92 State Legislators Sign Letter Demanding 50-State Election Audit, Decertification

that doesn't even amount to the two old guys sitting in the balcony of the Muppets Show.
I wasn't talking about your family reunions.

No fraud found Freaky.
Must be looking up your ass again. The whole rest of the world has found it, everywhere and long long ago.

I'd say you're way beyond a disgrace. You're a whiny sore loser.
Really sucks huh that 60% of the country knows that Joe was never elected.
People are serious about election integrity. It's a good start.

So what? They can demand unicorns for Christmas, for all anyone cares. Just a PR stunt to keep their idiot base in a constant state of drooling hysteria, and to make sure the mindless dopes support any law that suppresses voter turnout. That's why they sign a letter, instead of going to court or the authorities.
I wasn't talking about your family reunions.

Must be looking up your ass again. The whole rest of the world has found it, everywhere and long long ago.

Really sucks huh that 60% of the country knows that Joe was never elected.
There was no fraud found. You haven't presented any proof, nor will you.
You just sit here and type your reverses

Get lost.
There was no fraud found.
Yes there was. Tons. It has even been listed in detail to you many times. You really need to see a doctor about that big hole in your head.

Screen Shot 2021-09-29 at 8.54.02 PM.png

You haven't presented any proof
Yes I have. Many times over. Through and through. You have no counter for any of it but pure denial. Shame.

,nor will you.
Now Jack has slipped into the paranormal now thinking himself a psychic.

Get lost.
Sorry, can't help you in your delusions there either.
Yes there was. Tons. It has even been listed in detail to you many times. You really need to see a doctor about that big hole in your head.

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Yes I have. Many times over. Through and through. You have no counter for any of it but pure denial. Shame.

Now Jack has slipped into the paranormal . nowhave thinking himself aJuat stf psychic.

Sorry, can't help you in your delusions thereth either.
You have no evidence idiot. And you regurgitating the unevidenced claims by frauds that say "some ballots are in question" and presenting that as evidence sums up your fucking stupid gullibility perfectly.
I call on everyone of them to resign. They are a disgrace to the entire country and everyone who has ever lived as an American.

You call for?

Oh I'm sure they will make sure they hurry up and resign real quick like just for you.

And it's every one, not everyone.

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