9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

The mistake is in thinking that because this was imposed by the courts it is supported by the people. That's going to be a nasty lesson that needs to be learned.

Actually you need to read facts. Not the propaganda spewed by the right wing.

The majority of Americans support marriage equality. Whether you like it or not.

Just click on any of the over 3 million articles at the search I just did on "polls show majority of Americans support marriage equality."


You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century

You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?
The mistake is in thinking that because this was imposed by the courts it is supported by the people. That's going to be a nasty lesson that needs to be learned.

Actually you need to read facts. Not the propaganda spewed by the right wing.

The majority of Americans support marriage equality. Whether you like it or not.

Just click on any of the over 3 million articles at the search I just did on "polls show majority of Americans support marriage equality."


You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it.
That's what they get for living in a bubble like they do. They think that the President was foreign born...they think that the majority of Americans hate gays...they think that all minorities are welfare cheats....etc.
Congratulations to Arizona for joining the long list of states who recognize gay marriages
One more state falls to stupidity.
Measures seeking to deny gay Americans their equal protection rights represent stupidity; such measures are devoid of a rational basis, lack objective, documented evidence in support, and pursue no proper legislative end.

To wish to disadvantage gay Americans based solely on who they are, motivated only by animus toward same-sex couples, is indeed stupid.
Stupid is the sick gays forcing their agenda on the rest of us. The majority of the people voted against gay marriage in Cali but the cry babies didn't like that so the idiotic 9 th circuit undermined the right of the people. Go cry to your boyfriend idiot.
When did you get forced into a gay marriage? Allow me to send a condolence card to the gay person forced to marry you.
..All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon....

Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.

You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.
A gay marrying in a Churchis kinda hypocritical. Can't be gay and Christian. Wouldn't happen in my Church.

Did you know that there are many different types of christianity? There's methodist, lutheran, catholic, mormon, baptist, evangelical and many others.

In the christian episcopal church they have an openly gay priest. They also have an openly gay bishop.

The christian unitarian church has openly gay ministers too. They also have women ministers.

Just because the church you go to doesn't have any openly gay people either attending or ministering doesn't mean that not any of the other churches do.

Just because your church won't allow a gay marriage to happen in it doesn't mean that other churches don't.

This world doesn't revolve around you and your beliefs. You don't get to tell anyone what to believe, how to live their lives or who they can marry.

You get to make those choices for you and no one else.
You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.

laws are repealed all the time.
Remember DOMA and DADT?
Remember the 18th amendment?

You're problem is that you need the majority of the nation on your side.

You're in the minority here on this issue. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Have fun trying to get an amendment to the constitution passed that allows for bigotry.
Not really, people just choose to stay at neutral and not make the cry baby gays mad.

Correct. It's just like others who have serious defects. We know there's something drastically wrong so we say a prayer or two; offer them some words of guidance; and hope they're able to overcome their handicap.
laws are repealed all the time.
Remember DOMA and DADT?
Remember the 18th amendment?

You're problem is that you need the majority of the nation on your side.

You're in the minority here on this issue. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Have fun trying to get an amendment to the constitution passed that allows for bigotry.
Not really, people just choose to stay at neutral and not make the cry baby gays mad.

Correct. It's just like others who have serious defects. We know there's something drastically wrong so we say a prayer or two; offer them some words of guidance; and hope they're able to overcome their handicap.
Glad to see that you recognize your problem and that it is indeed a handicap to hate like that.
Remember DOMA and DADT?
Remember the 18th amendment?

You're problem is that you need the majority of the nation on your side.

You're in the minority here on this issue. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Have fun trying to get an amendment to the constitution passed that allows for bigotry.
Not really, people just choose to stay at neutral and not make the cry baby gays mad.

Correct. It's just like others who have serious defects. We know there's something drastically wrong so we say a prayer or two; offer them some words of guidance; and hope they're able to overcome their handicap.
Glad to see that you recognize your problem and that it is indeed a handicap to hate like that.

No hatred ... just sympathy for the morally lost, mentally bankrupt, and sexually confused.
You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
"Lack of morals"? to want to marry and stay monogamous? You have a strange idea about lack of morals, my friend. But...I do apologize for anyone who has forced you to have a gay marriage. I really do.
Remember the 18th amendment?

You're problem is that you need the majority of the nation on your side.

You're in the minority here on this issue. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Have fun trying to get an amendment to the constitution passed that allows for bigotry.
Not really, people just choose to stay at neutral and not make the cry baby gays mad.

Correct. It's just like others who have serious defects. We know there's something drastically wrong so we say a prayer or two; offer them some words of guidance; and hope they're able to overcome their handicap.
Glad to see that you recognize your problem and that it is indeed a handicap to hate like that.

No hatred ... just sympathy for the morally lost, mentally bankrupt, and sexually confused.
You have a funny way of showing a lack of hatred, my friend.

BTW...are you legally married?
Remember the 18th amendment?

You're problem is that you need the majority of the nation on your side.

You're in the minority here on this issue. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Have fun trying to get an amendment to the constitution passed that allows for bigotry.
Not really, people just choose to stay at neutral and not make the cry baby gays mad.

Correct. It's just like others who have serious defects. We know there's something drastically wrong so we say a prayer or two; offer them some words of guidance; and hope they're able to overcome their handicap.
Glad to see that you recognize your problem and that it is indeed a handicap to hate like that.

No hatred ... just sympathy for the morally lost, mentally bankrupt, and sexually confused.
Which is perfectly acceptable as a personal ethic. It is when you moralists start trying to inflict it on others through legislation that the rest of us have a problem.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
How, exactly is same- sex marriage equality forcing anything on you? Is your marriage made less valid as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your marriage less "sacred" as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your family made less valuable as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your faith lessened as a result of same-sex marriage? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then trust me when I tell you the problem is not with same-sex marriage, but with your marriage, family, or faith. If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then no one has forced a fucking thing on you.

No one is telling you you must, or must not believe...well...unless what you "believe" is that you have the right to tell other people how to behave. And if that is what you "believe", well, then the problem is that your "belief" is contrary to the Constitution.

Isn't freedom cool?!?!
..All your bluster and strutting isn't worth anything.

Gay people will start getting married in Arizona very soon and there's not one thing you or anyone can do about it.

You can keep talking about leaving the union but it's not going to happen.

Meanwhile gay people will be getting married in Arizona soon....

Just as polygamists and others may do now that there is a dead law there as in so many other states. Thanks for lawless marriages Conservative Justices and AGs! You could've challenged this. You could've paid attention to the poll here and noted the 82% number opposed to gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 174 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum You could've noticed the million likes on "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in less than 24 hours in support of Phil Robertson. You could've noticed the lines wrapping around the block at Chic Fil-A...

This silent majority is going to keep upsetting predictions until you ignore gay-sponsored polliing with leading questions [as the cult of LGBT rabidly promotes squelching of the popular vote...wonder why?...] and start paying attention to MANIFEST numbers opposed to gay marriage IN THE REAL WORLD.

You're not the majority anymore. The majority of the people in America support marriage equality.

Just because 1 million people out of over 300 million clicked on a poll on line doesn't equate to the majority of Americans not supporting marriage equality.

The issue isn't duck dynasty, chick fill A, or marriage in a church. The issue is marriage equality.

Not many people get married in a church these days. The last time I went to a wedding in a church was in the early 1990s.

Gay people aren't going to go where they're denied the marriage ceremony. They're going to go where someone will legally marry them. Whether they're married in a church or not, they're still just as married as any heterosexual couple.

You can bring up things that don't matter all you want but it's not going to make any difference.

Gay people will soon get legally married in Arizona and there's not one single thing you can do about it.
A gay marrying in a Churchis kinda hypocritical. Can't be gay and Christian. Wouldn't happen in my Church.

Did you know that there are many different types of christianity? There's methodist, lutheran, catholic, mormon, baptist, evangelical and many others.

In the christian episcopal church they have an openly gay priest. They also have an openly gay bishop.

The christian unitarian church has openly gay ministers too. They also have women ministers.

Just because the church you go to doesn't have any openly gay people either attending or ministering doesn't mean that not any of the other churches do.

Just because your church won't allow a gay marriage to happen in it doesn't mean that other churches don't.

This world doesn't revolve around you and your beliefs. You don't get to tell anyone what to believe, how to live their lives or who they can marry.

You get to make those choices for you and no one else.
You really are that stupid aren't you? Those are not types of Christianity they are denominations of the Church. You have no idea what you are talking about.
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
How, exactly is same- sex marriage equality forcing anything on you? Is your marriage made less valid as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your marriage less "sacred" as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your family made less valuable as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your faith lessened as a result of same-sex marriage? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then trust me when I tell you the problem is not with same-sex marriage, but with your marriage, family, or faith. If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then no one has forced a fucking thing on you.

No one is telling you you must, or must not believe...well...unless what you "believe" is that you have the right to tell other people how to behave. And if that is what you "believe", well, then the problem is that your "belief" is contrary to the Constitution.

Isn't freedom cool?!?!
Yes they are. Take Houston, you have a gay mayor illegally subpoenaing Pastors for their sermons. That stupid mayor is forcing her sickness on the churches like they forced the stupid gay bill on them. Try again idiot.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
How, exactly is same- sex marriage equality forcing anything on you? Is your marriage made less valid as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your marriage less "sacred" as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your family made less valuable as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your faith lessened as a result of same-sex marriage? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then trust me when I tell you the problem is not with same-sex marriage, but with your marriage, family, or faith. If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then no one has forced a fucking thing on you.

No one is telling you you must, or must not believe...well...unless what you "believe" is that you have the right to tell other people how to behave. And if that is what you "believe", well, then the problem is that your "belief" is contrary to the Constitution.

Isn't freedom cool?!?!
Yes they are. Take Houston, you have a gay mayor illegally subpoenaing Pastors for their sermons. That stupid mayor is forcing her sickness on the churches like they forced the stupid gay bill on them. Try again idiot.
And she's an idiot and will rightfully be shot down in her illegal effort.

BTW...are you legally married?
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
How, exactly is same- sex marriage equality forcing anything on you? Is your marriage made less valid as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your marriage less "sacred" as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your family made less valuable as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your faith lessened as a result of same-sex marriage? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then trust me when I tell you the problem is not with same-sex marriage, but with your marriage, family, or faith. If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then no one has forced a fucking thing on you.

No one is telling you you must, or must not believe...well...unless what you "believe" is that you have the right to tell other people how to behave. And if that is what you "believe", well, then the problem is that your "belief" is contrary to the Constitution.

Isn't freedom cool?!?!
Yes they are. Take Houston, you have a gay mayor illegally subpoenaing Pastors for their sermons. That stupid mayor is forcing her sickness on the churches like they forced the stupid gay bill on them. Try again idiot.
And she's an idiot and will rightfully be shot down in her illegal effort.

BTW...are you legally married?
BTW. Is it any of your business? I smell a loaded question.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century
The 1960's was in the 20th Century.

Wait....let me check

Yes it was

But that has nothing to do with my post
It has everything to do with it. Your position on homo marriage is based on outdated 1960's ideology. Empirical data demonstrates it's a bad idea. But your ilk refuse to progress.
You mean a time when Americans actually cared about the rights and freedom of others?
No, it's the time when a spoiled generation actually believed it could usurp human nature. Then reality stepped back in.
Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
How, exactly is same- sex marriage equality forcing anything on you? Is your marriage made less valid as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your marriage less "sacred" as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your family made less valuable as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your faith lessened as a result of same-sex marriage? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then trust me when I tell you the problem is not with same-sex marriage, but with your marriage, family, or faith. If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then no one has forced a fucking thing on you.

No one is telling you you must, or must not believe...well...unless what you "believe" is that you have the right to tell other people how to behave. And if that is what you "believe", well, then the problem is that your "belief" is contrary to the Constitution.

Isn't freedom cool?!?!
Yes they are. Take Houston, you have a gay mayor illegally subpoenaing Pastors for their sermons. That stupid mayor is forcing her sickness on the churches like they forced the stupid gay bill on them. Try again idiot.
And she's an idiot and will rightfully be shot down in her illegal effort.

BTW...are you legally married?
BTW. Is it any of your business? I smell a loaded question.
Just wondering....if you are, why did you do it?

To be fair, I will answer the same question....I am legally married.
The appearance of a thing is not the thing itself. Courts imposing same sex marriage is not the same thing as accepting same sex marriage. How long ago was it that we had court ordered integration? Arguably racial relations are worse today than when that became law. How long has abortion been a right? The fight has not diminished a bit. It's only become more entrenched.

Gays and lesbians want acceptance of their relationships as normal. No judicial decision can force people to normalize homosexuality. Legal decisions can only go so far. They can't stop a family from disowning a homosexual child. They can't stop social groups from freezing that gay couple out. They can't stop parents from taking their kids home. While a gay couple can force a business to accommodate them they cannot force customer service.

Ultimately no law can force acceptance. Caring cannot be mandated.

When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Are you dense or obtuse? Legal marriage results in subsidy via tax breaks. That is gov coercion.

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