9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

This pussy fake marine does nothing but lie. First he claims he is from Detroit now he is trying to claim Arizona?

This wigger piece of shit doesn't know the difference between his ass and his mouth....where's that LINK, boy?
Again...it seems that you have nothing substantial, just rudeness. A house of cards, in a way.
What you are seeing is the shrill anger of those who have been left behind.

What I'm seeing is a childish hissy fit.

First that he can't discriminate against homosexuals anymore.

Second that I pointed out how wrong he was to state no christian church would accept homosexuality or perform a gay wedding.

So he's having a very bad hissy fit and doesn't even bother to think about anything he posts. Which is the reason why we see such illogical and stupid posts from him.

He's also embarrassed that a woman shredded his post and showed how ignorant he is.
Post wasn't shredded and I am not ignorant. And also God is God even if you foolishly deny him, good luck with that.
But what about our gods? You know...all the rest of the people (the majority) of the World?
One true God, the God of the Bile. The other so called gods are mans imagination.
All 'gods' are man's imagination.

Hence religious dogma's irrelevance legally and Constitutionally.
Well, there IS the "god of the Bile".
You mean Sunny Slope? Yeah. I know it makes you nuts when I keep spelling it as two words, so it's fun watching your head explode.

Wife-swapping? Why would you want to change the subject? That's the actions of a troll. Are you actually trolling your own thread? What a moron.

Come on stick boy....just admit you're so cum drunk you can't spell the city you claim to live in....Oh, and tell us about something you've claimed expertise at in the past....is your background in wife-swapping something you can share with us....yes or no?
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All 'gods' are man's imagination.

Hence religious dogma's irrelevance legally and Constitutionally.

Oh oh....another small "g" pinhead is in the house......fact is you know God is real by how He torments you. Must suck to be a pretend-atheist when you know what's in store for you when your plug gets pulled, eh?
You mean Sunny Slope? Yeah. I know it makes you nuts when I keep spelling it as two words, so it's fun watching your head explode.

Wife-swapping? Why would you want to change the subject? That's the actions of a troll. Are you actually trolling your own thread? What a moron.

Come on stick boy....just admit you're so cum drunk you can't spell the city you claim to live in....Oh, and tell us about something you've claimed expertise at in the past....is your background in wife-swapping something you can relate to us....yes or no?
Hello? I just admitted that I am gay and am legally married to my wife. Cat got your tongue?
Again...it seems that you have nothing substantial, just rudeness. A house of cards, in a way.

Sorry witch....your jungle fever ain't justified with Assplaster...he's white as a snowball....well, a dirty snowball with yellow stains.....like the kind you find in a Walmart parking lot in March.
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I was baptized methodist and attended the methodist church until my early teens. It's a type of christianity. The bush boy and cheney are methodists too. You might want to tell them that they're not christians. So is catholicism. You might want to tell the Pope he's not christian. So are baptist and mormonism, unitarians and all then other types of christianity. They're all christian; just not the same sect of christian you are. That doesn't make them any less christian than you either.

While I was baptized methodist, I am no longer a christian. I got over that in the 1970s.

So whatever you think your god says or does has no bearing on me or anyone else who isn't christian or isn't the same sect as christian as you are.

So when you say no church would ever hold a wedding for homosexual people, you're WRONG. Just because your church won't doesn't mean others won't. When you say no christian would ever accept homosexuality you're WRONG. I proved you wrong by the fact of some christian sects have gay priests and bishops. The pope and catholic church is starting to accept homosexuals now so you bigots have even lost the catholic christian leaders and soon most of their followers.

You just type things without thinking them through don't you?
What you are seeing is the shrill anger of those who have been left behind.

What I'm seeing is a childish hissy fit.

First that he can't discriminate against homosexuals anymore.

Second that I pointed out how wrong he was to state no christian church would accept homosexuality or perform a gay wedding.

So he's having a very bad hissy fit and doesn't even bother to think about anything he posts. Which is the reason why we see such illogical and stupid posts from him.

He's also embarrassed that a woman shredded his post and showed how ignorant he is.
Post wasn't shredded and I am not ignorant. And also God is God even if you foolishly deny him, good luck with that.
But what about our gods? You know...all the rest of the people (the majority) of the World?
One true God, the God of the Bile. The other so called gods are mans imagination.

So much for respecting our constitution and freedom of religion.

Since you won't I will.

I won't be like you and I won't demean any religion. You're free to worship the lint in your belly button for all I care. Just don't force it on me.

How would you like it if I stated that your god is a fake god made up in your own imagination? How would you like it if I said your faith isn't real and means nothing? How would you like it if I forced my faith on you?

You and people like you have so much hate for our nation, constitution and way of life. What makes America so special and as you people insist " exceptional" is the fact that we have freedom and equality for everyone. Not just a few. Not just those who believe in a certain god. Everyone.

It's obvious to me you hate our nation and our way of life. If you hate America so much why do you stay? Seriously here. Why waste your time trying to change a nation when there are already so many out there that are just what you're looking for. Vatican City. Iran, Russia, North Korea all discriminate homosexual people. Well the catholic church is now rethinking their position on homosexuality so they may have to be removed from that list soon. Vatican City and Iran have theocracies that force religion on the nation. I'm sure you would be very happy in one of those nations.
Again...it seems that you have nothing substantial, just rudeness. A house of cards, in a way.

Sorry witch....your jungle fever ain't justified with Assplaster...he's white as a snowball....well, a dirty snowball with yellow stains.....like the kind you find in a Walmart parking lot.
I'm sorry, but it seems that your English teacher failed you. Try again, in English this time.
Hello? I just admitted that I am gay and am legally married to my wife. Cat got your tongue?

Sorry, I don't pay much attention to your dud one-liners. I do find it interesting you used the word "admitted" though. Are you wearing a Freudian slip today or boxers?
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Did you know that there are many different types of christianity? There's methodist, lutheran, catholic, mormon, baptist, evangelical and many others.

In the christian episcopal church they have an openly gay priest. They also have an openly gay bishop.

The christian unitarian church has openly gay ministers too. They also have women ministers.

Just because the church you go to doesn't have any openly gay people either attending or ministering doesn't mean that not any of the other churches do.

Just because your church won't allow a gay marriage to happen in it doesn't mean that other churches don't.

This world doesn't revolve around you and your beliefs. You don't get to tell anyone what to believe, how to live their lives or who they can marry.

You get to make those choices for you and no one else.
You really are that stupid aren't you? Those are not types of Christianity they are denominations of the Church. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I was baptized methodist and attended the methodist church until my early teens. It's a type of christianity. The bush boy and cheney are methodists too. You might want to tell them that they're not christians. So is catholicism. You might want to tell the Pope he's not christian. So are baptist and mormonism, unitarians and all then other types of christianity. They're all christian; just not the same sect of christian you are. That doesn't make them any less christian than you either.

While I was baptized methodist, I am no longer a christian. I got over that in the 1970s.

So whatever you think your god says or does has no bearing on me or anyone else who isn't christian or isn't the same sect as christian as you are.

So when you say no church would ever hold a wedding for homosexual people, you're WRONG. Just because your church won't doesn't mean others won't. When you say no christian would ever accept homosexuality you're WRONG. I proved you wrong by the fact of some christian sects have gay priests and bishops. The pope and catholic church is starting to accept homosexuals now so you bigots have even lost the catholic christian leaders and soon most of their followers.

You just type things without thinking them through don't you?
What you are seeing is the shrill anger of those who have been left behind.

What I'm seeing is a childish hissy fit.

First that he can't discriminate against homosexuals anymore.

Second that I pointed out how wrong he was to state no christian church would accept homosexuality or perform a gay wedding.

So he's having a very bad hissy fit and doesn't even bother to think about anything he posts. Which is the reason why we see such illogical and stupid posts from him.

He's also embarrassed that a woman shredded his post and showed how ignorant he is.
Post wasn't shredded and I am not ignorant. And also God is God even if you foolishly deny him, good luck with that.

Yes I did shred your post. Not only that, I showed how ignorant you are of other christian faiths.

No I don't believe in your christian god. You have no right to force it on me. The constitution gives me the right to not believe in your god so stop violating the constitution.

It seems to me that you need everyone to agree with you and your faith. A faith that needs that validation isn't a very strong or meaningful faith.

I don't need you to believe the same faith I do. My faith is rock strong and nothing you say will ever change my belief.

I just want to know why you hate freedom for everyone but yourself? Why can't you be happy to be free to live your life as you choose? If your faith is so shallow that you need to force it on those who will never believe it, maybe you should look within yourself. Maybe your faith is just as shallow as you are. If you had a strong faith and really believed it, what anyone else believed wouldn't matter at all to you. You wouldn't need to force your beliefs on anyone.

I will never understand you and people like you. You scream that you're the only ones who love America but your actions are the exact opposite. If you really believed in freedom you wouldn't be so quick to take freedom from other people.
If the topic of this thread bothers you, write your conservative representatives and ask them why they are rolling over and pissing on themselves for the lavendar-mafia...while they profess to be the "strong party' at the same time. Write them. Call them. Ask them. And if they refuse to answer you between now and November, stay home in a protest vote.

How could you vote for someone who knuckles under to the smoke and mirrors gay-buffalo? If they come around between now and then, get out and vote in droves and reward them.
Actually, it's you who is rolling over and "pissing" yourself over the equal rights of your fellow citizens.

Tell him how it is "Commander"


Has anyone addressed my earlier point that the a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage would end the debate, if anti gays REALLY want to outlaw gay marriage?
Hello? I just admitted that I am gay and am legally married to my wife. Cat got your tongue?

Sorry, I don't pay much attention to your dud one-liners. I do find it interesting you used the word "admitted" though. Are you wearing a Freudian slip today or boxers?
Again, please switch to English. You're mumbling.
You mean Sunny Slope? Yeah. I know it makes you nuts when I keep spelling it as two words, so it's fun watching your head explode.

Wife-swapping? Why would you want to change the subject? That's the actions of a troll. Are you actually trolling your own thread? What a moron.

Come on stick boy....just admit you're so cum drunk you can't spell the city you claim to live in....Oh, and tell us about something you've claimed expertise at in the past....is your background in wife-swapping something you can share with us....yes or no?
Wait! I'm confused! Am I supposed to be a gay cock sucker ("cum drink"), or a wife-swapping swinger? Actually, don't bother answering that. Because any answer you give is only going to be stupid. But, don't feel bad. It's not your fault that your mother breast-fed you until puberty, and caused such severe brain damage that you were incapable of learning anything beyond a retarded 6th grader.

But, hey! Why don't you go ahead, and reply with a bunch more vulgar references to my sexual habits. After all, those are working out so well for you...
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings - ABC News

A baker is not a church. This is news to you?

Do you even realize that none of the states with these "high profile" Public Accommodation cases were marriage equality states? Public Accommodation and civil marriage are two different things. In some states and localities, you cannot discriminate against gays, civil marriage or no.

In other states, gays can marry, but can also be discriminated against in Public Accommodation.
You're making excuses for another lefty dichotomy.
That is weak excuse for religious imposition. This is homofascism and your excuse is cherry picking the law.
Take it up with the state and their equal access laws.....which, btw, have probably been in place for decades. I wonder why you are "suddenly" having a problem with them.
This is way more comprehensive than expected. As a musician, am I now forced to play Stairway To Heaven or Free Bird or else face a lawsuit? Will there be a gov decree mandating that?
If you own a business that provides such music for events, do you think you are legally allowed to refuse service due to the customer's race? religion? physical/mental capacity? In many states, the answer is no.
None of those are tantamount to nor have anything to do with homo sex.
That is weak excuse for religious imposition. This is homofascism and your excuse is cherry picking the law.
Take it up with the state and their equal access laws.....which, btw, have probably been in place for decades. I wonder why you are "suddenly" having a problem with them.
So you believe a Chinese restaurant must serve Italian food or face a lawsuit?
Does that Chinese restaurant serve Italian food to some but not to others?
Are you suggesting that churches perform weddings for some heteros and not others?
All 'gods' are man's imagination.

Hence religious dogma's irrelevance legally and Constitutionally.

Oh oh....another small "g" pinhead is in the house......fact is you know God is real by how He torments you. Must suck to be a pretend-atheist when you know what's in store for you when your plug gets pulled, eh?
You are defending Christianity?!?! You are the example to follow for Christian Love, Charity, forgiveness, and Christ-like behavior?!?!

LMFAO! I think this just got my vote for most ironic post of the day!!! No wonder atheism is the fasted growing theological position in the US!
What you are seeing is the shrill anger of those who have been left behind.

What I'm seeing is a childish hissy fit.

First that he can't discriminate against homosexuals anymore.

Second that I pointed out how wrong he was to state no christian church would accept homosexuality or perform a gay wedding.

So he's having a very bad hissy fit and doesn't even bother to think about anything he posts. Which is the reason why we see such illogical and stupid posts from him.

He's also embarrassed that a woman shredded his post and showed how ignorant he is.
Post wasn't shredded and I am not ignorant. And also God is God even if you foolishly deny him, good luck with that.
But what about our gods? You know...all the rest of the people (the majority) of the World?
One true God, the God of the Bile. The other so called gods are mans imagination.

So much for respecting our constitution and freedom of religion.

Since you won't I will.

I won't be like you and I won't demean any religion. You're free to worship the lint in your belly button for all I care. Just don't force it on me.

How would you like it if I stated that your god is a fake god made up in your own imagination? How would you like it if I said your faith isn't real and means nothing? How would you like it if I forced my faith on you?

You and people like you have so much hate for our nation, constitution and way of life. What makes America so special and as you people insist " exceptional" is the fact that we have freedom and equality for everyone. Not just a few. Not just those who believe in a certain god. Everyone.

It's obvious to me you hate our nation and our way of life. If you hate America so much why do you stay? Seriously here. Why waste your time trying to change a nation when there are already so many out there that are just what you're looking for. Vatican City. Iran, Russia, North Korea all discriminate homosexual people. Well the catholic church is now rethinking their position on homosexuality so they may have to be removed from that list soon. Vatican City and Iran have theocracies that force religion on the nation. I'm sure you would be very happy in one of those nations.

How you could POSSIBLY utter that statement while at the same time arguing that a gay has a right to force a christian to do business with them is beyond me.

Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.
If that state has laws requiring equal access to business, then duh.
That is weak excuse for religious imposition. This is homofascism and your excuse is cherry picking the law.
Take it up with the state and their equal access laws.....which, btw, have probably been in place for decades. I wonder why you are "suddenly" having a problem with them.
This is way more comprehensive than expected. As a musician, am I now forced to play Stairway To Heaven or Free Bird or else face a lawsuit? Will there be a gov decree mandating that?
If you own a business that provides such music for events, do you think you are legally allowed to refuse service due to the customer's race? religion? physical/mental capacity? In many states, the answer is no.
None of those are tantamount to nor have anything to do with homo sex.
Why do you focus on homo sex? Are we supposed to focus on hetero sex?

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