9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Whose god?

And finally the hump who sneers at Christians by refusing to capitalize the word "God"....all your taunts are being kept track of and remembered by the Big Guy.....you know, the One who decides where you spend ETERNITY......enjoy the fire, bitch. :dev3:
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California. We'd allow their normal citizens to join us before annihilating the pansy Libs who remained.

Old people watching Fox News collecting federal SS and Medicare aren't likely to scare the rest of the nation much.
A bakery is a church, now? Silly me. I thought a bakery was a business, and therefore subject to public accommodation laws. When do bakeries hold services? I think I might like to go sit in on one...

You're even more sissified than Greenridge said.....damn boy, why don't your just buy some tits and wax your asshole? :badgrin:
What we have here is a prog pack of cubicle losers and cheesedicks who grew up without a strong father figure, or are trying to show the old man that the disgust he has for you is mutual. Ugly little fuckers with girl eyes who couldn't have found a woman even before the bitches went nuts in the early 70's and started growing out their armpit hair and wearing shoulder pads in the 80's. We've watched all you limp dick tricks....like calling those of us who oppose this garbage as "closet queers" or "phobic" which we find really hilarious....like anybody is afraid of noodle arm sissies. :badgrin: The prog women find you comical.....they've resented strong men since the caveman days, so you're a victory for them by snipping your own raisin size nuts.

And now you want to MARRY each other trying to keep your "partner" from getting backdoored by another couple hundred homos......can't get much lamer than that. But understand this....the majority of Americans don't want anything to do with this sick shit....they've just given up on trying to talk some sense into you. Don't take that for victory......most are just waiting for the moment when they can fully express their disgust....and that time is coming much sooner than you 've been led to believe. As to what the courts have done to Arizona and other normal states, keep laughing.....we aren't. And when the shit hits the fan here and in many other states, your pencil necks just might SNAP!
Take my advice: don't ever try to find employment as a profiler - you suck at it.

I am 40+ years old man, and have been with the same woman for over 10 years. she, and I have raised our son to be intelligent, thoughtful, critical, and most importantly tolerant. Prior to my wife, I spent most of the eighties being "young, dumb, and full of cum,". My general philosophy was "If it moves, fuck it. If it doesn't move, fuck it just in case". I probably had sex with more women in 5 years than you have seen naked your entire life - and that's even including the one you came out of. Unlike you, however, my vast experience allowed me to cross paths with a rather large cross-section of our society, including the homosexual sub-culture. Because I got to listen to gay friends talking, not about sex, but about lovers that they were concerned were getting to personal, and too serious too quickly, I was given the opportunity to realize, "Hey! that could have been me talking about my current girlfriend!"

You see, this is enlightenment that moralistic fucks like yourself will never have an opportunity to experience. I don't care if you secretly want to suck dicks, or if you hate all fags because someone hit on you at your Prom, or you are just Cuckoo for CooCoo Puffs over Republicn Jebus! The end result is the same - you are a narrow-minded bigot, incapable of independent thought, and convinced that anyone who doesn't think Just. Like. You doesn't deserve to enjoy the rights, and privileges that come with being an American citizen. By all means, do the world a favor, and just walk out into the desert, and die. You are a wasted bag of hateful, ignorant bile, and I'm quite certain that even your poor wife, whom I sure you remind every week her rightful place with the back of your hand, and you children, whom you teach to loathe religion with your mixture of scripture and hatred, would agree that the world would be a better place with you, and your like in it.
A bakery is a church, now? Silly me. I thought a bakery was a business, and therefore subject to public accommodation laws. When do bakeries hold services? I think I might like to go sit in on one...

You're even more sissified than Greenridge said.....damn boy, why don't your just buy some tits and wax your asshole? :badgrin:
Traslation: I'm a bigoted idiot who doesn't even know the difference between a Church, and a business., and Czernobog just made me look like the jackass I am. :udaman:
How about you get the hell outta my thread ya mincing little TROLL?
Ooo...did I hit a nerve with the "big strong man"???

Whatsamatter, Bull? You can dish the shit out but you can't take it? Maybe you should think about that, the next time you decide to start flame baiting people just because your ignorant ass is incapable of keeping up with intelligent debate. Guess what, sunshine? This isn't that other place. Here, I can tell you all about yourself, and there is no one who is going to poo-poo me for it. So. You want civil discourse? Then keep it civil, nancy.
Whatsamatter, Bull? You can dish the shit out but you can't take it? Maybe you should think about that, the next time you decide to start flame baiting people just because your ignorant ass is incapable of keeping up with intelligent debate. Guess what, sunshine? This isn't that other place. Here, I can tell you all about yourself, and there is no one who is going to poo-poo me for it. So. You want civil discourse? Then keep it civil, nancy.

Listen bitch, we don't care for thread-jacking here....maybe you're used to the mods coddling your fairy ass at PH but here, you're just JAILBAIT like any other little homo on the cell block....we'll sell your ass for a pack of Kools around here, tinkerbelle. :badgrin:
Whatsamatter, Bull? You can dish the shit out but you can't take it? Maybe you should think about that, the next time you decide to start flame baiting people just because your ignorant ass is incapable of keeping up with intelligent debate. Guess what, sunshine? This isn't that other place. Here, I can tell you all about yourself, and there is no one who is going to poo-poo me for it. So. You want civil discourse? Then keep it civil, nancy.

Listen bitch, we don't care for thread-jacking here....maybe you're used to the mods coddling your fairy ass at PH but here, you're just JAILBAIT like any other little homo on the cell block....we'll sell your ass for a pack of Kools around here, tinkerbelle. :badgrin:
I didn't jack shit, bitch. I have stayed on-topic this entire thread - talking about gay marriage, and the ruling of the 9th. YOU chose to make it personal, and attack the people supporting gay marriage in post #340 with a bunch of ignorant, half-backed attempts at presuming the character of the people posting. So, I responded in kind.

You may be used to getting away with whatever ignorant, asshole bullshit you want, but guess what? This Jailbait will happily ram your own cornholing bullshit right back up your own poofed ass. Keep it coming girlfriend. I will tell you again, sissy-girl - you want civil discourse? Then keep it civil, Nancy.
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Whose god?

And finally the hump who sneers at Christians by refusing to capitalize the word "God"....all your taunts are being kept track of and remembered by the Big Guy.....you know, the One who decides where you spend ETERNITY......enjoy the fire, bitch. :dev3:
My gods don't need to be capitalized to feel important. Does yours?
Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of new smaller nations inside what used to be the u.s. is the next chapter in american history.

If Az goes, texas might also..if texas goes, louisiana will too..then others will follow...

imagine the "u.s." when deprived of all that oil and the port of new orleans. over 30% of the nations oil is either produced, refined here or comes in from the LOOP....

I'd gladly join the Texas Republic if it meant we could go to war with New York, Illinois, and California. We'd allow their normal citizens to join us before annihilating the pansy Libs who remained.

Old people watching Fox News collecting federal SS and Medicare aren't likely to scare the rest of the nation much.
Whatsamatter, Bull? You can dish the shit out but you can't take it? Maybe you should think about that, the next time you decide to start flame baiting people just because your ignorant ass is incapable of keeping up with intelligent debate. Guess what, sunshine? This isn't that other place. Here, I can tell you all about yourself, and there is no one who is going to poo-poo me for it. So. You want civil discourse? Then keep it civil, nancy.

Listen bitch, we don't care for thread-jacking here....maybe you're used to the mods coddling your fairy ass at PH but here, you're just JAILBAIT like any other little homo on the cell block....we'll sell your ass for a pack of Kools around here, tinkerbelle. :badgrin:
I didn't jack shit, bitch. I have stayed on-topic this entire thread - talking about gay marriage, and the ruling of the 9th. YOU chose to make it personal, and attack the people supporting gay marriage in post #340 with a bunch of ignorant, half-backed attempts at presuming the character of the people posting. So, I responded in kind.

You may be used to getting away with whatever ignorant, asshole bullshit you want, but guess what? This Jailbait will happily ram your own cornholing bullshit right back up your own poofed ass. Keep it coming girlfriend. I will tell you again, sissy-girl - you want civil discourse? Then keep it civil, Nancy.

I think that we are supposed to be impressed that Bull uses USMC in his user name.

I apologize for him. I have never met anyone that angry in the 5 years I have been here in AZ. We are mostly a laid back bunch of folks who live and let live.
A bakery is a church, now? Silly me. I thought a bakery was a business, and therefore subject to public accommodation laws. When do bakeries hold services? I think I might like to go sit in on one...

You're even more sissified than Greenridge said.....damn boy, why don't your just buy some tits and wax your asshole? :badgrin:
Did anyone ever tell you that an insult is not an answer. In fact, it's usually a strong indication that you have no answer at all.
Whatsamatter, Bull? You can dish the shit out but you can't take it? Maybe you should think about that, the next time you decide to start flame baiting people just because your ignorant ass is incapable of keeping up with intelligent debate. Guess what, sunshine? This isn't that other place. Here, I can tell you all about yourself, and there is no one who is going to poo-poo me for it. So. You want civil discourse? Then keep it civil, nancy.

Listen bitch, we don't care for thread-jacking here....maybe you're used to the mods coddling your fairy ass at PH but here, you're just JAILBAIT like any other little homo on the cell block....we'll sell your ass for a pack of Kools around here, tinkerbelle. :badgrin:
I didn't jack shit, bitch. I have stayed on-topic this entire thread - talking about gay marriage, and the ruling of the 9th. YOU chose to make it personal, and attack the people supporting gay marriage in post #340 with a bunch of ignorant, half-backed attempts at presuming the character of the people posting. So, I responded in kind.

You may be used to getting away with whatever ignorant, asshole bullshit you want, but guess what? This Jailbait will happily ram your own cornholing bullshit right back up your own poofed ass. Keep it coming girlfriend. I will tell you again, sissy-girl - you want civil discourse? Then keep it civil, Nancy.

I think that we are supposed to be impressed that Bull uses USMC in his user name.

I apologize for him. I have never met anyone that angry in the 5 years I have been here in AZ. We are mostly a laid back bunch of folks who live and let live.
Oh, I know. The folks are real friendly up here in Sunny Slope. Pretty tolerant of different lifestyle choices, too. I'm just not gonna back down, and cower in a corner, just because someone is used to being allowed to be a dick.
..All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon....

Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.

You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.
A gay marrying in a Churchis kinda hypocritical. Can't be gay and Christian. Wouldn't happen in my Church.

Did you know that there are many different types of christianity? There's methodist, lutheran, catholic, mormon, baptist, evangelical and many others.

In the christian episcopal church they have an openly gay priest. They also have an openly gay bishop.

The christian unitarian church has openly gay ministers too. They also have women ministers.

Just because the church you go to doesn't have any openly gay people either attending or ministering doesn't mean that not any of the other churches do.

Just because your church won't allow a gay marriage to happen in it doesn't mean that other churches don't.

This world doesn't revolve around you and your beliefs. You don't get to tell anyone what to believe, how to live their lives or who they can marry.

You get to make those choices for you and no one else.
You really are that stupid aren't you? Those are not types of Christianity they are denominations of the Church. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I was baptized methodist and attended the methodist church until my early teens. It's a type of christianity. The bush boy and cheney are methodists too. You might want to tell them that they're not christians. So is catholicism. You might want to tell the Pope he's not christian. So are baptist and mormonism, unitarians and all then other types of christianity. They're all christian; just not the same sect of christian you are. That doesn't make them any less christian than you either.

While I was baptized methodist, I am no longer a christian. I got over that in the 1970s.

So whatever you think your god says or does has no bearing on me or anyone else who isn't christian or isn't the same sect as christian as you are.

So when you say no church would ever hold a wedding for homosexual people, you're WRONG. Just because your church won't doesn't mean others won't. When you say no christian would ever accept homosexuality you're WRONG. I proved you wrong by the fact of some christian sects have gay priests and bishops. The pope and catholic church is starting to accept homosexuals now so you bigots have even lost the catholic christian leaders and soon most of their followers.

You just type things without thinking them through don't you?
Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.

You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.
A gay marrying in a Churchis kinda hypocritical. Can't be gay and Christian. Wouldn't happen in my Church.

Did you know that there are many different types of christianity? There's methodist, lutheran, catholic, mormon, baptist, evangelical and many others.

In the christian episcopal church they have an openly gay priest. They also have an openly gay bishop.

The christian unitarian church has openly gay ministers too. They also have women ministers.

Just because the church you go to doesn't have any openly gay people either attending or ministering doesn't mean that not any of the other churches do.

Just because your church won't allow a gay marriage to happen in it doesn't mean that other churches don't.

This world doesn't revolve around you and your beliefs. You don't get to tell anyone what to believe, how to live their lives or who they can marry.

You get to make those choices for you and no one else.
You really are that stupid aren't you? Those are not types of Christianity they are denominations of the Church. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I was baptized methodist and attended the methodist church until my early teens. It's a type of christianity. The bush boy and cheney are methodists too. You might want to tell them that they're not christians. So is catholicism. You might want to tell the Pope he's not christian. So are baptist and mormonism, unitarians and all then other types of christianity. They're all christian; just not the same sect of christian you are. That doesn't make them any less christian than you either.

While I was baptized methodist, I am no longer a christian. I got over that in the 1970s.

So whatever you think your god says or does has no bearing on me or anyone else who isn't christian or isn't the same sect as christian as you are.

So when you say no church would ever hold a wedding for homosexual people, you're WRONG. Just because your church won't doesn't mean others won't. When you say no christian would ever accept homosexuality you're WRONG. I proved you wrong by the fact of some christian sects have gay priests and bishops. The pope and catholic church is starting to accept homosexuals now so you bigots have even lost the catholic christian leaders and soon most of their followers.

You just type things without thinking them through don't you?
What you are seeing is the shrill anger of those who have been left behind.
Oh, I know. The folks are real friendly up here in Sunny Slope. Pretty tolerant of different lifestyle choices, too. I'm just not gonna back down, and cower in a corner, just because someone is used to being allowed to be a dick.

Hey pissant....Sunnyslope is one word. :badgrin:
I think that we are supposed to be impressed that Bull uses USMC in his user name.

I apologize for him. I have never met anyone that angry in the 5 years I have been here in AZ. We are mostly a laid back bunch of folks who live and let live.

Apologize for THIS asswipe. :fu: Too bad for us we didn't secede earlier before you dirtbags rolled in here from your failed states. You're doing your best to fuck up Arizona too and eventually you might...but until then remember...you ain't and never will be an ARIZONAN.
You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.
A gay marrying in a Churchis kinda hypocritical. Can't be gay and Christian. Wouldn't happen in my Church.

Did you know that there are many different types of christianity? There's methodist, lutheran, catholic, mormon, baptist, evangelical and many others.

In the christian episcopal church they have an openly gay priest. They also have an openly gay bishop.

The christian unitarian church has openly gay ministers too. They also have women ministers.

Just because the church you go to doesn't have any openly gay people either attending or ministering doesn't mean that not any of the other churches do.

Just because your church won't allow a gay marriage to happen in it doesn't mean that other churches don't.

This world doesn't revolve around you and your beliefs. You don't get to tell anyone what to believe, how to live their lives or who they can marry.

You get to make those choices for you and no one else.
You really are that stupid aren't you? Those are not types of Christianity they are denominations of the Church. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I was baptized methodist and attended the methodist church until my early teens. It's a type of christianity. The bush boy and cheney are methodists too. You might want to tell them that they're not christians. So is catholicism. You might want to tell the Pope he's not christian. So are baptist and mormonism, unitarians and all then other types of christianity. They're all christian; just not the same sect of christian you are. That doesn't make them any less christian than you either.

While I was baptized methodist, I am no longer a christian. I got over that in the 1970s.

So whatever you think your god says or does has no bearing on me or anyone else who isn't christian or isn't the same sect as christian as you are.

So when you say no church would ever hold a wedding for homosexual people, you're WRONG. Just because your church won't doesn't mean others won't. When you say no christian would ever accept homosexuality you're WRONG. I proved you wrong by the fact of some christian sects have gay priests and bishops. The pope and catholic church is starting to accept homosexuals now so you bigots have even lost the catholic christian leaders and soon most of their followers.

You just type things without thinking them through don't you?
What you are seeing is the shrill anger of those who have been left behind.

What I'm seeing is a childish hissy fit.

First that he can't discriminate against homosexuals anymore.

Second that I pointed out how wrong he was to state no christian church would accept homosexuality or perform a gay wedding.

So he's having a very bad hissy fit and doesn't even bother to think about anything he posts. Which is the reason why we see such illogical and stupid posts from him.

He's also embarrassed that a woman shredded his post and showed how ignorant he is.
I think that we are supposed to be impressed that Bull uses USMC in his user name.

I apologize for him. I have never met anyone that angry in the 5 years I have been here in AZ. We are mostly a laid back bunch of folks who live and let live.

Apologize for THIS asswipe. :fu: Too bad for us we didn't secede earlier before you dirtbags rolled in here from your failed states. You're doing your best to fuck up Arizona too and eventually you might...but until then remember...you ain't and never will be an ARIZONAN.
If Arizonan means that I have to be an inbred, hateful fuck, incapable of letting anyone who doesn't think like you do live their lives, like yourself, I'll take that as a compliment. It must just make you shit yourself, knowing that there are more and more like myself turning "your state" purple, and ultimately, blue. LOL

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