90/10 Is Fake News

Actually this are all Democrat founded and Democrat Funded Groups.

Thanks for playing.

Wait a second:
So you're saying that all the tiki torch people went to the WRONG RALLY??
After all, if your sig graphic is correct, then "Unite the Right" was the wrong rally.

Secondly, if Trump didn’t lie so much, the media wouldn’t be pointing out his compulsive lying daily.

So if Trump stopped tweeting, the MSM would give him balanced coverage, Gulliber?
I don’t think it is so much about the tweeting... it is about the constant lies and the all out war he has waged against the media and our intel agencies. The fake news and deep state conspiracies. Those are what’s really fueling the fire
The media and our intel agencies have waged all out war on him. You're confused about the cause effect relationship here. The biggest conspircy theory on the planet is the one about "Russion collusion." If only you moron leftwingers could see how absurd you look babbling about conspiricy theories.

You're right about one thing: fake news is fueling the fire.
There would be no Russian collision if Trump and his team wouldn’t have lied about meetings they had with Russians on the heels of the Russian being caught interfering with the election. That’s what started this whole mess. And every lie and deflection and finger pointing accusation that Trump makes just fuels the fire.

Yes the press is critical of him. He called them the enemy of the people and talks shit about them every chance he gets. What do you think they are going to do? He provokes it and he likes it because it gives him an enemy to talk shit about when things get hot. He won the election by fire and fury, talking shit about Obama and politicians... well now he is in charge and he needs a new scapegoat. He has made the media and his political opponents that very thing. And puppets like you have taken the bait.
obama slapped fox around too n started a war. i hate trump doing it, i hate obama for doing it. i hate the media for becoming part of the very news they cover n i hate us usibg it against each other.

ok enough hate now.
"Agenda driven news
Then you are not practicing critical evaluation. I can identify multiple examples of distortion and omission in every broadcast. For example, almost every segment on semi-automatic weapons is accompanied by video of a fully automatic weapon (i.e., machine gun) being fired. Open your eyes and ears.
I’m glad it is so easy for you. would you please point out a few examples from one of today’s programs on CNN?

Do you have a point to make?

Watch the fake news lie about Trump. That's my point.

You mean the lie that Ana Navarro tells. An anti trump pundit. You think that proves that CNN is fake news?!

There are no pro-Trump pundits on CNN.

Ana Navarro is a fake Republican telling lies on a fake news network. The fact that CNN spews fake news on a daily basis is what makes it a fake news network.
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I’m glad it is so easy for you. would you please point out a few examples from one of today’s programs on CNN?

Do you have a point to make?

Watch the fake news lie about Trump. That's my point.

You mean the lie that Ana Navarro tells. An anti trump pundit. You think that proves that CNN is fake news?!

There are no pro-Trump pundits on CNN.

Ana Navarro is a fake Republican telling lies on a fake news network. The fact that CNN spews fake news on a daily basis is what makes it a fake news network.

There are no pro Trump pundits on CNN?!?! Haha that right there shows how absolutely clueless you are.
OK, I am getting tired of these games. I posted that the 90/10 ratio of negative Trump coverage in the MSM was irrefutable evidence of fake news. Interestingly, not even the libtards dispute this ratio. Instead, they quibble about the term "fake," instead preferring the term "agenda driven." Then they cite FNC as some sort refutation, even though it underscores the 90/10 ratio. Finally, they cite CNN as some paragon of evenhandedness, only to dismiss its continuous examples to the contrary. So much for honest debate.
OK, I am getting tired of these games. I posted that the 90/10 ratio of negative Trump coverage in the MSM was irrefutable evidence of fake news. Interestingly, not even the libtards dispute this ratio. Instead, they quibble about the term "fake," instead preferring the term "agenda driven." Then they cite FNC as some sort refutation, even though it underscores the 90/10 ratio. Finally, they cite CNN as some paragon of evenhandedness, only to dismiss its continuous examples to the contrary. So much for honest debate.

Well, when you say something is irrefutable and it is refuted... ;)

Watch the fake news lie about Trump. That's my point.

You mean the lie that Ana Navarro tells. An anti trump pundit. You think that proves that CNN is fake news?!

There are no pro-Trump pundits on CNN.

Ana Navarro is a fake Republican telling lies on a fake news network. The fact that CNN spews fake news on a daily basis is what makes it a fake news network.

There are no pro Trump pundits on CNN?!?! Haha that right there shows how absolutely clueless you are.

Name one.
Do you have a point to make?
Watch the fake news lie about Trump. That's my point.
You mean the lie that Ana Navarro tells. An anti trump pundit. You think that proves that CNN is fake news?!

There are no pro-Trump pundits on CNN.

Ana Navarro is a fake Republican telling lies on a fake news network. The fact that CNN spews fake news on a daily basis is what makes it a fake news network.
There are no pro Trump pundits on CNN?!?! Haha that right there shows how absolutely clueless you are.
Name one.
I’ll name 5... Stephan Moore, Rick Santorum, David Urban, Michael Capito, and Jason Miller are all regulars on Anderson Cooper 360 and many of the other shows. I can keep going if you like
Watch the fake news lie about Trump. That's my point.
You mean the lie that Ana Navarro tells. An anti trump pundit. You think that proves that CNN is fake news?!

There are no pro-Trump pundits on CNN.

Ana Navarro is a fake Republican telling lies on a fake news network. The fact that CNN spews fake news on a daily basis is what makes it a fake news network.
There are no pro Trump pundits on CNN?!?! Haha that right there shows how absolutely clueless you are.
Name one.
I’ll name 5... Stephan Moore, Rick Santorum, David Urban, Michael Capito, and Jason Miller are all regulars on Anderson Cooper 360 and many of the other shows. I can keep going if you like
Kelly Conway is on New Day quite often and Giuliani was just on yesterday.
You mean the lie that Ana Navarro tells. An anti trump pundit. You think that proves that CNN is fake news?!

There are no pro-Trump pundits on CNN.

Ana Navarro is a fake Republican telling lies on a fake news network. The fact that CNN spews fake news on a daily basis is what makes it a fake news network.
There are no pro Trump pundits on CNN?!?! Haha that right there shows how absolutely clueless you are.
Name one.
I’ll name 5... Stephan Moore, Rick Santorum, David Urban, Michael Capito, and Jason Miller are all regulars on Anderson Cooper 360 and many of the other shows. I can keep going if you like
Kelly Conway is on New Day quite often and Giuliani was just on yesterday.

They don't work for CNN. They also aren't pundits. Name one pundit who works for CNN who is pro-Trump.
There are no pro-Trump pundits on CNN.

Ana Navarro is a fake Republican telling lies on a fake news network. The fact that CNN spews fake news on a daily basis is what makes it a fake news network.
There are no pro Trump pundits on CNN?!?! Haha that right there shows how absolutely clueless you are.
Name one.
I’ll name 5... Stephan Moore, Rick Santorum, David Urban, Michael Capito, and Jason Miller are all regulars on Anderson Cooper 360 and many of the other shows. I can keep going if you like
Kelly Conway is on New Day quite often and Giuliani was just on yesterday.

They don't work for CNN. They also aren't pundits. Name one pundit who works for CNN who is pro-Trump.
Why does the label matter? They are on multiple shows on CNN being interviewed or as panelists practically every day.
There are no pro Trump pundits on CNN?!?! Haha that right there shows how absolutely clueless you are.
Name one.
I’ll name 5... Stephan Moore, Rick Santorum, David Urban, Michael Capito, and Jason Miller are all regulars on Anderson Cooper 360 and many of the other shows. I can keep going if you like
Kelly Conway is on New Day quite often and Giuliani was just on yesterday.

They don't work for CNN. They also aren't pundits. Name one pundit who works for CNN who is pro-Trump.
Why does the label matter? They are on multiple shows on CNN being interviewed or as panelists practically every day.
It matters whether they work for the network or they are just guests. Labels mean things. The so-called "professional journalists" at CNN are all Trump haters.
Name one.
I’ll name 5... Stephan Moore, Rick Santorum, David Urban, Michael Capito, and Jason Miller are all regulars on Anderson Cooper 360 and many of the other shows. I can keep going if you like
Kelly Conway is on New Day quite often and Giuliani was just on yesterday.

They don't work for CNN. They also aren't pundits. Name one pundit who works for CNN who is pro-Trump.
Why does the label matter? They are on multiple shows on CNN being interviewed or as panelists practically every day.
It matters whether they work for the network or they are just guests. Labels mean things. The so-called "professional journalists" at CNN are all Trump haters.
It doesn’t matter in the context of what we are speaking about which is “fake news”. If the “other side” is being represented then the news and discussion can’t really be fake can it?
Pretty much anything on TV or Radio is designed to manipulate opinion.

That means it's all bullshit to some degree.

However I am aware that collectivists are a malignancy, so anything they say is complete bullshit.

About the only faith I have in anything I listen too being based on truth is Mark Levin. Everything else "right wing", is eardrum porn.

I’ll name 5... Stephan Moore, Rick Santorum, David Urban, Michael Capito, and Jason Miller are all regulars on Anderson Cooper 360 and many of the other shows. I can keep going if you like
Kelly Conway is on New Day quite often and Giuliani was just on yesterday.

They don't work for CNN. They also aren't pundits. Name one pundit who works for CNN who is pro-Trump.
Why does the label matter? They are on multiple shows on CNN being interviewed or as panelists practically every day.
It matters whether they work for the network or they are just guests. Labels mean things. The so-called "professional journalists" at CNN are all Trump haters.
It doesn’t matter in the context of what we are speaking about which is “fake news”. If the “other side” is being represented then the news and discussion can’t really be fake can it?

Sure it can. Who reports the news or comments on it doesn't decide whether a story is fake or not. I'm not making claims about CNN putting out fake news, but doing so would not be prevented by having guests or panelists with opposing viewpoints.
Kelly Conway is on New Day quite often and Giuliani was just on yesterday.

They don't work for CNN. They also aren't pundits. Name one pundit who works for CNN who is pro-Trump.
Why does the label matter? They are on multiple shows on CNN being interviewed or as panelists practically every day.
It matters whether they work for the network or they are just guests. Labels mean things. The so-called "professional journalists" at CNN are all Trump haters.
It doesn’t matter in the context of what we are speaking about which is “fake news”. If the “other side” is being represented then the news and discussion can’t really be fake can it?

Sure it can. Who reports the news or comments on it doesn't decide whether a story is fake or not. I'm not making claims about CNN putting out fake news, but doing so would not be prevented by having guests or panelists with opposing viewpoints.
It provides a check and balance. So when a story that Trump is calling fake news gets reported then a rep can explain why. This rarely happens because CNN doesn’t report fake news unless it the occasional mistake
I advise folks tune out all Government/Corporate Media. It's all fake. It's just conditioning mind control. Democrat Fake News especially, only repeats mindless opinion propaganda. It isn't 'News.' There is very little actual 'News' out there. You won't find credible 'News' and 'Information' with Government/Corporate Media. Seek alternative Media.

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