94 million? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight


anyway back to the original topic. leftard, you didnt realy dispute the number not participating in the Labor Market. For the most part you just made excuses for the ones not participating. Nobody ever said everybody not participating was lazy; that's a false narrative you progressive douchebags just cant seem to help but use.

we ARE saying the number who DONT fit into any of the categories you mention is rising under obama; has risen under obama; AND IT HAS.

THE ONLY LEGITIMATE response i've seen is that the number of older workers choosing to remain in the Labor Force is causing competition with younger workers for jobs. but that number then lessons the impact of retiring Baby Boomers.

sorry nutjobs but you just cant have things both ways! ;)

Is the US economy better or worse today than it was on January 20th, 2009?

A one word answer will work, dummy.

worse idiot, and in many ways too

You is cray-cray.

kindly address the food stamps issue or STFU ok?

What food stamp issue? The one where usage and cost has begun to decline? That one?

anyway back to the original topic. leftard, you didnt realy dispute the number not participating in the Labor Market. For the most part you just made excuses for the ones not participating. Nobody ever said everybody not participating was lazy; that's a false narrative you progressive douchebags just cant seem to help but use.

we ARE saying the number who DONT fit into any of the categories you mention is rising under obama; has risen under obama; AND IT HAS.

THE ONLY LEGITIMATE response i've seen is that the number of older workers choosing to remain in the Labor Force is causing competition with younger workers for jobs. but that number then lessons the impact of retiring Baby Boomers.

sorry nutjobs but you just cant have things both ways! ;)

Is the US economy better or worse today than it was on January 20th, 2009?

A one word answer will work, dummy.

worse idiot, and in many ways too

You is cray-cray.

kindly address the food stamps issue or STFU ok?

What food stamp issue? The one where usage and cost has begun to decline? That one?

the one where it is still 13 MILLION HIGHER than it ever got under Bush. YES LOON; that "declining" one!!

this whole thread is a case-study in how Progressives delude themselves. The OP and other Progs here are trying to dimsiss the idea that 94 million arent participating in the Labor Market by "proving" their point by explaining the reasons for the number being what it is.
Who is dismissing the idea that there are 94 million not in the labor force? The question is whether there is any reason to be concerned. And for the most part, there is not as 93% say they don't want a job. Very, very few, less than a million, have "given up," but many want us to believe all 94 million have dropped out and have given up.



THE New York Times tells a very different story dummy.
When caught lying, the Right always play dumb.
I gave you the data with a link on another thread only yeaterday and now you pretend you never heard the truth so you can lie some more.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 635,000 discouraged workers in September
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse

the question was .... is the economy better TODAY

you're still stuck in 09 ... GOOBER !
this whole thread is a case-study in how Progressives delude themselves. The OP and other Progs here are trying to dimsiss the idea that 94 million arent participating in the Labor Market by "proving" their point by explaining the reasons for the number being what it is.
Who is dismissing the idea that there are 94 million not in the labor force? The question is whether there is any reason to be concerned. And for the most part, there is not as 93% say they don't want a job. Very, very few, less than a million, have "given up," but many want us to believe all 94 million have dropped out and have given up.



THE New York Times tells a very different story dummy.
When caught lying, the Right always play dumb.
I gave you the data with a link on another thread only yeaterday and now you pretend you never heard the truth so you can lie some more.

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 635,000 discouraged workers in September

discouraged workers are not the only ones not being counted you dullard.

dont bother posting moron because YOU are the only one actung dumb. Well actually you're not acting...........
Is the US economy better or worse today than it was on January 20th, 2009?

A one word answer will work, dummy.

worse idiot, and in many ways too

You is cray-cray.

kindly address the food stamps issue or STFU ok?

What food stamp issue? The one where usage and cost has begun to decline? That one?

the one where it is still 13 MILLION HIGHER than it ever got under Bush. YES LOON; that "declining" one!!


It is declining. Going down. Not increasing. Dropping.

You are unwilling to discuss this very pleasant fact for some reason. Could it be that you are cray-cray?
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse

the question was .... is the economy better TODAY

you're still stuck in 09 ... GOOBER !

it's not; and i mentioned the areas where it is worse

not surpised you're not man enough to admit things though
worse idiot, and in many ways too

You is cray-cray.

kindly address the food stamps issue or STFU ok?

What food stamp issue? The one where usage and cost has begun to decline? That one?

the one where it is still 13 MILLION HIGHER than it ever got under Bush. YES LOON; that "declining" one!!


It is declining. Going down. Not increasing. Dropping.

You are unwilling to discuss this very pleasant fact for some reason. Could it be that you are cray-cray?

it's still 13 million higher idiot
it's "declining" from highs set under this president dummy

try again.................
Being a high school, college or graduate student, a senior citizen, a stay-at-home parent, a job-training participant, or having a disability is no excuse for not holding down a job, or for working less than 40 hours in a week.

Now get out there and WORK.


the very same left-wing losers always saying how the poor and middle class cant get a break, and how unemployment is so low under obama, dont seem to be able to explain how it is so many MORE people are able to not work now under obama

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Indeed. Part-time and underemployment are both at an all-time high. Also the numbers on EBT, SSI, Social Security, Medicare, Disability, Medicaid, free school lunch programs, and other entitlement programs are at an all-time high. It's all Bush and Cheney's fault. LOL!!

I don't think a single one of those assertions would withstand scrutiny...

dont talk about it, be about it dummy!!

Employment Level: Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries

2009-02-01 8796

2015-09-01 6036

For starters.....

Will you be needing a primer on the Ordinal Property of Numbers?
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse

the question was .... is the economy better TODAY

you're still stuck in 09 ... GOOBER !

it's not; and i mentioned the areas where it is worse

not surpised you're not man enough to admit things though

You neglected to mention all of the leading economic indicators in your cray-cray post. Why is that?
Being a high school, college or graduate student, a senior citizen, a stay-at-home parent, a job-training participant, or having a disability is no excuse for not holding down a job, or for working less than 40 hours in a week.

Now get out there and WORK.


the very same left-wing losers always saying how the poor and middle class cant get a break, and how unemployment is so low under obama, dont seem to be able to explain how it is so many MORE people are able to not work now under obama

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Indeed. Part-time and underemployment are both at an all-time high. Also the numbers on EBT, SSI, Social Security, Medicare, Disability, Medicaid, free school lunch programs, and other entitlement programs are at an all-time high. It's all Bush and Cheney's fault. LOL!!

I don't think a single one of those assertions would withstand scrutiny...

dont talk about it, be about it dummy!!

Employment Level: Part-Time for Economic Reasons, All Industries

2009-02-01 8796

2015-09-01 6036

For starters.....

Will you be needing a primer on the Ordinal Property of Numbers?

i need a primer in reality idiot; but you arent the one to give it to me. youre too busy lying to yourself
You is cray-cray.

kindly address the food stamps issue or STFU ok?

What food stamp issue? The one where usage and cost has begun to decline? That one?

the one where it is still 13 MILLION HIGHER than it ever got under Bush. YES LOON; that "declining" one!!


It is declining. Going down. Not increasing. Dropping.

You are unwilling to discuss this very pleasant fact for some reason. Could it be that you are cray-cray?

it's still 13 million higher idiot
it's "declining" from highs set under this president dummy

try again.................

Do you think this number might grow in the wake of the Recession knowns as "The Great"?

Think it might do so with a lag?
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse

the question was .... is the economy better TODAY

you're still stuck in 09 ... GOOBER !

it's not; and i mentioned the areas where it is worse

not surpised you're not man enough to admit things though

You neglected to mention all of the leading economic indicators in your cray-cray post. Why is that?

because i mentioned areas where it is worse; and i proved it.

wow what an idiot
kindly address the food stamps issue or STFU ok?

What food stamp issue? The one where usage and cost has begun to decline? That one?

the one where it is still 13 MILLION HIGHER than it ever got under Bush. YES LOON; that "declining" one!!


It is declining. Going down. Not increasing. Dropping.

You are unwilling to discuss this very pleasant fact for some reason. Could it be that you are cray-cray?

it's still 13 million higher idiot
it's "declining" from highs set under this president dummy

try again.................

Do you think this number might grow in the wake of the Recession knowns as "The Great"?

Think it might do so with a lag?

what is the lag time of ANY recessionary indicator genius?

are ANY of them SEVEN YEARS?


idiots and hypocrites
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse

the question was .... is the economy better TODAY

you're still stuck in 09 ... GOOBER !

it's not; and i mentioned the areas where it is worse

not surpised you're not man enough to admit things though

You neglected to mention all of the leading economic indicators in your cray-cray post. Why is that?

Because if they aren't part of a misleading headline culled from drudge, the inbred cretin wouldn't know where to look for them..
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse

the question was .... is the economy better TODAY

you're still stuck in 09 ... GOOBER !

it's not; and i mentioned the areas where it is worse

not surpised you're not man enough to admit things though

You neglected to mention all of the leading economic indicators in your cray-cray post. Why is that?

because i mentioned areas where it is worse; and i proved it.

wow what an idiot

What about the leading economic indicators? Don't care about those?
Poverty is higher than in 2009
food stamps are MUCH HIGHER
the number of people participating in the Labor Market is lower
the number on disability is higher
more foreign workers
more illegals

yes loon in many ways the economy is worse

the question was .... is the economy better TODAY

you're still stuck in 09 ... GOOBER !

it's not; and i mentioned the areas where it is worse

not surpised you're not man enough to admit things though

2008-09 recession better than today ? BBBAAAWWWHAHAHAHAHAHA

things are tough? not at my house, speak for yourself not the entire country.


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