9 Worst States to Retire in...Yep, they're Blue

Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
Translation: Sell your soul in a blue state, then seek redemption in a red state.

I was based in California for 5 years. Couldn't wait to leave. Driving was horrible even in the 1980s.

A year after I got there, California sent me a tax bill. I shitcanned it since my residence was in Florida, a non-income tax state. Military are allowed to retain a previous residence. The following year I'm sitting in a tent in Korea freezing my ass off when mail call arrives. In those pre-computer days, mail call was a daily highlight. Among the few items I received was a California tax bill along with penalties for failure to pay. Being young, cold and pissed off, I scrawled this in large letters on it "I'm not a resident of your fucking state! As soon as the Marine Corps lets me, I'll be leaving your fucking state! I will not be paying this fucking bill!" then threw it in the outgoing mail bin. After it was gone, I had a pang of regret since it wasn't professional nor conduct becoming of an officer. Fortunately nothing came of it and I never heard from them again.
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
Translation: Sell your soul in a blue state, then seek redemption in a red state.

I was based in California for 5 years. Couldn't wait to leave. Driving was horrible even in the 1980s.

A year after I got there, California sent me a tax bill. I shitcanned it since my residence was in Florida, a non-income tax state. Military are allowed to retain a previous residence. The following year I'm sitting in a tent in Korea freezing my ass off when mail call arrives. In those pre-computer days, mail call was a daily highlight. Among the few items I received was a California tax bill along with penalties for failure to pay. Being young, cold and pissed off, I scrawled this in large letters on it "I'm not a resident of your fucking state! As soon as the Marine Corps lets me, I'll be leaving your fucking state! I will not be paying this fucking bill!" then threw it in the outgoing mail bin. After it was gone, I had a pang of regret since it wasn't professional nor conduct becoming of an officer. Fortunately nothing came of it and I never heard from them again.
I kept my home states plates on my car while in California during my stint in the Corps. That way I would not have to conform to all of their eco-nazi anti pollution laws and have to pay $1,000 for additional shit to be put on my motor.
Yeah , most of those states are successful and have high rents . So make your money in a blue state , then go to some dopey red state to retire cause it's cheap and warm .
Translation: Sell your soul in a blue state, then seek redemption in a red state.

I was based in California for 5 years. Couldn't wait to leave. Driving was horrible even in the 1980s.

A year after I got there, California sent me a tax bill. I shitcanned it since my residence was in Florida, a non-income tax state. Military are allowed to retain a previous residence. The following year I'm sitting in a tent in Korea freezing my ass off when mail call arrives. In those pre-computer days, mail call was a daily highlight. Among the few items I received was a California tax bill along with penalties for failure to pay. Being young, cold and pissed off, I scrawled this in large letters on it "I'm not a resident of your fucking state! As soon as the Marine Corps lets me, I'll be leaving your fucking state! I will not be paying this fucking bill!" then threw it in the outgoing mail bin. After it was gone, I had a pang of regret since it wasn't professional nor conduct becoming of an officer. Fortunately nothing came of it and I never heard from them again.
I kept my home states plates on my car while in California during my stint in the Corps. That way I would not have to conform to all of their eco-nazi anti pollution laws and have to pay $1,000 for additional shit to be put on my motor.
Same here with Florida plates. Although I did buy a Honda XL250 to beat the traffic by legally "white-lining". It turned a 45 minute drive in rush hour into a 15 minute drive. Also, I could drink on Friday's and the cops would never stop me since motorcycles always weaved. :) Of course, this was the early 1980s. Things have changed a bit since then.
I lived in Gollyfornia for 5 years, left in the early 80s. It was screwed up then and looks like it's gone downhill. They just outlaws AR sales, like that's going to fix anything. The rural folks are great but the city people will kill you if you get in their way on a bike.
Yup....living in a blue state costs money

We like it like that....helps keep out the riff raff

But....You get what you pay for
I always laugh at articles like the OP on what the "Best place/Worst place to retire" is

It all depends on your perspective and what you want from your retirement and how you want to live out the rest of your life
The OP is based on what is cheapest. What costs the most cannot be the best

So, if you are born and raised in New York City, the best place to retire is Buttfuck, Nebraska where it is very cheap to live. But someone used to NYC would be miserable in Buttfuck Nebraska. There is nothing to do
Conversely, someone born and raised in Buttfuck Nebraska, would be miserable in NYC
I love this Red State/Blue State meme that the leftists push. Never occurs to them that they are dissing the 40% or MORE of THEIR constituents that live there when they pull out the hick/yahoo stereotypes and the bias. It's comical. Also comical that their "Blue States" depend on the HUGE urban centers where all these supposedly scholarly geniuses and enlightened live. When in reality, If you look at the Red/Blue state map CAREFULLY, MOST of those educated, enlightened live in the RED suburbs that surround their "Blue Maginot Line".. And commute into enemy territory to work. :mm:

You guys are a hoot and a half.

As for Northern retirees. Part of their BIGGEST adjustment to moving South is that there are ACTUAL Black people living/working amongst them. Something that they could avoid in their comfortable "inclusive" Northern burbs. We socially integrated much more completely then the North. And it can be a shocker for the "oh so enlightened" to discover..

No place on the planet I've ever seen more segregated than Nancy Pelosi's home territory on the San Fran peninsula. DARE you to find any kind of meaningful "integration" from South San Francisco to the farthest edges of Silicon Valley. It's a VERY closeted "racist" place. Those black people are "Oakland's problem". In fact BART and rail extensions from the East Bay have been nixed LARGELY because the rich white folks wanted their "quality of life" preserved on the Peninsula.

Give it a break man. It's just not selling.. Go visit a few places..

Exactly.. ...
I always laugh at articles like the OP on what the "Best place/Worst place to retire" is

It all depends on your perspective and what you want from your retirement and how you want to live out the rest of your life
The OP is based on what is cheapest. What costs the most cannot be the best

So, if you are born and raised in New York City, the best place to retire is Buttfuck, Nebraska where it is very cheap to live. But someone used to NYC would be miserable in Buttfuck Nebraska. There is nothing to do
Conversely, someone born and raised in Buttfuck Nebraska, would be miserable in NYC

Nothing to do?

Plenty to do and you don't have to dodge bullets or lock your house or car doing it.
I always laugh at articles like the OP on what the "Best place/Worst place to retire" is

It all depends on your perspective and what you want from your retirement and how you want to live out the rest of your life
The OP is based on what is cheapest. What costs the most cannot be the best

So, if you are born and raised in New York City, the best place to retire is Buttfuck, Nebraska where it is very cheap to live. But someone used to NYC would be miserable in Buttfuck Nebraska. There is nothing to do
Conversely, someone born and raised in Buttfuck Nebraska, would be miserable in NYC

Nothing to do?

Plenty to do and you don't have to dodge bullets or lock your house or car doing it.

Wal-Mart does have good sales on Saturday




Still, inside the city of Seattle we have 147 miles of freshwater waterfront and 53 miles of salt water.

And, I can live in the city where it almost never snows, yet go night skiing and mountaineering after work.

With Seattle's economy, based on the many high tech corporations, manufacturing (such as Boeing), and our major shipping port, you know people are going to want to live here.

So, I don't know where we are on the list of cheap places to retire, but we're not really going to fit that description well at all.

I can go water skiing in the morning, go to the beach in the afternoon and go snow skiing at night if I wish in too, oh yea rent around here is $500 for a two bedroom house on a half and acre and oh yeah...

We have Boeing too.

What always really amuses me is liberal northerners moving down here and taking their pensions with them..

The poor smucks left behind up north are going bankrupt paying for them.. To hilarious

I always laugh at articles like the OP on what the "Best place/Worst place to retire" is

It all depends on your perspective and what you want from your retirement and how you want to live out the rest of your life
The OP is based on what is cheapest. What costs the most cannot be the best

So, if you are born and raised in New York City, the best place to retire is Buttfuck, Nebraska where it is very cheap to live. But someone used to NYC would be miserable in Buttfuck Nebraska. There is nothing to do
Conversely, someone born and raised in Buttfuck Nebraska, would be miserable in NYC

Nothing to do?

Plenty to do and you don't have to dodge bullets or lock your house or car doing it.

Wal-Mart does have good sales on Saturday

What state did you say, Nebraska?

Also go cow tipping, I heard that was a fun past time.

I always laugh at articles like the OP on what the "Best place/Worst place to retire" is

It all depends on your perspective and what you want from your retirement and how you want to live out the rest of your life
The OP is based on what is cheapest. What costs the most cannot be the best

So, if you are born and raised in New York City, the best place to retire is Buttfuck, Nebraska where it is very cheap to live. But someone used to NYC would be miserable in Buttfuck Nebraska. There is nothing to do
Conversely, someone born and raised in Buttfuck Nebraska, would be miserable in NYC

Nothing to do?

Plenty to do and you don't have to dodge bullets or lock your house or car doing it.

Wal-Mart does have good sales on Saturday

What state did you say, Nebraska?

Also go cow tipping, I heard that was a fun past time.


Denny's serves a fine meal....Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
9 Worst U.S. States To Retire
8 of 9 solid blue...North Carolina a light Tar Heel Blue. Went Obama in 2012.
Surprised about NC. Love the hills area around Ashville.
But good list.

Every state on that list is a wonderful place to retire.....if you can afford it

They all offer parks, beautiful beaches, professional sports, activities, scenery, cities that retirees can keep busy and enjoy themselves

I have been in every one of those states and there is not one that I would be unwilling to live in. Who wouldn't want to retire in Hawaii?
There are many states not on the list of "worst states" that I do not like to even drive through, let alone retire in
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There's a very good reason why some things cost more than others.

And you economic geniuses should be able to figure it out.
One nice thing is work expectations are lower in red states. It doesn't take much to out think the ownership. Just show up. If you come back they are happy.
I always laugh at articles like the OP on what the "Best place/Worst place to retire" is

It all depends on your perspective and what you want from your retirement and how you want to live out the rest of your life
The OP is based on what is cheapest. What costs the most cannot be the best

So, if you are born and raised in New York City, the best place to retire is Buttfuck, Nebraska where it is very cheap to live. But someone used to NYC would be miserable in Buttfuck Nebraska. There is nothing to do
Conversely, someone born and raised in Buttfuck Nebraska, would be miserable in NYC

Nothing to do?

Plenty to do and you don't have to dodge bullets or lock your house or car doing it.

Wal-Mart does have good sales on Saturday

What state did you say, Nebraska?

Also go cow tipping, I heard that was a fun past time.


Denny's serves a fine meal....Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

For some reason not alot of Denny's around me, just IHOP, waffle and huddle house, also the mom and pops cheap dinners

One nice thing is work expectations are lower in red states. It doesn't take much to out think the ownership. Just show up. If you come back they are happy.

Here's a funny story:

My brother-in-law moved his industrial ceramics plant from Pittsburgh to the Chattanooga area. One of the first things he had to do after the move was to change payday from Thursday to Friday because the goobers were getting themselves all drunked up on Thursday night and then not showing up for work on Friday.

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