911 another stake through the heart of the official story huggers!

In other words: why would the CGI footage leave any room for conspiracy theorists?

I would like to know how Koko thinks the video was artificially generated to remove the wing as it approached WTC2?

How does one do that without blowing the whole operation like you suggested?

I mean if that plane was added in, then someone had to remove the wing to make it look like it went behind WTC2 right?

thats your drama to sort out, I dont give a shit, the only thing I am concerned with is the cgi.

I want to know why everything is cgi if there was a real plane

You're claiming CGI yet you don't know how it all works???

Holy fuck!

Not that the truth movement needs any help looking silly, but my God...


you can see the wing disappear behind the building, you claim that was the flight path prove it.

you have not shown that to be a fact, flight path, so you suffer from Alzheimers too huh

Hey Koko. Where did you think the building was located that made it weird when it obscured the wing? North of the towers?


Where did you think the building in the animated gif above was located Koko?

North of the twin towers?

I would like to know how Koko thinks the video was artificially generated to remove the wing as it approached WTC2?

How does one do that without blowing the whole operation like you suggested?

I mean if that plane was added in, then someone had to remove the wing to make it look like it went behind WTC2 right?

thats your drama to sort out, I dont give a shit, the only thing I am concerned with is the cgi.

I want to know why everything is cgi if there was a real plane

You're claiming CGI yet you don't know how it all works???

Holy fuck!


OMG you just tipped over the edge of complete tard nonsense again LOL
you can see the wing disappear behind the building, you claim that was the flight path prove it.

you have not shown that to be a fact, flight path, so you suffer from Alzheimers too huh

Hey Koko. Where did you think the building was located that made it weird when it obscured the wing? North of the towers?


Where did you think the building in the animated gif above was located Koko?

North of the twin towers?


you tell me


where do you think the building in the animated gif is located?
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In other words: why would the CGI footage leave any room for conspiracy theorists?

I would like to know how Koko thinks the video was artificially generated to remove the wing as it approached WTC2?

How does one do that without blowing the whole operation like you suggested?

I mean if that plane was added in, then someone had to remove the wing to make it look like it went behind WTC2 right?

once again the retard strikes!

YOU think the video was artificially generated to remove the wing as it approached WTC2.

its called a cgi glitch, a glitch is something unwanted, a fuckup, something you can intimately relate to, damn you in over head.

Im tellin ya man you need to back off those stoopid pills.

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I want to see Tojo's proof that no one has messed with these videos...........

Proof to me that these Gifs are real..........

what do you seem to get is that the original was messed with, pretty sure you can still download it from cnn

Oh no, you make a claim that the original tapes are faked, you have the burden of proof...

So prove it.....

We have hundreds of witnesses who saw the planes, Prove they are lying.....

And lord knows how many different cameras captured the second plane impact...

Prove that those are all fake...

You can't, but you may go ahead and redirect now.....
I want to see Tojo's proof that no one has messed with these videos...........

Proof to me that these Gifs are real..........

what do you seem to get is that the original was messed with, pretty sure you can still download it from cnn

Oh no, you make a claim that the original tapes are faked, you have the burden of proof...

So prove it.....

We have hundreds of witnesses who saw the planes, Prove they are lying.....

And lord knows how many different cameras captured the second plane impact...

Prove that those are all fake...

You can't, but you may go ahead and redirect now.....

I told you where to get it, you have to see for yourself.

yeh and they must all have suffered from the same defect since they all have disappearing wings.

I only need this one, if this one is fake, the main and first one aired there is no reason to believe any others are not.
Not that the truth movement needs any help looking silly, but my God...


whats that?

have you figured out what free fall is yet? Looks to me like the OShuggers look pretty tarded in their neanderthal little box

you people od'd on stoopid pills

Hey idiot! Thousands of people in NYC saw the 2nd plane hit. How do you explain that huh nitwit?
He doesn't....

He has no need to explain anything because , well, because nothing happened on 9-11-01, The buildings are still there and nearly 3000 people never died....Ask Tojo, he'll tell ya all about it.......
Not that the truth movement needs any help looking silly, but my God...


whats that?

have you figured out what free fall is yet? Looks to me like the OShuggers look pretty tarded in their neanderthal little box

you people od'd on stoopid pills

Hey idiot! Thousands of people in NYC saw the 2nd plane hit. How do you explain that huh nitwit?

yet no one is able to prove it in a manner it would stand in court as a fact, not my problem yours, stop back when you have something.
Not that the truth movement needs any help looking silly, but my God...


whats that?

have you figured out what free fall is yet? Looks to me like the OShuggers look pretty tarded in their neanderthal little box

you people od'd on stoopid pills

Hey idiot! Thousands of people in NYC saw the 2nd plane hit. How do you explain that huh nitwit?

nope someone demolished those buildings full of peopl
It did stand up in court you stupid fuck.

How many times in how many threads must we go through this....

And no, you have never overridden the court with any evidence of your own.....
It did stand up in court you stupid fuck.

How many times in how many threads must we go through this....

And no, you have never overridden the court with any evidence of your own.....

I dont need evidence beyond what was proven above to file suit, only need to make prima facia showing then we go into discovery and you get to produce all those nonexistent validations and junk yard parts.

yes we do because you dont get it.
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It did stand up in court you stupid fuck.

How many times in how many threads must we go through this....

And no, you have never overridden the court with any evidence of your own.....

I dont need evidence beyond what was proven above to file suit, only need to make prima facia showing then we go into discovery and you get to produce all those nonexistent validations and junk yard parts.

yes we do because you dont get it.
bullshit! you got nothing to present: a Definition of prima facie (adv)
Bing Dictionary
pri·ma fa·cie [ prmə fáyshee ]
at first glance: on initial examination or consideration
apparent: clear from a first impression
legally sufficient: sufficient in law to establish a case or fact, unless disproved
Synonyms: apparent, clear, clear-cut, obvious, unambiguous

again you have no "legally sufficient: sufficient in law to establish a case or fact, unless disproved
Synonyms: apparent, clear, clear-cut, obvious, unambiguous"

this is so twoofesq! koko7 is so delusional that he must think this retread of a retread post is any more evidence based then the last two steaming piles he's posted...
I can most definitely see that not too many people need to do any research to make him into an ass...

He does a good job of it all by himself.....
You can't file shit with your faked gifs.....

But you are funny.....

Too bad the courts don't work on funny.......

now look what you did, you woke up the idiot who cant tell the difference between his ass and his mouth..

gifs are only needed for jamming a dick down a tards throat on the message boards.

In court you use the actual video.

That where the g ifs come from see.

hope that helps

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