....90 seconds of brutal mayhem, New York Times....

The human rights violation aspect of the situation is a bigger story than .....what took place that day......"
"It only serves to enhance the emotional response attempted by the OP."
Ah, that's a sad misread of the NYT article, and of the OP's intention.

In fact, I thought the Times piece 'humanized' these perpetrators. Rather than hard-core, fire-breathing traitors and seditionists.....they, by and large, come across as average mokes who got caught up in QAnon-grade stickum of nutter conspiracies. So much so, they then behaved badly. I thought the Times did an informative job of showing us some of the more human side, some of the more socially approved side, of these perpetrators.

On the "human rights" issue initiated by the good poster 'Samofvt': From my reading of accounts none are locked up without a serious charge. ALL have access to counsel. A few have continued to make inflammatory statements that have lead judges to decline to reduce bail, or to release on bail. In one or more cases some have been remanded back to jail because of their actions or statements. If any are still in jail while they await trial, well, it is expected that they continue to be viewed as a threat to our society.

But I ain't a lawyer.

"Wow, a whole minute and a half."
Ah, that's another sad misread of the New York Times article. The reporters used a snapshot....a 90 second snapshot ---- to illustrate the intensity of the assault, the danger to the uniformed police, and the moments in time when all 7 of these charged perpetrators were in close enough proximity to be captured in a photograph.

As is abundantly clear in the New York Times article.....the whole brutal struggle lasted hours, with fresh waves of MAGAMob participants entering the fray as the police tired. Even the mobsters recognized they were wearing out the police.....see the quotes in the article.
The "90-seconds" is an insightful tactic to condense a complicated tumultuous even that lasted for hours, with many actors, and many moving parts.
But if nobody has been charged, than you can't call it lying to congress.

Progressive Hunter logic 101.
congress has made lying legal as long as youre under oath and in washington,,,

are you ever going to explain 600 arrests and not a single charge of insurrection?? inquiring minds want to know,,
congress has made lying legal as long as youre under oath and in washington,,,

are you ever going to explain 600 arrests and not a single charge of insurrection?? inquiring minds want to know,,
Maybe congress made insurrection legal too?

Now what do you say nobody being charged proves?
Good poster 'WTH', just where in the article is the statement ..."The False Flag became a blunt instrument"?

I read the whole piece yesterday and didn't recall that statement, so I did a quick scan of the article just now. Your quote of a 'false flag' wasn't obvious to me. I didn't find it with a fast read.

It may very well be there, but perhaps I could be inattentively skipping over it without recognition.

So, could you point us to which part of the long article that phrase is referenced so that we may assess its context, and then, perhaps, respond to you in an informed manner.

You want me to respond to myself? Sure, I suppose, False Flag, it's written within every story surrounding the event, all you have to do is read and observe a pattern of behavior.
"600 arrests and not a single charge of insurrection??"
  • Insurrection against the United States........10yrs in prison.
  • Assaulting a United States federal officer causing bodily injury, or using a weapon ----- 20yrs in prison

Personally, I'm OK with either penalty.
But I'll leave it up to the judge to determine the circumstances for each perpetrator.

BTW, and as sort of an aside: One of the really good developments coming out of this violent assault on our democracy and the Capitol of the United States was.........well, it was "SeditonHunters". The online, crowd-sourced, cohort of internet sleuths who are having remarkable success in tracking down --and identifying--- numerous perpetrators. Social media postings by the Dicks & Karens of January 6th have proved to be a real bane to the perps.
And, it turns out, a real boon to the rest of our civil society.
Good on that.

As we've read on this very venue, some wag, actually several.....have identified that as Trump Defending Sycophant.

I personally, have always that 'sycophant' was about a icky as a man could get.

youre the one thats started the 500th thread on this same subject,, so I would say its your debilitating illness,,
"You want me to respond to myself? "

Ummm, yeah.

After all, it was your avatar that claimed a quote was within the article.
I couldn't find it.
And when respectfully requested of you, well, so far, you haven't provide it. Can't? Won't?

What's up with that?

Look, good poster WTH.....this is Adult Swim. The water is deeper here. If you attribute a quote to reporters, well then, mi amigo.....you gotta show where they stated that in their reportage.

Those ain't my rules.
It is how Adult Swim works.
I'm mildly sure you should know that.
"500th thread on this same subject,"

Actually, so the good poster Hunter can correct his notes, but......but the New York Times article from yesterday was the only 'subject' my poor avatar offered.

(to be accurate, in a follow along post, he did offer the HBO Doc as a subject to discuss too).

Now, if the poster Hunter thought my avatar was referring to another subject other than the New York Times reportage on "90 Seconds of Rage".....well, that's on him. And on his obsessions, I suppose.
so far it means no insurrection and TDS is a debilitating disease affecting millions of morons across the country
You've stumbled into an impossible paradox. You claim the insurrection isn't an insurrections, until somebody is charged. Yet somebody being charged with insurrection is a FUTURE event. So in essence you're saying that the past is changed by future events.

That January 6th goes from protest to insurrection based on whether charges are filed in the future.

Even you have to admit that's an unfixable flaw in your insurrection claim. Hence denial of an insurrection fails.
Do you really know what that word means? Trace the origins of who are fascists. Trump was the closest thing to fascism ever elected but you switch the emphasis to democrats as if they were responsible for smashing the capitol and attempting to over throw democracy.

I'll answer my original question for you.
No you don't. You're just another ignorant hate filled Republican idiot.

You are a fucking retard. Trump actually followed the COTUS, ALL of your politicians have wiped their asses with it.

Fascism is authoritirianism, you know vaccine mandates, lockdowns and the like.
Actually Trump has a phenomenal record of losing at the supreme court, proving he didn't follow the Constitution.

Obummer lost more, and if Trump were what you claim, he would have never left the White House.
You are a fucking retard. Trump actually followed the COTUS, ALL of your politicians have wiped their asses with it.

Fascism is authoritirianism, you know vaccine mandates, lockdowns and the like.

I could be a retard but I know you're a liar.

You don't know the meaning of the word so shut your ignorant mouth.
You are obsessed with defending trump to the detriment of the country but you call yourself a patriot. You voted in a tyrant fascist and it was sensible people who voted the lying bastard out.

You have the intelligence of a dung beetle.
This was an FBI sting. 90 seconds of rage. Please. If the communists were scared shirtless, they should be.
I could be a retard but I know you're a liar.

You don't know the meaning of the word so shut your ignorant mouth.
You are obsessed with defending trump to the detriment of the country but you call yourself a patriot. You voted in a tyrant fascist and it was sensible people who voted the lying bastard out.

You have the intelligence of a dung beetle.

I know fascism when I smell it.

You want to murder people you disagree with politically.

That makes you a loon, and a fascist.
I know fascism when I smell it.

You want to murder people you disagree with politically.

That makes you a loon, and a fascist.

Your goons wanted to kill pence and Cheney and Pelosi yet you're ignorant enough to suggest I want to kill people???

I've seen empty bottles smarter than you.
Your goons wanted to kill pence and Cheney and Pelosi yet you're ignorant enough to suggest I want to kill people???

I've seen empty bottles smarter than you.

Oh bullshit. Not one of the protestors had guns you fruitcake. No guns, no insurrection, no murder plots, no nothing.

Just like you.

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