94 million? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight


anyway back to the original topic. leftard, you didnt realy dispute the number not participating in the Labor Market. For the most part you just made excuses for the ones not participating. Nobody ever said everybody not participating was lazy; that's a false narrative you progressive douchebags just cant seem to help but use.

we ARE saying the number who DONT fit into any of the categories you mention is rising under obama; has risen under obama; AND IT HAS.

THE ONLY LEGITIMATE response i've seen is that the number of older workers choosing to remain in the Labor Force is causing competition with younger workers for jobs. but that number then lessons the impact of retiring Baby Boomers.

sorry nutjobs but you just cant have things both ways! ;)

Is the US economy better or worse today than it was on January 20th, 2009?

A one word answer will work, dummy.

worse idiot, and in many ways too
Food Stamp Usage Continues Climbing To Highest Level Ever
The Huffington Post
Aug 3, 2011 - In 2008, about 28.2 million people used food stamps compared to about 33.5 million in 2009 and 40.3 million in 2010. In order to be eligible for

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46000000 for 38 Straight ...
Cybercast News Service
By Ali Meyer | January 13, 2015 | 9:24 AM EST. (AP File Photo) ... The 46,674,364 people on food stamps in the United States also exceeded the total ...
3. senior citizens are more than ever choosing to REMAIN in the Labor Market; meaning you have to ADD THOSE BACK INTO the calculations. thanks for nothing idiot
If they are working they were never removed, and the % is still very small, it went from 15% to 18%.
from the very un-right-wing New York Times article:

The resulting absence of millions of potential workers has serious consequences not just for the men and their families but for the nation as a whole. A smaller work force is likely to lead to a slower-growing economy, and will leave a smaller share of the population to cover the cost of government, even as a larger share seeks help.
“They’re not working, because it’s not paying them enough to work,” said Alan B. Krueger, a leading labor economist and a professor at Princeton. “And that means the economy is going to be smaller than it otherwise would be.”

anyway back to the original topic. leftard, you didnt realy dispute the number not participating in the Labor Market. For the most part you just made excuses for the ones not participating. Nobody ever said everybody not participating was lazy; that's a false narrative you progressive douchebags just cant seem to help but use.

we ARE saying the number who DONT fit into any of the categories you mention is rising under obama; has risen under obama; AND IT HAS.

THE ONLY LEGITIMATE response i've seen is that the number of older workers choosing to remain in the Labor Force is causing competition with younger workers for jobs. but that number then lessons the impact of retiring Baby Boomers.

sorry nutjobs but you just cant have things both ways! ;)

Is the US economy better or worse today than it was on January 20th, 2009?

A one word answer will work, dummy.

worse idiot, and in many ways too

You is cray-cray.
libs are comical losers who love lying to themselves.
there have always been college students, disabled, military...etc

the number who CHOOSE NOT TO WORK that ARENT in those categories has risen under obama

you are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts leftardz!!


anyway back to the original topic. leftard, you didnt realy dispute the number not participating in the Labor Market. For the most part you just made excuses for the ones not participating. Nobody ever said everybody not participating was lazy; that's a false narrative you progressive douchebags just cant seem to help but use.

we ARE saying the number who DONT fit into any of the categories you mention is rising under obama; has risen under obama; AND IT HAS.

THE ONLY LEGITIMATE response i've seen is that the number of older workers choosing to remain in the Labor Force is causing competition with younger workers for jobs. but that number then lessons the impact of retiring Baby Boomers.

sorry nutjobs but you just cant have things both ways! ;)

Is the US economy better or worse today than it was on January 20th, 2009?

A one word answer will work, dummy.

worse idiot, and in many ways too

You is cray-cray.

kindly address the food stamps issue or STFU ok?
Two things, if the op has a job why is he wasting valuable company time fucking around on the net?
2 this whole thread is about the presumptuousness and disconnecting the op and the right have with reality.
Being a high school, college or graduate student, a senior citizen, a stay-at-home parent, a job-training participant, or having a disability is no excuse for not holding down a job, or for working less than 40 hours in a week.

Now get out there and WORK.


the very same left-wing losers always saying how the poor and middle class cant get a break, and how unemployment is so low under obama, dont seem to be able to explain how it is so many MORE people are able to not work now under obama

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Indeed. Part-time and underemployment are both at an all-time high. Also the numbers on EBT, SSI, Social Security, Medicare, Disability, Medicaid, free school lunch programs, and other entitlement programs are at an all-time high. It's all Bush and Cheney's fault. LOL!!

I don't think a single one of those assertions would withstand scrutiny...
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse
Being a high school, college or graduate student, a senior citizen, a stay-at-home parent, a job-training participant, or having a disability is no excuse for not holding down a job, or for working less than 40 hours in a week.

Now get out there and WORK.


the very same left-wing losers always saying how the poor and middle class cant get a break, and how unemployment is so low under obama, dont seem to be able to explain how it is so many MORE people are able to not work now under obama

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Indeed. Part-time and underemployment are both at an all-time high. Also the numbers on EBT, SSI, Social Security, Medicare, Disability, Medicaid, free school lunch programs, and other entitlement programs are at an all-time high. It's all Bush and Cheney's fault. LOL!!

I don't think a single one of those assertions would withstand scrutiny...

dont talk about it, be about it dummy!!
Report: 3 million more children in poverty under Obama, 22 ...
Jul 21, 2015 - Ever since President Obama took office, the poverty rate among children has soared to 22 percent, with three million more children living in ...

Yes, but George Soros is making more than ever.

democrats have priorities, the 1% reaping DOW rewards are really all that matters to the mindless sycophants of the left...
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse

Actually, in no way is it so....

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