911 another stake through the heart of the official story huggers!

No matter what the case may be, if the truth is as we are told, CGI, or drones, all conspiracy talk would be immediately be silenced, and all the unhappy families of the victims of 9/11 would be a whole lot closer to closure if they could just have those boxes evaluated by a truly independent agency with no agenda, that being the National Transportation Safety Board. This would probably satisfy all parties! Than again, maybe not. :cool:

thats what the scholars for 911 truth is. about as independent as it gets donating the time putting their careers on the line hoping someone will listen.

those guys didnt wake up one day look in the mirror and realize they are a truther.

What happened is that they like others, like yourself maybe, based on their background and scientific knowledge said to themselves wait a fucking second here, let me see that again. One thing led to the next.

Next thing you know they are incensed that the government could be party to such a thing but they are partialy gagged due to their careers.

Compare all those phds to the tards we have here who dont even know what building they are looking at have no clue what freefall is even though nist admitted it cant figure out how to do a simple physics problem that freakin high schol kids got right and likewise know nothing about cgi, or the courts or about most anything it seems.
calling bullshit on this too:"thats what the scholars for 911 truth is. about as independent as it gets donating the time putting their careers on the line hoping someone will listen.-"koko7

all 9-11 truth groups are not independent : a (1) : not subject to control by others : self-governing (2) : not affiliated with a larger controlling unit <an independent bookstore>
b (1) : not requiring or relying on something else : not contingent <an independent conclusion> (2) : not looking to others for one's opinions or for guidance in conduct (3) : not bound by or committed to a political party.
they are bias in the extreme.
a truly independent group would be objective and analytical and would base their conclusion on testing not rumors or specious speculation and outright lies..


Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


Right on queue! When having your ass handed to you, move the goalposts to muddy the conversation!

Brilliant Koko! Keep showing everyone what truthers are all about. You're doing a good job.

I have a feeling KooKoo is actually an astute norm whose purpose here is to singlehandedly destroy what little credibility the 9/11 CT Movement had left.
He has exhibited every loony CT pathology.
wow did I ever hit the ouee button in tard city!

take notice, nothing more than ad hominem attacks!

So how about that stretch nose and explosions before any fuel impacted the building?

Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating clownee


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


wtf is up with explosions before any fuel has hit the building and above the plane?

missing both wings, fuselage that stretches like a rubber band

you kiddies are doing great if your goal is to look like a total retard!

Maybe I should ask if the children know what an explosion is to insure its not too complicated for them.

Not one on point post. They have no reasonable rebuttal LMAO

but stay calm dont go shooting your mothers we fully understahd the nature of your problem.

Last edited:
wow did I ever hit the ouee button in tard city!

take notice, nothing more than ad hominem attacks!

So how about that stretch nose and explosions before any fuel impacted the building?

Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating clownee


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


wtf is up with explosions before any fuel has hit the building and above the plane?

missing both wings, fuselage that stretches like a rubber band

you kiddies are doing great if your goal is to look like a total retard!

Maybe I should ask if the children know what an explosion is to insure its not too complicated for them.

Not one on point post. They have no reasonable rebuttal LMAO

but stay calm dont go shooting your mothers we fully understahd the nature of your problem.

speaking of retards that gif is AMATEURISH
no one needs to be a graphics expert to see the wing of flight 175 magically go behind a building several blocks away.

I just HAD to see what bullshit Koko is spewing now. This latest garbage is just a taste of how much of an moron Koko really is.

Ready to have your ass handed to you yet again?

That building that's "several blocks away" is correct. What Koko fails to realize is that the building in question IS IN THE FOREGROUND of the video!

That building is 28 Washington street. It's about 1800 feet SOUTH of where WTC2 was.
28 Washington Street, New York, NY 10004 | PropertyShark.com

The flight path was BEHIND that building!

What a DUMBASS!!!


well I gave this to the kids told them to run the math and as usual just more trash from debunker websites that does not stand up to scrutiny.

I bet the debunker who made this was an expert too.

Yep so anyway from the position hertzakoni HAD to get that shot according to that clip the angle of descent of the imaginary plane that building would have been well below the plane leaving the plane in full view.

Well unless he wants to change his story and say it ascended, oh wait cant its on the video LMAO
wow did I ever hit the ouee button in tard city!

take notice, nothing more than ad hominem attacks!

So how about that stretch nose and explosions before any fuel impacted the building?

Not looking too good for you Koko!!!!

posting remakes is cheating clownee


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


wtf is up with explosions before any fuel has hit the building and above the plane?

missing both wings, fuselage that stretches like a rubber band

you kiddies are doing great if your goal is to look like a total retard!

Maybe I should ask if the children know what an explosion is to insure its not too complicated for them.

Not one on point post. They have no reasonable rebuttal LMAO

but stay calm dont go shooting your mothers we fully understahd the nature of your problem.

wow did I ever hit the ouee button in tard city!

take notice, nothing more than ad hominem attacks!

So who would you like to take notice? Your legion of followers here?
KooKoomojo: 946 posts. Thanked 31 times. 0 Reputation.
You make 9/11 HandJob look smart.
Last edited:
wow did I ever hit the ouee button in tard city!

take notice, nothing more than ad hominem attacks!

So who would you like to take notice? Your legion of followers here?
KooKoomojo: 946 posts. Thanked 31 times. 0 Reputation.
You make 9/11 HandJob look smart.

that is actually a compliment.
You really think I give a flying fuck? LOL
that rep crap is for circle jerks who suck each other off.
all you porkers do is thank each other for ad hominen attacks.
but then tards think name calling is useful and no clue what losers you are.
Do you all swallow too?
I dont accept friend requests either, and if I could everything with that regard would be turned off but its not a feature.

So there you sit, you got explosions going off before any fuel hits the building, in more than one clip, in fact its the only thing that is almost identical clip to clip. of course you will always get some asshole will insist steam pipes even though the alleged plane didnt impact that spot just to be an annoying fucking ankle biter.

I havent read 911's stuff, in fact he called me an agent now that I think about it.

so Ill let you all get back to your regularly scheduled circle jerk.

thanks but no thanks.
Last edited:
KooKoomojo: 946 posts. Thanked 31 times. 0 Reputation.

You'd think any fool would at least accidentally stumble upon a rep point.

But hey he just categorizes it with the whole "everyone is crazy but me" thing that is as clear a sign of crazy as anything else.
wow did I ever hit the ouee button in tard city!

take notice, nothing more than ad hominem attacks!

So how about that stretch nose and explosions before any fuel impacted the building?


why would anyone have any reason to think this is cgi

this is one of may favorites, possibly in the top 3 for cgi fuckups


wtf is up with explosions before any fuel has hit the building and above the plane?

missing both wings, fuselage that stretches like a rubber band

you kiddies are doing great if your goal is to look like a total retard!

Maybe I should ask if the children know what an explosion is to insure its not too complicated for them.

Not one on point post. They have no reasonable rebuttal LMAO

but stay calm dont go shooting your mothers we fully understahd the nature of your problem.

never forget
Last edited:
wow did I ever hit the ouee button in tard city!

take notice, nothing more than ad hominem attacks!

So who would you like to take notice? Your legion of followers here?
KooKoomojo: 946 posts. Thanked 31 times. 0 Reputation.
You make 9/11 HandJob look smart.

that is actually a compliment.
You really think I give a flying fuck? LOL.

If you didn't give a flying fuck you wouldn't have disabled your REP feature.
You can't handle the ignominy of being the BIGGEST LOSER but you fool no one. The lack of positive response of any kind to your silliness should tell you something but you think it's a compliment.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt I recently theorized that your purpose here is to destroy what little cred the 9/11 CT Movement has left but it seems you are every bit as stupid as your posts make you appear and there's just no fixing stupid. Sorry.
(Cue your next sophomoric response ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...)
So who would you like to take notice? Your legion of followers here?
KooKoomojo: 946 posts. Thanked 31 times. 0 Reputation.
You make 9/11 HandJob look smart.

that is actually a compliment.
You really think I give a flying fuck? LOL.

If you didn't give a flying fuck you wouldn't have disabled your REP feature.
You can't handle the ignominy of being the BIGGEST LOSER but you fool no one. The lack of positive response of any kind to your silliness should tell you something but you think it's a compliment.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt I recently theorized that your purpose here is to destroy what little cred the 9/11 CT Movement has left but it seems you are every bit as stupid as your posts make you appear and there's just no fixing stupid. Sorry.
(Cue your next sophomoric response ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...)

another one with the lights on and nobody home huh

I do it as a matter of course I dont accept friends either or join circle jerk groups as a matter of course.

You are obviusely to stupid to correctly connect the dots to figure out its unrelated.

See you people have been readily reduced to grammar nazis strawman inventors and all you have left is ad hominen attacks because you cannot address the topics and avoid them pretending the issue was never brought up and when you do you are yet to be found correct, you cant do simple fucking high school physics than the icing on the cake you have the fucked up fantasy that you can overrule intelligence with tardation.

But then who would expect any less from the group of neanderthal tards on this board?

You have a huge problem because truthers chasing after ghost shadows and pods and other silly shit like that call me an agent further proves your assessment is really fucked up.

you call me a loser when I am the one who created a high school physics problem that not one official story hugging genius is capable of figuring out despite the fact that high school kids got it right.

that is fucking hilarious! You want call me loser? Good luck outside your tard circle jerk.

I know you are butt-hurt and feel like jesus christ after having your asses thoroughly nailed to the cross on a continual basis.
that is actually a compliment.
You really think I give a flying fuck? LOL.

If you didn't give a flying fuck you wouldn't have disabled your REP feature.
You can't handle the ignominy of being the BIGGEST LOSER but you fool no one. The lack of positive response of any kind to your silliness should tell you something but you think it's a compliment.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt I recently theorized that your purpose here is to destroy what little cred the 9/11 CT Movement has left but it seems you are every bit as stupid as your posts make you appear and there's just no fixing stupid. Sorry.
(Cue your next sophomoric response ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...)

another one with the lights on and nobody home huh

I do it as a matter of course I dont accept friends either or join circle jerk groups as a matter of course.

You are obviusely to stupid to correctly connect the dots to figure out its unrelated.

See you people have been readily reduced to grammar nazis strawman inventors and all you have left is ad hominen attacks because you cannot address the topics and avoid them pretending the issue was never brought up and when you do you are yet to be found correct, you cant do simple fucking high school physics than the icing on the cake you have the fucked up fantasy that you can overrule intelligence with tardation.

But then who would expect any less from the group of neanderthal tards on this board?

You have a huge problem because truthers chasing after ghost shadows and pods and other silly shit like that call me an agent further proves your assessment is really fucked up.

you call me a loser when I am the one who created a high school physics problem that not one official story hugging genius is capable of figuring out despite the fact that high school kids got it right.

that is fucking hilarious! You want call me loser? Good luck outside your tard circle jerk.

I know you are butt-hurt and feel like jesus christ after having your asses thoroughly nailed to the cross on a continual basis.
see guys, that's how to rationalize willful ignorance....
Blah blah blah. Kookoo-man STILL hasn't been able to explain all those independent LIVE film crews that had their cameras pointed at the WTC after the first plane crashed into it, recorded all those people (witnesses) screaming when the second plane crashed into the second WTC Tower.

Obviously because he can't.

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