9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

I think that we are supposed to be impressed that Bull uses USMC in his user name.

I apologize for him. I have never met anyone that angry in the 5 years I have been here in AZ. We are mostly a laid back bunch of folks who live and let live.

Apologize for THIS asswipe. :fu: Too bad for us we didn't secede earlier before you dirtbags rolled in here from your failed states. You're doing your best to fuck up Arizona too and eventually you might...but until then remember...you ain't and never will be an ARIZONAN.

That works for me, Rambo. I'm perfectly happy and proud just being an American.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings - ABC News
If that state has laws requiring equal access to business, then duh.
That is weak excuse for religious imposition. This is homofascism and your excuse is cherry picking the law.
Take it up with the state and their equal access laws.....which, btw, have probably been in place for decades. I wonder why you are "suddenly" having a problem with them.
This is way more comprehensive than expected. As a musician, am I now forced to play Stairway To Heaven or Free Bird or else face a lawsuit? Will there be a gov decree mandating that?
Yes. Yes you will. Because of course we all know that Skynardism is a lifestyle choice that has been far too ignored in this country.

Does anyone even teach the Constitution any more? Or do we just shit out our kids, drop them in front of Fox News, plug Rush Limbaugh in their ears, and expect them to grow up doing something other than drooling on themselves?
If the topic of this thread bothers you, write your conservative representatives and ask them why they are rolling over and pissing on themselves for the lavendar-mafia...while they profess to be the "strong party' at the same time. Write them. Call them. Ask them. And if they refuse to answer you between now and November, stay home in a protest vote.

How could you vote for someone who knuckles under to the smoke and mirrors gay-buffalo? If they come around between now and then, get out and vote in droves and reward them.
If the topic of this thread bothers you, write your conservative representatives and ask them why they are rolling over and pissing on themselves for the lavendar-mafia...while they profess to be the "strong party' at the same time. Write them. Call them. Ask them. And if they refuse to answer you between now and November, stay home in a protest vote.

How could you vote for someone who knuckles under to the smoke and mirrors gay-buffalo? If they come around between now and then, get out and vote in droves and reward them.
Actually, it's you who is rolling over and "pissing" yourself over the equal rights of your fellow citizens.
If the topic of this thread bothers you, write your conservative representatives and ask them why they are rolling over and pissing on themselves for the lavendar-mafia...while they profess to be the "strong party' at the same time. Write them. Call them. Ask them. And if they refuse to answer you between now and November, stay home in a protest vote.

How could you vote for someone who knuckles under to the smoke and mirrors gay-buffalo? If they come around between now and then, get out and vote in droves and reward them.
I whole heartedly agree with that agree with that sentiment. I think that conservative voters should confront their Republican senators, and force them to publicly go on record on their position on same-sex marriage, and on fetal personhood, and the voters should simply stay home, and not vote in any race for a Repbulican candidate that will not publicly state their position.
If the topic of this thread bothers you, write your conservative representatives and ask them why they are rolling over and pissing on themselves for the lavendar-mafia...while they profess to be the "strong party' at the same time. Write them. Call them. Ask them. And if they refuse to answer you between now and November, stay home in a protest vote.

How could you vote for someone who knuckles under to the smoke and mirrors gay-buffalo? If they come around between now and then, get out and vote in droves and reward them.
I whole heartedly agree with that agree with that sentiment. I think that conservative voters should confront their Republican senators, and force them to publicly go on record on their position on same-sex marriage, and on fetal personhood, and the voters should simply stay home, and not vote in any race for a Repbulican candidate that will not publicly state their position.
Perhaps they should start their own anti-gay marriage political party.
If the topic of this thread bothers you, write your conservative representatives and ask them why they are rolling over and pissing on themselves for the lavendar-mafia...while they profess to be the "strong party' at the same time. Write them. Call them. Ask them. And if they refuse to answer you between now and November, stay home in a protest vote.

How could you vote for someone who knuckles under to the smoke and mirrors gay-buffalo? If they come around between now and then, get out and vote in droves and reward them.

Here's the problem, Sil.

The Conservative Movement was never that concerned about the Gays. They were just making a big deal about it to get stupid people to vote for more deregulation and free trade.

Now they realize there really isn't an upside to keeping up the fight. Oh, a few of them in backwater states and districts will keep talking smack about it, but by 2016, all 50 states will recognize gay marriage and it won't be a thing anymore.
What's curious here is that not a single leftist pinhead in this thread has admitted to being a queer or wanting to marry one. How can that be?
It's not too hard to figure out the sissies are just another pawn in the leftist's game.....screech about their "rights" until their PRACTICES are forgotten about. Another interest group being exploited by the stalinist progs...used like a rubber and tossed in the trash until the next election cycle. When will those who are in need of equal protection realize the Rats couldn't care less about anything but getting the goodies by having their minders in power? As disgusting as the queers are, they are almost pity-worthy by being more leftist cannon-fodder.
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What's curious here is that not a single leftist pinhead in this thread has admitted to being a queer or wanting to marry one. How can that be?
It's not too hard to figure out the sissies are just another pawn in the leftist's game.....screech about their "rights" until their PRACTICES are forgotten about. Another interest group being exploited by the stalinist progs...used like a rubber and tossed in the trash until the next election cycle. When will those who are in need of equal protection realize the Rats couldn't care less about anything but getting the goodies by having their minders in power. As disgusting as the queers are, they are almost pity-worthy by being more leftist cannon-fodder.
Your concession that you've lost the argument is acknowledged.
I whole heartedly agree with that agree with that sentiment. I think that conservative voters should confront their Republican senators, and force them to publicly go on record on their position on same-sex marriage, and on fetal personhood, and the voters should simply stay home, and not vote in any race for a Repbulican candidate that will not publicly state their position.

Hey pinhead.....figure out how to spell the name of the town you supposedly live in yet? :lmao:

Maybe you could give us some insights into some other subjects like say......wife-swapping?
What's curious here is that not a single leftist pinhead in this thread has admitted to being a queer or wanting to marry one. How can that be?
It's not too hard to figure out the sissies are just another pawn in the leftist's game.....screech about their "rights" until their PRACTICES are forgotten about. Another interest group being exploited by the stalinist progs...used like a rubber and tossed in the trash until the next election cycle. When will those who are in need of equal protection realize the Rats couldn't care less about anything but getting the goodies by having their minders in power? As disgusting as the queers are, they are almost pity-worthy by being more leftist cannon-fodder.
The problem with that little scenario is that the "Leftists" were busy not giving a shit if the "sissies" were getting married to each other. This was never an issue that was exacerbated by the Left. If you are so sure that the whole Gay Marriage thing is just a "Leftist distraction", then cutting the "Leftists" at the knees would be simple - just quit fighting. Then suddenly, the "Leftists" lose their leverage with the fags.

But you can't do that can you? Of course not, because the truth is the only ones who give a shit about this "issue" are you bigoted fake conservatives who can't stand the idea of gays being treated like people.
I whole heartedly agree with that agree with that sentiment. I think that conservative voters should confront their Republican senators, and force them to publicly go on record on their position on same-sex marriage, and on fetal personhood, and the voters should simply stay home, and not vote in any race for a Repbulican candidate that will not publicly state their position.

Hey pinhead.....figure out how to spell the name of the town you supposedly live in yet? :lmao:

Maybe you could give us some insights into some other subjects like say......wife-swapping?
You mean Sunny Slope? Yeah. I know it makes you nuts when I keep spelling it as two words, so it's fun watching your head explode.

Wife-swapping? Why would you want to change the subject? That's the actions of a troll. Are you actually trolling your own thread? What a moron.
AmericanFirst said:

“God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.”


The Constitution safeguards the civil liberties of all Americans, including gay Americans, from the ignorance, stupidity, fear, and hate you and most others on the right seek to codify.
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....
Youre asking for another ass kicking. The south will never rise again.
The South is the home of Africa America.
Another reason it will never rise. Blacks would beat your ass down there. This isnt your grandpappys south
I think that we are supposed to be impressed that Bull uses USMC in his user name.

I apologize for him. I have never met anyone that angry in the 5 years I have been here in AZ. We are mostly a laid back bunch of folks who live and let live.

Apologize for THIS asswipe. :fu: Too bad for us we didn't secede earlier before you dirtbags rolled in here from your failed states. You're doing your best to fuck up Arizona too and eventually you might...but until then remember...you ain't and never will be an ARIZONAN.
This pussy fake marine does nothing but lie. First he claims he is from Detroit now he is trying to claim Arizona?
I was baptized methodist and attended the methodist church until my early teens. It's a type of christianity. The bush boy and cheney are methodists too. You might want to tell them that they're not christians. So is catholicism. You might want to tell the Pope he's not christian. So are baptist and mormonism, unitarians and all then other types of christianity. They're all christian; just not the same sect of christian you are. That doesn't make them any less christian than you either.

While I was baptized methodist, I am no longer a christian. I got over that in the 1970s.

So whatever you think your god says or does has no bearing on me or anyone else who isn't christian or isn't the same sect as christian as you are.

So when you say no church would ever hold a wedding for homosexual people, you're WRONG. Just because your church won't doesn't mean others won't. When you say no christian would ever accept homosexuality you're WRONG. I proved you wrong by the fact of some christian sects have gay priests and bishops. The pope and catholic church is starting to accept homosexuals now so you bigots have even lost the catholic christian leaders and soon most of their followers.

You just type things without thinking them through don't you?
What you are seeing is the shrill anger of those who have been left behind.

What I'm seeing is a childish hissy fit.

First that he can't discriminate against homosexuals anymore.

Second that I pointed out how wrong he was to state no christian church would accept homosexuality or perform a gay wedding.

So he's having a very bad hissy fit and doesn't even bother to think about anything he posts. Which is the reason why we see such illogical and stupid posts from him.

He's also embarrassed that a woman shredded his post and showed how ignorant he is.
Post wasn't shredded and I am not ignorant. And also God is God even if you foolishly deny him, good luck with that.
But what about our gods? You know...all the rest of the people (the majority) of the World?
One true God, the God of the Bile. The other so called gods are mans imagination.
All 'gods' are man's imagination.

Hence religious dogma's irrelevance legally and Constitutionally.
What's curious here is that not a single leftist pinhead in this thread has admitted to being a queer or wanting to marry one. How can that be?
It's not too hard to figure out the sissies are just another pawn in the leftist's game.....screech about their "rights" until their PRACTICES are forgotten about. Another interest group being exploited by the stalinist progs...used like a rubber and tossed in the trash until the next election cycle. When will those who are in need of equal protection realize the Rats couldn't care less about anything but getting the goodies by having their minders in power? As disgusting as the queers are, they are almost pity-worthy by being more leftist cannon-fodder.
Um I'm gay...and am willing to admit it. In fact, I have a legal marriage to my wife. You were saying................?

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