911 another stake through the heart of the official story huggers!

Jesus Koko!!!

I haven't had this much fun tearing someone apart since the days of christophera and his concrete core bullshit.

First you try and use a building as evidence of CGI when you have the location of said building wrong (in the opposite direction no less). You didn't even know what building it was!

Then you further get your ass handed to you by posted an edited/remade video from THIS year showing the right plane wing supposedly missing BEHIND WTC2 only to find that a BETTER video, uploaded 3 1/2 years earlier shows the wing as being in FRONT of WTC2.

Then you try and claim the video uploaded 3 1/2 years was the remake and your video uploaded this year was genuine.


Nope, I have had that since 2001 the second it hit the internet.

But thanks for admitting you are too ignorant to figure out why yours is a remake.

nice duck and hide try loser

and for the other one I am still waiting for your official flight path and rate of decent which you keep dodging.
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Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups

Nope, I have had that since 2001 the second it hit the internet.

Why do you keep lying? Here is the screenshot of the from the video you linked. Look at the upload date in the lower left corner moron!

Damn! This is way too easy!
Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


Right on queue! When having your ass handed to you, move the goalposts to muddy the conversation!

Brilliant Koko! Keep showing everyone what truthers are all about. You're doing a good job.


Why don't you just stop while you're ahead? How many times being proven wrong and lies are you going to go through before you've had enough?

Why don't you just stop while you're ahead? How many times being proven wrong and lies are you going to go through before you've had enough?

More dodging from you right on Q!

You are fucking pathetic, every I hang your ass out to dry you claim victory.

Then you call ELC a coward who after handing you your ass 50 times doesnt hang around to hand it to you 50 times more!

You are a fucking lunatic

the OP clearly states:

the question is why? If the plane was real WHY ALL the cgi?

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Nope, I have had that since 2001 the second it hit the internet.

Why do you keep lying? Here is the screenshot of the from the video you linked. Look at the upload date in the lower left corner moron!

Damn! This is way too easy!

I just grabbed one, the gif was made from the one in archives, I dont post on youtube, it matched mine thats all I care about.
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the question is why? If the plane was real WHY ALL the cgi?


Keyword is ALL. So far, you've had ALL of your so-called proof of CGI rammed down your piehole!

You suck at this. Time for a new hobby I'd say.

So how could you have had that video since 2001 when it was uploaded February of this year?


no one needs to be a graphics expert to see the wing of flight 175 magically go behind a building several blocks away.

Your claim is that the building in question was "blocks away" and the fact that the plane's left wing went behind this building and not in front of it is proof of CGI.

So where did you think the building was located to make this claim?

Are you going to answer or just admit that you fucked up? We're all waiting...
the question is why? If the plane was real WHY ALL the cgi?


Keyword is ALL. So far, you've had ALL of your so-called proof of CGI rammed down your piehole!

You suck at this. Time for a new hobby I'd say.

So how could you have had that video since 2001 when it was uploaded February of this year?


more bullshit, you posted a debunker flight path and dodge giving us the official decent and flightpath.

but you had purty pictures. someone put a lot of work into them too bad they are worthless.

archives idiot. terrabytes of archive for when I run into tards like you
whats that?

have you figured out what free fall is yet? Looks to me like the OShuggers look pretty tarded in their neanderthal little box

you people od'd on stoopid pills

Hey idiot! Thousands of people in NYC saw the 2nd plane hit. How do you explain that huh nitwit?

yet no one is able to prove it in a manner it would stand in court as a fact, not my problem yours, stop back when you have something.

Jesus how stupid are you? Thousands of eye witnesses would stand up in ANY court.
I just grabbed one, the gif was made from the one in archives, I dont post on youtube, it matched mine thats all I care about.

The bolded, red part of your quote above is VERY telling.

So you admittedly used a video created by some unknown person in your "archives", which was of a broadcast of ANOTHER video taken by someone in Battery Park?


You did that instead of using the ORIGINAL Battery Park video? That last sentence in your above post REALLY makes sense now. It's all about supporting your crazy views and trying to not look like an ass (unsuccessfully I might add). Got it.
Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


wtf is up with explosions before any fuel has hit the building and above the plane?

whats up with that?

missing both wings, fuselage that stretches like a rubber band
Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


wtf is up with explosions before any fuel has hit the building and above the plane?

whats up with that?

missing both wings, fuselage that stretches like a rubber band

Keep using those blurry, "watered down", pixelated, animated gifs Koko. It's doing wonders for your almost nonexistent credibility.

Keep posting by all means.
Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


wtf is up with explosions before any fuel has hit the building and above the plane?

whats up with that?

missing both wings, fuselage that stretches like a rubber band

Keep using those blurry, "watered down", pixelated, animated gifs Koko. It's doing wonders for your almost nonexistent credibility.

Keep posting by all means.

cgi overlays look pretty bad dont they

but what about that explosion before any fuel impacted the building
posting remakes is cheating


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


wtf is up with explosions before any fuel has hit the building and above the plane?

whats up with that?

missing both wings, fuselage that stretches like a rubber band

Keep using those blurry, "watered down", pixelated, animated gifs Koko. It's doing wonders for your almost nonexistent credibility.

Keep posting by all means.

cgi overlays look pretty bad dont they

You're done. Go do something else. Obviously 9/11 research isn't your game. Maybe try basket weaving?

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