911 Transcripts Filed In Updated “trump train” Lawsuit Reveal San Marcos Police Refused To Send Escort To Biden Bus

I think these people have always been low grade trash. Trump just gave them someone to follow.
They are. They have been for a long time. They have good reason to be. They have nothing -- no candidates, no weapons other than cheating, no logic, nothing but lies.
Like the 30,000 plus that the orange knuckle dragger has puked?

Now the orange jerkoff is claiming he was invited to the World Series. Anither lie fact checked & debunked by the Commisioner.

But continue to praise the jerkoff who is so deranged he has to lie about an invite to a sporting event.
I doubt it,, TDS is to strong with some of you,,

and who are you but a fascist to force people to remain silent??
Clown, how am I forcing people to stay silent?

Why would I do that when I can call out you Trump ass kissers on your bullshit & lies?
maybe force was the wrong word to use,, but its clear you want trump to be silent,, most likely because youre scared of him,,
Nope, not scared of Trump. But, I know what he represents & what he's capable of. We saw that leading up to Jan. 6, & on that day. But don't take my word for it. Jusk ask people like Rafensberger & others what it's like to be threatened by the POTUS, the most powerful person on the planet.

How'd you like to be on the recieving end of it & have to be concerned over the safety of your own family thanks to Trump who's a psychopath?
All of them on this thread are proud of this and thinks it's funny.

It just shows what they think of their fellow American citizens.

It's disgusting to see people who think it's funny and is proud of this.

I disagreed with Hillary at the time but she was right. There are so many deplorable people who are trump followers.

The police are being sued.
we love TRUE AMERICANS---not the whine asses of the scum demonRAT, corrupted party
Nope, not scared of Trump. But, I know what he represents & what he's capable of. We saw that leading up to Jan. 6, & on that day. But don't take my word for it. Jusk ask people like Rafensberger & others what it's like to be threatened by the POTUS, the most powerful person on the planet.

How'd you like to be on the recieving end of it & have to be concerned over the safety of your own family thanks to Trump who's a psychopath?
so does AMERICA ---2 dollar a gallon for gas, more $$ in your pocket....less $$$ to heat homes..more $$ in your pocket...store shelves stocked and ready to feed AMERICANS..more $$ in your pocket
you are a true retard, anti-AMERICAn piece of shit
This is what Republicans have become
you must mean the ones that appreciate AMERICA as it was, until the communists took over---i'll take them any day of the week
lets see, we have a sack of oatmeal (beijing xiden) that can push the button anytime
we have a whore in the second position. who doesn't give 2 shits about how many illegals come through
all the scum demonRATS want is control....i wish them the best , and good luck
you must mean the ones that appreciate AMERICA as it was, until the communists took over---i'll take them any day of the week
lets see, we have a sack of oatmeal (beijing xiden) that can push the button anytime
we have a whore in the second position. who doesn't give 2 shits about how many illegals come through
all the scum demonRATS want is control....i wish them the best , and good luck
I mean cops that don't give a shit about doing their job because they are Magarats
I mean cops that don't give a shit about doing their job because they are Magarats
and retards like you, to blind, or just plain stupid, to see what AMERICA is being ruined by--scum demonRATS
yes, you are a lush
THAT coming from a guy who sucks Trump off even though he tried to overthrow the federal govt.

Typical from no mind MAGA retards.
never met the best president AMERICA has had...TRUMP....typical from a retarded piece of shit who has no functional brain, and has to stroke itself

These people need to lose their jobs.

Trump supporters crave violence.

Always have; always will..

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