Biden Orders Republican AZ Governor Doug Ducey To Open Border And Remove 60 Shipping Containers Filling 4000' Gap In Border Wall

Wow. So you are sticking up for the elites that pay the politicians to look the other way when employers hire illegals.

Hard to take care of the illegal problem if you ignore the problem that brings them here.
The politicians are the elite, moron, not the people that pay extortion money to them.
Is that the reason Biden gave or the right wing media?

No, it's all over the internet if you care to read, especially reports where BP agents are interviewed. Because I watch Fox they have interviews with these people or the former head of the BP.

So it violated the constitution when Trump nearly ignored employers who hire illegals, didn't fix the visa problem and didn't crack down on illegal workers using fake SS numbers that the federal government knows about?

Your metric for violating the constitution seems legally weak.

When did Trump ignore employers? He's the only President that attempted to fix the Visa problems. I'll post the links if you want to read them, but don't waste my time asking unless you're actually going to do that. I have all my reports about the border and Trump's policies in my bookmarks.

And because these same illegals come here for work, overstayed their visas and Trump ignored those factors to take money from national defense to build a wall that he turned down 25 billion dollars from Dems to build, certainly Trump too must be guilty of violating the constitution.

Again with the assumptions. Trump did go after Visa overstays. And again, if the commies in Congress couldn't stop him, their comrades in the court did. Trump spent more time and energy to stop illegals than the last three Presidents combined. The last President that addressed the illegal problem was DumBama. He took Arizona to court because they instituted their own illegal policies and they were working great. DumBama successfully had the courts stop them so more illegals could live in our country.
progs are the ones who ignore it by letting them in.
But if you prevent the incentive, does that not make sense?

What is your explanation for Republican Presidents, Trump included, for not cracking down on employers of illegals, the visa program, and using info from known false SS numbers illegals use?
But if you prevent the incentive, does that not make sense?

What is your explanation for Republican Presidents, Trump included, for not cracking down on employers of illegals, the visa program, and using info from known false SS numbers illegals use?

Never did. You got nothing left but ad hominem so I'll take that as your white flag.

Have a great day!

Tiger laughing.jpg

I don't remember who it was. I was just reiterating that my argument was not Joe did just as good as Trump or better or even worse.

Is that the reason Biden gave or the right wing media?

So it violated the constitution when Trump nearly ignored employers who hire illegals, didn't fix the visa problem and didn't crack down on illegal workers using fake SS numbers that the federal government knows about?

Your metric for violating the constitution seems legally weak.

And because these same illegals come here for work, overstayed their visas and Trump ignored those factors to take money from national defense to build a wall that he turned down 25 billion dollars from Dems to build, certainly Trump too must be guilty of violating the constitution.

Round em up!

I think you should read the Constitution. The president doesn't pass legislation, he simply signs or vetos it. Congress has yet to pass and effective visa entry/exit tracking system or meaningful penalties for overstaying a visa. So tell the class, how could he ignore something that doesn't exist?

But if you prevent the incentive, does that not make sense?

What is your explanation for Republican Presidents, Trump included, for not cracking down on employers of illegals, the visa program, and using info from known false SS numbers illegals use?
It makes more sense to prevent them from coming in that to get them out once they are here.

Who says Republican presidents don't try to enforce immigration laws? However, Bush I and Bush II were hardly conservative presidents.
Arizona is suing Biden Admin. Among other things, he seeks for the court to declare that Arizona has jurisdiction over its own border.

Lawsuit is here:

The citizens of Arizona are experiencing an unprecedented crisis at the State’s southern border, caused in large part by the federal government’s complete abdication of responsibility with respect to immigration and national security policy.

In 2017, the United States government initiated construction of an effective border wall between the United States and Mexico, including along the southern border of Arizona. However, the federal government abandoned the effort in 2021, leaving states without the means or support to continue construction...

Accordingly, Governor Ducey seeks a declaration from this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201–02 that neither the Forest Service nor BOR have jurisdiction over the areas of the Roosevelt Reservation in the State over which they have respectively claimed jurisdiction....

Accordingly, Governor Ducey seeks a declaration from this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201–02 that the State has the constitutional authority to take immediate temporary steps as described in Paragraphs 42-45, supra, to stem the imminent danger of criminal and humanitarian crises related to the Arizona border. ...
It makes more sense to prevent them from coming in that to get them out once they are here.

Not to me it doesn't. The of illegals the wall will "prevent" is likely fairly minor compared to other methods. Just a reminder; just a bit over half of illegals in america today are here because they overstayed their visa.

Who says Republican presidents don't try to enforce immigration laws? However, Bush I and Bush II were hardly conservative presidents.
I didn't. I just don't think either party wants to actually end illegal immigration or they would take the steps I have outlined.

I mean look at Repubs. Farmers typically support Republican because Repubs typically support bigger socialist handouts. Even with those handouts, I don't think farmers would take kindly to ICE raids happening in a farm field where they would certainly find several illegals making a paycheck during a Republican presidency.
Not to me it doesn't.
That's because you're a lying prog who doesn't really wasn't to keep them out.

The of illegals the wall will "prevent" is likely fairly minor compared to other methods.
Based on what, asshole?

Just a reminder; just a bit over half of illegals in america today are here because they overstayed their visa.
That was only true when only we had 1 million illegals coming in a year. Now we've got 4 million. Not being able to get them all is no excuse for doing nothing about the problem.

I didn't. I just don't think either party wants to actually end illegal immigration or they would take the steps I have outlined.
Perhaps the elected officials don't, but rank and file Republicans want the inflo stopped. That's why they voted for Trump.

I mean look at Repubs. Farmers typically support Republican because Repubs typically support bigger socialist handouts.
You mean farm subsidies. They don't support any other kind of handouts. That's how politicians buy off various constituencies.

Even with those handouts, I don't think farmers would take kindly to ICE raids happening in a farm field where they would certainly find several illegals making a paycheck during a Republican presidency.
That's just one more reason to keep them out in the first place. I don't see you proposing to end farm subsidies, yet you claim you want to eliminate the incentive for illegals to come here.
That's because you're a lying prog who doesn't really wasn't to keep them out.

Of course you think that. That is right wing programming. Nobody could possibly disagree with what Trump wants you to think and not be an enemy. That's why nearly every engagement with a trump supporter ends in ad hominem.

Based on what, asshole? hominem.

Based on common sense.

Most illegals come here for work. Remove available jobs.

Their are more illegals here because of our failed visa program then those who actually illegally cross the border. Fix it.

You don't think those things would be effective?

That was only true when only we had 1 million illegals coming in a year. Now we've got 4 million. Not being able to get them all is no excuse for doing nothing about the problem.

Straw man. I never proposed doing nothing. That is more right wing programming. If a person doesn't support the wall, they don't want to do anything. OPEN BORDERS!

Perhaps the elected officials don't, but rank and file Republicans want the inflo stopped. That's why they voted for Trump.

And Trump did nothing but bluster. He promised a wall that Mexico would pay for. Fail.

Dems offered him 25 billion for his wall. Trump turned it down.

They voted for Trump cause they care about what he says, not what he does.

You mean farm subsidies. They don't support any other kind of handouts. That's how politicians buy off various constituencies.

Repubs don't support oil subsidies? Big oil ain't gonna like that.

That's just one more reason to keep them out in the first place. I don't see you proposing to end farm subsidies, yet you claim you want to eliminate the incentive for illegals to come here.
Yes. I do want the fed to crack down on employers of illegals. That has nothing to do with farm subsidies.
Red herring. They are not open borders.
I don't even know what that means.


Doesn't a closed border mean that people who are caught illegally crossing are turned away?

What's your definition? Apprehended, given a court date long in the future, and let to relocate anywhere in the country without being tracked?

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