9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

let 'em freeze in the dark when winter comes.

We'll become energy independent overnight and sell our oil to people who appreciate it.

And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:
Are you that stupid that you forgot California? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
California is an example of the minority losers crying and getting their way due to a sympathetic, and wrong, ninth circuit court.
Where would you like to meet? Need busfare?

Indianapolis, my hometown. After work. I know, that's a concept alien to most conservatives. Since you all don't have jobs, it's expected that you be the ones who spend time traveling. It was much easier with the local board, since everyone lived nearby.

And I'm not sure why DigitalDrifter and DriftingSand took my friendly invitation as a threat. Shows how their minds work, I suppose.

My advice? KISS OUR ASS

Or what? You'll cry even harder? We're the winners here, so we don't have to do anything.

I'm in Phoenix.....anytime anyplace.
There's a nice Irish Pub right downtown. You gonna buy me a drink?
The appearance of a thing is not the thing itself. Courts imposing same sex marriage is not the same thing as accepting same sex marriage. How long ago was it that we had court ordered integration? Arguably racial relations are worse today than when that became law. How long has abortion been a right? The fight has not diminished a bit. It's only become more entrenched.

Gays and lesbians want acceptance of their relationships as normal. No judicial decision can force people to normalize homosexuality. Legal decisions can only go so far. They can't stop a family from disowning a homosexual child. They can't stop social groups from freezing that gay couple out. They can't stop parents from taking their kids home. While a gay couple can force a business to accommodate them they cannot force customer service.

Ultimately no law can force acceptance. Caring cannot be mandated.

When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
let 'em freeze in the dark when winter comes.

We'll become energy independent overnight and sell our oil to people who appreciate it.

And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:
Are you that stupid that you forgot California? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
California is an example of the minority losers crying and getting their way due to a sympathetic, and wrong, ninth circuit court.
We are doing just fine in California right now....don't let your envy shine thru like that.
let 'em freeze in the dark when winter comes.

We'll become energy independent overnight and sell our oil to people who appreciate it.

And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:
Are you that stupid that you forgot California? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
California is an example of the minority losers crying and getting their way due to a sympathetic, and wrong, ninth circuit court.
We are doing just fine in California right now....don't let your envy shine thru like that.
I am not envious I wouldn't live in that screwed up state.
For those of you who've never served or have learned any real history of the Indian Wars, suffice to say we in Arizona do. This was the last of them.....and it should be remembered that almost a THIRD of the US Army was here chasing Geronimo and a hundred warriors from the Mazatzals, to the Chiricahuas, up into the Superstitions and Huachucas, and over into the White mountains. All those hiding places are still the same as the day he left them.....there are THOUSANDS of retired Vets here.....many who know those mountains, know the watering holes, know where to lay dog and set up ambushes, and where we'll get shelter and supplies from the locals. You prog morons have no idea how fast that campaign would end should we leave and Washington tries to stop us.
Yeah...and the Apaches were kicking your butts. :rofl:
let 'em freeze in the dark when winter comes.

We'll become energy independent overnight and sell our oil to people who appreciate it.

And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:
Are you that stupid that you forgot California? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
California is an example of the minority losers crying and getting their way due to a sympathetic, and wrong, ninth circuit court.
We are doing just fine in California right now....don't let your envy shine thru like that.
I am not envious I wouldn't live in that screwed up state.
Good! A win/win. You don't want to come here....and we are very happy to not have your ilk here. :D
And let em pound sand when they need our oranges and grapefruit to ward off their winter colds...heh heh :eusa_snooty:
Are you that stupid that you forgot California? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
California is an example of the minority losers crying and getting their way due to a sympathetic, and wrong, ninth circuit court.
We are doing just fine in California right now....don't let your envy shine thru like that.
I am not envious I wouldn't live in that screwed up state.
Good! A win/win. You don't want to come here....and we are very happy to not have your ilk here. :D
I am hoping Cali falls into the sea, would solve a lot.
The appearance of a thing is not the thing itself. Courts imposing same sex marriage is not the same thing as accepting same sex marriage. How long ago was it that we had court ordered integration? Arguably racial relations are worse today than when that became law. How long has abortion been a right? The fight has not diminished a bit. It's only become more entrenched.

Gays and lesbians want acceptance of their relationships as normal. No judicial decision can force people to normalize homosexuality. Legal decisions can only go so far. They can't stop a family from disowning a homosexual child. They can't stop social groups from freezing that gay couple out. They can't stop parents from taking their kids home. While a gay couple can force a business to accommodate them they cannot force customer service.

Ultimately no law can force acceptance. Caring cannot be mandated.

When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
Are you that stupid that you forgot California? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
California is an example of the minority losers crying and getting their way due to a sympathetic, and wrong, ninth circuit court.
We are doing just fine in California right now....don't let your envy shine thru like that.
I am not envious I wouldn't live in that screwed up state.
Good! A win/win. You don't want to come here....and we are very happy to not have your ilk here. :D
I am hoping Cali falls into the sea, would solve a lot.
My what an uncharitable pronouncement from a self-proclaimed Christian...
That's as far as I needed to read right there. Birthers have no credibility.

What, you think my goal is to convince you of something? You were free to leave after reading the OP. Calling me a "birther" is a tired tactic....it only shows you are willing to ignore substantial evidence he was born in Kenya, while gulping the whole gorebal warming baloney down without a napkin handy. The leftists in this thread can taunt and name-call...it's all they have...most aren't bright enough to resist authority. You might want to remember that when they flood to our side when we start cutting off their welfare and requiring them to actually work 8 hours a day.
Yep...you're definitely a crazy Birther. :rofl:
California is an example of the minority losers crying and getting their way due to a sympathetic, and wrong, ninth circuit court.
We are doing just fine in California right now....don't let your envy shine thru like that.
I am not envious I wouldn't live in that screwed up state.
Good! A win/win. You don't want to come here....and we are very happy to not have your ilk here. :D
I am hoping Cali falls into the sea, would solve a lot.
My what an uncharitable pronouncement from a self-proclaimed Christian...
But not unexpected. Many so-called "christians" are posers just like AmericanFirst.
The appearance of a thing is not the thing itself. Courts imposing same sex marriage is not the same thing as accepting same sex marriage. How long ago was it that we had court ordered integration? Arguably racial relations are worse today than when that became law. How long has abortion been a right? The fight has not diminished a bit. It's only become more entrenched.

Gays and lesbians want acceptance of their relationships as normal. No judicial decision can force people to normalize homosexuality. Legal decisions can only go so far. They can't stop a family from disowning a homosexual child. They can't stop social groups from freezing that gay couple out. They can't stop parents from taking their kids home. While a gay couple can force a business to accommodate them they cannot force customer service.

Ultimately no law can force acceptance. Caring cannot be mandated.

When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
We are doing just fine in California right now....don't let your envy shine thru like that.
I am not envious I wouldn't live in that screwed up state.
Good! A win/win. You don't want to come here....and we are very happy to not have your ilk here. :D
I am hoping Cali falls into the sea, would solve a lot.
My what an uncharitable pronouncement from a self-proclaimed Christian...
But not unexpected. Many so-called "christians" are posers just like AmericanFirst.
Wrong as usual.
When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
If that were actually happening, I would agree with you 100%, and would fight right along side you against such government intrusion. Do you actually have evidence that this is occurring?
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
If that were actually happening, I would agree with you 100%, and would fight right along side you against such government intrusion. Do you actually have evidence that this is occurring?
I didn't say it is happening, let's hope not. I am saying it would be wrong and unconstitutional.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
If that were actually happening, I would agree with you 100%, and would fight right along side you against such government intrusion. Do you actually have evidence that this is occurring?
I didn't say it is happening, let's hope not. I am saying it would be wrong and unconstitutional.
Uh...okay...it would also be wrong, and unconstitutional to replace our electoral system with gladiator battles. I'm not real worried about that happening, either.
When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
I am not envious I wouldn't live in that screwed up state.
Good! A win/win. You don't want to come here....and we are very happy to not have your ilk here. :D
I am hoping Cali falls into the sea, would solve a lot.
My what an uncharitable pronouncement from a self-proclaimed Christian...
But not unexpected. Many so-called "christians" are posers just like AmericanFirst.
Wrong as usual.
Oh...I'm quite right. BTW...if you had had an education, you'd know the fault in CA slides north/south. I know it disappoints your "christian soul" but California is not going to slide into the ocean.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Arizona to the 21st century

You probably would have been one of the first to welcome Sodom and Gomorrah to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. Things didn't work out too well for them.
You mean when God got pissed and killed all those innocent children and puppies and kittens?
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact same reason you idiots are defending, gay sick sex.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.
Whose god?

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