911 another stake through the heart of the official story huggers!

You can't file shit with your faked gifs.....

But you are funny.....

Too bad the courts don't work on funny.......

now look what you did, you woke up the idiot who cant tell the difference between his ass and his mouth..

gifs are only needed for jamming a dick down a tards throat on the message boards.

In court you use the actual video.

That where the g ifs come from see.

hope that helps
yeah, he can't spell can't or gif's either.:lol::lol:
not to mention he knows less than zero about the law...
I can most definitely see that not too many people need to do any research to make him into an ass...

He does a good job of it all by himself.....

shouldnt you be in church?

must be a dad to tard heart to heart recommending tard brethren not to waste their time doing any research.

you can go to the public schools for that too
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Let's think about this logically, Kokomojojo.

If CGI were used (presumably in conjunction with preset explosives), why on Earth would they generate an image with no visible identifying markings and a strange pod-shaped attachment on the undercarriage ...which has been called into question as a potential RC guidance system in its own right?!

I have to admit, from what expert pilots have said about that flight path, and how those plans were handled, I have often wondered about the mystery of those planes. I'm not so sure about that "no planes theory." Releasing those "black boxes," sure would quell a lot of public out cry and diminish the belief that our public officials and institutions have been corrupted by the military industrial complex. That is one thing we can say for sure.

9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
All four of the devices were recovered from the two planes that hit the Pentagon and that crashed in rural Pennsylvania. In the case of American Airlines Flight 77, which hit the Pentagon, the FBI reports that the flight data recorder survived and had recoverable information, but the voice recorder was allegedly too damaged to provide any record. In the case of United Airlines Flight 93, which hit the ground at 500 mph in Pennsylvania, the situation was reversed: the voice recorder survived but the flight data box was allegedly damaged beyond recovery.

But the FBI states, and also reported to the 9-11 Commission, that none of the recording devices from the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were ever recovered.

There has always been some skepticism about this assertion, particularly as two N.Y. City firefighters, Mike Bellone and Nicholas De Masi, claimed in 2004 that they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. (The FBI denies the whole story.) Moreover, these devices are almost always located after crashes, even if not in useable condition (and the cleanup of the World Trade Center was meticulous, with even tiny bone fragments and bits of human tissue being discovered so that almost all the victims were ultimately identified). As Ted Lopatkiewicz, director of public affairs at the National Transportation Safety Agency which has the job of analyzing the boxes’ data, says, "It’s very unusual not to find a recorder after a crash, although it’s also very unusual to have jets flying into buildings."

Now there is stronger evidence that something is amiss than simply the alleged non-recovery of all four of those boxes. A source at the National Transportation Safety Board, the agency that has the task of deciphering the date from the black boxes retrieved from crash sites-including those that are being handled as crimes and fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI-says the boxes were in fact recovered and were analyzed by the NTSB.

"Off the record, we had the boxes," the source says. "You’d have to get the official word from the FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here."

The official word from the NTSB is that the WTC crash site black boxes never turned up. "No recorders were recovered from the World Trade Center," says the NTSB’s Lopatkiewicz. "At least none were delivered to us by the FBI." He adds that the agency has "always had a good relationship’ with the FBI and that in all prior crime-related crashes or flight incidents, they have brought the boxes to the NTSB for analysis.

For its part, the FBI is still denying everything, though with curious bit of linguistic wiggle room. "To the best of my knowledge, the flight recording devices from the World Trade Center crashes were never recovered. At least we never had them," says FBI spokesman Stephen Kodak.

What the apparent existence of the black boxes in government hands means is unclear.

If the information in those boxes is recoverable, or if, as is likely, it has been recovered already, it could give crucial evidence regarding the skill of the hijacker/pilots, perhaps of their strategy, of whether they were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets, of how fast they were flying and a host of other things.

Now, I find it really unfathomable that all of the witnesses that claim to have seen the planes hit those buildings in person were in on some conspiracy, and the only planes that actually existed were ones that were CGI'd in on everyone's TV screen.

However, if those boxes were planted, and there was no data on them, I suppose KokomoJojo's might have a case. I have also heard it told that those flights never officially existed, so those flight numbers might not correspond with the flight recorder boxes. So those data recording devices wouldn't correspond with what planes they were said to have belonged to.

No matter what the case may be, if the truth is as we are told, CGI, or drones, all conspiracy talk would be immediately be silenced, and all the unhappy families of the victims of 9/11 would be a whole lot closer to closure if they could just have those boxes evaluated by a truly independent agency with no agenda, that being the National Transportation Safety Board. This would probably satisfy all parties! Than again, maybe not. :cool:
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No matter what the case may be, if the truth is as we are told, CGI, or drones, all conspiracy talk would be immediately be silenced, and all the unhappy families of the victims of 9/11 would be a whole lot closer to closure if they could just have those boxes evaluated by a truly independent agency with no agenda, that being the National Transportation Safety Board. This would probably satisfy all parties! Than again, maybe not. :cool:

thats what the scholars for 911 truth is. about as independent as it gets donating the time putting their careers on the line hoping someone will listen.

those guys didnt wake up one day look in the mirror and realize they are a truther.

What happened is that they like others, like yourself maybe, based on their background and scientific knowledge said to themselves wait a fucking second here, let me see that again. One thing led to the next.

Next thing you know they are incensed that the government could be party to such a thing but they are partialy gagged due to their careers.

Compare all those phds to the tards we have here who dont even know what building they are looking at have no clue what freefall is even though nist admitted it cant figure out how to do a simple physics problem that freakin high schol kids got right and likewise know nothing about cgi, or the courts or about most anything it seems.
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Its no longer a question that all the video out here is fake and here it is you all seen it ab fucking noxiously on all the networks 2wice every hour round the clock for 10 years.

CNN Flight 175

so lets slow it down a little bit so we can see whats going on

no one needs to be a graphics expert to see the wing of flight 175 magically go behind a building several blocks away.

They do that all the time right? LOL

the question is why? If the plane was real WHY all the cgi?

Yup, and in that "live" video, the SOUND of all the people screaming as the plane smashed into the WTC are actually screaming in horror at a mass optical illusion? Fucking nutjob. :cuckoo:

oh come on lunatic

first it was not shown live and secondly you can edit in any damn ting you want.

since you appear to be a noob in these threads I will be patient. (this time)


unless you are crazy enough to think ac/dc played live for a tesla experiment

You fucking douchebag, you just proved JACKSHIT!

Fact is different local, Cable, and network TV channels were all independently filming the WTC after the first plane crashed into the first Tower, so they ALL have sounds of people screaming when their cameras showed a second plane smashing into the WTC Tower.

So again, are you claiming that ALL those people screaming in ALL those independent and separately filmed LIVE FEEDS were screaming at the world's greatest optical illusion?

The great thing about the internet is lunatics like you get to have a voice, just so people like me can get our laughs. Ha ha ha.
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Not that the truth movement needs any help looking silly, but my God...


whats that?

have you figured out what free fall is yet? Looks to me like the OShuggers look pretty tarded in their neanderthal little box

you people od'd on stoopid pills

Hey idiot! Thousands of people in NYC saw the 2nd plane hit. How do you explain that huh nitwit?
I think Kookoo-man is incapable of logical thinking. He makes one idiotic claim after another without a shred of proof.
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I have to admit, from what expert pilots have said about that flight path, and how those plans were handled, I have often wondered about the mystery of those plans. I'm not so sure about that "no plans theory." Releasing those "black boxes," sure would quell a lot of public out cry and diminish the belief that our public officials and institutions have been corrupted by the military industrial complex. That is one thing we can say for sure.

All things considered, from the intentional crippling of domestic air defense systems to the nature of the available footage of *Flight 175 ...to the live TV coverage of the second impact ...to multiple eyewitness accounts (some recorded at the moment of impact) that don't jibe with the sort of aircraft that should have been seen according to the official story, the No Planes Theory just doesn't fly.

What we have (including the puzzling absence/subversion of black box data and the incredible flight path to the Pentagon in particular) is a body of evidence that implicates the involvement of aircraft other than the planes we were told were involved.

[. . .]No matter what the case may be, if the truth is as we are told, CGI, or drones, all conspiracy talk would be immediately be silenced, and all the unhappy families of the victims of 9/11 would be a whole lot closer to closure if they could just have those boxes evaluated by a truly independent agency with no agenda, that being the National Transportation Safety Board. This would probably satisfy all parties! Than again, maybe not. :cool:

Well, if the missing black boxes suddenly turned up more than 12 years after the fact, someone would have some explaining to do, and I seriously doubt the findings (whatever they might show) would be universally accepted without the stink-eye. :doubt:

no one needs to be a graphics expert to see the wing of flight 175 magically go behind a building several blocks away.

Your claim is that the building in question was "blocks away" and the fact that the plane's left wing went behind this building and not in front of it is proof of CGI.

So where did you think the building was located to make this claim?
how about wtc2?

where is that one located south of the plane too?

3) how did the wing manage to get behind that one.

Looks like you (or someone else) may have altered the video to LOOK like the wing "behind WTC2". Funny that you choose a low res recording of the CNN video showing a video taken by someone else from Battery Park. Here's a better video.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPeNkZz4mmU]WTC Impacts - WTC2 Hezarkhani HD - YouTube[/ame]

Why do I not get the "chopped off wing" like you do? Did your "source" alter it in some way?

no one needs to be a graphics expert to see the wing of flight 175 magically go behind a building several blocks away.

Your claim is that the building in question was "blocks away" and the fact that the plane's left wing went behind this building and not in front of it is proof of CGI.

So where did you think the building was located to make this claim?

Well Koko? Where did you think the building above was located?

Keep running moron!

how about wtc2?

where is that one located south of the plane too?

3) how did the wing manage to get behind that one.

Looks like you (or someone else) may have altered the video to LOOK like the wing "behind WTC2". Funny that you choose a low res recording of the CNN video showing a video taken by someone else from Battery Park. Here's a better video.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPeNkZz4mmU"]WTC Impacts - WTC2 Hezarkhani HD - YouTube[/ame]

Why do I not get the "chopped off wing" like you do? Did your "source" alter it in some way?

no your source did, thats a remake, tell us how you can tell
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how about wtc2?

where is that one located south of the plane too?

3) how did the wing manage to get behind that one.

Looks like you (or someone else) may have altered the video to LOOK like the wing "behind WTC2". Funny that you choose a low res recording of the CNN video showing a video taken by someone else from Battery Park. Here's a better video.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPeNkZz4mmU"]WTC Impacts - WTC2 Hezarkhani HD - YouTube[/ame]

Why do I not get the "chopped off wing" like you do? Did your "source" alter it in some way?

thats a remake, tell us how you can tell


The video in your first post was THE remake you piece of shit! The video you link to was uploaded on Feb. 26, 2013 by John Has A Long Mustache. The video I posted was uploaded on Aug. 19, 2009 by Femr2, 3 1/2 years PRIOR!

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Jesus Koko!!!

I haven't had this much fun tearing someone apart since the days of christophera and his concrete core bullshit.

First you try and use a building as evidence of CGI when you have the location of said building wrong (in the opposite direction no less). You didn't even know what building it was!

Then you further get your ass handed to you by posted an edited/remade video from THIS year showing the right plane wing supposedly missing BEHIND WTC2 only to find that a BETTER video, uploaded 3 1/2 years earlier shows the wing as being in FRONT of WTC2.

Then you try and claim the video uploaded 3 1/2 years was the remake and your video uploaded this year was genuine.


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