9 year old UK boy "bullied to death" for being white

I found a ton of extreme right blogs that blame Muslims and say he was bullied for being white. I haven't found much from legitimate news sources that make either of those claims.
Perhaps you've never heard of political correctness.
I have no opinion either way, I just prefer the truth to supposition.

It may be that it was Muslims or that he was bullied for being white, I just find it surprising that this story is huge on anti-Muslim extreme right wing blogs, but neither of those claims is mentioned in any non-blog legitimate source I can find.

Why would it be surprising that "right wing blogs" would carry the story? Its liberals that choose to ignore such stories because the truth exposed in such stories doesn't fit their agenda.

And why am I not surprised you'd "have no opinion either way". :eusa_whistle:

Ah. It's a liberal plot that all the local news sources mention the bullying but omit Muslims and racism.

Of course. Those evil liberals! *shakes fist at sky*
Home schooling is much harder to do in other countries, for example I heard its difficult to do home schooling in Germany, they pretty much want you to send your kids to the state schools.

Yeah the control freaks in Europe are even worse than the ones here.

Thats what I heard, also the US is one of the countries where its easiest to home school your kids. In other places you have to go through a shit load of red tape.

In the UK all you're obliged to do if you choose to homeschool your children is write to the headteacher and inform the local authority. Neither can object and you're not obliged to follow the national curriculum. But to combat neglectful homeschoolers they [local government] reserve the right to check your child's progress in terms of their ability to read, write and count. Failure to pass this check may result in a "return to school order".
Yeah the control freaks in Europe are even worse than the ones here.

Thats what I heard, also the US is one of the countries where its easiest to home school your kids. In other places you have to go through a shit load of red tape.

In the UK all you're obliged to do if you choose to homeschool your children is write to the headteacher and inform the local authority. Neither can object and you're not obliged to follow the national curriculum. But to combat neglectful homeschoolers they [local government] reserve the right to check your child's progress in terms of their ability to read, write and count. Failure to pass this check may result in a "return to school order".

That's funny because how many kids get through public school without learning to read write or count?

Shit most high school graduates can't make change without a fucking calculator.
Thats what I heard, also the US is one of the countries where its easiest to home school your kids. In other places you have to go through a shit load of red tape.

In the UK all you're obliged to do if you choose to homeschool your children is write to the headteacher and inform the local authority. Neither can object and you're not obliged to follow the national curriculum. But to combat neglectful homeschoolers they [local government] reserve the right to check your child's progress in terms of their ability to read, write and count. Failure to pass this check may result in a "return to school order".

That's funny because how many kids get through public school without learning to read write or count?

Shit most high school graduates can't make change without a fucking calculator.

I've no idea how many of the checks I've mentioned occur, but seeing as what you've outlined is uncomfortably true across most of the English-speaking world, it probably doesn't happen that often.

My two pennies' worth? The removal of shame.

When I was in school failure to meet standards resulted in shame before the class. Or worse: corporal punishment. Letters would also be sent to parents directly suggesting that their parenting beared some of the blame. They were shamed, thus they were induced into taking matters into their own hands as opposed to relying solely on the school to rectify any problems in either attitude or mental apptitude, or both. For instance. I was never very good at remembering Latin verbs. I was once asked to recit to the class what I was expected to know. I failed several verbs. I was told to revise them again and would be told to come to the front of the class. I failed again and got three stokes of my teacher's belt across my knuckles. I was then told to revise them at home for class recital the following morning, and that if I failed I would get the cane. Eventually I started making more progress. The teachers weren't all about the lash and did make an effort to help me.But at the end of the day I knew that failure to meet the standard after ample instruction would result in being made a painful example of. That incentive is no longer present in today's classroom.
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BOY thought to be one of Britain?s youngest suicides found dead after months of jibes, says family | The Sun |News

I never believe any of these bully stories, especially if a suicide is involved, but if it is the case this is true, no doubt liberals will ignore this story.

Bullying sucks no matter who is doing it.

It's really sad what happened to this kid.

So this link you posted is blaming "asians".

We as a society have more of a problem in group think or the bullying party and people conforming to bully mentality.

I see it offline and online.

One of the problems is when they treat it at school they focus on treating the person who is bullied rather then consequences to the bully.

If the bullies were given harsh consequences like being expelled, fined, having to be made accountable in ways that are not easy to shrug off a lot of it would stop.

But instead the focus is on how to "cope" when being bullied, the victim is put in a position of having to defend the attack instead of the authorities assertively making powerful statements and consequences that this won't be tolerated.
I have no opinion either way, I just prefer the truth to supposition.

It may be that it was Muslims or that he was bullied for being white, I just find it surprising that this story is huge on anti-Muslim extreme right wing blogs, but neither of those claims is mentioned in any non-blog legitimate source I can find.

Why would it be surprising that "right wing blogs" would carry the story? Its liberals that choose to ignore such stories because the truth exposed in such stories doesn't fit their agenda.

And why am I not surprised you'd "have no opinion either way". :eusa_whistle:

Ah. It's a liberal plot that all the local news sources mention the bullying but omit Muslims and racism.

Of course. Those evil liberals! *shakes fist at sky*

I don't call it a liberal "plot", its just liberal cowardice.

You're free to explain the discrepancy with your own description.
I have no opinion either way, I just prefer the truth to supposition.

It may be that it was Muslims or that he was bullied for being white, I just find it surprising that this story is huge on anti-Muslim extreme right wing blogs, but neither of those claims is mentioned in any non-blog legitimate source I can find.

Why would it be surprising that "right wing blogs" would carry the story? Its liberals that choose to ignore such stories because the truth exposed in such stories doesn't fit their agenda.

And why am I not surprised you'd "have no opinion either way". :eusa_whistle:

Ah. It's a liberal plot that all the local news sources mention the bullying but omit Muslims and racism.

Of course. Those evil liberals! *shakes fist at sky*

Is it REALLY that hard to admit that both parties do this, all people do this according to their biases, and yes some parties or people are worse than others, but there are cases of people from those same parties being better than the others and we don't just see it in the media.

Of course people are going to see and say things biased, and so the media will do the same, and how we perceive the media will be biased also. Can we all admit that? And focus on solving whichever part of this problem bothers us the most, and let other people do the same? We'd solve everything if we delegated each out to the people most motivated about it.

Of course we are not going to respond to everything in the media, much less do so equally.
We wouldn't get anything done on the issues we CAN and WANT to do something about!
BOY thought to be one of Britain?s youngest suicides found dead after months of jibes, says family | The Sun |News

I never believe any of these bully stories, especially if a suicide is involved, but if it is the case this is true, no doubt liberals will ignore this story.

The same source had a prominent picture of a drug addict, with the headline she was caught having sex with a pit bull in public and arrested on lewdness.

So who knows what kind of stories or spin this website is posting to sensationalize things.
Bullying happens everywhere and it has little or nothing to do with Conservative vs Liberal. I believe most people can look back on school days and remember incidents where they were bullied for whatever reason: being black, being white, being small, being fat, being smart, being different in some way. For many people, school was/is something to dread.
100% of students at every school come from ethnic backgrounds.

Yeah, but if 90% of them are from ethnic background "A" and you are from ethnic background "B", you might get beat up.

YOU might...

Already had to endure that long ago. Moved to Hawaii from Montana as a kid. Talk about total culture shock. White people or "haoles" are not well liked or treated there in many places. Check out "kill haole day". It is pretty easy to spot racial discrimination after you've been on the receiving end of it.
Did you learn to stand up for yourself or not?

Sure, but it wasn't easy. That was over 40 years ago for me. Bullies today have taken it to new levels. Now besides taking physical beatings and verbal taunts, kids have to deal with cyber-bullying as well.
In Britain, it's against the law to harrass a minority, but it's okay to do it to a White person.

The Great British Empire...reduced to this.
In Britain, it's against the law to harrass a minority, but it's okay to do it to a White person.

The Great British Empire...reduced to this.

Are you serious?

I'm serious.

They have the Race Relations Act or some shit that makes it illegal to criticize or discriminate minorities. If, in the UK, a White Guy says "Islam Kills", he's going to jail.

Minorities, however, are treated with kid gloves. Remember the Danish newspaper's Muhuamad cartoons? Muslims in the UK held protests with signs like "Islam will destroy freedom" and such shit, but nothing was done to them.
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In Britain, it's against the law to harrass a minority, but it's okay to do it to a White person.

The Great British Empire...reduced to this.

Are you serious?

I'm serious.

They have the Race Relations Act or some shit that makes it illegal to criticize or discriminate minorities. If, in the UK, a White Guy says "Islam Kills", he's going to jail.

But its ok for Pakistanis or whoever to say whatever they please about whites?:confused:

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