9 Yr Olds Abortion Draws Catholic Excommunication

I'm not accepting of rape.
I'm not accepting of children having sex.
But if it has happened, I'm also not accepting of CUTTING THAT KID UP and the resultant child and pretending that's "better" for her than the alternative.

I don't know what it is with people who think abortion following a rape is less harmful than pregnancy and birth.

But then, what's to be expected. You people hate children anyway. It isn't amazing to me that women who think that children should be killed are okay with forcing a nine year old who has been raped to have her cervix forced open, and have metal instruments inserted into her, and to have two 4 month old babies dismembered and dragged out of her in bloody bits.

Yes, that's medicine at it's finest. Obviously, no trauma with that at all. A 9 year old girl who has been dreaming about babies...being held down by adults and chopped up, and her babies killed...and her life put at serious risk.

You guys rock.

Nobody here said anything about hating children.......everyone has been concerned about the welfare of the 9 year old child.
How can anyone expect a 9 year old girl to become a Mommy??
When most 9 year old little girls get through playing with their dolls......they toss them on the floor and run outside and play......not good Mommy material.
You're nuts....you only look for things to gripe at people about...not discuss them.

My guess is - they don't expect her to parent it.

That's asking too much of a 9 y/o.

Ironic beliefs are ironic.
It bothers me that the mother of the girl and the doctor were ex-communicated for saving this child's life while the step-father/child molestor is welcome in the church.

The Child Molestor is still Welcome?...

As for Saving her Life...

How many 9-year-olds have Died giving Birth?...

Because they do give Birth. :thup:


I see where he was Accused... Didn't see the Conviction.

As for the Church on this Issue... They were Wrong to not Forgive the Sin of Abortion...

It's not like it was done for Convenience... This time. :thup:

How many Catholics in the World have Abortion for Convenience and then go to Confessional and Wash it away?...


Got a question for you Catholic's. Now the mother of the 9 year old was excommunicated. Isn't that counterproductive for the church if they want the daughter to grow up in the church? A nine year old goes to church where her parents go. If I were the woman I'd leave the church and take the girl with me. What reason do you have to continue if your excommunicated? Now from what I understand Catholic's believe the Catholic Church is the only true church so IMO If that's their belief, the church's heavy handedness may have just put the kids soul in mortal peril. Thought's?
I don't expect her to become a mommy. I expect people to quit pretending there's no risk of death in aborting 4 month old twins from a 9 year old girl, and to quit pretending death was guaranteed if she had carried them.

In other words, I expect people not to lie. And if they lie, I will call them on it.

I find it appalling that people are willing to lie about the hazards of abortion, in order to promote it for very young rape victims. That shows me a complete lack of concern for the child involved.

It's okay if she dies as a result of ABORTION..it's okay to subject her to medical rape and pain AGAIN, after she was raped by her stepfather...but it's monstrous if she dies in birth. That's just twisted.
I don't think anyone is denying a risk for the 9 year old with either option.

I do think sensible persons are agreeing with the physician that the risk for her to bring them to term was the greater risk.

The physician never said that.

See, there you go again.

The physicians said there was a risk associated with her carrying it to term. They didn't say abortion was LESS risky.

Or maybe they did. Quote please?
I don't expect her to become a mommy. I expect people to quit pretending there's no risk of death in aborting 4 month old twins from a 9 year old girl, and to quit pretending death was guaranteed if she had carried them.

In other words, I expect people not to lie. And if they lie, I will call them on it.

I find it appalling that people are willing to lie about the hazards of abortion, in order to promote it for very young rape victims. That shows me a complete lack of concern for the child involved.

It's okay if she dies as a result of ABORTION..it's okay to subject her to medical rape and pain AGAIN, after she was raped by her stepfather...but it's monstrous if she dies in birth. That's just twisted.
I don't think anyone is denying a risk for the 9 year old with either option.

I do think sensible persons are agreeing with the physician that the risk for her to bring them to term was the greater risk.

The physician never said that.

See, there you go again.

The physicians said there was a risk associated with her carrying it to term. They didn't say abortion was LESS risky.

Or maybe they did. Quote please?
LOL. Maybe the reporters didn't say that, but I bet the physicians DID say that. Simple common sense.
"You bet".

Hmmm....I don't. Because I know what the risks are. I bet the doctors said, yes, she's a high risk pregnancy...

And abortion at this point can also lead to death.
Take your pick.
When the store clerk kills a shopper in the crossfire during a robbery, did the robber kill anyone? Even though he didn't pull the trigger, the robber is responsible for the death of the shopper.

The stepfather is responsible for the death of the fetuses he planted in that small child and would be responsible for the death of the child if her life had not been saved.

People who expect small children - or anyone - to incubate the progeny of rapists make me ill. If the rapist hits the target and fertilizes an egg then he gets to hold his victim hostage for months?

not just months. Its been a minute, and I don't remember how the case turned out, but there was one rapist that I'm aware of who sued for visitation.

That is screwed up.

What's worse is that it's considered by the courts:

Parental Rights for Rapists? | RH Reality Check

Under most state's laws, the rapist's biological connection to the child, regardless of its provenance - even, in many states, in the case of incest - is sufficient to gain parental rights.

At the very least, the attempt to gain legal recognition of parental rights enables the rapist to bring Maria in to court, in which she will be forced either to relive the rape in her efforts to seek justice, or to pretend it didn't happen rather than risk a judicial violation of her privacy. And if a rapist secures parental rights, generally, parental rights guarantee a lifetime of ongoing contact between the mother and the rapist - including visitation rights, child support, and even ongoing legal disputes over custody.

And what if Maria proves to a court's satisfaction that the child was a result of a rape? Many state laws make no provision for such a situation and thus the court may be obligated to legally recognize the rapist's paternity.
Christianity Today Liveblog: 9-Year-Old's Abortion Draws Catholic Censure in Brazil

Despite the Catholic Church's attempts to stop the procedure, a 9-year-old Brazilian girl whose stepfather allegedly sexually abused her had an abortion Wednesday after doctors warned that giving birth might result in death. Physicians at the hospital in the coastal town of Recife said the girl - 15 weeks pregnant with twins and weighing 80 pounds - could not give birth without putting her life at risk.

In response, on Thursday Jos? Cardoso Sobrinho, archbishop of Olinda and Recife, excommunicated the girl's mother, who authorized the abortion, and the doctors involved.

Oh and this gem

According to Globo, the stepfather is not being excommunicated. "He committed a serious crime, but . . . there are many other serious sins. Abortion is more serious," said Archbishop Sobrinho.


Why do you hate religious freedom? Why are you trying to oppress Catholics for their faith? Bet you love Obama! Obama SUCKS. You hate the Constitution! 'Merica - FUCK YEAH REEAAAARGGG!!!
Why would a rapist get parental rights? That doesn't make sense. He had no right to violate the mother, why give him an opportunity to violate the child?

In this case, we are talking about a grown man who raped a nine year old having parental rights to the twin children that resulted from his rape.
I'm not saying they all do.

I'm saying criminals have parental rights based on the fact that they're a parent. Being a criminal doesn't eliminate your parental rights, or your parental obligation...unless your conviction is a crime against a child, or even specifically your own child.

Criminals exercise their visitation rights ALL THE TIME.
Do you militantly anti-abortion people support the rapist having visitation rights?

That's 18 years and 9 months of holding the rape victim hostage.
Why would a rapist get parental rights? That doesn't make sense. He had no right to violate the mother, why give him an opportunity to violate the child?

In this case, we are talking about a grown man who raped a nine year old having parental rights to the twin children that resulted from his rape.
Parental rights are a constitutional thing.
Why would a rapist get parental rights? That doesn't make sense. He had no right to violate the mother, why give him an opportunity to violate the child?

In this case, we are talking about a grown man who raped a nine year old having parental rights to the twin children that resulted from his rape.
Parental rights are a constitutional thing.

As long as the law would support a rapist having control over his victim's schedule and access to his victim's child for 18+ years, the law better allow the victim to get rid of that fetus before it becomes a pawn for the rapist's further abuse.

That's some sick shit to allow the rapist to force his victim to conform her schedule to his visitation demands - not to mention allowing him access to the impressionable child's mind.
Good grief, you guys really get off on thinking about this shit, don't you?

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