9th Circuit Craps On Arizona Voters...AGAIN!

Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings - ABC News
The appearance of a thing is not the thing itself. Courts imposing same sex marriage is not the same thing as accepting same sex marriage. How long ago was it that we had court ordered integration? Arguably racial relations are worse today than when that became law. How long has abortion been a right? The fight has not diminished a bit. It's only become more entrenched.

Gays and lesbians want acceptance of their relationships as normal. No judicial decision can force people to normalize homosexuality. Legal decisions can only go so far. They can't stop a family from disowning a homosexual child. They can't stop social groups from freezing that gay couple out. They can't stop parents from taking their kids home. While a gay couple can force a business to accommodate them they cannot force customer service.

Ultimately no law can force acceptance. Caring cannot be mandated.

When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Are you dense or obtuse? Legal marriage results in subsidy via tax breaks. That is gov coercion.
So...you admit that you want gays to be second class citizens when it comes to taxation.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings - ABC News
If that state has laws requiring equal access to business, then duh.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings - ABC News
If that state has laws requiring equal access to business, then duh.
That is weak excuse for religious imposition. This is homofascism and your excuse is cherry picking the law.
You get that's a myth, right? At best it is allegorical.
Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
How, exactly is same- sex marriage equality forcing anything on you? Is your marriage made less valid as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your marriage less "sacred" as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your family made less valuable as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your faith lessened as a result of same-sex marriage? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then trust me when I tell you the problem is not with same-sex marriage, but with your marriage, family, or faith. If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then no one has forced a fucking thing on you.

No one is telling you you must, or must not believe...well...unless what you "believe" is that you have the right to tell other people how to behave. And if that is what you "believe", well, then the problem is that your "belief" is contrary to the Constitution.

Isn't freedom cool?!?!
Yes they are. Take Houston, you have a gay mayor illegally subpoenaing Pastors for their sermons. That stupid mayor is forcing her sickness on the churches like they forced the stupid gay bill on them. Try again idiot.
Well, one of us is an idiot. These pastors brought this on themselves. The subpoenas have nothing to do with their religious opinions on homoseuxality; they are about these pastors using the pulpit for politics.

Feldman said the pastors made their sermons relevant to the case by using the pulpit to do political organizing. That included encouraging congregation members to sign petitions and help gather signatures for equal rights ordinance foes, who largely take issue with the rights extended to gay and transgender residents.​
You see, a church gets to have any theological position they would like. However, when the pastors of a church over-reach, and start stumping for a political agenda, that is where their "religious" protection ends. Furthermore, everyone knows this. It's real simple. You don't want politicians telling your church how to do business? Then don't have your church telling politicians how to do business.

Wanna try again, idiot? What? Did you think I wouldn't look the story up, and see through your bullshit?
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Only anything to those who refuse to believe in God. Truth hurts the liars in the end, good luck.

Believe in your god all you want. That's your right.

What isn't your right is to force other people to believe in your god.

We have the same right to believe all we want in the god of our choice.

See how freedom works?

And it's not your right to force your lack of morals upon a moral society (or at least that portion of society that chooses morality over sexual debauchery). Do what you will in the privacy of your closet and leave the vast majority of Americans in peace.
How, exactly is same- sex marriage equality forcing anything on you? Is your marriage made less valid as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your marriage less "sacred" as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your family made less valuable as a result of same-sex marriage? Is your faith lessened as a result of same-sex marriage? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then trust me when I tell you the problem is not with same-sex marriage, but with your marriage, family, or faith. If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then no one has forced a fucking thing on you.

No one is telling you you must, or must not believe...well...unless what you "believe" is that you have the right to tell other people how to behave. And if that is what you "believe", well, then the problem is that your "belief" is contrary to the Constitution.

Isn't freedom cool?!?!
Yes they are. Take Houston, you have a gay mayor illegally subpoenaing Pastors for their sermons. That stupid mayor is forcing her sickness on the churches like they forced the stupid gay bill on them. Try again idiot.
And she's an idiot and will rightfully be shot down in her illegal effort.

BTW...are you legally married?
Actually, she's not, and very likely won't. The mayor was as surprised by the actions of the attorneys, as anyone else, and said as much. Moreover, the minute the pastor in question began using the pulpit to expound on a political agenda, he made his sermons, and speeches open to scrutiny.
The appearance of a thing is not the thing itself. Courts imposing same sex marriage is not the same thing as accepting same sex marriage. How long ago was it that we had court ordered integration? Arguably racial relations are worse today than when that became law. How long has abortion been a right? The fight has not diminished a bit. It's only become more entrenched.

Gays and lesbians want acceptance of their relationships as normal. No judicial decision can force people to normalize homosexuality. Legal decisions can only go so far. They can't stop a family from disowning a homosexual child. They can't stop social groups from freezing that gay couple out. They can't stop parents from taking their kids home. While a gay couple can force a business to accommodate them they cannot force customer service.

Ultimately no law can force acceptance. Caring cannot be mandated.

When I say "lost cause" I'm only referring to the law. I know just like abortion, there will always be a division when it comes to gay marriage. I have pointed out many times for instance, that I will never view a gay couple as being married. I will never view them in the same light as a straight married couple.
Abortion doesn't force itself onto others the way homo marriage does.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Are you dense or obtuse? Legal marriage results in subsidy via tax breaks. That is gov coercion.
Yes. It is government coercion to marry. However, it in no way forces anyone to marry someone of the same sex. To suggest that it does is idiocy.
How sad to think you might be forced to have a gay marriage some day.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings - ABC News
A bakery is a church, now? Silly me. I thought a bakery was a business, and therefore subject to public accommodation laws. When do bakeries hold services? I think I might like to go sit in on one...
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings - ABC News
If that state has laws requiring equal access to business, then duh.
That is weak excuse for religious imposition. This is homofascism and your excuse is cherry picking the law.
Take it up with the state and their equal access laws.....which, btw, have probably been in place for decades. I wonder why you are "suddenly" having a problem with them.
Forced is the key word. Not inmy Church will it happen!
Not in any church. That's kinda the other side of the First amendment. No such enforcements are possible.
In My Church. Up to the Church. The gays are wrong to force a church to performe gay marriage. The gov't. has no constitutional authority to force a Church to.
No church has been forced to have a gay marriage, just like no church has ever been forced to have an interracial or an interfaith marriage. DO try to keep up.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex Weddings - ABC News
A bakery is a church, now? Silly me. I thought a bakery was a business, and therefore subject to public accommodation laws. When do bakeries hold services? I think I might like to go sit in on one...
The Church of St. Pillsbury Doughboy.
At some point, Republicans have to realize ignorance and discrimination isn't where it's at. Not any longer.
Yep...you're definitely a crazy Birther. :rofl:

And you're a cliche....wait until he admits it in twenty years and then try to explain to anybody who still cares what a SUCKER you were. :badgrin:
:cuckoo: You and all Birthers are Cray Cray.
Liberalism is screwed up more than so called northers. You guys lie constantly just like Obutthurt.
Gee...such Christian charity, love, and understanding. I can certainly see the benefits of "God's Love" now...
What we have here is a prog pack of cubicle losers and cheesedicks who grew up without a strong father figure, or are trying to show the old man that the disgust he has for you is mutual. Ugly little fuckers with girl eyes who couldn't have found a woman even before the bitches went nuts in the early 70's and started growing out their armpit hair and wearing shoulder pads in the 80's. We've watched all you limp dick tricks....like calling those of us who oppose this garbage as "closet queers" or "phobic" which we find really hilarious....like anybody is afraid of noodle arm sissies. :badgrin: The prog women find you comical.....they've resented strong men since the caveman days, so you're a victory for them by snipping your own raisin size nuts.

And now you want to MARRY each other trying to keep your "partner" from getting backdoored by another couple hundred homos......can't get much lamer than that. But understand this....the majority of Americans don't want anything to do with this sick shit....they've just given up on trying to talk some sense into you. Don't take that for victory......most are just waiting for the moment when they can fully express their disgust....and that time is coming much sooner than you 've been led to believe. As to what the courts have done to Arizona and other normal states, keep laughing.....we aren't. And when the shit hits the fan here and in many other states, your pencil necks just might SNAP!

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