911 Commission Report is correct!

I know it's hard to have civilized discourse here. There's always some demagogue waiting to cut any conjecture they deem a threat down. But please contain yourselves, you don't have to stoop to their levels. We, the real people are reading and we're not dumb. If UsMessageBoards lets problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts continue then they are at fault. These are cyber bullies, don't get sucked into that vacuum of hate. Speak your thoughts, your truths uninsulting as possible, remain human. The wretched will use wretched tactics, the good will shine through.

Bullshit. It doesn't matter if you are polite or not. I've tried it both ways and the same results happen both times: everyone I have seen so far who claims the OCT is true always resorts to nothing but name calling. I've even offered semi-formal debates on the issue where everyone agrees at the beginning that no personal attacks are allowed and the OCTAs always, I mean ALWAYS back out because they know in such a thread they cannot hide their ignorance nor their ability to defend the OCT.

Welcome to the board.....

exactly,I have tried MANY times here to have a civilized discussion with these idiots,but the moment you prove them wrong and counter their evidence,they ignore it and ignore facts and always engage in childish name calling and insults when they have been proven to be the liars they are posting lies and disinformation.they always post something to try and save face when challenged to watch a video that proves the offical story bullshit.You stick around here long enough,you'll find that out yourself that they ALWAYS stoop to name calling and insults when they cant refute your evidence.
exactly,I have tried MANY times here to have a civilized discussion with these idiots,but the moment you prove them wrong and counter their evidence,they ignore it and ignore facts and always engage in childish name calling and insults when they have been proven to be the liars they are posting lies and disinformation.they always post something to try and save face when challenged to watch a video that proves the offical story bullshit.You stick around here long enough,you'll find that out yourself that they ALWAYS stoop to name calling and insults when they cant refute your evidence.

when have you ever proved the official version wrong or countered any evidence?!! :lol:
exactly,I have tried MANY times here to have a civilized discussion with these idiots,but the moment you prove them wrong and counter their evidence,they ignore it and ignore facts and always engage in childish name calling and insults when they have been proven to be the liars they are posting lies and disinformation.they always post something to try and save face when challenged to watch a video that proves the offical story bullshit.You stick around here long enough,you'll find that out yourself that they ALWAYS stoop to name calling and insults when they cant refute your evidence.

when have you ever proved the official version wrong or countered any evidence?!! :lol:

Usually when you try to defend it.
oh please do some research for once in your life.Unlike you,I have done research into 9/11,oklahoma city and JFK to know that they were all inside jobs. WW II I will give you the benefit of the doubt on because that one I havent done any research into.with JFK and 9/11,we know both of those were inside jobs and not just mere incompetence because nobody got fired on either of those days or lost their jobs when there should have been multiple heads rolling in the secret service in 1963 and for the incompetence of NORAD on sept 11

The mob was involved alright but at a lower level,they didnt have the power to control the media to tell all major outlets the lie that oswald alone killed kennedy or to set him up like he was or to change the parade route to violate all secret service regulations.Also you really need to read the book THE LAST INVESTIGATION by gaston fonzi.He served on the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's and resigned in disgust from that commission because of how they ignored evidence of CIA involvement.He talks about in his book how two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it and aksed the committe where they wanted to go with the investigation and they ignored that lead since it pointed towards government involvement when the investigation was winding down.

That's quite a case of paranoia you have going on there sir.
Don't worry, we're right outside and won't let you hurt yourself.

thanks for proving what a stupid idiot Bush dupe you are as always.I gave sources that proved my cases,YOU havent done jack shit here.keep being the chicken you are with your head buried in the sand,thats just what they want you to do.

Your projection is off, not a bush dupe. Your sources are suspect, unlike the report issued and backed by the full faith of the US Government.
Facts is facts and yours don't stand up to scrutiny. And chicken, look at some of my threads. I am poking fun at all you idiots and getting very little resistance. I am having tremendous success for exposing what treasonous (light treason, I admit) clowns troofers really are.

I still think I should start a petition to gunny to get some real truthers around here. You guys, you, clownlight, creative dreams, and sometimes you hypnotize eots, are just a disgrace to the word, and even Terral lamented the fact in one of his posts that the truthers at usmb don't have the credibility that they do on some boards. Thats why everyone started calling you guys troofers, then twoofers.
Wake man, i am trying to save you guys by helping you to gain credibility.

I am from your government and I am here to help you.
exactly,I have tried MANY times here to have a civilized discussion with these idiots,but the moment you prove them wrong and counter their evidence,they ignore it and ignore facts and always engage in childish name calling and insults when they have been proven to be the liars they are posting lies and disinformation.they always post something to try and save face when challenged to watch a video that proves the offical story bullshit.You stick around here long enough,you'll find that out yourself that they ALWAYS stoop to name calling and insults when they cant refute your evidence.

when have you ever proved the official version wrong or countered any evidence?!! :lol:

Usually when you try to defend it.

so what have you found wrong in the 9/11 commission report?
when have you ever proved the official version wrong or countered any evidence?!! :lol:

Usually when you try to defend it.

so what have you found wrong in the 9/11 commission report?

It claims there are phone calls from Flt 77 but provides no solid evidence they happened. It omits many events of the days such as WTC 7, the oral testimonies of many first responders, the testimonies of Cheney and Bush, Mineta's testimony that contradicts Cheney's claim, an investigation into how 3 towers came down, why Cheney violated the Constitution, etc. It's such a joke of a report serious people do not take it seriously.
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Someone said bush is a war criminal. You responded by saying it's a good thing we live in a country where people are innocent until proven guilty. I pointed out your hypocrisy because you say bin laden is guilty of 9E but he has never been convicted just like Bush has never been convicted. You're such a fucking amateur.

You mean we're wrong in saying that he's guilty even though we have videos of him and his group claiming responsibility for the attacks?

Bin laden denied involvement twice right after 9E. Over three years later is the first time he supposedly confessed. I'm of the mind he is not a trustworthy guy so I don't care what he says. The fact is the US has never charged bin laden with anything about 9E.
and here you go lying again
Bin Laden did no such thing
Usually when you try to defend it.

so what have you found wrong in the 9/11 commission report?

It claims there are phone calls from Flt 77 but provides no solid evidence they happened. It omits many events of the days such as WTC 7, the oral testimonies of many first responders, the testimonies of Cheney and Bush, Mineta's testimony that contradicts Cheney's claim, an investigation into how 3 towers came down, why Cheney violated the Constitution, etc. It's such a joke of a report serious people do not take it seriously.
wow, totally and completely delusional
so what have you found wrong in the 9/11 commission report?

It claims there are phone calls from Flt 77 but provides no solid evidence they happened. It omits many events of the days such as WTC 7, the oral testimonies of many first responders, the testimonies of Cheney and Bush, Mineta's testimony that contradicts Cheney's claim, an investigation into how 3 towers came down, why Cheney violated the Constitution, etc. It's such a joke of a report serious people do not take it seriously.
wow, totally and completely delusional

so what have you found wrong in the 9/11 commission report?

It claims there are phone calls from Flt 77 but provides no solid evidence they happened. It omits many events of the days such as WTC 7, the oral testimonies of many first responders, the testimonies of Cheney and Bush, Mineta's testimony that contradicts Cheney's claim, an investigation into how 3 towers came down, why Cheney violated the Constitution, etc. It's such a joke of a report serious people do not take it seriously.
wow, totally and completely delusional

It's quite impressive how you always respond to posts by using information and never make it strictly personal. You are so awesome.
It claims there are phone calls from Flt 77 but provides no solid evidence they happened. It omits many events of the days such as WTC 7, the oral testimonies of many first responders, the testimonies of Cheney and Bush, Mineta's testimony that contradicts Cheney's claim, an investigation into how 3 towers came down, why Cheney violated the Constitution, etc. It's such a joke of a report serious people do not take it seriously.
wow, totally and completely delusional


The obsessive **** who has me on ignore can't ignore me. Not surprised. Isn't time you started a new thread personally for me? Or have I pwned you so many times you chose the safe route and are using the ignore button as a shield to hide your ignorance?
You mean we're wrong in saying that he's guilty even though we have videos of him and his group claiming responsibility for the attacks?

Bin laden denied involvement twice right after 9E. Over three years later is the first time he supposedly confessed. I'm of the mind he is not a trustworthy guy so I don't care what he says. The fact is the US has never charged bin laden with anything about 9E.
and here you go lying again
Bin Laden did no such thing

Typical, Osama and his minions all claimed credit fro 911, with glee and delight. They continue to do so. the only ones who deny that FACT are treasonous twoofers who are nothing more than little toady boys for osama.
Usually when you try to defend it.

so what have you found wrong in the 9/11 commission report?

It claims there are phone calls from Flt 77 but provides no solid evidence they happened. It omits many events of the days such as WTC 7, the oral testimonies of many first responders, the testimonies of Cheney and Bush, Mineta's testimony that contradicts Cheney's claim, an investigation into how 3 towers came down, why Cheney violated the Constitution, etc. It's such a joke of a report serious people do not take it seriously.

well said,you can say that again.:clap2: very good points.
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so what have you found wrong in the 9/11 commission report?

It claims there are phone calls from Flt 77 but provides no solid evidence they happened. It omits many events of the days such as WTC 7, the oral testimonies of many first responders, the testimonies of Cheney and Bush, Mineta's testimony that contradicts Cheney's claim, an investigation into how 3 towers came down, why Cheney violated the Constitution, etc. It's such a joke of a report serious people do not take it seriously.

well said,you can say that again.:clap2: very good points.

Except none of them are true or fair, or even remotely accurate. Only kooks and whackos and apprent deadbeat dads question it.
Bin laden denied involvement twice right after 9E. Over three years later is the first time he supposedly confessed. I'm of the mind he is not a trustworthy guy so I don't care what he says. The fact is the US has never charged bin laden with anything about 9E.
and here you go lying again
Bin Laden did no such thing

Typical, Osama and his minions all claimed credit fro 911, with glee and delight. They continue to do so. the only ones who deny that FACT are treasonous twoofers who are nothing more than little toady boys for osama.

quit being an idiot for once.It was widely reported by a foreign country in their newspaper a couple weeks after the attacks that Bin Laden said he had nothing to do with it and we havent heard anything from Obama since then moron.

You Bush dupes deny,anytime we show you the proof of the article in the paper that said that you dismiss it since it doesnt go along with your version of events.the ONLY evidence they have that he said he did it is a very questionable video of a guy that is so obviously a fake who hardly looks anything like him fool.

If you did any research you would know the FBI has said they dont have him on their most wanted list for the attacks idiot.:lol:
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and here you go lying again
Bin Laden did no such thing

Typical, Osama and his minions all claimed credit fro 911, with glee and delight. They continue to do so. the only ones who deny that FACT are treasonous twoofers who are nothing more than little toady boys for osama.

quit being an idiot for once.It was widely reported by a foreign country in their newspaper a couple weeks after the attacks that Bin Laden said he had nothing to do with it and we havent heard anything from Obama since then moron.

You Bush dupes deny,anytime we show you the proof of the article in the paper that said that you dismiss it since it doesnt go along with your version of events.the ONLY evidence they have that he said he did it is a very questionable video of a guy that is so obviously a fake who hardly looks anything like him fool.

If you did any research you would know the FBI has said they dont have him on their most wanted list for the attacks idiot.:lol:
you quit being an idiot first
then no one will be
and here you go lying again
Bin Laden did no such thing

Typical, Osama and his minions all claimed credit fro 911, with glee and delight. They continue to do so. the only ones who deny that FACT are treasonous twoofers who are nothing more than little toady boys for osama.

quit being an idiot for once.It was widely reported by a foreign country in their newspaper a couple weeks after the attacks that Bin Laden said he had nothing to do with it and we havent heard anything from Obama since then moron.

You Bush dupes deny,anytime we show you the proof of the article in the paper that said that you dismiss it since it doesnt go along with your version of events.the ONLY evidence they have that he said he did it is a very questionable video of a guy that is so obviously a fake who hardly looks anything like him fool.

If you did any research you would know the FBI has said they dont have him on their most wanted list for the attacks idiot.:lol:

Guess what, when a foriegn news source spreads propaganda, its an act of war.

When a citizen does it against their own country, it is TREASON!

FYI, I hated bush, but not to the extent that I let it consume me and all my logic.
The only version of events I have, along with the rest of the loyal american people is the official 911 commission report, the NIST report, and the susequent debunking by popular mechanichs as a public service. The national geo program exposed you twoofers for the unreasonable treasonous terrorist dupes that you are.

I stand behind all the above cited reports, programs and articles. I, as a loyal american citizen, accept the report the 911 commission put out on my and other citizens behalf, as the truth backed by the full faith of the US Government.
Typical, Osama and his minions all claimed credit fro 911, with glee and delight. They continue to do so. the only ones who deny that FACT are treasonous twoofers who are nothing more than little toady boys for osama.

quit being an idiot for once.It was widely reported by a foreign country in their newspaper a couple weeks after the attacks that Bin Laden said he had nothing to do with it and we havent heard anything from Obama since then moron.

You Bush dupes deny,anytime we show you the proof of the article in the paper that said that you dismiss it since it doesnt go along with your version of events.the ONLY evidence they have that he said he did it is a very questionable video of a guy that is so obviously a fake who hardly looks anything like him fool.

If you did any research you would know the FBI has said they dont have him on their most wanted list for the attacks idiot.:lol:

Guess what, when a foriegn news source spreads propaganda, its an act of war.

When a citizen does it against their own country, it is TREASON!

FYI, I hated bush, but not to the extent that I let it consume me and all my logic.
The only version of events I have, along with the rest of the loyal american people is the official 911 commission report, the NIST report, and the susequent debunking by popular mechanichs as a public service. The national geo program exposed you twoofers for the unreasonable treasonous terrorist dupes that you are.

I stand behind all the above cited reports, programs and articles. I, as a loyal american citizen, accept the report the 911 commission put out on my and other citizens behalf, as the truth backed by the full faith of the US Government.

So anyone who doesn't accept the 9E CR is automatically not a loyal citizen? Holy fuck I can't believe I'm wasting my energy on fucking retarded dickheads like you. It's absolutely pointless.
quit being an idiot for once.It was widely reported by a foreign country in their newspaper a couple weeks after the attacks that Bin Laden said he had nothing to do with it and we havent heard anything from Obama since then moron.

You Bush dupes deny,anytime we show you the proof of the article in the paper that said that you dismiss it since it doesnt go along with your version of events.the ONLY evidence they have that he said he did it is a very questionable video of a guy that is so obviously a fake who hardly looks anything like him fool.

If you did any research you would know the FBI has said they dont have him on their most wanted list for the attacks idiot.:lol:

Guess what, when a foriegn news source spreads propaganda, its an act of war.

When a citizen does it against their own country, it is TREASON!

FYI, I hated bush, but not to the extent that I let it consume me and all my logic.
The only version of events I have, along with the rest of the loyal american people is the official 911 commission report, the NIST report, and the susequent debunking by popular mechanichs as a public service. The national geo program exposed you twoofers for the unreasonable treasonous terrorist dupes that you are.

I stand behind all the above cited reports, programs and articles. I, as a loyal american citizen, accept the report the 911 commission put out on my and other citizens behalf, as the truth backed by the full faith of the US Government.

So anyone who doesn't accept the 9E CR is automatically not a loyal citizen? Holy fuck I can't believe I'm wasting my energy on fucking retarded dickheads like you. It's absolutely pointless.

Questioning is one thing, denial is another. Denial and implication of our government is treason since it aids the terrorists. Questioning is the american way.

Since the truthers believe that our govt casued 911, how do you feel about the terrorists? They must be innocent right? Just poor fools who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and railroaded by the govt?

The only retarded dickhead around here can easily be seen in any mirror........
Bin laden denied involvement twice right after 9E. Over three years later is the first time he supposedly confessed. I'm of the mind he is not a trustworthy guy so I don't care what he says. The fact is the US has never charged bin laden with anything about 9E.
and here you go lying again
Bin Laden did no such thing

Typical, Osama and his minions all claimed credit fro 911, with glee and delight. They continue to do so. the only ones who deny that FACT are treasonous twoofers who are nothing more than little toady boys for osama.

If osama was so proud why did he wait over thee years to supposedly confess? Was he afraid of being wanted by the US? Lol. Frankly, I think he died in 02' but both the US and his closest cohorts had strong motivations to keep it quiet.

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