911 another stake through the heart of the official story huggers!

Sure they have their live logo running on the bottom as some reporter blbls, yep thats live alrightee, then they cut to the recording.

the naudet clip (a private party) and hertakoni clip (another private party) who are the alleged creators of those clips did not work for any tv station.

You got a problem, you fell for the big one! Every new yorker I spoke with that claim to have seen it LIVE saw it on tv and 1 day and several days after is not live.

the news did not put anyone who said it was bomb on the air, and reporters that said there was no plane were quickly silenced, by the anchors saying they were wrong because they saw it on the monitors then by simply cherry picking what is aired. Same goes for law, and most government.

the naudet clip aired the following day what the hell that was a little fuz ball, pretty easy to fudge that in, and the hertzakoni clip aired several days later during LIVE interviews, not NOT THE LIVE EVENT.

they lied to you all. and no one can show anything different.

Witness says it was a bomb - not a plane - YouTube

if you want to use tv as your foundational support you are really big trouble.

not one of those clips say live, wrong assumption on your part.

in fact one of the clips the kid said they are bombing the shit out of it.

Most private clips in private hands show no planes, once out here they are modified I expect for their protection.

the reporter scowls at the guy when he didnt back down and argued the point.

but you never seen that on the news. did ya?
edited - strawman claim by the local lying troll

no response needed

that's because you have none!
Sure they have their live logo running on the bottom as some reporter blbls, yep thats live alrightee, then they cut to the recording.

the naudet clip (a private party) and hertakoni clip (another private party) who are the alleged creators of those clips did not work for any tv station.

You got a problem, you fell for the big one! Every new yorker I spoke with that claim to have seen it LIVE saw it on tv and 1 day and several days after is not live.

the news did not put anyone who said it was bomb on the air, and reporters that said there was no plane were quickly silenced, by the anchors saying they were wrong because they saw it on the monitors then by simply cherry picking what is aired. Same goes for law, and most government.

the naudet clip aired the following day what the hell that was a little fuz ball, pretty easy to fudge that in, and the hertzakoni clip aired several days later during LIVE interviews, not NOT THE LIVE EVENT.

they lied to you all. and no one can show anything different.

Witness says it was a bomb - not a plane - YouTube

if you want to use tv as your foundational support you are really big trouble.

not one of those clips say live, wrong assumption on your part.

in fact one of the clips the kid said they are bombing the shit out of it.

Most private clips in private hands show no planes, once out here they are modified I expect for their protection.

the reporter scowls at the guy when he didnt back down and argued the point.

but you never seen that on the news. did ya?
Here we go, dumbass is now claiming all those DIFFERENT clips some even taken by individuals were not live. Somehow millions of people were involved in this grand conspiracy. This guy is fucking hopeless.

no but a dumbass is pretending that is what I am claiming.

yes you are a fucking hopeless drama queen throwing shit at the wall ignoring the fact that many people INCLUDING REPORTERS said NO PLANE it just blew up and there is a still shot that proves it not that it has any meaning to you because you like your tard circle jerk friends are clueless.

nice try to derail my point with your contrived bullshit

Oh and by the way;

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqkquKZGZtA"]Witness says it was a bomb - not a plane[/ame]

the reporter INSISTS it was a plane because it was on TV, the eye witness calls bullshit all the evidence points to bullshit, I am forced to believe the witness because the evidence matches what he and many others reported!

you are right about one thing, it is a grand conspiracy and heads should start rolling.
Ha ha ha. I bet not only is Kookoo-man a member he's also the president...OF THE NUTJOB SOCIETY.

Who are you kidding, idiot, yourself? All those clips posted in that video by capstone clearly showed a plane heading towards the buildings and then crashing into it. Some of them even had people claiming that they just saw another plane hit the buildings. The evidence is overwhelming, irrefutable, and not even debatable.

Now if you want to say the US knew about it, or perhaps the people who did it were not who we think they were. That's another thing. And of course bullshit as well. Because Al Qaeda came out and even took responsibility for it.

But whether or not two separate planes hit the towers?

The only explanation for your irrelevant answers and inability to address the truth is that you must be mentally ill or emotionally unbalanced.
Sure they have their live logo running on the bottom as some reporter blbls, yep thats live alrightee, then they cut to the recording.

the naudet clip (a private party) and hertakoni clip (another private party) who are the alleged creators of those clips did not work for any tv station.

You got a problem, you fell for the big one! Every new yorker I spoke with that claim to have seen it LIVE saw it on tv and 1 day and several days after is not live.

the news did not put anyone who said it was bomb on the air, and reporters that said there was no plane were quickly silenced, by the anchors saying they were wrong because they saw it on the monitors then by simply cherry picking what is aired. Same goes for law, and most government.

the naudet clip aired the following day what the hell that was a little fuz ball, pretty easy to fudge that in, and the hertzakoni clip aired several days later during LIVE interviews, not NOT THE LIVE EVENT.

they lied to you all. and no one can show anything different.

Witness says it was a bomb - not a plane - YouTube

if you want to use tv as your foundational support you are really big trouble.

not one of those clips say live, wrong assumption on your part.

in fact one of the clips the kid said they are bombing the shit out of it.

Most private clips in private hands show no planes, once out here they are modified I expect for their protection.

the reporter scowls at the guy when he didnt back down and argued the point.

but you never seen that on the news. did ya?
Here we go, dumbass is now claiming all those DIFFERENT clips some even taken by individuals were not live. Somehow millions of people were involved in this grand conspiracy. This guy is fucking hopeless.

Have you ever encountered a 9/11 CT that wasn't?

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to SAYIT For This Useful Post: daws101 (Today), Rat in the Hat (Today)


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...What's more disturbing is retards like this Kookoo-man making a mockery out of the thousands innocent lives needlessly lost on 9-11.

Intentionally or not, the only thing Kokomojojo is making a mockery of is the greater quest for some semblance of justice for ALL of the innocent victims (from 9/11/01 to the present) of what has proven to be the worst crime ever perpetrated against humanity.

Let's not pretend to be compadres, Roudy. I think we have a mutual understanding as to where we stand on this and several other issues → in direct opposition to each another.
Yeah we ain't no friends, that's for sure. Maybe if you reigned in Kookoo-man a little he could be a good foot soldier for your side. You know, his type always embraces the same things you also support. But apparently even Kookoo-man is a little too over board for you.

Oh well too many nutjobs, too little time.
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Here we go, dumbass is now claiming all those DIFFERENT clips some even taken by individuals were not live. Somehow millions of people were involved in this grand conspiracy. This guy is fucking hopeless.

Have you ever encountered a 9/11 CT that wasn't?

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to SAYIT For This Useful Post: daws101 (Today), Rat in the Hat (Today)

how do you circle jerk all by yourself?
Here we go, dumbass is now claiming all those DIFFERENT clips some even taken by individuals were not live. Somehow millions of people were involved in this grand conspiracy. This guy is fucking hopeless.

no but a dumbass is pretending that is what I am claiming.

yes you are a fucking hopeless drama queen throwing shit at the wall ignoring the fact that many people INCLUDING REPORTERS said NO PLANE it just blew up and there is a still shot that proves it not that it has any meaning to you because you like your tard circle jerk friends are clueless.

nice try to derail my point with your contrived bullshit

Oh and by the way;

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqkquKZGZtA"]Witness says it was a bomb - not a plane[/ame]

the reporter INSISTS it was a plane because it was on TV, the eye witness calls bullshit all the evidence points to bullshit, I am forced to believe the witness because the evidence matches what he and many others reported!

you are right about one thing, it is a grand conspiracy and heads should start rolling.
Ha ha ha. I bet not only is Kookoo-man a member he's also the president...OF THE NUTJOB SOCIETY.

Who are you kidding, idiot, yourself? All those clips posted in that video by capstone clearly showed a plane heading towards the buildings and then crashing into it. Some of them even had people claiming that they just saw another plane hit the buildings. The evidence is overwhelming, irrefutable, and not even debatable.

Now if you want to say the US knew about it, or perhaps the people who did it were not who we think they were. That's another thing. And of course bullshit as well. Because Al Qaeda came out and even took responsibility for it.

But whether or not two separate planes hit the towers?

The only explanation for your irrelevant answers and inability to address the truth is that you must be mentally ill or emotionally unbalanced.


A CIA database took credit for it? are you fucking nuts?

oh all those burry assed blobs you call a plane clearly shows overwhelming evidence? OMFG you are damaged goods.

I would like to see what court outside your dysfunctional rotting shell you call a brain you think you are going to prove this is a plane

or this


you cant spin enough bullshit to prevent looking like a total asshole at this point
More than 9 minutes worth of nothing but the second impact:

Live TV Footage Coverage of 9 11 Second Plane hit, Collapse of Towers) World Trade Center - YouTube

Different cameras, different angles, different live responses, all attesting to the same event.

Maybe the provenance of all these clips can't be demonstrated to your satisfaction, Koko, but there's absolutely no question in my mind as to what I and my family witnessed on live television more than 12 years ago.
According to our resident NUTJOB Kookoo-man here, those are all part of a mass illusion performed by David Copperfield, yup, he flew in all the way from Vegas to perform his incredible mass illusion. The greatest in history, he definitely broke the record with that one.

By the way thank you for that comprehensive clip. I wouldn't even waste that kind of time on these lunatics. I manage to watch most of the clip, it was quite disturbing and brought back many memories of that fateful day we all remembered so well. What's more disturbing is retards like this Kookoo-man making a mockery out of the thousands innocent lives needlessly lost on 9-11.

but you sound so uneducated and ill informed

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho_9XTnlJKM"]'Attack By Mars' Public Panic; Orson Wells 1938/10/31[/ame]

especially since its history repeating itself

it was a pure fantasy, how does it feel to have been sold (in part) a fantasy?

So again, you are claiming that the hundreds of TV channels were not actually filming live, and they ALL conspired to create this fake footage of a plane crashing into the buildings. Also, the hundreds of thousands of people in NY city that clearly saw a plane crashing into the Towers saw an illusion. In reality no planes actually crashed into any of the buildings.

Ya okay. :cuckoo:
no but a dumbass is pretending that is what I am claiming.

yes you are a fucking hopeless drama queen throwing shit at the wall ignoring the fact that many people INCLUDING REPORTERS said NO PLANE it just blew up and there is a still shot that proves it not that it has any meaning to you because you like your tard circle jerk friends are clueless.

nice try to derail my point with your contrived bullshit

Oh and by the way;

Witness says it was a bomb - not a plane

the reporter INSISTS it was a plane because it was on TV, the eye witness calls bullshit all the evidence points to bullshit, I am forced to believe the witness because the evidence matches what he and many others reported!

you are right about one thing, it is a grand conspiracy and heads should start rolling.
Ha ha ha. I bet not only is Kookoo-man a member he's also the president...OF THE NUTJOB SOCIETY.

Who are you kidding, idiot, yourself? All those clips posted in that video by capstone clearly showed a plane heading towards the buildings and then crashing into it. Some of them even had people claiming that they just saw another plane hit the buildings. The evidence is overwhelming, irrefutable, and not even debatable.

Now if you want to say the US knew about it, or perhaps the people who did it were not who we think they were. That's another thing. And of course bullshit as well. Because Al Qaeda came out and even took responsibility for it.

But whether or not two separate planes hit the towers?

The only explanation for your irrelevant answers and inability to address the truth is that you must be mentally ill or emotionally unbalanced.

"you cant spin enough bullshit to prevent looking like a total asshole at this point".
koko7 reflecting on being a no planer
...What's more disturbing is retards like this Kookoo-man making a mockery out of the thousands innocent lives needlessly lost on 9-11.

Intentionally or not, the only thing Kokomojojo is making a mockery of is the greater quest for some semblance of justice for ALL of the innocent victims (from 9/11/01 to the present) of what has proven to be the worst crime ever perpetrated against humanity.

Let's not pretend to be compadres, Roudy. I think we have a mutual understanding as to where we stand on this and several other issues → in direct opposition to each another.
Yeah we ain't no friends, that's for sure. Maybe if reigned in Kookoo-man a little he could a good foot soldier for your side. You know, his type always embraces you also support. But apparently even Kookoo-man is a little too over board for you.

Oh well too many nutjobs too little time.

no plane the whole hijack story falls apart pursuant to totally illegal wars.
Intentionally or not, the only thing Kokomojojo is making a mockery of is the greater quest for some semblance of justice for ALL of the innocent victims (from 9/11/01 to the present) of what has proven to be the worst crime ever perpetrated against humanity.

Let's not pretend to be compadres, Roudy. I think we have a mutual understanding as to where we stand on this and several other issues → in direct opposition to each another.
Yeah we ain't no friends, that's for sure. Maybe if reigned in Kookoo-man a little he could a good foot soldier for your side. You know, his type always embraces you also support. But apparently even Kookoo-man is a little too over board for you.

Oh well too many nutjobs too little time.

no plane the whole hijack story falls apart pursuant to totally illegal wars.
all those clips were either live or shot during or just after the collapse and broadcast within a few seconds or minutes after being recorded.
once again you highlight your complete ignorance of how broadcast news and filmmaking and editing work.

you have no evidence of any alteration of the video and film shot that day.
no but a dumbass is pretending that is what I am claiming.

yes you are a fucking hopeless drama queen throwing shit at the wall ignoring the fact that many people INCLUDING REPORTERS said NO PLANE it just blew up and there is a still shot that proves it not that it has any meaning to you because you like your tard circle jerk friends are clueless.

nice try to derail my point with your contrived bullshit

Oh and by the way;

Witness says it was a bomb - not a plane

the reporter INSISTS it was a plane because it was on TV, the eye witness calls bullshit all the evidence points to bullshit, I am forced to believe the witness because the evidence matches what he and many others reported!

you are right about one thing, it is a grand conspiracy and heads should start rolling.
Ha ha ha. I bet not only is Kookoo-man a member he's also the president...OF THE NUTJOB SOCIETY.

Who are you kidding, idiot, yourself? All those clips posted in that video by capstone clearly showed a plane heading towards the buildings and then crashing into it. Some of them even had people claiming that they just saw another plane hit the buildings. The evidence is overwhelming, irrefutable, and not even debatable.

Now if you want to say the US knew about it, or perhaps the people who did it were not who we think they were. That's another thing. And of course bullshit as well. Because Al Qaeda came out and even took responsibility for it.

But whether or not two separate planes hit the towers?

The only explanation for your irrelevant answers and inability to address the truth is that you must be mentally ill or emotionally unbalanced.


A CIA database took credit for it? are you fucking nuts?

oh all those burry assed blobs you call a plane clearly shows overwhelming evidence? OMFG you are damaged goods.

I would like to see what court outside your dysfunctional rotting shell you call a brain you think you are going to prove this is a plane

or this


you cant spin enough bullshit to prevent looking like a total asshole at this point
The video that capstone posted, in clip after clip, all taken by individuals or TV channels CLEARLY SHOWED A PLANE SMASHING INTO THE BUILDINGS, and exactly what I saw on 9-11 as well. And IT WAS LIVE WHEN I SAW IT.

Would you like me to post capstone's video again?

You should go get your head examined. Although I think a shrink would definitely call the cops and have you committed to an asylum immediately.
Ha ha ha. I bet not only is Kookoo-man a member he's also the president...OF THE NUTJOB SOCIETY.

Who are you kidding, idiot, yourself? All those clips posted in that video by capstone clearly showed a plane heading towards the buildings and then crashing into it. Some of them even had people claiming that they just saw another plane hit the buildings. The evidence is overwhelming, irrefutable, and not even debatable.

Now if you want to say the US knew about it, or perhaps the people who did it were not who we think they were. That's another thing. And of course bullshit as well. Because Al Qaeda came out and even took responsibility for it.

But whether or not two separate planes hit the towers?

The only explanation for your irrelevant answers and inability to address the truth is that you must be mentally ill or emotionally unbalanced.

"you cant spin enough bullshit to prevent looking like a total asshole at this point".
edited trolling

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Intentionally or not, the only thing Kokomojojo is making a mockery of is the greater quest for some semblance of justice for ALL of the innocent victims (from 9/11/01 to the present) of what has proven to be the worst crime ever perpetrated against humanity.

Let's not pretend to be compadres, Roudy. I think we have a mutual understanding as to where we stand on this and several other issues → in direct opposition to each another.
Yeah we ain't no friends, that's for sure. Maybe if reigned in Kookoo-man a little he could a good foot soldier for your side. You know, his type always embraces you also support. But apparently even Kookoo-man is a little too over board for you.

Oh well too many nutjobs too little time.

no plane the whole hijack story falls apart pursuant to totally illegal wars.
And the moon is made out of aged Swiss cheese of the finest gourmet kind. :lmao:
Ha ha ha. I bet not only is Kookoo-man a member he's also the president...OF THE NUTJOB SOCIETY.

Who are you kidding, idiot, yourself? All those clips posted in that video by capstone clearly showed a plane heading towards the buildings and then crashing into it. Some of them even had people claiming that they just saw another plane hit the buildings. The evidence is overwhelming, irrefutable, and not even debatable.

Now if you want to say the US knew about it, or perhaps the people who did it were not who we think they were. That's another thing. And of course bullshit as well. Because Al Qaeda came out and even took responsibility for it.

But whether or not two separate planes hit the towers?

The only explanation for your irrelevant answers and inability to address the truth is that you must be mentally ill or emotionally unbalanced.


A CIA database took credit for it? are you fucking nuts?

oh all those burry assed blobs you call a plane clearly shows overwhelming evidence? OMFG you are damaged goods.

I would like to see what court outside your dysfunctional rotting shell you call a brain you think you are going to prove this is a plane

or this


you cant spin enough bullshit to prevent looking like a total asshole at this point
The video that capstone posted, in clip after clip, all taken by individuals or TV channels CLEARLY SHOWED A PLANE SMASHING INTO THE BUILDINGS, and exactly what I saw on 9-11 as well. And IT WAS LIVE WHEN I SAW IT.

Would you like me to post capstone's video again?

You should go get your head examined. Although I think a shrink would definitely call the cops and have you committed to an asylum immediately.

you cqan do whatever you want however until you can show me a real identifiable plane like these you can eat shit and bark at the moon.

wings dont disappear and reappear on real planes even fast flying jets all the way into the clouds, typical average old time sony handycam stops the propeller motion of this p51 with a rotational tip speed of near mach 1.

no matter how much you want to kick cry whine and scream this is not a fucking identifiable plane

if you want to argue shit blobs are real go to 7's thread.
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I never get tired of watching kokojojo getting his ignorant ass handed to him.
Yup, or with all these people laughing at his pathetic attempts at debate him trying to convince himself he's owning everyone. It is seriously like watching a 5 year old argue.
I never get tired of watching kokojojo getting his ignorant ass handed to him.
Yup, or with all these people laughing at his pathetic attempts at debate him trying to convince himself he's owning everyone. It is seriously like watching a 5 year old argue.

I cant advance an argument beyond the mentality and age of the opponents on a forum now can I.

I have handed you your asses countless times but you keep coming back for more. Not real brite.

A CIA database took credit for it? are you fucking nuts?

oh all those burry assed blobs you call a plane clearly shows overwhelming evidence? OMFG you are damaged goods.

I would like to see what court outside your dysfunctional rotting shell you call a brain you think you are going to prove this is a plane

or this


you cant spin enough bullshit to prevent looking like a total asshole at this point
The video that capstone posted, in clip after clip, all taken by individuals or TV channels CLEARLY SHOWED A PLANE SMASHING INTO THE BUILDINGS, and exactly what I saw on 9-11 as well. And IT WAS LIVE WHEN I SAW IT.

Would you like me to post capstone's video again?

You should go get your head examined. Although I think a shrink would definitely call the cops and have you committed to an asylum immediately.

you cqan do whatever you want however until you can show me a real identifiable plane like these you can eat shit and bark at the moon.

wings dont disappear and reappear on real planes even fast flying jets all the way into the clouds, typical average old time sony handycam stops the propeller motion of this p51 with a rotational tip speed of near mach 1.

no matter how much you want to kick cry whine and scream this is not a fucking identifiable plane

if you want to argue shit blobs are real go to 7's thread.
"Identifiable plane"? Is that your lame answer now? We have hundreds of clips showing some type of a plane, some up close, some from afar, flying towards the buildings and then smashing into one, creating a cloud of flames and smoke upon impact. The ones that were up close showed an identifiable plane, and the ones that were taken from far were just reconfirmed the fact that a plane smashed into the building. The evidence is irrefutable. Period end of story.

The only identifiable thing here is your LACK OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING.

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