9th circuit judge rules against border wall construction in AZ,Tx, N.M

Nope. The judge said no because Trump is too fucking stupid to know the law.
I'm very sure he did not say that though he could have said that about you.
The President declared an emergency and he can use excess funds since Chuck and Nan were too fucking corrupt to care about illegals pouring into our nation.
Completely legal. Completely legitimate. Completely sensible. And you're completely an ass hole.

It might be a crisis but Trump had time to go to Congress for approval & he didn't get it.
Yeah. No shit!
The democrats were total obstructionist putting their own loser party ahead of the national good. The federal courts are filled with little pin headed democrat judges waiting to throw an injunction on Trump.

This will go down in flames in a higher court.
Nope. The judge said no because Trump is too fucking stupid to know the law.
I'm very sure he did not say that though he could have said that about you.
The President declared an emergency and he can use excess funds since Chuck and Nan were too fucking corrupt to care about illegals pouring into our nation.
Completely legal. Completely legitimate. Completely sensible. And you're completely an ass hole.

It might be a crisis but Trump had time to go to Congress for approval & he didn't get it.
Yeah. No shit!
The democrats were total obstructionist putting their own loser party ahead of the national good. The federal courts are filled with little pin headed democrat judges waiting to throw an injunction on Trump.

This will go down in flames in a higher court.

Do ya think there should be an emergency???? Or should the President just yell "emergency & do what he wants.

Evidently, you hate thje Constitution.

It is NOT an emergency because Trump has been talking about his wall for at least two years. He tried to get Congress to fund his wall & he was denied.

The "Emergency" clause was for when the President needs to act BUT DOES NOT HAVE TIME TO GO TO CONGRESS.

Imagine this. Obama wanted to shut down Gitmo but Republicans refused to fund it. According you you, Obama should have declared an emergency & closed it.

Imagine when Warren is President & wabnts free college. Republicans say no & Warrten declares an emergencires & funds everyone's collegew.

You assfucks would be dancing naked around the fire.

The WALL is STUPID. We do not need a 40' concrete wall. Take the money & spend it on other birder security efforts. Better screening for trucks, help Central American countries be safer, more border agents. More Asylum judges.

Nope. The judge said no because Trump is too fucking stupid to know the law.
I'm very sure he did not say that though he could have said that about you.
The President declared an emergency and he can use excess funds since Chuck and Nan were too fucking corrupt to care about illegals pouring into our nation.
Completely legal. Completely legitimate. Completely sensible. And you're completely an ass hole.

It might be a crisis but Trump had time to go to Congress for approval & he didn't get it.
Yeah. No shit!
The democrats were total obstructionist putting their own loser party ahead of the national good. The federal courts are filled with little pin headed democrat judges waiting to throw an injunction on Trump.

This will go down in flames in a higher court.
Emergency powers arent for pet projects.
This comes amid an ongoing battle for funding to build the wall, which the judge in this latest ruling called an attempt to bypass Congress.

The court ruled correctly. Congress appropriates money. The president can't redirect it at his whim.
That is a question to be decided in the Supreme Court. The Executive Branch has powers to protect the border for the security of the nation.

It is an executive versus legislative branch question for the Supreme Court to rule on. Both sides have legitimate arguments.
This comes amid an ongoing battle for funding to build the wall, which the judge in this latest ruling called an attempt to bypass Congress.

The court ruled correctly. Congress appropriates money. The president can't redirect it at his whim.
That is a question to be decided in the Supreme Court. The Executive Branch has powers to protect the border for the security of the nation.

It is an executive versus legislative branch question for the Supreme Court to rule on. Both sides have legitimate arguments.
there are already express powers that cover this issue. there is no security problem on our border, it is a humanitarian issue and we should be upgrading Ellis Island.

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