruin the states you moved to. Don't be locusts, be smart!

Chicago area sees greatest population loss of any major U.S. city, region in 2015

Red states are cheaper to retire in because there are not many people wanting to go there. A good indicator is are there any tourist destinations in those states?

Most people I know from Chicago, love it there
The sports teams, restaurants, night clubs, lake..

Those who leave do it because they have to, not because they want to
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I always laugh at articles like the OP on what the "Best place/Worst place to retire" is

It all depends on your perspective and what you want from your retirement and how you want to live out the rest of your life
The OP is based on what is cheapest. What costs the most cannot be the best

So, if you are born and raised in New York City, the best place to retire is Buttfuck, Nebraska where it is very cheap to live. But someone used to NYC would be miserable in Buttfuck Nebraska. There is nothing to do
Conversely, someone born and raised in Buttfuck Nebraska, would be miserable in NYC

Nothing to do?

Plenty to do and you don't have to dodge bullets or lock your house or car doing it.

Wal-Mart does have good sales on Saturday

So does Cabela's and Sportsman's Warehouse.
There's a very good reason why some things cost more than others.

And you economic geniuses should be able to figure it out.

Mr Clean is correct, we can figure it out--------->

1. Over taxation!

2. Over regulation.

3. Rent controls that have the opposite affect of what was intended.

And so, what liberal bastion seen the biggest fleeing of their jurisdiction, and why?

Read the article from the MSM, the Chicago Tribune, certainly NOT a republican publication. It spells it out well. Oh, and Illinois is number 2 overall in people fleeing lefty jurisdiction. Problem is.....when they flee to a red state, they have to be re-educated! It is illogical to flee a lefty state because of their idiotic economic model, then try and vote the same ideas in, and ruin the states you moved to. Don't be locusts, be smart!

Chicago area sees greatest population loss of any major U.S. city, region in 2015

Red states are cheaper to retire in because there are not many people wanting to go there. A good indicator is are there any tourist destinations in those states?

Most people I know from Chicago, love it there
The sports teams, restaurants, night clubs, lake..

Those who eave do it because they have to, not because they want to

Then you obviously did not read the Tribune piece.

That being said Winger, I personally do not care if Chicago, or New York, or L.A. want pave their streets in gold as long as THEIR residents pay for it. When some of their residents balk at their spending, and/or taxation to fund what they want, they will leave, making the tax burden HIGHER on those that remain........which is a by product of living in a city with gold streets, or wonderful liberal ideas, etc.

The old adage that people vote with their feet is so much more obvious today, then ever before. It is why people flee liberal jurisdiction, and go to red states; not all the reason, but a large part. Were this not true, who would NOT want to go to the Golden state of California! And yet, they are one of the states that have growth problems, while a state like Alabama and Tennessee are growing at a much faster rate.....at least they were. Will have to check in 16 to see if the trend continues.
There's a very good reason why some things cost more than others.

And you economic geniuses should be able to figure it out.

Mr Clean is correct, we can figure it out--------->

1. Over taxation!

2. Over regulation.

3. Rent controls that have the opposite affect of what was intended.

And so, what liberal bastion seen the biggest fleeing of their jurisdiction, and why?

Read the article from the MSM, the Chicago Tribune, certainly NOT a republican publication. It spells it out well. Oh, and Illinois is number 2 overall in people fleeing lefty jurisdiction. Problem is.....when they flee to a red state, they have to be re-educated! It is illogical to flee a lefty state because of their idiotic economic model, then try and vote the same ideas in, and ruin the states you moved to. Don't be locusts, be smart!

Chicago area sees greatest population loss of any major U.S. city, region in 2015

Red states are cheaper to retire in because there are not many people wanting to go there. A good indicator is are there any tourist destinations in those states?

Most people I know from Chicago, love it there
The sports teams, restaurants, night clubs, lake..

Those who eave do it because they have to, not because they want to

Then you obviously did not read the Tribune piece.

That being said Winger, I personally do not care if Chicago, or New York, or L.A. want pave their streets in gold as long as THEIR residents pay for it. When some of their residents balk at their spending, and/or taxation to fund what they want, they will leave, making the tax burden HIGHER on those that remain........which is a by product of living in a city with gold streets, or wonderful liberal ideas, etc.

The old adage that people vote with their feet is so much more obvious today, then ever before. It is why people flee liberal jurisdiction, and go to red states; not all the reason, but a large part. Were this not true, who would NOT want to go to the Golden state of California! And yet, they are one of the states that have growth problems, while a state like Alabama and Tennessee are growing at a much faster rate.....at least they were. Will have to check in 16 to see if the trend continues.

Don't forget about the mass exodus of businesses moving from L.A. to Las Vegas.

I live in an area that is a favored retirement destination for Californians. They sold their $600,000 three-bedroom ranch style home and bought a quaint little 4,000 Sq. Ft. home here for $350K. Problem is that they vote Democrat, and have turned a mild agricultural community into a mini L.A.

We have several National Parks, and Forests; 8 ski areas (including Vail, Aspen, and Telluride); over 300 lakes, both large and small; and 3 major cities all within a few hours drive. We have hunting, fishing, and mountain biking. We have a large amount of dining, 22 movie screens, and a wide variety of shopping. 4 distinct seasons with good gardening. All of this in a small metropolis of around 65K.
Left wingers get away with hypocrisy simply because the mainstream media ignores it. New York is a beautiful state, at least upstate but the people are taxed to death under a relentless series of democrat administrations. The hypocrisy comes in when NYS has had a campaign for years that revolves around inviting corporations (yes, the dreaded corporations that democrats claim to hate) to relocate in NY and the state promises gigantic tax breaks for up to ten years. So the state acknowledges that the taxes are so high in NY that industry can't survive and people can't do business but they continue to tax the elderly to death to give tax breaks to corporations.
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.
Surprised about NC. Love the hills area around Ashville.
But good list.

Every state on that list is a wonderful place to retire.....if you can afford it

They all offer parks, beautiful beaches, professional sports, activities, scenery, cities that retirees can keep busy and enjoy themselves

I have been in every one of those states and there is not one that I would be unwilling to live in. Who wouldn't want to retire in Hawaii?
There are many states not on the list of "worst states" that I do not like to even drive through, let alone retire in
Hawaii is way too expensive. It was $7.00 for a gallon of milk back in the 1990's
There's a very good reason why some things cost more than others.

And you economic geniuses should be able to figure it out.

Mr Clean is correct, we can figure it out--------->

1. Over taxation!

2. Over regulation.

3. Rent controls that have the opposite affect of what was intended.

And so, what liberal bastion seen the biggest fleeing of their jurisdiction, and why?

Read the article from the MSM, the Chicago Tribune, certainly NOT a republican publication. It spells it out well. Oh, and Illinois is number 2 overall in people fleeing lefty jurisdiction. Problem is.....when they flee to a red state, they have to be re-educated! It is illogical to flee a lefty state because of their idiotic economic model, then try and vote the same ideas in, and ruin the states you moved to. Don't be locusts, be smart!

Chicago area sees greatest population loss of any major U.S. city, region in 2015

Red states are cheaper to retire in because there are not many people wanting to go there. A good indicator is are there any tourist destinations in those states?

Most people I know from Chicago, love it there
The sports teams, restaurants, night clubs, lake..

Those who eave do it because they have to, not because they want to

Then you obviously did not read the Tribune piece.

That being said Winger, I personally do not care if Chicago, or New York, or L.A. want pave their streets in gold as long as THEIR residents pay for it. When some of their residents balk at their spending, and/or taxation to fund what they want, they will leave, making the tax burden HIGHER on those that remain........which is a by product of living in a city with gold streets, or wonderful liberal ideas, etc.

The old adage that people vote with their feet is so much more obvious today, then ever before. It is why people flee liberal jurisdiction, and go to red states; not all the reason, but a large part. Were this not true, who would NOT want to go to the Golden state of California! And yet, they are one of the states that have growth problems, while a state like Alabama and Tennessee are growing at a much faster rate.....at least they were. Will have to check in 16 to see if the trend continues.

Don't forget about the mass exodus of businesses moving from L.A. to Las Vegas.

I live in an area that is a favored retirement destination for Californians. They sold their $600,000 three-bedroom ranch style home and bought a quaint little 4,000 Sq. Ft. home here for $350K. Problem is that they vote Democrat, and have turned a mild agricultural community into a mini L.A.

We have several National Parks, and Forests; 8 ski areas (including Vail, Aspen, and Telluride); over 300 lakes, both large and small; and 3 major cities all within a few hours drive. We have hunting, fishing, and mountain biking. We have a large amount of dining, 22 movie screens, and a wide variety of shopping. 4 distinct seasons with good gardening. All of this in a small metropolis of around 65K.
New York liberals fucked up Vermont and New Hampshire.
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.
Its expensive to live in NY stupid. So an American can go move to NY, make a fortune and then move to a red state where its very hard for anyone to make any money. But if you have money they are great places to retire because the cost of living is low.

The states that ranked better in terms of economic mobility using all three measures are Maryland, New Jersey, and New York.

Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Utah ranked better on two of the three measures.

Louisiana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina ranked worse on all three measures, while Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas ranked worse on two of the three measures.

The study concentrated on mobility prospects during an individual's prime working years -- the 10-year span between ages 35-39 and 45-49.
There's a very good reason why some things cost more than others.

And you economic geniuses should be able to figure it out.

Mr Clean is correct, we can figure it out--------->

1. Over taxation!

2. Over regulation.

3. Rent controls that have the opposite affect of what was intended.

And so, what liberal bastion seen the biggest fleeing of their jurisdiction, and why?

Read the article from the MSM, the Chicago Tribune, certainly NOT a republican publication. It spells it out well. Oh, and Illinois is number 2 overall in people fleeing lefty jurisdiction. Problem is.....when they flee to a red state, they have to be re-educated! It is illogical to flee a lefty state because of their idiotic economic model, then try and vote the same ideas in, and ruin the states you moved to. Don't be locusts, be smart!

Chicago area sees greatest population loss of any major U.S. city, region in 2015

Red states are cheaper to retire in because there are not many people wanting to go there. A good indicator is are there any tourist destinations in those states?

Most people I know from Chicago, love it there
The sports teams, restaurants, night clubs, lake..

Those who eave do it because they have to, not because they want to

Then you obviously did not read the Tribune piece.

That being said Winger, I personally do not care if Chicago, or New York, or L.A. want pave their streets in gold as long as THEIR residents pay for it. When some of their residents balk at their spending, and/or taxation to fund what they want, they will leave, making the tax burden HIGHER on those that remain........which is a by product of living in a city with gold streets, or wonderful liberal ideas, etc.

The old adage that people vote with their feet is so much more obvious today, then ever before. It is why people flee liberal jurisdiction, and go to red states; not all the reason, but a large part. Were this not true, who would NOT want to go to the Golden state of California! And yet, they are one of the states that have growth problems, while a state like Alabama and Tennessee are growing at a much faster rate.....at least they were. Will have to check in 16 to see if the trend continues.

Don't forget about the mass exodus of businesses moving from L.A. to Las Vegas.

I live in an area that is a favored retirement destination for Californians. They sold their $600,000 three-bedroom ranch style home and bought a quaint little 4,000 Sq. Ft. home here for $350K. Problem is that they vote Democrat, and have turned a mild agricultural community into a mini L.A.

We have several National Parks, and Forests; 8 ski areas (including Vail, Aspen, and Telluride); over 300 lakes, both large and small; and 3 major cities all within a few hours drive. We have hunting, fishing, and mountain biking. We have a large amount of dining, 22 movie screens, and a wide variety of shopping. 4 distinct seasons with good gardening. All of this in a small metropolis of around 65K.
New York liberals fucked up Vermont and New Hampshire.
But cities are not the only places suffering extreme inequality. Some of the nation’s worst poverty and inequality, notes Morrill, exist in rural areas. This is particularly true in places like Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, Appalachia and large parts of the Southwest.
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .

I've been far more successful living in South Carolina and now Nevada than I ever was in Massachusetts.
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .

I've been far more successful living in South Carolina and now Nevada than I ever was in Massachusetts.
That's just your personal antidote. Lets look at the facts shall we?

The states that ranked better in terms of economic mobility using all three measures are Maryland, New Jersey, and New York.

Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Utah ranked better on two of the three measures. (There's your Massachusetts)

Louisiana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina ranked worse on all three measures, while Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas ranked worse on two of the three measures. (THERE'S YOUR S. CAROLINA)

The 3 Best and 3 Worst States for Economic Mobility
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
Those states are broke with massive pensions for government employees. Live in a beautiful and economically dynamic red state. Then retire there.
If there are no jobs in those red states doesn't matter how low the cost of living is we can't move there till we retire.

This is why kids who grew up in beautiful underpopulated red states move to big cities. They move where the jobs are. And they dream one day they can retire where they grew up. But they can't move back home till they retire because again, no jobs.
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.

This is partly why the Red States receive more in benefits from the Fed Govt. Because folks like my in-laws fuck up their states up North and on Wrong Coast all their lives voting blue and when it's time to retire --- they gotta flee. Can't afford it. Will stretch their standard of living by as much as DOUBLING it by leaving.

In Tenn, we restrict them to the big blue cities. Make them undergo country music torture, bible classes, gun safety courses, and learning to speak the native language for awhile before letting out them out into the rest of the state. :biggrin:
that was a good chuckle!!!

Kinda like that up here in Maine too....

us out of Staters living here will forever be thought of and talked about, as being from "Away"
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.
Its expensive to live in NY stupid. So an American can go move to NY, make a fortune and then move to a red state where its very hard for anyone to make any money. But if you have money they are great places to retire because the cost of living is low.

The states that ranked better in terms of economic mobility using all three measures are Maryland, New Jersey, and New York.

Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Utah ranked better on two of the three measures.

Louisiana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina ranked worse on all three measures, while Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas ranked worse on two of the three measures.

The study concentrated on mobility prospects during an individual's prime working years -- the 10-year span between ages 35-39 and 45-49.
Sure...that's why businesses in New York are moving to places like Texas.

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