96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

im a conservative again?.....last week some righty i disagreed with called me a libturd....i wish you fuckers would make up your mind...get out of your moms house bobo and start taking care of yourself......do you at least do your own laundry?....
Funny you ask. I've been going to the laundry mat. I'm too cheap and lazy to go buy a new washer drier. Plus I get coupons $1 off a load so it cost me $2 a load basically. Load of underwear and socks, $2. Ten shirts, $2. 6 jeans $2. I think I'm saving money doing it my way. And I don't have cable TV or home internet. Just the smart phone.

I'm as cheap as they get and I make good money. No kids, hundreds of thousands in savings, home and car paid off. Of course I have lots of toys. Quad, jetski, paddle board. I live on a lake.

Do you not know this about me?

Anyways, you are a traitor to your class. That's OK, lots of you have been conned.

As long as you don't vote democratic Republicans are happy
yea i knew i just like watching you tell everyone how cheap you are....christ do you have a girlfriend at least?...and if you do she might like going to someplace besides Burger King for dinner.......
Oh I'm not cheap with my women. But between you and me I hate going on vacation with women. Can't be the cheap hotel, can't just sleep in the car, got to pay for breakfast lunch and dinner for two. I absolutely hate it.
bobo.....you are cheap with your women,you just said so.....you remind me of a guy i used to work with,would not go to McDonalds unless he had coupons...
I won't! BK, arby, etc. Got to have a coupon
lol....you are ok bobo i dont care what some of these people think of you....
Bulldog, you make it very easy to identify yourself as one hopelessly polarized, but maybe you don't realize that the opposite is also true. Trump has attracted larger audiences and filled bigger stadiums than any politician in history, and of course, since his stated intent is to try to drain the swamp in Washington of corruption, your statement of the number of people protesting him (most of which are paid to do so), just gives notice of the efficacy of the need--- lots and lots of cockroaches are scrambling for the cracks in the wall. Thank you for noticing.
Funny you ask. I've been going to the laundry mat. I'm too cheap and lazy to go buy a new washer drier. Plus I get coupons $1 off a load so it cost me $2 a load basically. Load of underwear and socks, $2. Ten shirts, $2. 6 jeans $2. I think I'm saving money doing it my way. And I don't have cable TV or home internet. Just the smart phone.

I'm as cheap as they get and I make good money. No kids, hundreds of thousands in savings, home and car paid off. Of course I have lots of toys. Quad, jetski, paddle board. I live on a lake.

Do you not know this about me?

Anyways, you are a traitor to your class. That's OK, lots of you have been conned.

As long as you don't vote democratic Republicans are happy
yea i knew i just like watching you tell everyone how cheap you are....christ do you have a girlfriend at least?...and if you do she might like going to someplace besides Burger King for dinner.......
Oh I'm not cheap with my women. But between you and me I hate going on vacation with women. Can't be the cheap hotel, can't just sleep in the car, got to pay for breakfast lunch and dinner for two. I absolutely hate it.
bobo.....you are cheap with your women,you just said so.....you remind me of a guy i used to work with,would not go to McDonalds unless he had coupons...
I won't! BK, arby, etc. Got to have a coupon
lol....you are ok bobo i dont care what some of these people think of you....
That's because you know I'm right. It's why you don't proclaim that you are one of them. Because you aren't.

That doesn't change the fact you are the kind of person who put Republicans and Trump in power. By stupidly not voting, or voting Gary Johnson or that stupid bitch no one even remembers her name. What is the great Gary Johnson doing now? Nothing. He was a joke. So keep thinking it doesn't matter and there's no difference between the two parties. I know it's frustrating but you are only hurting yourself, and me, by not voting Democratic. It does matter and you will see.

When the market crashes again, will you believe it was Obama's doing? I bet you will swallow that pill easily.
By stupidly not voting, or voting Gary Johnson or that stupid bitch no one even remembers her name. What is the great Gary Johnson doing now? Nothing. He was a joke. So keep thinking it doesn't matter and there's no difference between the two parties. I know it's frustrating but you are only hurting yourself, and me, by not voting Democratic. It does matter and you will see.

Right. The people responsible for Trump getting elected are people who didn't vote of him! Curiouser and curiouser.
That doesn't change the fact you are the kind of person who put Republicans and Trump in power. By stupidly not voting, or voting Gary Johnson or that stupid bitch no one even remembers her name.

Triggered, you are berating others for their choice not to vote for the worst candidate in US history.

98% of Trump voters say they would still vote for Trump if the election was held again today. That is not an accurate reflection of how many people fully support Trump as much as a reflection of how many simply don't appropriately trust Hillary as far as they can throw her fat ass. Only 85% of those who voted for Hillary said they would vote for her today - 15% have 'seen the light' and would not vote for her. That means Hillary would not win the proudly touted 'participation trophy' (the Popular Vote Win') snowflakes still cling to if the election was held today - Trump would in that, too.

Be HONEST: Hillary Clinton should never had her name on the Ballot on election day due to being under 2 (TWO) criminal FBI investigations just days earlier (while 1 is reportedly still on-going). IF you are honest you would admit if the tables were turned and a GOP candidate had been in her position the Democrats, 'All-In' Liberal media, and snowflakes would have never allowed the GOP candidate to stay in the race. They would have force the GOP candidate out.

For all the Hillary / DNC / snowflake 'blame-shifting' that has gone on since Hillary's loss, there is only 1 who holds all the blame for Hillary's loss - THE DNC!

The DNC caved to pressure from the Clintons that it was 'Hillary's turn' and 'crowned' her their Nominee before the Primaries started. They rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud while discriminating and plotting against Sanders, who would have defeated Clinton had the DNC had not interfered in her favor. They not only WANTED this toxic candidate, they did everything in their power, legal and not, to give her the nomination. They ignored the will of their own constituents and imposed / forced Hillary on them

Don't want to lose? Next time don't run / let the DNC get away with picking the worst candidate in US history.
yea i knew i just like watching you tell everyone how cheap you are....christ do you have a girlfriend at least?...and if you do she might like going to someplace besides Burger King for dinner.......
Oh I'm not cheap with my women. But between you and me I hate going on vacation with women. Can't be the cheap hotel, can't just sleep in the car, got to pay for breakfast lunch and dinner for two. I absolutely hate it.
bobo.....you are cheap with your women,you just said so.....you remind me of a guy i used to work with,would not go to McDonalds unless he had coupons...
I won't! BK, arby, etc. Got to have a coupon
lol....you are ok bobo i dont care what some of these people think of you....
That's because you know I'm right. It's why you don't proclaim that you are one of them. Because you aren't.

That doesn't change the fact you are the kind of person who put Republicans and Trump in power. By stupidly not voting, or voting Gary Johnson or that stupid bitch no one even remembers her name. What is the great Gary Johnson doing now? Nothing. He was a joke. So keep thinking it doesn't matter and there's no difference between the two parties. I know it's frustrating but you are only hurting yourself, and me, by not voting Democratic. It does matter and you will see.

When the market crashes again, will you believe it was Obama's doing? I bet you will swallow that pill easily.
people like you put trump in power bobo.....here is a hint.....next time put someone up who at least has a likability quotient better than no.1....at least a 4 or 5 next time....
Oh I'm not cheap with my women. But between you and me I hate going on vacation with women. Can't be the cheap hotel, can't just sleep in the car, got to pay for breakfast lunch and dinner for two. I absolutely hate it.
bobo.....you are cheap with your women,you just said so.....you remind me of a guy i used to work with,would not go to McDonalds unless he had coupons...
I won't! BK, arby, etc. Got to have a coupon
lol....you are ok bobo i dont care what some of these people think of you....
That's because you know I'm right. It's why you don't proclaim that you are one of them. Because you aren't.

That doesn't change the fact you are the kind of person who put Republicans and Trump in power. By stupidly not voting, or voting Gary Johnson or that stupid bitch no one even remembers her name. What is the great Gary Johnson doing now? Nothing. He was a joke. So keep thinking it doesn't matter and there's no difference between the two parties. I know it's frustrating but you are only hurting yourself, and me, by not voting Democratic. It does matter and you will see.

When the market crashes again, will you believe it was Obama's doing? I bet you will swallow that pill easily.
people like you put trump in power bobo.....here is a hint.....next time put someone up who at least has a likability quotient better than no.1....at least a 4 or 5 next time....

The only people who put Trump in power were those who voted for him.
bobo.....you are cheap with your women,you just said so.....you remind me of a guy i used to work with,would not go to McDonalds unless he had coupons...
I won't! BK, arby, etc. Got to have a coupon
lol....you are ok bobo i dont care what some of these people think of you....
That's because you know I'm right. It's why you don't proclaim that you are one of them. Because you aren't.

That doesn't change the fact you are the kind of person who put Republicans and Trump in power. By stupidly not voting, or voting Gary Johnson or that stupid bitch no one even remembers her name. What is the great Gary Johnson doing now? Nothing. He was a joke. So keep thinking it doesn't matter and there's no difference between the two parties. I know it's frustrating but you are only hurting yourself, and me, by not voting Democratic. It does matter and you will see.

When the market crashes again, will you believe it was Obama's doing? I bet you will swallow that pill easily.
people like you put trump in power bobo.....here is a hint.....next time put someone up who at least has a likability quotient better than no.1....at least a 4 or 5 next time....

The only people who put Trump in power were those who voted for him.
dont tell me, i know that.......bobo is the one who cant seem to grasp that....
"...next time put someone up who at least has a likability quotient better than no.1....at least a 4 or 5 next time..."

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but no one put Trump up, he did it himself. He came out and beat all the other candidates and won the election. I liked Trump from Day One and was all for him to be Prez. from the beginning. I honestly saw Cruz as his running mate. But I love Trump and understand him because he is a lot like me. This is a guy with balls as large as grapefruit who tells you what he really thinks to your face and does what he says. As conditions change and new information surfaces, he reformulates his thinking as needed to keep a winning plan. He sees America as a big company and wants to see it be very profitable. I can deal with that. Hell of a lot more than I can say for any other politician.
"...next time put someone up who at least has a likability quotient better than no.1....at least a 4 or 5 next time..."

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but no one put Trump up, he did it himself. He came out and beat all the other candidates and won the election. I liked Trump from Day One and was all for him to be Prez. from the beginning. I honestly saw Cruz as his running mate. But I love Trump and understand him because he is a lot like me. This is a guy with balls as large as grapefruit who tells you what he really thinks to your face and does what he says. As conditions change and new information surfaces, he reformulates his thinking as needed to keep a winning plan. He sees America as a big company and wants to see it be very profitable. I can deal with that. Hell of a lot more than I can say for any other politician.
yea you misunderstood what i was saying....that statement was about hillary....
"...next time put someone up who at least has a likability quotient better than no.1....at least a 4 or 5 next time..."

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but no one put Trump up, he did it himself. He came out and beat all the other candidates and won the election. I liked Trump from Day One and was all for him to be Prez. from the beginning. I honestly saw Cruz as his running mate. But I love Trump and understand him because he is a lot like me. This is a guy with balls as large as grapefruit who tells you what he really thinks to your face and does what he says. As conditions change and new information surfaces, he reformulates his thinking as needed to keep a winning plan. He sees America as a big company and wants to see it be very profitable. I can deal with that. Hell of a lot more than I can say for any other politician.

Harry Dresden , sealybobo - this is what put Trump in power.
"yea you misunderstood what i was saying....that statement was about hillary...."

Sorry. No time to read all these threads through carefully. Makes a lot more sense now. I understand Hillary was keeping covert logs on democrat politicians rating them by how well they supported her and if you got a low score, she would work to take you out. Also covertly screening her own internal campaign emails looking for enemies within her own camp. She cannot, for the life of her, figure out why those lowly pustule voters did not warm up to that face of hers that cracked when it smiled . . . .

Couldn't have been anything she did!
That doesn't change the fact you are the kind of person who put Republicans and Trump in power. By stupidly not voting, or voting Gary Johnson or that stupid bitch no one even remembers her name.

Triggered, you are berating others for their choice not to vote for the worst candidate in US history.

98% of Trump voters say they would still vote for Trump if the election was held again today. That is not an accurate reflection of how many people fully support Trump as much as a reflection of how many simply don't appropriately trust Hillary as far as they can throw her fat ass. Only 85% of those who voted for Hillary said they would vote for her today - 15% have 'seen the light' and would not vote for her. That means Hillary would not win the proudly touted 'participation trophy' (the Popular Vote Win') snowflakes still cling to if the election was held today - Trump would in that, too.

Be HONEST: Hillary Clinton should never had her name on the Ballot on election day due to being under 2 (TWO) criminal FBI investigations just days earlier (while 1 is reportedly still on-going). IF you are honest you would admit if the tables were turned and a GOP candidate had been in her position the Democrats, 'All-In' Liberal media, and snowflakes would have never allowed the GOP candidate to stay in the race. They would have force the GOP candidate out.

For all the Hillary / DNC / snowflake 'blame-shifting' that has gone on since Hillary's loss, there is only 1 who holds all the blame for Hillary's loss - THE DNC!

The DNC caved to pressure from the Clintons that it was 'Hillary's turn' and 'crowned' her their Nominee before the Primaries started. They rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud while discriminating and plotting against Sanders, who would have defeated Clinton had the DNC had not interfered in her favor. They not only WANTED this toxic candidate, they did everything in their power, legal and not, to give her the nomination. They ignored the will of their own constituents and imposed / forced Hillary on them

Don't want to lose? Next time don't run / let the DNC get away with picking the worst candidate in US history.
All I needed to read was your first sentence in your post to know you were brainwashed by the right wing. "worst candidate in us history" is all I needed to read. The rest was just wasted typing by you because you proved right off the bat you've been brainwashed by the corporate media fool. Now go fuck yourself you stupid bastard. When you write to me, don't start off by shitting your pants. I won't hear anything the rest of the way. All I will do is smell the shit coming from your essence.
The only thing Hillary, Obama and Bill ever did wrong was act too Republican. He signed nafta? Yea, after the fucking Republicans invented the shit. But USMB republicans can't do that simple math to realize they're being conned. Trump/Republicans aren't going to fix nafta. Democrats might.

So yes Hillary was not liberal enough in my opinion but that doesn't make her the worst candidate. She was better than any of the Republicans and any of the Democrats, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, etc.
That doesn't change the fact you are the kind of person who put Republicans and Trump in power. By stupidly not voting, or voting Gary Johnson or that stupid bitch no one even remembers her name.

Triggered, you are berating others for their choice not to vote for the worst candidate in US history.

98% of Trump voters say they would still vote for Trump if the election was held again today. That is not an accurate reflection of how many people fully support Trump as much as a reflection of how many simply don't appropriately trust Hillary as far as they can throw her fat ass. Only 85% of those who voted for Hillary said they would vote for her today - 15% have 'seen the light' and would not vote for her. That means Hillary would not win the proudly touted 'participation trophy' (the Popular Vote Win') snowflakes still cling to if the election was held today - Trump would in that, too.

Be HONEST: Hillary Clinton should never had her name on the Ballot on election day due to being under 2 (TWO) criminal FBI investigations just days earlier (while 1 is reportedly still on-going). IF you are honest you would admit if the tables were turned and a GOP candidate had been in her position the Democrats, 'All-In' Liberal media, and snowflakes would have never allowed the GOP candidate to stay in the race. They would have force the GOP candidate out.

For all the Hillary / DNC / snowflake 'blame-shifting' that has gone on since Hillary's loss, there is only 1 who holds all the blame for Hillary's loss - THE DNC!

The DNC caved to pressure from the Clintons that it was 'Hillary's turn' and 'crowned' her their Nominee before the Primaries started. They rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud while discriminating and plotting against Sanders, who would have defeated Clinton had the DNC had not interfered in her favor. They not only WANTED this toxic candidate, they did everything in their power, legal and not, to give her the nomination. They ignored the will of their own constituents and imposed / forced Hillary on them

Don't want to lose? Next time don't run / let the DNC get away with picking the worst candidate in US history.

If you would allow the GOP to hold witch hunts sure, those were "criminal" investigations. What a joke. If that's the case then Trump shouldn't be POTUS because he too is under criminal investigation. And had legal cases pending against him.

Trump was the worst candidate in history. The problem is the voters have sunk to an all time low. The politicians don't suck, you all suck. And you're going to get what you deserve. If you are successful then I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the majority of Americans who have taken a step back since the 1970's. They deserve everything coming their way. And that ain't good. You'll see. I'm sick of explaining it. When you take a 30% hit to your ss you'll blame liberals. When Republicans raise your taxes after giving rich people tax breaks, you'll defend it. And when your jobs leave the country you'll defend it until a Democrat is in power then you'll blame them. But then when a Republican is in charge suddenly struggling blue collar are responsible for themselves and admittedly Trump aint gonna do shit for them.
If you would allow the GOP to hold witch hunts sure,

The GOP?

It has already been exposed that the NSA and FBI's initial collection of data on Trump and his team revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and the information collected had NO INTEL VALUE.

The Obama administration then illegally handed that protected classified personal information to loyalists in 16 Intel agencies who later perpetrated Felony Espionage by illegally leaking that information.

Obama, based on information collected that revealed no criminal activity, ordered multiple investigations of Trump - during an election, investigations that have gone on for more than 10 months and have resulted in NO EVIDENCE to support their false claims.

The FBI has come out 3 times now and said there is no evidence of Russia-Trump collusion.

You really don't want to start talking about 'Witch Hunts', snowflake. :p
Obviously, you missed the point of my reply. The Republicans were a miserable incompetent opposition to Obama. He got almost his entire agenda passed on their watch. Republican Leadership is a joke. Ryan and McConnell need to be ousted immediately.

Is GITMO closed?

Are out of Iraq?

Are we out of Afghanistan?

Did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama prevent al-Assad from using Chemical Weapons?

Did Obama prevent Iran from further developing their nuclear weapons?

Why is our economy doing so poorly?

How did President Obama manage to add so many more people to the welfare rolls?

Why have so many more workers quit even looking for a job?

And the list of failure goes on, and on, and on!

Still missing the point. I'm not an Obama supporter. I'm a Trump supporter.
If you would allow the GOP to hold witch hunts sure,

The GOP?

It has already been exposed that the NSA and FBI's initial collection of data on Trump and his team revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and the information collected had NO INTEL VALUE.

The Obama administration then illegally handed that protected classified personal information to loyalists in 16 Intel agencies who later perpetrated Felony Espionage by illegally leaking that information.

Obama, based on information collected that revealed no criminal activity, ordered multiple investigations of Trump - during an election, investigations that have gone on for more than 10 months and have resulted in NO EVIDENCE to support their false claims.

The FBI has come out 3 times now and said there is no evidence of Russia-Trump collusion.

You really don't want to start talking about 'Witch Hunts', snowflake. :p
You must be out of your fucking mind.


Reminder: Susan Rice Isn’t Under Investigation. Trump And His Team Are. | The Huffington Post

Right now, the Trump White House is being dogged by a multi-agency probe into whether members of its campaign inner circle had improper contacts with Russian officials. The Trump counter-narrative to all of this has been to try to invert the story entirely, and turn it into the saga of leaker-resisters trying to take down his administration. That effort reached new heights on March 4, when Trump fired off a series of tweets accusing former President Barack Obama of masterminding a plot to wiretap Trump Tower.

You are being played. You're a sucker.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

FBI was granted warrant to spy on President Trump adviser Carter Page for alleged Russia ties

Who in the hell is Carter Page?! Everything you were afraid to ask about this suddenly important person
Boo, snowflakes such as yourself have been creaming about this false accusation for nearly 10 months, and you still have ZERO evidence to show.


The FBI and NSA have testified that the illegal leaking of Trump information by Obama administration / Obama loyalists constitutes Felony Espionage.

Bill Clinton was giving speeches for the KGB

Hillary's campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock he refused to report AND 1/3rd of his company's board members consist of prominent Russians who have intimate connections to the Kremlin.

Her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian spy agency that reportedly hacked the DNC's e-mails ()ne helluva coincidence)

Then you have Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who hired 3 Pakistani kidnapping, terrorist-connected IT spies (with criminal records) & gave them access to classified House files. AFTER they were banned from the House and were placed under investigation for Espionage DWS then ignored the ban and the investigation, hired the eldest Pakistani to work for her, and gave him access to classified Info and DNC e-mails / usernames / passwords....the e-mails that were hacked and leaked - the same ones the Democrats claim the Russians hacked and released (ANOTHER amazing freaking coincidence)
- Debbie W-S was FIRED for all of this....after which Hillary ironically and humorously hired her to come work for HER.

Please - 10+ months of Snowflake Witch Hunt of Trump yielding ZERO evidence, and the bulk of all this on the Democrats was uncovered in about 3 - 4 months as a result of investigating the false accusations against Trump.

You snowflakes are funny!

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